Title: Temporal Query Languages
1Temporal Query Languages
- a Survey
- by Jan Chomicki, January 24, 1995
- Computing and Information Sciences
- Kansas State University
- Presented by Barry Klein, USC, October 3, 2000
- Introduction to temporal databases
- Temporal databases overview
- Properties of query languages
- Abstract query languages
- Concrete query languages
- Incomplete temporal information
- Related work in artificial intelligence
3Introduction to temporal databases
- Key concepts Temporal Domain, Abstract and
Concrete representations/Query langs, Incomplete
Temporal Information. Interpreted db domain. - Examples financial/personnel/medical/legal
records network monitoring, process control - Framework integrate temporal research with
research in db theory, logic and AI. - Eschew Temporal DB Glossary of Jensen, et al, in
Tansel book, to comply with accepted db terms.
4Intro to temporal databases (contd)
- ANSI/SPARC architecture 3 levels
- Physical External Conceptual abstract vs.
concrete - Abstract formal meaning representation-independ
t - Concrete specific, finite rep of a certain data
model - Abstract languages
- 1st-order and temporal logic, relational algebra,
deductive languages - Concrete languages
- TSQL2 others in 107, 108, 110
52. Temporal databases
- Major issues
- Choice of temporal domains (only flat types
considered in this survey) - Points vs. intervals
- Linear vs. branching
- Dense vs. discrete
- Bounded vs. unbounded time
- Query Language issues
- formal semantics, expressiveness, implementation
62.1 Temporal domains
- Temporal ontology 2 distinctions from AI and
logic - Points, or instants (at particular times)
- Intervals (during ranges of time)
- Point view dominant in database work intervals
defined as pairs of endpoints, making it easy to
move between the 2 views in first-order case
72.1 Temporal domains (contd)
- Mathematical structure on points
- Partial order
- Total (linear) order
- Ex cyclic time modeled with linear transitive
order, reflexive symmetric, or with ultimately
periodic sets - Branching time modeled with partial order
satisfying left-linearity (no branch to left)
82.1 Temporal domains (contd)
- Temporal domain first-order structure with a
given Signature (set of Constant, Function and
Relation symbols) - Typical elements of signatures
- lt binary-order relation
- 0 origin or std ref pt of a temporal domain
- s denotes succession of time points
- , - relative distance of time points
- ?k periodicity congruence modulo k
92.1 Temporal domains (contd)
- Standard temporal domains (in this 1st-order
structure - N natural numbers
- Z integers
- Q rationals
- R real numbers
- Equality not necessarily available in domains
like TSQL2 - Temp domains may have finite universes, or
bounded subsets of standard domains
102.1 Temporal domains (contd)
- Common assumption Time is discrete and
isomorphic to natural numbers vs. AI view that
time is usually dense. - Continuous time is becoming valuable in math,
physics and hybrid systems. - Constraint formula allows finite representation
of dense sets in computer storage - Higher level, or multiple-time granularities
(hours vs. weeks), require multiple, interrelated
temporal domains (not included in this survey)
112.2 Abstract temporal databases
- Model-theoretic view is most basic view
- Treats ATD as a 1st-order structure
- Snapshot view treats ATD as a function mapping
each instant as a tuple - Timestamp view maps a set of instants with each
122.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
- Assumptions
- Single temporal dimension and domain T
- Single data domain U containing standard db
constants (these two will be expanded) - Context relational data model, then generalized
to other 1st-order data models - Fixed db schema with a fixed set of relations
132.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
- Model-theoretic view
- Abstract temporal relation
- (a1,-,an,t) ? P iff P(a1,-,an) holds at t where
(a1,-,an) ? U - where P is a relation of arity n, P of arity
n1, U is a single data domain, and t is a
particular instant. - Formally, an ATD (a finite temporal structure D)
(U,T,P1,,Pk) for the 2-sorted 1st-order
language LD containing a new relation symbol for
each A.T. relation Pi and constant symbol for all
? U, and also 0 ? T. - The final element of Pi is temporal the others
are data. - No assumptions are made about temporal domain T
- D is finite if it consists of finite relations
142.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
Model-Theoretic View
152.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
- Snapshot view a set of functions s/t
- f Pi(t) (a1,,an) Pi(a1,,an) holds at t
- where each such relation is binary in which the
values of the 2nd attribute are sets of tuples
i.e., non-1NF. - Timestamp view a set of functions s/t
- f Pi( a1,,an) t Pi(a1,,an) holds at t
- Here the db consists of a timestamp relation for
each relation symbol, and each relation (non-1NF)
data attributes corresponding to the relation
symbol, a timestamp attribute, which is a set
of instants.
