Title: Soil and Water Vocabulary
1Soil and WaterVocabulary
- Grade 5
- SOL-4.8
- Created by
- Kim Smith
2Wise use of our natural resources.
- Environment
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Natural resources
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3Science of the relationships between plants,
animals and their environments.
- Geology
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Meteorology
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4Everything that surround us.
- Air
- Earth
- Habitat
- Environment
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5Loosening and movement of soil by wind, water,
ice and landslides.
- Earthquake
- Volcanic explosion
- Erosion
- Weathering
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6Science of the history of earth.
- Geneology
- Earth science
- Geology
- Space history
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7An area in which plants and animals live, grow
and reproduce.
- Community
- Habitat
- Population
- Village
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8(A natural resource) an organic substance with
definite chemical and physical properties and
crystalline structure.
- Mineral
- Nutrient
- Particale
- Sediment
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9Found in natural-soil, minerals, forests, water,
fish, and wildlife.
- Nutrients
- Minerals
- Natural resources
- Habitats
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10Something that provides nourishment for an
organism (can be food or chemicals).
- Vitamins
- Nutrients
- Minerals
- Particles
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11Plant and animal materials in different stages of
decay that may be part of the soil.
- Organisms
- Nutrients
- Organic matter
- Organic nutrients
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12A living being (humans, animals, plants, and
- Life cycle
- Life organs
- Organisms
- Life cycle
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13A very small piece or part of something bigger.
- Sediment
- Part
- Particle
- Chunk
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14A body of water, often a lake, in which water is
collected or stored.
- Water tower
- Water tank
- Reservoir
- Dam
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15Bits of sand, soil, pebbles and other material,
deposited by wind, water and glaciers, which wash
into rivers, lakes and oceans and pile up layer
on top of layer.
- Erosion
- Weathering
- Sediment
- Deposits
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16A naturally occurring mixture of mineral, organic
matter, water and air that forms the surface of
the land.
- Sand
- Sediment
- Minerals
- Soil
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17Breaking down of rock by wind, water and living
- Erosion
- Partials
- Sediments
- Weathering
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18Fresh or salt water areas (swamps, bogs, marshes)
with waterlogged soils or that are covered with a
shallow layer of water.
- Marshlands
- Boglands
- Swamplands
- Marshlands
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