International Humanitarian Relief Organizations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Humanitarian Relief Organizations


International Humanitarian Relief Organizations International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International Humanitarian Relief Organizations

International Humanitarian Relief Organizations
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • United Nations High Commission for Refugees
  • United Nations High Commission for Human Rights
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red
    Crescent Societies (IFRC)
  • Amnesty International
  • United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)
  • Catholic Relief Services (CRS-USCC)
  • Defense of Children International (DCI)

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Creation Created in 1863
  • an impartial, neutral and independent
  • exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect
    the lives and dignity of victims of war and
    internal violenceto prevent suffering by
    promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and
    universal humanitarian principles.
  • - Henry Dunant the key figure in its founding
    he was appalled by suffering following Italian
    Battle of Solferino in 1859

  • Development Instrumental in WWI and WWII tending
    to POWs, crafting humanitarian laws such as the
    Geneva Conventions
  • Operations The ICRC has a legal mandate from two
  • the Geneva Conventions, task the ICRC with
    visiting prisoners, organizing relief operations,
    re-uniting separated families during armed
  • the ICRC's Statutes, undertake similar work in
    situations of internal violence, where the Geneva
    Conventions do not apply.

ICRC - Operations
  • Operations
  • The Geneva Conventions
  • Binding instruments of international law,
    applicable worldwide.
  • ICRC Statutes adopted at the International
    Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
  • Takes place every four years,
  • States party to the Geneva Conventions take part
  • Has a quasi-legal or soft law status on the

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Creation UNHCR - Established on December 14,
    1950 by the United Nations General Assembly.
  • Operations lead and co-ordinate international
    action to protect refugees and resolve refugee
    problems worldwide.
  • Primary purpose safeguard the rights and
    well-being of refugees.

  • In five decades, the agency has helped an
    estimated 50 million people
  • Staff of around 6,689 people in 116 countries
    continues to help 20.8 million persons.
  • - Mr. António Guterres, who joined UNHCR on June
    15, 2005, is the UN refugee agency's 10th High

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Mission
  • work for the protection of all human rights for
    all people
  • empower people to realize their rights
  • assist those responsible for upholding such
    rights in ensuring that they are implemented.
  • Guided by the mandate provided by the General
    Assembly in resolution 48/141, the Charter of the
    United Nations, the Universal Declaration of
    Human Rights and subsequent human rights
    instruments, the 1993 Vienna Declaration and
    Programme of Action, and the 2005 World Summit
    Outcome Document.

  • Operations
  • OHCHR works with a variety of governmental and
    non-governmental agencies and the United Nations
    system to develop and strengthen capacity,
    particularly at the national level, for the
    protection of human rights
  • Headquarters in the historic Palais Wilson
    building in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Ms. Louise Arbour was appointed High Commissioner
    in July 2004

International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies
  • Creation Founded in 1919
  • History the world's largest humanitarian
  • founded in 1919 in Paris in the aftermath of
    World War
  • Red Cross idea born in 1859, when Henry Dunant, a
    young Swiss man, came upon the scene of a bloody
    battle in Solferino, Italy, between the armies of
    imperial Austria and the Franco-Sardinian
    alliance. Some 40,000 men lay dead or dying on
    the battlefield and the wounded were lacking
    medical attention. (see slide 1)
  • Mission to improve the lives of vulnerable
    people by mobilizing the power of humanity.

  • Development five founding member Societies
    Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the United
  • Number has grown over the years now 181
    recognized National Societies - one in almost
    every country in the world.
  • Operations Promote humanitarian values and the
    seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and
    Red Crescent Movement which are humanity,
    impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary
    service, and universality

Amnesty International
  • Creation Began in 1961 following the writing of
    an article by a British lawyer regarding unlawful
    imprisonment of Portuguese students.
  • The first AI groups soon founded in the UK and
  • seek a permanent international movement in
    defense of freedom of religion and opinion.
  • Mission undertake research and action focused on
    preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights
    to physical and mental integrity, freedom of
    conscience and expression, and freedom from
    discrimination, within the context of its work to
    promote all human rights.

Amnesty International
  • Development AI now has a varied network of
    members and supporters around the world.
  • more than 1.8 million members, supporters and
    subscribers in over 150 countries and territories
    in every region of the world.
  • Come from many different backgrounds and have
    widely different political and religious beliefs
    united by a determination to work for a world
    where everyone enjoys human rights.
  • Operations AI is a democratic, self-governing
    movement. Major policy decisions taken by
    International Council of representatives from all
    national sections.Funds are raised independent
    of governments

United Nations Childrens Fund
  • Creation Created in 1946 (2006 its 50 year
    anniversary) through mandate by the United
    Nations General Assembly
  • Mission Advocate for the protection of
    children's rights, to help meet their basic needs
    and to expand their opportunities to reach their
    full potential.
  • Operations mobilizes political will and material
    resources to help countries, particularly
    developing countries, deliver services for

  • Governance Ann M. Veneman, former U.S. Secretary
    of Agriculture, assumed the leadership of UNICEF
    on 1 May 2005, becoming the fifth Executive
    Director to lead the UN childrens agency in its
    60-year history.
  • Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the
    Child, a universally agreed upon set of standards
    and obligations

Catholic Relief Services
  • Creation founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops
    of the United States to aid in rebuilding after
    WW II
  • Mission to assist the poor and disadvantaged,
    leveraging the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus
    Christ to alleviate human suffering, promote
    development of all people, and to foster charity
    and justice throughout the world.
  • Operations Work through local offices and an
    extensive network of partners
  • Operates on five continents and in 99 countries.
  • Aid the poor by first providing direct assistance
    where needed, then encouraging people to help
    with their own development.

Defense for Children International (DCI)
  • Creation July 1979 - founded by Nigel Cantwell
    and Canon Moerman, during International Year of
    the Child
  • Mission advocate for children's rights within
    the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights
    of the Child
  • to foster awareness about, and solidarity around,
    children's rights situations
  • to seek, promote and implement the most effective
    means of securing the protection of the rights in
    concrete situations

  • Governance
  • Led by an Executive Director Rebecca Morton
  • Based in Switzerland

  • Operations DCI has consultative status with the
    United Nations Economic and Social Council, with
    UNICEF, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe
  • publish information on children's rights
  • undertake action-oriented investigations, e. g.
    the sexual exploitation of children, children in
  • take direct action in response to situations
    involving the violation of rights of specific
    group of children
  • monitor and evaluate the implementation of
    children's rights
  • work for improved international standards in
    children's rights
  • stimulate co-operation and action, nationally,
    regionally and internationally
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