162.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
Snapshot View
172.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
Timestamp View
182.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
- Multiple temporal dimensions
- Necessary to model intervals (pairs of pts)
- Multiple kinds of time
- Valid vs. transaction ref. time vs. event time
- Assumption single temporal domain
- Interpretations of MDTD captured by adding axioms
as integrity contstraints - An intervals start must precede its end.
- Adding dimensions increases complexity
192.2 Abstract temporal dbs (contd)
- Example properties of ATDs
- In Valid-time TDs, a model is point-based if
facts are associated with single instants - Interval-based if events are associated with
intervals (represented as pairs of instants) - The semantics of many query languages and
integrity constraints can be defined directly,
regardless of representation method.
202.3 Concrete temporal databases
- Any model-specific db just a rep of a ATD
- 2 CTDs are equiv if they rep the same ATD
- An ATD may be infinite, but only finite objects
can be explicitly represented in storage. - Many TDB models incompatible unless specific
representations of ATDs.
212.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Two important properties of CTD classes
- Data expressiveness
- How many ATDs can be represented within it (gives
a metric to expressiveness) - Succinctness how much space is needed to
express a given ATD (also good metric).
222.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Concrete Timestamp Databases
- Timestamp view ? most useful for CTD
- Infinite set implicitly represented with
timestamp formulae 1st-order formulae with one
free variable in the language of the temporal
domain. - Example 0 lt t lt 5 V t gt 10
- See next slide for an example CTS DB
232.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
Timestamp View with Timestamp Formulae
242.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Timestamp formulae
- For temporal domain (N, lt) timestamps must be
finite or co-finite subsets of N. - Presurger arithmetic (N, 0, , lt) timestamps all
ultimately periodic subsets of N. - Ex natural numbers beginning with 0, period 7
- ?y, t y y y y y y y
- Equivalently, as congruence formula t ? 7 0
- where ? k means congruent modulo k.
252.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- These as timestamps allow infinite ultimately
periodic ATD to be represented finitely. - Ultimately periodic means that, if some natural
number is added to the time coordinate, a given
set of relationships in the ATD still holds true. - Calendars can be defined with inf. periodic sets.
- Finite periodic sets may be represented well as
infinite sets constraints for finiteness. - Ex all Sundays in a year
262.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Quantifier Elimination main tool in theory of
timestamp dbs. - A theory admits Q.E. if every formula in the
theorys language can ? an equiv formula free of
quantifiers. - These must satisfy tests, for example, that a
specific instant belongs to a timestamp.
272.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Features of timestamp formulae
- Constraints are atomic TSFs
- A TSF is termed separable if it is a conjunction
of the forms t c, t lt c or t gt c, and c is in T - To admit gt 1 dimension or rep an interval
requires timestamp formula to have at least 2
free variables - Timestamps may be associated either with tuples
or with attribute values - Assumption timestamps are finite or bounded
sets, unless TSF used to rep inf sets implicitly
282.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Finite Temporal DBs
- For snapshot dbs or temporal structures to be
used as CDBs requires they be finite and describe
a finite subset of time domain - These 2 forms usually waste too much space
292.3 Concrete temporal dbs (contd)
- Features of Logic Programs
- To represent an (infinite) ATD as finite, LPs
consist of deductive (Horn) rules a finite db - The ATD corresponding to such a program is called
its least Herbrand model - Ex to rep Sundays sunday(0),
- sunday(s7(T)) - sunday(T).
- Notation (N, 0, s) used for LP syntax where s is
a unary successor, in only 1 argument of a
302.4 Interoperability
- If two temporal data models, ?1 and ?2, use the
same temporal domains, then the meaning of ?1
(resp ?2) is defined as a total mapping h1 (resp
h2) from CTDs defd under ?1 (resp ?2) to ATDs. - The inverse mappings h-11 and h-12 may be only
partial (some ATDs may not be repable in the
given data model) - Let rep function composition then d1 h-11
h2(d2) represents the CDB under ?1 corresp to a
CDB d2 under ?2. Then d1 can be queried the same
as ?1. - This provides the access for d2.
313 Properties of Query Languages
- A semantics is declarative if it assigns meaning
to a query without ref to evaluation method - Query evaluation can be in closed form if the
query result can be expressed in the dbs
language - Repl independence a query answer s/b the same
for any 2 CDBs representing the same ATD - Query expressiveness 2 queries equivalent if
they return the same answer for every db. - Data complexity the computational complexity of
the set of finite dbs where a fixed query true
324 Abstract Query Languages
- 4.1 Relational Calculus
- Domain relational calculus the 1st-ord logic of
an ATD (model theoretic view) can be used as a
QL. - Semantics Tarskian, which is declarative the
answer to a 1st-order query is valuations that
make the query formula true in the given db - 1st-order logic can be used as a concrete query
334.1 Relational Calculus (continued)
- Example query list all countries that lost and
regained independence. (the example was done in
2nd-order relational calculus) - 2 ways to implement query evaluation in CTS DBs
- Translate the query to relational algebra, use
generalized versions of RA operations. - Directly eval the query in closed form (resulting
in a timestamp relation) using quantifier-eliminat
ion procedures for the temporal and data domains.
