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1. black hole -


1. black hole - region of space where the pull of gravity is so great that even light cannot escape. Possible end of a very massive star. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: KentH188


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1. black hole -

1. black hole -
  • region of space where the pull of gravity is so
    great that even light cannot escape.
  • Possible end of a very massive star.

2. event horizon -
  • imaginary spherical surface surrounding a
    collapsing star within which no event can be
    detected by an outside observer

3. gamma-ray burster -
  • object that radiates huge amounts of energy in
    the form of gamma rays, believed to be due to the
    accretion of matter onto a neutron star.

4. gravitational red shift -
  • A prediction of Einsteins theory of relativity.
  • Photons lose energy when they escape the huge
    gravity of a massive object. This energy loss
    decreases the frequency, correspondingly
    increasing the wavelength.

5. lighthouse model -
  • Leading explanation for pulsars. Region near
    magnetic pole of pulsar emits a steady stream of
    radiation which sweeps past Earth each time the
    star rotates.

6. millisecond pulsar -
  • Pulsar with a period indicating that the neutron
    start is rotating nearly 1000 times a second.
  • Probably spun up by drawing in matter from a
    companion star.

7. neutron star -
  • Dense ball of neutrons that remains at core of
    star after a supernova explosion has destroyed
    the rest of the star.

8. photon sphere -
  • Imaginary sphere surrounding a black hole at 1.5
    times the Schwarzschild radius where photons move
    in a circular orbit.

9. Principle of Cosmic Censorship -
  • Nature always hide any singularity, such as a
    black hole, inside an event horizon, which
    prevents the universe from seeing inside a

10. pulsar -
  • Object that emits radiation in the form of rapid
    pulses with a characteristic pulse period and
    duration. Charged particles flow along the
    magnetic field lines of a rapidly rotating
    neutron star, producing a beam of radiation.

11. pulsar glitch -
  • Small drop in teh period of a pulsar. Occur when
    teh thin crust on a neutron stars surface cracks
    and settles slightly atop the superfluid interior.

12. Schwarzschild radius -
  • Distance from the center of an object such that,
    if all the mass were compressed within that
    region, the escape velocity would equal the speed
    of light.
  • An object smaller than this radius is a black

13. singularity -
  • A point in the universe where the density of
    matter and the gravitational field are infinite,
    such as at the center of a black hole.

14. starquake -
  • A cracking and resettling of the crust of a
    neutron star, slightly reducing the radius of the
    star. The spin rate increases, causing a pulsar

15. superconductor -
  • A material that conducts electricity without
    resistance. The interior of a neutron star may
    be a superconductive material.

16. superfluid -
  • A material that flows without friction.
  • The interior of a neutron star may be a
    superfluid material.

17. theory of relativity -
  • Einsteins theory, forms the basis of most of
    modern physics.
  • Two essential facts
    1) nothing travels faster than light and 2)
    everything is affected by gravity.

18. time dilation -
  • To an outside observer, a clock lowered into a
    strong gravitational field will appear to run
    slow. A prediction of the theory of relativity.

19. x-ray burster -
  • A neutron star accretes matter onto its surface
    until temperatures reach the level needed to
    cause hydrogen fusion. Results in a sudden
    period of rapid nuclear burning.

1. How does the way in which a neutron star
forms determine some of its basic properties?
  • The amount of matter and amount of collapse
    determines the spin rate of the neutron star.
  • This determines its pulse rate and pulse period
    if it forms a pulsar.

2. How can we observe objects as small as
neutron stars?
  • By observing pulsars.

3. Why arent all neutron stars seen as pulsars?
  • The beam that is emitted by the neutron star must
    pass over the Earth to be detected as a pulsar.

4. What are x-ray bursters?
  • A neutron binary that accretes material from its
    companion. As the gas builds up, it eventually
    becomes hot enough to fuse hydrogen. At this
    point a sudden period of rapid nuclear burning
    releases a great deal of energy in a brief,
    intense flash of x-rays.

5. What is the favored explanation for the fast
spin rates of millisecond pulsars?
  • That the neutron star has been spun up by
    drawing in matter from a companion star.

6. How might some neutron stars have come to be
members of binary systems?
  • The supernova progenitor must have lost a lot of
    mass before the explosion, or a neutron star may
    displace one member of a preexisting binary

7. How might a pulsar acquire planets?
  • One possibility is that the binary companion may
    have been destroyed by the energy and gravity of
    the neutron star. The resulting matter may have
    cooled into planets.

8. Use your knowledge of escape velocity to
explain why black holes are said to be black?
  • A black hole is so collapsed that the escape
    velocity has exceeded the speed of light.
    Therefore, nothing, not even light, can escape.

9. Why is it so difficult to test the
predictions of general relativity?
  • Because its effects on the Earth and the solar
    system are so small.

10. Describe two tests of general relativity.
  • Light from a star is deflected as it passes close
    to the Sun.
  • Planetary orbits deviate from the perfect
    ellipses of Keplers laws.

11. What would happen to someone falling into a
black hole? Why?
  • The person would be vertically stretched and
    horizontally squeezed. They would be literally
    torn to pieces. The tidal forces are very
    different even over the length of a body.

12. Explain how a black hole can evaporate?
  • I dont want to go into this.
  • It was suggested by Stephen Hawking years ago,
    but now even he doesnt believe it occurs

13. What makes Cygnus X-1 a good black hole
  • It releases x-rays, probably from an accretion
    disk. The unseen companion exceeds the mass
    normally accepted for neutron stars, which means
    it is probably a black hole.
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