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Legal Latin
  • The importance of Roman law
  • Latin in European culture
  • Latin universal language of lawyers
  • Latin in Canon Law
  • Latin in modern legal languages
  • Communication value of legal Latin

Roman Empire
Latin in European Culture
  • Latin lingua franca between diverse populations
    of the Empire
  • Byzantine Empire Greek
  • The boundary between the zones of dominance of
    these languages ran from north to south along the
    centre of the Empire it crossed the Balkans and
    ran along the eastern side of the territories of
    todays Tunisia

  • In Western Europe, Roman law as a coherent legal
    system disappeared with the fall of the Western
    Roman Empire in 476
  • Maintained at a very high level in the Byzantine
  • 530s Emperor Justinian codified this law Corpus
    iuris Civilis basis of ius commune, founded on a
    logical system of concepts

  • Ius comune common to countries of continental
  • Lawyers from continental Europe (and some other
    countries) speak the same conceptual language

Latin in European Culture
  • With the downfall of the Roman Empire, written
    culture grew weak, and Germanic tribes settled on
    the western territories of the former Empire
  • Latin as a spoken language moved further and
    further away from classical Latin (spoken
    language already diverged from the written
    language in Imperial times)

Latin in European Culture
  • Thanks to Catholic church, Latin retained its
    position in medieval Europe as the dominant
    written language
  • After the fall of the Roman Empire written
    Latin was of poor quality
  • Carolingian Renaissance (reform of the school
    system by Charlemagne at the end of 8th c.)
    raised the level of written Latin

Latin in European Culture
  • In the Middle Ages literary works written in
    Latin it is estimated that the number of
    medieval works in Latin was 50 times greater than
    that of works in Latin during Antiquity

Latin in European Culture
  • From the end of the Middle Ages scientific
    progress, technical inventions
  • Printing
  • Science- produced in Latin an ocean of Latin
    literature foundations of modern science cast
    in neo-Latin (Kepler, Newton, Galvani, Linnaeus,
    et al.)

Latin in European Culture
  • During the Middle Ages, Latin became transformed
    stylistically and grammatically, moving closer to
    Romance languages medieval authors made use of
    prepositions and subordinate clauses more often
    then authors of Antiquity
  • As a reaction, Humanist scholars restored the
    style and grammar of classical Latin, by
    imitating the Latin authors of Antiquity
  • Latin became more difficult

Latin in European Culture
  • Restoring the stylistic and grammatical canons of
    the Latin of Antiquity brought about the demise
    of Latin as a tool of communication at the
    national and international level
  • Latin too difficult for non-Latinist scholars
    to have a command of
  • Strenghtening of nation states, and use of the
    national languages as a tool of their power

Latin in European Culture
  • Use of Latin as a language of science began to
    diminish even in 17th, above all in the 18th c.
  • France sought to replace Latin with her own
    national language
  • End of 18th c. national languages had ousted
  • Smaller nations, whose languages were not
    instruments of power in the international arena,
    kept to the use of Latin

Latin as Lingua franca of European lawyers
  • Given the conservatism of legal circles, the
    transition from Latin to new national languages
    particularly slow especially science and
    teaching of law
  • Theoretical legal works written in Latin until
    the 19th c.
  • Cc. 4000 new legal works published in Latin in
    16th c.

Latin in modern legal languages Latin is dead
Long Live Latin!
  • Although Latin is no longer the language of legal
    science or of legal practice leaving aside
    canon law it has left important traces in
    modern legal languages
  • The style of modern legal languages still
    reflects the rhythm of old legal Latin
  • A large proportion of the vocabulary of modern
    legal languages comes from the legal Latin used
    in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, or the beginning
    of modern times

Latin in modern legal languages
  • Modern texts direct Latin quotations terms,
    expressions, maxims
  • Latin a stylistic tool an aesthetic medium
    the need to impress the reader
  • By using Latin expressions and maxims, a lawyer
    sets out to show his professional competence
  • Latin expressions and maxims - beloved folklore
    of lawyers

The Display Function of Latin
  • A high status value in the Western world
  • A symbol linking legal science and practical
    lawyering to the common European tradition
  • Latin maxims on the walls of courthouses
  • Seals of judicial authorities often adorned
    with such expressions
  • also emblems of public organs and law societies
    or bar associations

The Danger of Mistakes and Misunderstandings
  • Common heritage - facilitates communication
    between lawyers from various countries
  • Often variants of Latin origin look alike, or
    expressions translated directly from Latin mean
    different things in different linguistic zones

The Communication Value of Legal Latin
  • However each languagepossesses its own Latin
    and its own way of using it
  • The same expressions and maxims not used in all
    countries, and their meaning is not necessarily
    the same
  • Todays lawyers lack an adequate knowledge of

Mitigating problems
  • In the future as today, only some lawyers have a
    good command of Latin
  • International legal Latin dictionary should be
    compiled, bringing together the expressions
    actually in use in different legal cultures,
    indicating their meaning in each of these cultures

Legal German
History of Legal German
  • Leges barbarorum lex Salica, lex Ribuaria
  • Primitive compilations no general concepts
    (e.g.distinction between theft of a pig, a calf,
    a dog, etctheft of a pig 16 legal provisions)
  • Barbarian laws drawn up in Latin
  • Latin loanwords e.g. Pacht (lease) lt pactum

