Reconstruction (1865-1876) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reconstruction (1865-1876)


Title: Reconstruction (1865-1876) Author: Susan M. Pojer Last modified by: Andy Created Date: 1/2/2005 9:30:52 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reconstruction (1865-1876)

Reconstruction (1865-1876)
Key Questions
1. How do webring the Southback into the Union?
4. What branchof governmentshould controlthe
process ofReconstruction?
2. How do we rebuild the South after
itsdestruction during the war?
3. How do weintegrate andprotect
newly-emancipatedblack freedmen?
Wartime Reconstruction
President Lincolns Plan
  • Lincolns 10 Plan
  • Pardon all confederates except high ranking
    military officers and those accused of crimes
    against POWs
  • Once 10 of voting population swore allegiance
    to the Union and promised to obey its laws
    launch new gov reenter Union
  • Lincoln guaranteed southerners that he would
    protect their private property, though not their
  • 1864 Lincoln Governments formed in LA, TN, AR

Radical Republicans in Congress Disagree
  • Radical Republicans - Sen. Charles Sumner and
    Rep. Thaddeus Stevens
  • want to destroy political power of former slave
  • African Americans should have full citizenship
    rights to vote.
  • Congress should be in Charge of Reconstruction

Congresses 1st Proposal Wade-Davis Bill (1864)
  • Required 50 of the number of 1860 voters to take
    an iron clad oath of allegiance (swearing they
    had never voluntarily aided the rebellion)
  • A state must formally abolish slavery
  • No Confederate officials could participate in the
    new governments
  • Required a state constitutional convention before
    the election of state officials.
  • Enacted specific safeguards of freedmens
  • Congress, NOT THE PRESIDENT, is responsible for

Congr.HenryW. Davis(R-MD)
Wade-Davis Bill (cont.)
  • State Suicide Theory - MA senator Charles
    Sumner, believed southern states committed
    suicide when they seceded, therefore, treated as
    new states.
  • Conquered Provinces Position PA
    representative Thaddeus Stevens, treated south
    like conquered territories/prisoners of war

13th Amendment
  • Ratified in December, 1865.
  • Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except
    as punishment for crime whereof the party shall
    have been duly convicted, shall exist within the
    United States or any place subject to their
  • Congress shall have power to enforce this article
    by appropriate legislation.

Freedmens Bureau (1865)
  • First federal relief agency in American history
  • Set up to assist freed African Americans
  • distributed food, clothing
  • set up hospitals, employment agencies, education.
  • First Agency to provide public education for
    African Americans

Freedmens Bureau (1865)
  • Many former northern abolitionists risked, and
    some gave, their lives to help southern freedmen.
  • Called carpetbaggers by white southern

Freedmens Bureau (1865)
  • SCALAWAGS Southerners who believed in
    reconstruction (name given by southerners)

Freedmens Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes
Plenty to eat and nothing to do.
Freedmens Bureau School
Presidential Reconstruction
President Andrew Johnson
  • Jacksonian Democrat
  • Anti-Aristocrat (blames rich southern plantation
  • White Supremacist.
  • Agreed with Lincolnthat states had neverlegally
    left the Union.

Damn the negroes! I am fighting these traitorous
aristocrats, their masters!
President Andrew Johnson
President Andrew Johnson lacked the experience,
charisma and patience of Lincoln and immediately
became involved in the struggle with Congress
regarding the process of Reconstruction
President Johnsons Plan (10)
  • Offered amnesty upon simple oath to all except
    Confederate civil and military officers and
    those with property over 20,000 (they could
    apply directly to Johnson)
  • A state needed to ratify the 13th Amendment
    before being readmitted 
  • Annul Confederate war debts
  • A state was required to repeal its secession
    ordinance before being readmitted
  • Named provisional governors in Confederate states
    and called them to oversee elections for
    constitutional conventions.

1. Disenfranchised certain leading Confederates.
2. Pardoned planter aristocrats brought them back
to political power to control state
3. Republicans were outraged that planter elite
were back in power in the South!
Growing Northern Alarm!
  • Many Southern state constitutions fell short of
    minimum requirements. (ex MS didn't ratify the
    13th Amendment)
  • Johnson granted 13,500 special pardons. (White
    men alone must manage the South)
  • Dec. 1865 Southern Congressmen take their
    seats 58 were in the Confederate Congress, 6 in
    the cabinet and 4 in the army) Congress
    barred the Southern Congressional delegates.

Slavery is Dead?
Revival of southern defiance led to Black Codes
  • Purpose
  • Restore pre-emancipation system of race
  • Prohibited blacks from carrying weapons, serving
    on juries, testifying against whites, marrying
    whites, traveling without permits in some
    states, from owning land
  • Laws were enforced by violence
  • Forced many blacks to become sharecroppers
    tenant farmers
  • Guarantee stable labor supply now
    that blacks were emancipated.