344.2 Relational Algebra
- RA semantics are defined as set theory for
possibly infinite relations, so it fits the
model-theoretic view of ATDs - In snapshot view, RA operations can be used only
on snapshots corresponding to the same time
instants in different relations (pointwise).
354.3 Temporal Logic
- Use a temporal extension of 1st-order LD tl(LD)
- Contains the binary connectives since until
- ?A sometime in the past true since A
- ?A (sometime in the future A) true until A
- These connectives may become invalid when the
dimension is gt 1
364.4 Inductive Query Languages
- Natural queries may be inductive or 2nd-order
- Ex find all who are at risk (infected
previously or been in contact with an at-risk
person) - Logic programming languages extend Datalog
(language of function-free logic programs) - Datalogltz with integer order constraints
- DatalogltQ with rational order constraints
- Datalog1S a unary successor symbol in 1 arg
- unary successor symbol linear arith constraints
375 Concrete Query Languages
- 5.1 TQuel
- Supports single temporal domain discrete,
finite, multi-level (can refer to specific day or
hour) - 2 temporal dimensions valid and transaction time
- Data model a timestamp is an interval
- Intervals must be maximal so the timestamps of
identical facts coalesce for overlapped intervals - An insertion may trigger a coalesce operation
385.1 TQuel (continued)
- TQuel can simulate temporal logic queries
- 1st-order language cant express inductive
temporal queries - Data complexity polynomial
- Timestamp max req ? a given abstract temporal rel
is uniquely repd as a TQuel rel - No support for gt 2 temporal dimensions
395.2 TSQL2
- SQL2 with time component
- Linearly ordered
- No test for equality of time constraints (can
give diff answers for discrete dense temp
domains) - Point-, not interval-based
- Facts are timestamped with finite unions of maxl
intervals (one timestamp/fact) - No semantics or formal properties established ?
use of interval rels insufficient for unions of
405.3 Hist. Relational Data Model
- HRDM supports single, discrete and infinite
temporal domain single time dimension - Relations are finite
- Non-uniform rel attributes some are parts of key
- Non-key attributes can be functions? limited
non-1NF relations - No specs for which subsets of the temporal
domain can serve as function domains difficulty
assessing expressiveness of the model or comp
complexity of queries.
415.3 HRDM (continued)
- Redefines most operators of RA
- Semantics defined with set theory
- Cant express queries relating snapshots at
different instants - 1st-order algebra cant express inductive
temporal queries - SQL extension not representation-independent
425.4 Backlog Relations
- Supports single, discrete, infinite temporal
domain valid- and transaction-time dimensions - These 2 dimensions are not independent here
- Backlog rels store not data, but change requests
- Only transaction-time instants are stored
- Valid time requires a scan that a tuple was
inserted but not later deleted - BRs rep only finite abstract temporal relations
435.4 Backlog Relations (continued)
- Example - 5 attributes consec of updates
op-name transaction time country capital.
446 Incomplete Temporal info
- Example partial ordering of events
- Various solutions proposed
- Non-linear, based on events
- Generalize the temporal db paradigm
- Marked nulls stand for some value in domain
- Same null value may be in diff columns or rows
- Each row has quantifier-free local condition with
some nulls of this row
456 Incomplete Temporal info (contd)
- Entire table has a quantifier-free global
condition relating nulls in different rows - Indefinite timestamp formulae define indefinite
timestamps which are sets of timestamps - An indefinite timestamp table is a finite set of
tuples with indef ts formulae a global
condition - Semantics of an indef temporal table sem(T)
- rep(T) is ts rels ? substing domain vals for
nulls satisfying the global condition of T
466 Incomplete Temporal info (contd)
- In van der Meydens framework, only single vals,
which may be null, can constitute timestamps - Only finite ATDs can then be represented
- Nulls can be related via global conjunctive cond
- May be arbitrary of temporal dims, but the
complexity of evaluating queries relies on the
num. - Data complexity for certain answers to FO
queries - In PTIME for one-dimensional time
- co-NP-complete for greater of dimensions
477 Related Work in AI
- Most AI approaches restricted to the
propositional (non-temporal) case - Often take an interval view of time originating
in the work of J.F. Allen, where each prop is
assoc with an interval where it holds true. - 2 intervals could relate via a rels
representing a disjunction? allows rep of much
disjunctive info - 1st-order queries re quantifiers are not
supported - Queries evald via constraint-satisfactn