History of Legal German
  • Latin of medieval Germanic laws - a mixture of
    Germanic and Roman styles
  • In court hearings German judges always used the
    vernacular (dialects of Old German)

Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire
  • In 800 the Pope crowned Charlemagne Roman Emperor
  • When the empire was later divided, the tradition
    continued Otto I got the centre of the Empire
    (todays Germany and northern Italy) and was
    crowned Roman Emperor in 962 the (Germanic) Holy
    Roman Empire (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher
    Nation. Sacrum Romanum Imperium Nationis

Holy Roman Empire
  • Over time, the Empire grew increasingly powerless
    in relation to the regional power centres
  • Power of the emperor diminished, that of regional
    princes flourished
  • Formally, the Empire lasted until 1806

The Flowering of Old Legal German
  • Old legal German, based on dialects not uniform
  • Some terms still used anfechten (annul),
    bescheinigen (to certify), erweisen (to
    demonstrate), verantworten (to be answerable
    for, guarantee)
  • Level of abstraction low large number of words
    to describe concrete cases
  • Use of synonyms or quasi-synonyms

Linguistic Consequences of the Reception of Roman
  • The Holy Roman Empire - no uniform legal system
    created by the imperial legislator
  • Laws local
  • Customary law did not correspond to the needs
    of a German society characterised by rapid
  • Need for an advanced legal system

Linguistic Consequences of Reception of Roman law
  • European universities taught Roman law
  • Not classical Roman law but ius commune (Gemeines
    Recht), created by medieval lawyers
  • In harmony with Canon law, created on the basis
    of Roman law
  • Roman law stressed the status of the Empire as
    a continuation of the original Roman Empire

Linguistic Consequences of Reception of Roman law
  • Judges of higher German courts lawyers with a
    university education
  • In 1495 Imperial Court set up (Reichskammergericht
  • Reichskamergericht applied Roman law (also partly
    Canon law)
  • Recognition by the imperial power of Roman law as
    the basis for German common law (Gemeines Recht)

Linguistic Consequences of Reception of Roman law
  • Beneath the Reichskammergericht stood the lower
    imperial courts, which also applied Roman law
  • As the application of Roman law spread in the
    German justice system, lay judges began asking
    legal scholars for opinions
  • Case files - sent to universities
  • German law faculties provided a kind of higher
    court service esp. in 16th and 17th centuries

Linguistic Consequences of Reception of Roman law
  • First professors of law trained in Italy, in
    Roman law
  • Primitive commentaries on local German laws could
    not match refined legal doctrines of the Italian
  • Professors moved from country to country
  • Intellectualisation of German law need for
    judges with a theoretical legal training

Status of Latin and German
  • Official languages for the Holy Roman Empire for
    the whole of its existence German and Latin

Status of Latin and German
  • Medieval period emperor should have a command of
    the language of the Church heard proposals from
    his council in Latin, responding in the same
  • After the Reformation, the protestant States used
    new German written standard (Hochdeutsch) since
    Low German was no longer accepted in the Diet

Linguistic consequences of reception of Roman law
  • Latin loanwords
  • Legal German more abstract and precise
  • From the end of 15th c. German legal terminology
    was systematised and partly Latinised
  • During the reception period, Latin gave some 80
    loanwords in German

Linguistic consequences of reception
  • By mid-18th c. German-language legislation
    still full of linguistically mixed texts, with
    many Latin quotations

Influence of Legal French
  • 17th c. French became a dominant power,
    spreading its language and culture to other
    countries, including the Holy Roman Empire
  • Spanish and Italian also used in some
  • Influence of French on German stronger in the
    late 17th and early 18th c. than that of English

Influence of Legal French
  • Many French loanwords in the mid-17th c. the
    number of French loanwords comparable to that of
    Latin loanwords
  • French internal language of the Prussian
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • in some cases treaties between two or more
    German-speaking states concluded in French

The German Enlightenment and Legal Language
  • 18th c. ideal citizen active, aware of his
    rights, rather than the passive subject of former
  • Rights of citizens to obtain information on legal
  • Requirement for clear legal language and drafting
    of intelligible codes

The German Enlightenment and Legal Language
  • Legal language should be concise, simple and
  • It should be short, in the image of military
  • Legal texts should be clearly constructed,
    mysterious abbreviations and complex sentence
    structures abandoned, the use of Latin curtailed,
    words of foreign origin replaced by German words

Germanisation of Legal Language
  • Herman Conring (1606-1681) If you use a foreign
    language or one known only to the learned, you
    are doing a (great) wrong to the people
  • Internal decay of the Holy Roman Empire in 17th
    c. following the Thirty Years War
  • To regain national unity, the German language was
    needed as a cohesive factor

Germanisation of Legal Language
  • Legal science the choice of language of works
    presented at book fairs in Leipzig
  • Books in Latin
  • 170155
  • 1740 27
  • 1770 14
  • Legal theses published in Latin until the mid
    19th c.