Congress Breaks with the President
  • Joint Committee on Reconstruction created.
  • February, 1866 ? Presidentvetoed the
    FreedmensBureau bill.
  • March, 1866 ? Johnsonvetoed the 1866 Civil
    Rights Act (gave blacks citizenship forbade
    black codes)
  • Congress passed both bills over Johnsons vetoes
    ? 1st in U. S. history!!

Johnson the Martyr / Samson
If my blood is to be shed because I vindicate the
Union and the preservation of this government in
its original purity and character, let it be
shed let an altar to the Union be erected, and
then, if it is necessary, take me and lay me upon
it, and the blood that now warms and animates my
existence shall be poured out as a fit libation
to the Union.
(February 1866)
Radical (Congressional) Reconstruction
14th Amendment
  • Ratified in July, 1868.
  • All people born in America are equal citizens and
    guaranteed equal protection
  • Insure against neo-Confederate political power.
  • Enshrine the national debt while repudiating that
    of the Confederacy.
  • Southern states would be punished for denying the
    right to vote to black citizens!

The Balance of Power in Congress
State White Citizens Freedmen
SC 291,000 411,000
Miss 353,000 436,000
Louis 357,000 350,000
GA 591,000 465,000
AL 596,000 437,000
VA 719,000 533,000
NC 631,000 331,000
The 1866 Bi-Election
  • A referendum on Radical Reconstruction.
  • Johnson made an ill-conceived propaganda tour
    around the country to push his plan.
  • Republicanswon a 3-1majority in bothhouses
    andgained controlof everynorthern state.

Radical Plan for Readmission
  • Civil authorities in the territories were subject
    to military supervision.
  • Required new state constitutions, including black
    suffrage and ratification of the 13th and 14th
  • In March, 1867, Congress passed an act that
    authorized the military to enroll eligible black
    voters and begin the process of constitution

Reconstruction Act of 1867
  • doesnt recognize most new state
  • governments (except TN with
  • ratified 14th Amendment)
  • divides South into 5 military
  • districts
  • sets new conditions for reentry in
  • Union
  • Johnson believes act unconstitutional, vetoes
    Congress overrides

Military Reconstruction Act
Reconstruction Acts of 1867 (cont.)
  • Command of the Army Act
  • - required President to issue all military
    orders through the General of the Army instead of
    dealing directly with military governors in the
  • Tenure of Office Act
  • - President cannot remove a federal official
    without approval of senate (designed to protect
    radical members of Lincoln's government)

The Tenure of Office Act
  • The Senate must approve any presidential
    dismissal of a cabinet official or general of the
  • Designed to protect radical members of Lincolns
  • Question of the constitutionality of this law.

Edwin Stanton
President Johnsons Impeachment
  • Johnson removed Stanton in February, 1868.
  • Johnson replaced generals in the field who were
    more sympathetic to Radical Reconstruction.
  • The House impeached him on February 24
    before even
    drawing up the
    charges by a
    vote of 126 47!

The Senate Trial
  • 11 week trial.
  • Johnson acquitted 35 to 19 (one short of
    required 2/3s vote).

The Grant Administration (1868-1876)
The 1868 Republican Ticket
The 1868 Democratic Ticket
Waving the Bloody Shirt!
Republican Southern Strategy
Election of 1868
  • Ulyssess S Grant (Rep)
  • Equal Rights African Americans
  • Out of 6 million ballots casted Grant received a
    majority of only 310,000.
  • 500,000 African Americans voted.
  • Horatio Seymour (Dem)
  • Return Southern Rule

1868 Presidential Election
Grant Administration Scandals
  • Grant presided over an era of unprecedented
    growth and corruption.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal
  • Whiskey Ring.
  • Stock Market Collapse

The Scandals
  • Credit Mobilier Consturction Co skimmed off
    large profits from government. Involved Colfax
  • Whiskey Ring IRS accepted bribes so that
    Whiskey distillers pay no taxes. Cost Millions
  • Changed Gold Standard (influenced by Gould
    Fisk) sent stock market to collapse Sept. 24,
    1869 Black Monday

The Panic of 1873
  • Small Banks closed, 180,000 companies folded, 3
    million people out of work.
  • 1875 Species Redemption Act US back on Gold
    Standard helps to restore the economy

15th Amendment
  • Ratified in 1870.
  • The right of citizens of the United States to
    vote shall not be denied or abridged by the
    United States or by any state on account of race,
    color, or previous condition of servitude.
  • The Congress shall have power to enforce this
    article by appropriate legislation.
  • Womens rights groups were furious that they were
    not granted the vote!

