Title: Black Holes: The Inside Story
1Black HolesThe Inside Story
- Presented by
- Robert E. Strong
strongro_at_westliberty.edu -
- Elizabeth (Libby) A. Strong
strongli_at_westliberty.edu -
- Richard J. Pollack
astronomy_at_smartcenter.org - From West Liberty State College SMART-Center
- Near Earth Object Foundation
2Black HolesThe Inside Story
- Presented by
- Robert E. Strong
strongro_at_westliberty.edu - Elizabeth (Libby) A. Strong
strongli_at_westliberty.edu - Richard J. Pollack
astronomy_at_smartcenter.org - In an effort to be environmentally friendly
- Complete copies of this presentation can be found
at - www.smartcenter.org/
3 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Aristotle (384-322 BC)
- Great thinker - lousy experimentalist
- Qualitative, not Quantitative
- But, that did not stop us from using his ideas
for nearly 1,800 years as unquestioned facts
4 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Aristotle (continued)
- Everything has a tendency to fall from up to
down, toward the Earth - Heavy objects fall faster than do light objects
- ACTIVITY - Falling
5 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
- Great experimentalist
- Proves that all bodies fall at the same rate when
taking into account air resistance - ACTIVITY - geometry counts in falling
6 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
- Stood on Galileos shoulders and took his ideas
further and deeper - Gravity as a force at a distance
- Force of gravity varies as the inverse square of
the distance between centers
7 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Force of Gravity is a Law of Universal
Gravitation - Where
- Fg force of gravity
- m1 and m2 are masses
- r distance between the centers of mass
8 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- John Michell (1724-1793)
- Brilliant scientist, in 1784 pointed out that a
star that was sufficiently massive and compact
would have such a strong gravitational force that
light would not be able to escape the surface,
making a Dark Star
No Picture Found
9 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- John Michell, using Newtons ideas of gravity as
a force, saw that if a strong enough gravity were
at the surface, that not only could material
objects not leave the surface, but light itself
may bend and be trapped
10 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Henry Cavendish (1731-1810)
- Finishes the work of Michell (did the set-up
experiment) and Newton, and determines G the
Gravitational Constant in 1797
11 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Simon Pierre LaPlace (1749-1827)
- Independently suggested the Michell idea of a
Dark Star in his early writings and works - Later editions left the Dark Star idea out
12 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- In 1916 offers the Theory of General Relativity
- Suggests that gravity is not a force, but rather
is a curvature in space and time - Gravity is geometry
13 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
14 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Karl Schwarzchild (1873-1916)
- In 1916 used Einsteins General Relativity to
define a Black Hole - Defined the event horizon gravitational radius
of a black hole AKA the Schwarzchild Radius
15 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Schwarzchild Radius
- Escape Velocity
- Set (Celeritas)
- Solve for the radius
16 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for an Earth mass
- G 6.6742x10-11 m3/kg/s2
- me 5.9742x1024kg
- c 2.9979x108 m/s
- c2 8.9874x1016 m2/s2
- rs 8.8731x10-3m
17 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- ACTIVITY - How big is this?
- If rs 8.8731x10-3m
- A US dime has a radius of 8.955x10-3m
- Or about 1 greater than the Schwarzchild Radius
for the mass of the Earth compressed into a Black
18 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- If the Earth has a Schwarzchild Radius rs
8.8731x10-3m - This is 7.1863x108 times smaller in radius
- With a density of 3.7112x1026 times greater
19 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Schwarzchild Radius
- What happens when we multiply the mass of a
matter object, i.e. clay, 2 times? - ACTIVITY - look at the above equation
- Note
2 small matter objects of rm 1 2 x Radius
1.2599 rm Volume 2 x Density 1 x
20 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Schwarzchild Radius
- What happens when we multiply mass of a Black
Hole 2 times? - ACTIVITY - look at the above equation
- Note
2 small Black Holes of rs 1 2 x Radius 2
rs Volume 8 x Density 0.25 x
21 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Schwarzchild Radius
- What happens when we multiply the mass of a
matter object, i.e. clay, 10 times? - ACTIVITY - look at the above equation
- Note
10 small matter objects of rm 1 10 x Radius
2.1544 rm Volume 10 x Density 1 x
22 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Schwarzchild Radius
- What happens when we multiply mass of a Black
Hole 10 times? - ACTIVITY - look at the above equation
- Note