Germanisation of Legal Language
  • End of 18th c. German the main language of
    German legal culture
  • Latin subsidiary means of clarifying new or
    difficult terms
  • Binary formulas - facilitated understanding of
    terminology purely German words clarifying the
    meaning of foreign words publice und öffentlich,
    bona fide und unter gutem Glauben

Germanisation of Legal Language
  • More radical demands Legal German had to be
    entirely cleansed of foreign words methodical
    Germanisation (Eindeutschung) of the German
  • No need for loanwords, since any subject could be
    dealt with by using purely German words

Linguistic importance of the major codifications
  • Enlightenment the world had to be conceptualised
    as a rational system, functioning with virtually
    mathematical accuracy
  • In law the major systematic codifications were
    an expression of this notion

Linguistic importance of the major codifications
  • Allgemeines Landesrecht für die preussischen
    Staaten (ALR, 1794), codification of Prussian
    substantive law covering constitutional and
    administrative rights as well as private law,
    Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (ABGB, 1811),
    a codification of Austrian civil law
  • Bavarian Kriminalgesetzbuch (1813)

Legal language of a unified Germany
  • In 19th c. Germany was unified and rose to the
    position of a great power
  • National language important reflection of
  • Cleansing the German language of foreign
    influences intensified with strengthened
    nationalism many neologisms

Legal language of a unified Germany
  • 19th c. number of words of foreign origin fell
    from 4-5 to 0.5 (e.g. Alimentation . Unterhalt,
    Desertion Verlassung, Citation Ladung
    summons, Kopie Abschrift)

Legal language of a unified Germany
  • Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (1900) almost completely
    Germanised terminology of German private law

Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB, 1900
  • The most celebrated piece of German legislation
  • Excellent internal logic of the codes (on the
    model of natural sciences) but its content is not
    easily understood from the readers standpoint
  • A monument of refined legal scholarship written
    for judges versed in law, not for laymen

Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB, 1900
  • Conceptual hierarchisation, pyramids of
  • Rechtsgeschäft legal act, juristic act, act
    in law, legal transaction, transaction,
    juridical act Willenserklärung declaration of
    intent, declaration of will, declaratory
    act, act of a party Schuldverhältnis legal
    relationship etween creditor and debtor,
    obligation, debt relationship

Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB, 1900
  • Many articles can only be understood when placed
    side by side with other articles located
    elsewhere in the code
  • Authors of the code sought to use each legal term
    in a single meaning

Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB, 1900
  • Power of BGB lies in the formalisation of its
    rules, balance of structures and general
    principles of civil law
  • The code has remained in force despite great
    social and economic changes of 20th c.
  • In force in DDR before promulgation of the East
    German Civil Code in 1975
  • Reception in far-off countries such as Brazil and

Pure German word-forms
  • In Switzerland use of foreign words more common
    than in Germany the number of these words two
    times greater in the Swiss Civil Code
    (Zivilgesetzbuch, ZGB) than in the German Civil
  • Legal German a certain number of words of
    foreign origin apart from Latin, they often come
    from Renaissance Italian, esp. in commerce Bank,
    Konto, Risiko, Giro,
  • French words terminology of international law
    Konvention, Intervention
  • Today English (franchising, leasing)

International coherence
  • German used in several countries
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • Eastern Belgium
  • North of Italy (South Tyrol)

International coherence
  • South Tyrol German terminology developed so
    that it is possible to use it to express every
    Italian institution they sought to know if an
    Italian legal concept could be expressed by a
    term already adopted in Austria, Switzerland or
    Germany without the danger of misleading
    conclusions where that was not possible
    Italian loanword or a neologism created on the
    basis of German as a result, a bilingual
    dictionary of legal and administrative language
    of South Tyrol published terms in German and
    Italian, definitions in both languages

Austrian legal German history
  • Austria had its own legal and administrative
    system, whose terminology was created in 19th c.
    without the influence of the Eindeutschung
  • Terms that were unknown in Germany and the
    meanings of the same terms could be divergent
  • Ruling classes in Austria - in contact with
    non-German linguistic groups a cultivated use of
    German developed, with no basis in German
    dialects Schönbrunnerdeutsch or Hofratsdeutsch

Austrian legal German Features
  • Legal German in Germany and Austria - identical
    same traditions
  • Conceptual identity legal terminology similar
  • Differences some 650 Austrian terms differ from
    corresponding terms in Germany (13)
  • Defferences designations of courts

Influence of the European Union
  • Austrian accession minor changes in legal and
    administrative language
  • Law harmonized by directives, with their
    character of framework laws
  • This allows preservation of traditional Austrian
    terminology because final rules are formulated in
  • Regulations of direct application use the
    terminology of the Federal Republic of Germany

International importance of legal German
  • Historically German was an important means of
    communication in the regions surrounding the
    Baltic Sea (notably in the Hanseatic era) and in
    Eastern Europe
  • Solid population base
  • In 1800, German was the largest language in
  • Late 19th and early 20th c. official language in
    a substantial part of Europe
  • Large number of peoples of Central and Eastern
    Europe - In the immediate sphere of influence of
    German also Alsace and Lorraine belonged to the
    German Empire

International importance of legal German
  • Defeat in World War II cultural attraction of
    German diminished eastern regions of the country
    annexed to Poland and the Soviet Union
  • International position of German inferior to
    that of English and French
  • Today 90 million German speakers in Europe the
    corresponding figures worldwide 120 million
  • Economic weight German occupies 3rd place

German as a Lingua Franca
  • International spread of laws of German-speaking
    countries (Baltic countries, Nordic countries,
    Central Europe, Eastern Europe) - German
    political, economic and cultural influence
  • In Middle Ages, the Law of Magdeburg applied in
    Vilnius Ukrainian documents from 16th to 18th c.
    refer to Sachsenspiegel code as a valid source of
    law in partitioned Poland, the legislation of
    Prussia and Austria was applied

