Title: Regional Planning Examples
1Regional Planning Examples
- New York State Adirondack Park Agency
- Chesapeake Bay Program
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
- Portland Metros 2040 Plan
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.33, Regional Planning
2Adirondack Park Agency
(Source http//www.dec.state.ny.us/website/do/ca
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.34, Regional Planning
3Chesapeake Bay Program
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.35, Regional Planning
4Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
(Source http//www.wamware.com/tahoe.htm)
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.36, Regional Planning
5Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
(Source http//www.photo.net/ca/sierra)
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.37, Regional Planning
6Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
(Source http//www.tahoeguide.com/tahoe/SITE/top
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.38, Regional Planning
7Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Watersheds Map
(Source http//www.trpa.org/wshed.html)
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.39, Regional Planning
8Portland Metro 2040 Plan
Portland Metro Open Space
(Source www.planning.ci.portland.or.us/
pl_sowa_sum.html )
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.40, Regional Planning
9Portland Metro 2040 Plan
Metro Centers, Districts, and Corridors
(Source www.planning.ci.portland.or.us/
pl_sowa_sum.html )
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.41, Regional Planning
10Portland Metro 2040 Plan
Clackamas A Regional Center
(Source http//www.newneville.com/PropertyPages/
(Source www.city-data.com/ city/Clackamas-Oregon
.html )
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.42 Regional Planning
11Portland Metro 2040 Plan
Portland Metro Composite
(Source http//www.metro-region.org/imageReposit
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.43 Regional Planning
12Regional Planning Examples
- Others
- The Dallas Plan
- Georgia Regional Transportation Authority(Clean
Air Act) - Regional Planning Agency (NYC 1922)
- Metropolitan Council (MinneapolisSt. Paul 1967)
- River Basin Planning
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.44 Regional Planning
13Biodiversity Defined
The variability among living organisms from all
sources, including land based and aquatic
ecosystems, and the ecosystems of which they are
part. These include diversity within species,
between species, and of ecosystems. Diversity is
the key to ensuring the continuance of life on
Earth. It is also a fundamental requirement for
adaptation and survival and continued evolution
of species. - World Bank
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.45 Biodiversity
14Biodiversity Decline
Due to types and intensity of human development
and resource use
- Fewer genetic combinations within populations
- Fewer populations within species
- Fewer species within natural communities
- Fewer communities within landscapes
- Fewer distinct landscapes
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22 46 Biodiversity
15Why is it important?
Preservation of
- Ecosystem functions
- Broad use of natural environments
- Environmental experiences including recreational,
spiritual and educational - Our existence
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.47 Biodiversity
16Planning for Biodiversity
- Developing conservation priorities
- Collecting baseline information
- Assessment of change and disturbances
- Understanding the region and connectivity
- Designing reserves
- Monitoring and adaptive management
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.48 Biodiversity
17Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is development that meets
the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs. - World Commission on the
Environment Development Brundtland
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22 49 Biodiversity
18Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 1 A sustainable community is an
integral part of and is in harmony with the
natural environment.
(Source http//portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php_at_URL_I
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22 50 Sustainable Development
19Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 2 Sustainable development strives to
maintain biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.51Sustainable Development
20Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 3 Natural hazards are a part of the
natural environment disasters happen when a
natural hazard intersects with the built
environment natural hazards cannot be changed,
but the built environment can.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.52 Sustainable Development
21Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 4 A sustainable community is a
steward of the land and natural resources, not a
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.53, Sustainable Development
22Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 5 A sustainable community manages
development and redevelopment to achieve its
(Source http//www.temple.edu/facilities/dcliapi
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.54 Sustainable Development
23Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 6 A sustainable community maintains a
transportation system that effectively and
efficiently meets its needs.
(Source http//www.townofchapelhill.org/transit/
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.55 Sustainable Development
24Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 7 A sustainable community strives to
be waste free.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.56, Sustainable Development
25Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 8 A sustainable community seeks to
eliminate air and water pollution.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.57, Sustainable Development
26Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 9 A sustainable community consumes
only the non-renewable resources absolutely
necessary to meet present needs.
(Source http//www.se.gov.sk.ca/media/Saskatchew
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.58 Sustainable Development
27Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 10 A sustainable community nurtures
community character and sense of place.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22. 59 Sustainable Development
28Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 11 A sustainable community is a place
of beauty both natural built.
(Source http//www.yellowstone-reservations.com/
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22. 60 Sustainable Development
29Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 12 A sustainable community is one in
which individual rights, duties and
responsibilities are respected and honored.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.61, Sustainable Development
30Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 13 A sustainable community is one in
which each person is valued, living and working
in dignity.
(Source http//garrydelong.com/fisherman_john_l.
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22. 62, Sustainable Development
31Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 14 A sustainable community provides
housing opportunities for all its residents.
(Source http//www.zombiezodiac.com/rob/ped/dubl
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22.63 Sustainable Development
32Sustainable Development Principles
Principle 15 A sustainable community is
democratic and empowers its residents to be
engaged in the life of the community.
(Source http//www.groundworknews.org/commun/com
Session 22 Growth Management Coastal Hazards
Management Course
Slide 22. 64, Sustainable Development