10 small Black Holes of rs 1 10 x Radius
10 rs Volume 1,000 x Density 0.01 x
23 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- ACTIVITY - Reflections
- Same Matter objects addition rules
- Radius
- Volume
- Density
- Same Black Holes addition rules
- Radius rs x mass multiplier
- Volume
- Density
24 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Simulation via Paper Clips, Balloons, and
nanoLight Second Strings - Same Matter objects addition rules
- Radius cluster on nls string rm x (mass
multiplier)1/3 - Volume rm x (mass multiplier)
- Density same as rm
- Same Black Holes addition rules
- Radius chain length on nls string rs x mass
multiplier - Volume discover and discuss
- Density discover and discuss
25 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Arthur A. Eddington (1882-1944)
- In 1919 experimentally verified General
Relativity by observing star light curving next
to the Sun during a solar eclipse - Thought no Black Holes
26 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995)
- Pioneered work on stellar evolution end states
- Supernovae
- White Dwarfs
- Neutron Stars
- Black Holes
27 Black Holes - the Inside Story Mass is the
Defining (final) Word
- Still mostly theory numbers will range
- Limit of mass for a White Dwarf 1.35 to 2.1 solar
masses (lt 1.44) - Neutron Star limits 2-3 solar masses
- Any stellar mass gt 5 solar masses will become a
Black Hole
28 Black Holes - the Inside Story Mass is easily
found in the dance
- The mass of an object determines if it is a Main
Sequence Star, White Dwarf, Neutron Star, or
Black Hole - Best way to determine the mass of a star is if it
is a part of a binary system
29 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- John Wheeler (1911-)
- Worked in General Relativity, gravitational
collapse, and quantum gravity - Coined the phrase Black Hole in 1967
30 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Kip Thorn (1940-)
- Student of Wheeler
- Long time friend and colleague of Stephen Hawking
(on-going bets) - Expert on General Relativity, Black Holes,
Relativity, Time Travel, Wormholes, and White
31 Black Holes - the Inside Story Popular Ideas
32 Black Holes - the Inside Story Popular Culture
Black Holes and Wormholes
33 Black Holes - the Inside Story Wormholes in
34 Black Holes - the Inside Story Wormholes
- Wormholes have the problem of the pathways
becoming unstable if the Black Hole is rotating - Spatiotemporal frame dragging occurs - this
pinches off the pathway separating the two ends
35 Black Holes - the Inside Story Black Holes,
Wormholes, White Holes, Quasars
- Problem with using a Black Hole / Wormhole (if
stable) for getting around the universe is the
difficulty of tidal forces and - the horror of under going Fractal
36 Black Holes - the Inside Story Black Holes,
Wormholes, White Holes, Quasars
37 Black Holes - the Inside Story Black Holes,
Wormholes, White Holes, Quasars
38 Black Holes - the Inside Story Black Holes,
Wormholes, White Holes, Quasars and Scale
39 Black Holes - the Inside Story As Cosmic Bull
- Active Galactic Nuclei, i.e., Quasars, or super
massive Black Holes at the center of a galaxy may
create cavities and voids of extra-galactic
material and may move the material for entire
clusters of galaxies over billions of years - Shaping the galactic fabric of the Universe on
the grandest of scales tens of millions ly across
40 Black Holes - the Inside Story Milky Way
- Does the Milky Way Galaxy have a super massive
Black Hole at its center like most galaxies? - Watch the latest evidence - you decide
- Remember a compact object gt 5 solar masses is a
Black Hole!
41 Black Holes - the Inside Story Milky Way
- The video shows ten years of observation and
extrapolation by Prof. Ghez of stars at the core
of the Milky Way Galaxy orbiting about an object
of 4 million solar masses! - Watch SO-2 and SO-16
42 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Stephen Hawking (1942-)
- One of the greatest minds of our time
- Along with Thorne, Hawking has pushed the
envelope of our understanding of the Universe via
General Relativity Black Holes
43 Black Holes - the Inside Story Hawking
- Stephen Hawking 1970 predicted micro-Black Holes
may exist and could evaporate via to Hawking
44 Black Holes - the Inside Story Hawking
- Hawking Radiation, if it exists makes micro Black
Holes bright in radiation of photons and
particles - Eventually the micro Black Holes will evaporate
in a gamma-ray burst - None found to date
45 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas
- Jocelyn Bell-Burnell (1943-)
- 1967 Discovered Pulsars
- And thus Neutron Stars
- Solved the LGM-1 mystery
- Poster person for dealing with the men only -
good ol boys science club
46 Black Holes - the Inside Story Discovers
Pulsars / Neutron Stars
- Crab Nebula with Pulsar / Neutron Star rotating
at 30 / seconds
47 Black Holes - the Inside Story Pulsar
48 Black Holes - the Inside Story Neutron Stars -
almost there
49 Black Holes - the Inside Story Cygnus X-1, a
Binary Stellar Black Hole?