International importance of legal German
  • 19th c. spectacular success of German science,
    which rose to a dominant world position in many
  • In 1920s and 1930s German was the main language
    of international congresses in physics and

International importance of legal German
  • The position of German as an international
    scientific language weakened after World War II
  • German not an international language outside
    Europe official status only in 3 global
    organisations and in 12 European organisations

International importance of legal German
  • EU in 1994, only 6 of EU civil servants mainly
    used German in oral communication the number of
    civil servants using German but with another
    mother tongue - still smaller

Legal French
  • 7

History of Legal French Beginnings
  • 842 Oath of Strasbourg Latin and Old French
  • Philip the Fair (1268-1314) introduced French to
    the royal chancellery the kings example spread
    to the chancelleries of dukes and counts, city
    administrations and private documents
  • The king stressed the importance of dropping
    Latin from the administration of law and

History of Legal French Beginnings
  • In 13th c. French widely used in northern France
  • Mid-13th c. French was established language for
    legal documents, at least in the north
  • 13th c. over 2,000 documents drawn up in French
  • Judicial matters pleaded in French in the Middle
    Ages in northern France

History of Legal French Beginnings
  • Expansion of French began after the Hundred Years
    War (1337-1453), which had increased the power of
    the king of France
  • Linguistic unification highly useful from the
    standpoint of the exercise of power

History of Legal French Beginnings
  • Legal and administrative language of Paris began
    to challenge Latin earlier than any other
  • Therefore, the government and the courts played a
    role of prime importance in the development of
    French a large part of their vocabulary
    transmitted to ordinary language
  • French orthography also goes back to the
    practices of administrative and judicial organs

Modern age
  • Status of Latin weakened as a result of the
  • The Humanists set up the style of the Roman
    classics as the model crippled the use of Latin
    for everyday purposes
  • 16th and 17th c. French ousted Latin in
    government and courts

  • At universities, the change was slower
  • In mid-17th c. French law faculties still used
    Latin, traditional language of Roman law, ius
    commune and canon law
  • In 1679 Louis XIV had French law included in law
    faculty programmes somewhat later, ordered that
    this law should be taught in French
  • Teaching of French law in French - only truly
    launched in 18th c.
  • Legal theses still written in Latin in 19th c.

Language legislation
  • Decree of Villers-Cotterêt (1539) judgements and
    procedural acts were to be pronounced, recorded
    and delivered to the parties in the French
    mother tongue and not in any other form.
  • 1629 French became the language of Church courts
  • Language of culture, literature, science

Discarding Regional Languages
  • Decree of Lyon (1510) still refers to langue de
  • Decree of Viller-Cotterêt (1539) speaks
    explicitly of French - end of the use of the
    Romance languages of the Midi
  • Judgements and other legal documents had to be
    drawn up in French, old languages of provinces
    excluded protests in non-French speaking regions
  • At the time of the Revolution, 25 million
    inhabitants 6 million did not understand French,
    6 million understood it at the basic level, 10
    million had a passable knowledge of French

Discarding Regional Languages
  • Revolutionary decrees obliged civil servants to
    use French and draw up all public documents in it
  • French the language of the army
  • Compulsory military service, the press, postal
    services and railways increased the movement of
    the population and consolidated the central

Origin of vocabulary
  • Latin terms transmitted from Antiquity by
    continuous tradition (loiltlex, juge ltjudex,
    justice lt iustitia, délit lt delictum,
  • Medieval Latin contumace lt contumax contempt,
    non-appearance in court
  • Greek démocratie, politique
  • Neologisms which were never used in Latin or
    Greek autogestion, monoparental today, legal
    neologisms of Graeco-Latin origin often come from

Origin of vocabulary
  • Italian loanwords banqueroute, change
  • English loanwords franchising, dumping, leasing

Legal French Style Text construction
  • Cartesian spirit texts constructed in a logical
    and methodological way
  • Legal rules systematically assembled in codes

Legal French Style Textual Level
  • Legal texts difficult to understand long,
    complicated sentences, impersonal expressions,
    passive and negative forms (il nest pas exclu
    que it is not impossible that) limited use of
    adjectives, abundance of nouns stereotyped
    phrases (e.g. dont acte in witness/faith/verifica
    tion), archaisms, petrified expressions
    (ci-après hereafter, ledit, susdit aforesaid

Legal French Style Textual Level
  • Repetitions less frequent than in legal English,
    but e.g. nous avons arrêté et arrêtons we have
    decided and do decide
  • Petrified phrases executory formulas for
    judicial decisions systematising the grounds of
    judgments attendu que and considérant que
  • Form requirements in verbs grounds should always
    be written in the indicative using the
    conditional can lead to the judgment being quashed

Improving the quality of legal language
  • Association pour le bon usage du français dans
    ladministration, Commission de modernisation du
    langage judiciaire, Centre denregistrement et de
    révision des formulaires administratifs
  • Terms felt to be discriminatory replaced
  • Courts should eliminate useless repetitions
  • Latin maxims should be reduced
  • Clarity of legal language
  • Today struggle against Anglicisms

Radiation of French Legal Culture
  • University of Paris founded in 13th c.
  • Professors contributed greatly to the development
    of Canon law and ius commune
  • Added impetus to the theory of international
    private law, esp. in 16th c.
  • Many French legal works translated into Italian
    in 19th c.