Legal Challenges to 14th and 15th
  • The Slaughterhouse Cases (1873)
  • Bradwell v. IL (1873)
  • U. S. v. Cruickshank (1876)
  • U. S. v. Reese (1876)

Black "Adjustment" in the South
Blacks Land Ownership
  • Jan. 1865 - Sherman had promised the freed
    slaves who followed his army 40 acres and a
  • 40,000 claimed 400,000 abandoned or forfeited
    land in GA SC
  • Aug. 1865 Johnson ordered original landowners
    to reclaim land evict the former slaves
  • Some Radical Republicans disagreed
  • Majority felt it was wrong to seize citizens
    private property

The Crop Lien System
  • Crop-Lien System - Works land for someone else,
    includes sharecroppers and tenant farmers
  • Sharecroppers - people who rent a plot of land
    from another person, and farm it in exchange for
    a share of the crop. does NOT live on the land.
  • Tenant farmers - Someone who farms land owned by
    someone else, keeping part of the produce as
    payment. DOES live on the land.

Tenancy the Crop Lien System
Furnishing Merchant Tenant Farmer Landowner
Loan tools and seed up to 60 interest to tenant farmer to plant spring crop. Farmer also secures food, clothing, andother necessities oncredit from merchant until the harvest. Merchant holds lien mortgage on part of tenants future crops as repayment of debt. Plants crop, harvests in autumn. Turns over up to ½ of crop to land owner as payment of rent. Tenant gives remainder of crop to merchant inpayment of debt. Rents land to tenant in exchange for ¼ to ½ of tenant farmers future crop.
Little Change for African-Americans
  • This photograph shows an African-American family
    in Kentucky living under conditions similar to
    what they probably experienced during slavery.

Black White Political Participation
Establishment of Historically Black Colleges in
the South
Black Senate House Delegates
Colored Rulein the South
Blacks in Southern Politics
  • Core voters were black veterans.
  • Blacks were politically unprepared.
  • Blacks could register and vote in states since
  • The 15th Amendment guaranteedfederal

Blacks in Southern Politics
  • Constitutional Conventions of 1867 1867
  • Held in all former Conf. states (except TN)
  • Boycotted by many white Southerners
  • Blacks were 26 of the
    1,000 total delegates
  • They produced impressive,
    progressive (not radical)
  • Over the next decade,
    1,465 held political offices
    (including 14 in Congress)

The Invisible Empire of the South
The Invisible Empire of the South
  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Confederate veterans group -
    turns terrorist
  • Grows rapidly - What is their goal?
  • 18681871 kill thousands, burn schools,
    churches, homes
  • Forces Republican state govts out of power
  • Major Tool??

  • Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871
  • 1870 Made it illegal for any state to
    discriminate against voters based on race.
  • 1871 Allowed federal government to
    enforce/prosecute violations of the law
  • Grant didnt use his power
  • Supreme Court ruled them UNCONSTITUTIONAL on 1882

Amnesty Act of 1872
  • 1872 Returned the right to vote and hold
    federal public office (which had been revoked
    by the 14th Amendment)
  • 150,000 former Confederates could now vote
  • Southern Dems. Now have the ability to shift the
    political balance of power

Freedmans Bureau
  • 1872 Congress allow the bureau to expire
    (believing it had served its purpose)

The Civil Rights Act of 1875
  • Crime for any individual to deny full equal use
    of public conveyances andpublic places.
  • Prohibited discrimination in jury selection.
  • Shortcoming ? lacked a strong
    enforcement mechanism.
  • No new civil rights act was attemptedfor 90

The Abandonment of Reconstruction
Northern Support Wanes
  • Grantism corruption.
  • Panic of 1873
    a 6-year depression
    18,000 businesses
    3 million lose their jobs
  • Concern over westwardexpansion and Indian wars.
  • Key monetary issues
  • should the government retire 432m worth of
    greenbacks issued during the Civil War.
  • should war bonds be paid back in specie (money
    backed by gold) or greenbacks (not backed)

The Election of 1872
  • Spoilsmen v. reformers
  • Rumors of corruption during Grants first term
    discredit Republicans.
  • Horace Greeley runsas a Democrat/LiberalRepublic
    an candidate.
  • Greeley attacked as afool and a crank.
  • Greeley died on November 29, 1872!

1872 Presidential Election
1876 Presidential Tickets
Regional Balance?
1876 Presidential Election
Electoral votes after first ballot
Tilden (R) 184 Hayes
(D) 165
disputed 20 (FL, LA, SC OR)
The Political Crisis of 1877
  • Corrupt Bargain Part II? (1 was
    election of 1824 Jackson / Adams / 2 others)

A Political Crisis The Compromise of 1877
A Political Crisis The Compromise of 1877
  • Republicans controlled electoral commission
  • Democrats controlled House of Representatives
  • Southern Democrats willing to elect Hayes---
    IF they got something in return
  1. Withdrawal of federal troops form LA SC (states
    still governed by Republicans
  2. Federal money to build a railroad from TX to the
    West Coast to improve rivers, harbors bridges
  3. A conservative Southern MUST be part of Hayes

RESULT Democrats allow Hayes to steal
the election
A Political Crisis The Compromise of 1877
  • Result Southern Democrats achieve their long
    stated goal of HOME RULE ------ the ability to
    run state governments without federal
  • That passed laws that
  • Restricted the rights of Blacks
  • Wiped out social programs
  • Slashed taxes
  • Dismantled public schools
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