50 Black Holes - the Inside Story Cygnus X-1
20-35 Solar Masses
51 Black Holes - the Inside Story 1.0 Solar Mass
Black Hole
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for a Solar Mass
- G 6.6742x10-11 m3/kg/s2
- ms 1.9884x1030 kg
- c 2.9979x108 m/s
- c2 8.9874x1016 m2/s2
- rs 2.9532x103 m 3 km
52 Black Holes - the Inside Story 1.0 Solar Mass
Black Hole Unit
- Thus the Schwarzchild Radius rs for a 1.0 Solar
Mass Black Hole is - 3 km
- Looking at the equation
- We see that to estimate the size of a Black
Holes Schwarzchild radius or radius of the event
horizon, we only need to use mass units in solar
masses and multiply by 3km
53 Black Holes - the Inside Story MWG 4 Million
Solar Mass BH
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for 4 million SM
- m4Msm 4x106 Solar Masses x 3 km/Solar Mass
- rs 1.2x107 km
- 40 light seconds
54 Black Holes - the Inside Story MWG 400 Billion
Solar Mass BH
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for Milky Way
Galaxy - mmwg 400x109 Solar Masses x 3 km/Solar
Mass - rs 1.2x1012 km
- 4.003x106 light seconds
- 0.127 light Years
55 Black Holes - the Inside Story Universe 80
Billion Galaxy Mass BH
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for mass of
Universe - mu 80x109 MWG x 1.2x1012 km
- rs 9.6x1022 km
- 3.202x1017 light seconds
- 1.015x1010 light Years
56 Black Holes - the Inside Story Universe Total
Mass Black Hole
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for entire mass
dark matter Dark Energy of Universe - Universe thought to be
- 73 Dark Energy
- 23 cold Dark Matter
- 4 Matter (80x109 MWG)
- Mutotal 80x109 MWG x 1.2x1012 km x ( 25)
- rs 2.4x1024 km
- 8.0x1018 light seconds
- 2.5x1011 light Years
Dark Energy
Dark Matter
57 Black Holes - the Inside Story Implications of
a Universe Total Mass BH
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for entire mass
dark matter Dark Energy of Universe - Universe thought to be
- 73 Dark Energy
- 23 cold Dark Matter
- 4 Matter (80x109 MWG)
- 2.5x1011 light Years or 250 Billion light
years - If the comoving distance to the edge of the
visible universe is about 46.5 billion light
years ?age (the age is 13.730.12 Billion years)
58 Black Holes - the Inside Story What is it like
in a Black Hole?
- ACTIVITY - Schwarzchild Radius for entire mass
dark matter Dark Energy of Universe - IF rs for the entire mass of the universe
2.5x1011 light Years or 250 Billion light years - IF the comoving distance to the edge of the
visible universe is about 46.5 Billion light
years - THEN we are presently within the event horizon of
a Black Hole having the mass of the entire
Universe with room to spare
59 Black Holes - the Inside Story What is it like
in a Black Hole2?
- ACTIVITY - Lets try to make sense of all this
- IF rs for the entire mass of the universe 250
Billion light years - IF the real radius of the visible universe 46.5
billion light years - THEN we and all we know are presently / actually
within the event horizon of a Black Hole - THEN a Universe sized Black Hole does not have a
singularity at its core, just look around you
60 Black Holes - the Inside Story The History of
Gravity Ideas continues
- Robert E. Strong (1958-)
- Modeling wormholes with soap bubbles
- Trying to keep up with the fun of it all
- Constantly wondering about the cosmic
61 Black Holes - the Inside Story Discussions,
Questions, Sharing
- Please feel free to contact us
- Note the Power Point is found at
www.smartcenter.org/blackhole - Presented by
- Robert E. Strong
strongro_at_westliberty.edu -
- Elizabeth (Libby) A. Strong strongli_at_westlibert
y.edu -
- Richard J. Pollack
astronomy_at_smartcenter.org - From West Liberty State College SMART-Center
- Near Earth Object Foundation