Radiation of French Legal Culture
  • From the early 19th c. several foreign countries
    have received French codes, particularly the
    Civil Code (1804)
  • The Civil Code - a model for corresponding codes
    in various countries (Rhineland, Belgium,
    Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the
    Netherlands, Poland, Rumania Quebec, Louisiana,
    Latin American countries Egypt, Ethiopia,

Radiation of French Legal Culture
  • French administrative justice contributed to the
    birth of German administrative legal science in
    the late 19th c.

International Homogeneity of Legal French Belgium
  • Homogeneity of the legal languages of France and
    Belgium French-speaking part of Belgium has
    tended until recently to look for inspiration
    almost exclusively to the legal culture of
    France, and not to the legal culture of
    Dutch-speaking Belgium, not to mention that of
    the Netherlands

International Homogeneity of Legal French
  • Legal French of Switzerland partly original
    with respect to Legal French of France legal
    traditions essentially Germanic
  • German the language of preparation of laws
  • Zivilgesetzbuch (Civil Code) translated into
  • Fusion of Germanic and Romance legal cultures
  • French-speaking legal circles imitate the
    language of the dominant Germanic legal culture
  • Belief that concordance of content of the German
    and French variants of laws can only be
    guaranteed by literal translation of terms

The Link between Related Languages
  • French law model abroad
  • French legal influence esp. strong in Italy
  • Italian law and legal science developed in the
    direction indicated by French models
  • New Italian legal terms often came from France
  • In Italian regions annexed to the French Empire
    (Piedmont, Parma, Piacenza, Liguria, Tuscany,
    Umbria, Lazio, Corsica) decrees and
    administrative circulars published in both French
    and Italian

The Link between Related Languages
  • Rumanian Civil Code almost a direct copy of the
    French Civil Code
  • Not repealed even during the Communist period
  • Rumanian civil law terminology based on French
  • The legal order systematised in the same way in
    all Romance countries similarities in legal
    terms not misleading

Globalisation of Legal French Diplomacy
  • Up to the 17th c. Latin was the main language of
    inter-state relations
  • Bilateral and multilateral treaties drawn up in
  • Following the rise of France to a dominant
    position, the use of French spread in the
    international arena as a language of diplomacy
    and international law

Globalisation of Legal French Diplomacy
  • The Holy Roman Empire insisted on the use of
    Latin, while French ambassadors presented
    documents in French
  • From 1676, all ambassadors of France spoke French
    in their countries of accreditation

Globalisation of Legal French Diplomacy
  • French spread to international treaties to which
    France was not a party
  • Dominance of French so strong that it was used
    in cases where action was directed against France
    or even in cases involving her defeat at the
    Congress of Vienna (1815) French remained the
    language of negotiations and Treaty language
  • 1871, during peace negotiations following
    Franco-Prussian war, Otto von Bismarck used French

Globalisation of Legal French Diplomacy
  • End of 18th c the US decided to use only English
    in their diplomatic relations
  • 20th c. English began to threaten the position of
    French in international relations, and acquired
    dominance in this field

Colonisation Canada
  • 16th c. France became a colonial power colonies
    in North America
  • French Canada (1534-1760)
  • British Canada (1760-1867)
  • Canadian Canada (1867)

Colonisation Canada
  • History of legal language closely linked to
    legal translation
  • Before the British conquest - Canadian French
    high quality
  • After the British conquest - poor translators
    corrupted the language

Colonisation Canada
  • End of 18th c. public law and the judicial system
    in Quebec were anglicised this required rapid
    translation into French of a large number of laws
    and other legal English texts, to be applied to
    the French-speaking population
  • Laws were prepared exclusively in English until
  • Translators no specialised training
  • Fastidiousness and repetitiveness of legal
    English repeated in legal French of Quebec
    (e.g. il sera levé, perçu et payé à sa Majesté
    it shall be raised, levied and paid to His
    Majesty repetition of synonyms)

Colonisation Canada
  • Between the early 1790s and the mid-19th c.
    legal French in Canada moved very far from that
    in France
  • Legal English expressed a completely different
    legal culture
  • French-Canadian legal texts full of anglicisms
    (acte loi (act), délai retard (delay)
    évidence preuve (evidence), offence
    infraction (offence)

Colonisation Canada
  • Act of Union (1840) prescribed that English was
    the only official language in Canada
  • Strong resistance of French speakers
  • Recognition of French by public authorities
  • The Constitution of 1867 recognised the language
    rights of French speakers
  • 1960s Peaceful Revolution the status of Quebec

Colonisation Canada
  • Importance of legal translation decreased thanks
    to autonomous preparation of laws in French
  • Today French is the only official language in
  • Quebec National Assembly adopts all its laws in

Canada bilingualism
  • Both English and French official languages of
    Canada, but only at the level of the federal
    government and its institutions
  • Legal texts of the Canadian parliament always
    translated into both languages
  • Drafts of Canadian federal laws worked out
    simultaneously in English and French co-drafting
  • The quality of the original draft more easily
    revealed by comparing the two language versions
    than by examining a single version

Canada co-drafting
  • Terminological work and the principle of
    co-drafting have freed Canadian French from the
    patronage of English
  • Canadian legislative work brings fresh elements
    into the French language because the specific
    conditions imposed by legal texts oblige the
    Canadians to be creators, surrendering the mental
    comfort created by preserving what is old and

International Homogeneity of Legal French Canada
  • Quebec common law of English origin intermingles
    with law of French origin mixed law
  • Public law comes from common law, private law is
    mainly continental
  • A French-style notarial profession an important
    element of the Quebec legal system
  • Hierarchy of sources of law - continental

International Homogeneity of Legal French Canada
  • Quebec legal French the need to express
    traditional common law concepts in French and
    vice versa
  • In some cases terms from French law obtained a
    meaning different from that in France danger of
    mistakes and misunderstandings in communications
    with France

International Homogeneity of Legal French Canada
  • At the time when English common law was created,
    legal circles were using French
  • Institutions peculiar to common law expressed
    in French
  • By highlighting the original form of common law
    terms, it is possible to fashion terms that are
    authentically French, with a character at once
    old and new

International Homogeneity of Legal French Canada
  • Terminological work enabled compilation of legal
    dictionaries containing, in French, the
    terminology of various branches of common law
    (e.g. law of property, trusts, torts)
  • The mixed character of Quebec legal French is
    also in evidence in the fact that Latin maxims
    appearing in this form of French come both from
    the traditional Latin of common lawyers and from
    the Latin used as established in France.

Francophone Africa
Colonisation Africa
  • 19th c. French colonies in North Africa and Black
  • The Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco)
    multilingual regions
  • French the sole official language of the region
    in 19th c.

  • Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya
  • In todays Maghreb, only Arabic is the official
  • more people today with a command of French
    than at the end of the colonial era (French-
    language of higher education and upward social

Sub-Saharan Africa
  • French sole official language in Benin, Burkina
    Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo
    (Kinshasa), the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville),
    the Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Senegal,
    Chad, Togo
  • Traditional justice, based on customary law and
    administered by village elders African
  • In Rwanda and Burundi- government and local
    courts use regional languages, while the central
    authorities and higher courts use French

Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Djibuti justice is administered in four
    languages higher courts only operate in French,
    while the Islamic courts (sharia courts) always
    use Arabic
  • In courts applying traditional customary law,
    procedural languages Arabic, Somali or Afar.
  • In all cases, judgments are drawn up in French so
    that they can be enforced

International Homogeneity of Legal French Africa
  • Sub-Saharan Africa customary laws
  • The French colonial power codified some of these
  • Customary laws inadequate for modern society
    completed by French law
  • France abolished customary rules if they were in
    contradiction with the fundamental European
    values, esp. in criminal law
  • French Criminal Code applicable throughout
    French-ruled Africa

International Homogeneity of Legal French Africa
  • French used in Black Africa - the same as that in
  • North Africa Islamic tradition Arabic
    quotations in legal French of Maghreb, notably in
    traditional branches of law expressing concepts
    from the sharia
  • Local traditions and conditions also reflected in
    African legal French

International Position Today
  • In a large part of the world French is still the
    official language (Canada, Northern, Western,
    Central Africa)
  • In Europe Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg
  • Establishment of the European Communities new
    importance of French one of three procedural
  • Global organisations

  • International community promoting the interests
    of French culture
  • Some countries where French is the official
    language not members of Francophonia (Algeria,

International organisations
  • 49 international organisations accord French the
    status of official language
  • International organisations for legislative
    harmonisation e.g. the Hague Conference on
    Private International Law, charged with drafting
    conventjons in private international law and
    international procedural law until 1960, draft
    conventions only drawn up in French today,
    French and English are used

International organisations
  • Unidroit (Institute international pour
    lunification du drolit privé) originally
    attached to the League of Nations, today and
    international organisation aiming to unify
    national legislation on private law previously
    operated only in French currently, several
    languages possess the official status English
    and French used as working languages Revue de
    droit uniforme/Uniform Law Review - bilingual

  • French important in preparation of EU legal
  • Working language of ECJ decisions drawn up in
    French, although only the version in the
    procedural language is authentic
  • French language division has to translate into
    French all documents lodged by parties in a
    language other than French
  • Periodicals on European law
  • Legal culture and techniques - received from the
    outset from France it is always simple to
    describe a legal system by using the language by
    which the system was originally created

Legal English
Migrations of Angles, Saxons and Jutes
  • OLD ENGLISH (c. 450- c. 1100)
  • MIDDLE ENGLISH (c. 1100- c.1450)
  • MODERN ENGLISH (c. 1450 - )

LATER OLD ENGLISH (c. 850 - c.1100)Language
  • Lexical words
  • Nouns birth, bull, dirt, egg, fellow, husband,
    leg, sister, skin, sky, skirt, window
  • Adjectives ill, low, odd, rotten, sly, weak
  • Verbs call, crawl, die, get, give, lift, raise,
    scream, take,
  • Function words
  • Pronouns they (their, them)
  • Conjunctions though
  • Determiners some, any
  • Auxiliaries are
  • Names
  • Family names -son Johnson, Stevenson
  • Place names -by 'farm, town' Derby, Rugby,
    Whitby -thorp 'village' Althorp, Linthorp

MIDDLE ENGLISH (c. 1100-1450)French Influence
  • Administration
  • Authority, bailiff, baron, chamberlain,
    chancellor, constable, council, court, crown,
    duke, empire, exchequer, government, liberty,
    majesty, mayor, messenger, minister, noble,
    palace, parliament, prince, realm, reign,
    revenue, royal, servant, sir, sovereign, statute,
    tax, traitor, treason, treasurer, treaty
  • Law
  • Accuse, advocate, arrest, arson, assault, assize,
    attorney, bail, bar, blame, convict, crime,
    decree, depose, estate, evidence, executor,
    felon, fine, fraud, heir, indictment, inquest,
    jail, judge, jury, justice, larceny, legacy,
    libel, pardon, perjury, plaintiff, plea, prison,
    punishment, sue, summons, trespass, verdict,
  • Military
  • Ambush, archer, army, battle, besiege, captain,
    combat, defend, enemy, garrison, guard, lance,
    lieutenant, navy, retreat, sergeant, siege,
    soldier, vanquish

The Statute of Pleading, 1362
  • All lawsuits shall be conducted in English,
    because French is much unknown in the said realm

Richard Mulcaster (1582)
  • The English tongue is of small account,
    stretching no further than this island of ours,
    nay not there over all.

Tripartite model (B. Kachru)
Birth of Common Law
  • After the Norman conquest (1066)
  • To consolidate his dominance, the king sought to
    centralise the justice system by establishing the
    Royal Courts of Justice at Westminster
  • Powerful vassals resisted the centralisation of
  • Royal Courts able to adjudicate cases falling
    clearly within the kings competence
  • Progressively, increasing categories of cases
    transferred to these Courts

Birth of Common Law
  • Court judgments - importance that went beyond the
    particular cases in which they had been
  • To specify the conditions and limits of the
    binding effect of judgments, a refined rule of
    precedent was progressively created
  • The legal system built by case law strengthened
    the position of judges

Birth of Equity
  • During the Middle Ages, Royal Courts archaic
    and formalistic judicial organs
  • The Chancellor began to recify judgments of the
    Courts of Westmionster on the basis of natural
  • Court of Chancery created its own remedies and
    legal concepts of highly technical nature,
    maintaining only a distant link with fairness and

  • 17th c. fierce struggles for power between the
    Courts of Westminster and the Court of Chancery
  • Ended in a compromise guaranteeing both courts
    their proper field of competence
  • Division betweeen equity and common law was
    formed maintained even after unification of the
    English justice system in the 19th c.

The English legal system today
  • The amount of English legislation comparable to
    that of continental countries
  • Statutes- considered to be incomplete until the
    moment when they are covered by numerous
    precedents specifying the interpretation of their
    main provisions

The English legal system today
  • Divisions of law and legal concepts- different
    from civil law
  • Common law equity division unknown in
    continental countries
  • Many institutions, e.g. trust, foreign to
    civil-law Europe

The English legal system today
  • Consists of an exceptionally large amount of
  • Explanation originally developed by judges
  • Unlike the legislator, the courts have to draw
    very fine distinctions since they have to decide
    highly varied individual cases

The English legal system today
  • Rules of law induced from cases remarkably
  • These rules cannot be raised to a level of
    abstraction as rules formulated by legal science
  • Since case law is composed of a network of rules,
    laws have to be written in the same way, i.e.
    highly detailed to ensure compatibility of the
    two types of rules

The Anglo-Saxon Period
  • Verbal magic
  • Acts of transfer required complicated and precise
    language rituals a single mistake could nullify
    the act
  • Use of rhythmic expressions
  • Alliteration common in maxims and binary

The Anglo-Saxon Period
  • Some Latin words
  • Royal legislation and spread of Christianity
  • Examples convict, admit, mediate, legitimate

Dominance of Law Latin
  • The Norman Conquest brought to England a
    French-speaking upper class
  • Latin dominant in law
  • Normans used Latin in important contexts
  • 11-12 c. Latin was the language of legal
    documents in England

Dominance of Law Latin
  • In this period common law was created
  • Many essential common law terms were originally
    formulated in Latin (e.g. breve writ)
  • Meaning diverged from that of classical Latin
  • Often, Norman French or even English words were
    Latinised (e.g. morder gt murdrum) dog Latin

Rise of Law French
  • 1st law promulgated in French in 1275
  • End of 13th c. both Latin and French used as
    legislative languages
  • Early 14th c. French used in drafting laws
    (except in Church matters)
  • Late 13th c. the Royal Courts used French during
    sessions case reports prepared in French

Rise of Law French
  • French became the legal language in England from
    the late 13th c., both for legislation and the
    law courts
  • The use of French in English legal circles a
    strange phenomenon because in 13th c. French had
    already begun to disappear in England as a
    language of communication yet the rise of French
    as language of the law only started at that time

Rise of Law French
  • Reasons
  • A section of the English aristocracy still
    French-speaking at the end of 13th c.
  • French as the language of culture
  • Centralisation of justice system consolidated the
    status of French
  • Secularisation of the justice system clerics no
    longer operated as judges

Rise of Law French
  • With its general disappearance from England,
    French had become the mark of the true elites
  • Legal profession monopoly of the elites
  • French guarantee that the people could not
    meddle in the justice system because they were
    unable to follow the trial
  • Law French even then a dead language its
    expressions had a clear legal meaning
    appropriate for use as legal terms

Decline of Law Latin and Law French
  • 1362 Statute of Pleading drafted in French!
    prescribed that judges were to use English but
    that court minutes could still be prepared in
  • According to Sir Edward Coke, it was better that
    the unlearned were not able to read legal
    materials because they would get it all wrong and
    harm themselves!

Decline of Law Latin and Law French
  • End of 14th c. parliamentarians were using spoken
  • Still in 17th c. possible to hear law French in
    the Inns of Court, and, occasionally, in the
    courts a number of legal works still written
    in law French
  • French and Latin finally abolished in 1731

Decline of Law Latin and Law French
  • Latin declined in 16th and 17th c. remained an
    important legal language court records, writs
    and other legal documents written in Latin until
    18th c.

Dominance of Latin, French and English
  • 1000 1200 1500
  • Latin supremacy
  • Law French supremacy
  • English

Characteristics of Legal English
  • English a global language
  • Varies according to different situations
    sometimes stiff and conservative, sometimes
    innovative and creative
  • Difference between the spoken language of court
    sessions and written legal language

Influence of other languages
  • Legal English a language of interaction between
    Old English (Anglo-Saxon, with Scandinavian
    elements), Medieval Latin, Old French
  • Latin and French expressions - part of the most
    basic vocabulary of English law foundations of
    English legal thinking
  • Calques translations from Latin and French
    (originally, common law was comune ley)

  • shortened expressions
  • Nisi prius (unless before) a matter of
    proceedings at first instance with a jury present
  • Affidavit (he affirmed) a written or printed
    declaration confirmed by an oath
  • Habeas corpus (you may have the body) a
    judges order to bring a prisoner before the
    court to clarify the legality of detaining him

Law French
  • Influence on word formation
  • Old French past participle -e or ee (for the
    person obtaining sth or forming the object of an
  • Doer of the action -or/-er
  • Employer/employee, trustor/trustee, vendor/vendee

Law French
  • Word order
  • Accounts payable, attorney general, court
    martial, fee simple, letters patent

  • Binary expressions words with the same meaning
    existed at the same time in the form of
    Latin-French variants and Anglo-Saxon variants .
  • Repetitions ensured that legal messages were
    understandable in a multilingual society
  • Acknowledge and confess, act and deed, devise and
    bequeath, fit and proper, goods and chattels,
    will and testament

  • triple repetitionnull and void and of no
    effect, authorized, empowered and entitled to
  • To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
    but the truth

Law of contract
  • Case law fundamental
  • If the parties omit sth from the contract, they
    cannot rely on the courts to insert it later on
    their behalf by way of interpretation
  • Terms of a contract always interpreted
    narrowly parol evidence rule if the meaning of
    a written contract is clear, then no other
    evidence is allowed as to its content the
    contract should contain all that is needed

Law of contract
  • The language of a contract governed by common law
    should be general enough to cover every
    situation, yet precise enough to ensure that the
    legal position of the parties is unambiguous
  • The contract should show with certainty what it
    includes and what it does not (Ibid 237)

Legal English as a Global Language Expansion of
Common Law
  • Some 1,200-1,500 million people in command of
    English 670 million native speakers
  • English official language in 75 states or
    administrative territories
  • 85 international organisations use English as
    one of their languages
  • Dominance in international trade

Legal English in the United States
  • The influence of English law terminated with
    the independence
  • Nevertheless, the approach to the legal order,
    fundamental principles and concepts of law,
    essential legal terminology - the same in England
    and the US

American legal culture
  • Fundamental ideas in line with the English
  • 1) supremacy of the law (rule of law)
  • 2) rule of precedent
  • 3) adversarial procedure

American legal culture
  • Separation between private and public law less
    important than in civil law countries
  • Separation of powers
  • federalism

Differences between UK and US English
  • Corporation company
  • Visiting rights right of access

  • Traditional expressions hereafter, herein,
    hereof, herewith
  • complexity

Legal English in the Indian Sub-continent
Anglo-Indian law
  • Common law took root alongside the traditional
    systems of law Hindu law and Muslim law
    application limited to traditional branches of
    law (family law, inheritance)
  • 19th c. a large number of laws came into force
    prepared by the British, often in London
  • The highest judicial organ the Judicial
    Committee of the Privy Council (London)

Expansion and Change of legal English in India
  • English language of higher education and
    colonial administration
  • 1837 English became the official language in
  • From 1844 only those educated in English could be
    appointed civil servants

Expansion and Change of legal English in India
  • Republic of India English remains the language
    of higher education and science Hindi National
    Official Language
  • English language of government and the higher
    justice system

Expansion and Change of legal English in India
  • Pakistan Urdu
  • Bangladesh Bangla (formerly Bengali)
  • Legal terminology and style in India and Pakistan
    essentially British
  • English sometimes operates as a linguistic tool
    even of Islamic law differences terms
    expressing original concepts of Islamic law
  • In Pakistan, the language of Islamic law is in
    fact legislative English (N. Ahmad)

Legal English in International Trade
  • Lawyers in non-English speaking countries daily
    drawing up contracts in English often contain
    language similar to traditional common law
    contracts serious problems
  • Cultural collision
  • Civil law lawyers may copy common law contracts
    without fully understanding them

Contradictory interpretation
  • Where litigation has to be heard by a States
    court, the interpretation may cause considerable
    surprise to one of the parties
  • A British or North American court tends to
    interpret the terms of a contract drawn up in
    English in line with traditional common law
  • The terms may acquire a meaning completely
    different from that imagined by the party from a
    continental country
  • Efforts to develop terminology that is not too
    closely linked to the legal orders of particular
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