Title: Urban and Regional Planning
1Urban and Regional Planning
6 Good Reasons to care about what happens here
NRM Boards
Simon Sherriff Principal Project Officer (Local
Government) B.Eng.Hons. (Civil and Environmental)
2Devils advocate
- Im a Local Government Planner with too much on
my plate already. - My core business is to ensure that within my
council area, development occurs according to our
Development Plan, and according to the process
enshrined by the Development Act. - Why should I go out of my way to develop a
relationship with my Regional Natural Resources
Management (NRM) Board?
36 Good Reasons
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- Its the Law
- Access to Cash
- Access to Technical Support
- Its your NRM Plan too
- NRM Facilitation within a Living Bureaucracy
- Planning Process Support in NRM
4Reason 1 Its the Law
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- Natural Resources Management Act 2004
- Section 29(1) Coherant NRM Policy Framework
- S 75(9) a council must have regard to any
regional NRM Plan - Development Plans
- Lindner Whetstone v Regional Council of Goyder
ORS(2006, ERD Court) - Development Regulations 1993
- Schedule 8, Sections 12, 16 (State-wide)
- Schedule 8, Sections 19, 20, 21 (River Murray
only) - Referral to NRM Boards usually via DWLBC
5Reason 2 Access to Cash
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- NRM Boards can support projects that align with
NRM Plan - Depends on level of NRM outcomes achieved and
annual funding pool - Funding usually competitive to promote innovation
- Not just on-ground works
- Developer Guidance Fact Sheets
- Internal process action plans
- Master Plans
- DPAs
6Reason 3 Access to Technical Support
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- Training courses
- Capacity building
- Specialist advice
- Educational resources
- Fact Sheets
- Web-based
7Reason 4 Its your NRM Plan too
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- An NRM Plan must be prepared for the Region - not
just one organisation - NRM must have a consistent policy framework
across Region - SA MDB NRM Board Consultancy (according to S
75(3)(f), NRM Act 2004) - ID discord between
- Best practice NRM objectives and principles and
- The 15 Strategic Plans and Development Plans for
the Region - Recommend strategies to advance practical change
to achieve the NRM Plans objectives through the
planning system, eg - Capacity Building / Technical Support / Funding
Support - Opportunistic / Targeted DPAs
- Ministerial DPAs
- Consult with key Stakeholders in the Region to
seek broad acceptance of strategy
8Reason 5 NRM Facilitation within a Living
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
LG NRM-related Issue
SA Water
Planning SA
NRM Board
Fed Govt
T.B.L. Resolution
9Reason 6 Planning Process Support in NRM
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- NRM Boards can help informally at all stages of
the planning process - Pre-application advice
- NRM technical assistance to Planners at
assessment stage, eg - SEDMPs
- LMAs
- Pest plant and animal control
- Biodiversity conservation and offsets
- Water Quality and Use Management (stormwater,
wastewater, etc) - Assistance with compliance options for issues
with impact on Natural Resources - NRM Boards are also involved formally via DWLBC
106 Good Reasons
Why should I develop a relationship with my NRM
- Its the Law
- Access to Cash
- Access to Technical Support
- Its your NRM Plan too
- NRM Facilitation within a Living Bureaucracy
- Planning Process Support in NRM
11Who is my NRM Board? www.nrm.sa.gov.au
12Optional Slides Dependent on Questions
13Lindner Whetstone v Regional Council of Goyder
ORS (No 2)
- 2006 SAERDC 67
- http//www.courts.sa.gov.au/courts/environment/ind
ex.html - example of the enforcement of NRM-related clauses
of a Development Plan - Local example of the application of the
Precautionary Principle to a Development
Application. - Precautionary Principle Taking action now to
avoid possible environmental damage when the
scientific evidence for acting is inconclusive
but the potential damage could be great.(Source
/1115310689486.html )
14NRM Act 2004 Functions of Boards
- S 29(1) (ea)
- to undertake an active role in ensuring
- (i) That any devp plan under the Devp Act that
applies within its region promotes the objects of
this Act (NRM Act) - (ii) That those Devp Plans and the board's
regional NRM Plan form a coherent set of policies - And, (iii iv -paraphrased)
- when a Devp Plan Amendment that is relevant to
the activities of the NRM Board, is under
consideration that the Board work with the
Council, or the Minister, that is undertaking the
15NRM Act 2004 - Regional NRM Plans
- Section 75(3)(f)
- identify any policies reflected in a Development
Plan under the Development Act 1993 that applies
within its region that should, in the opinion of
the board, be reviewed under that Act in order to
promote the objects of this Act or to improve the
relationship between the policies in the
Development Plan and the policies reflected in
the board's plan
16NRM Act 2004 Regional NRM Plans
- S 75(9)
- A council or council subsidiary must, when
performing functions or exercising powers under
the Local Government Act 1999 or any other Act,
have regard to any regional NRM plan that applies
within the relevant area and in particular must
give consideration to the question whether it
should implement changes to the manner in which,
or the means by which, it performs a function or
exercises a power or undertakes any other
activity that has been identified in the plan as
requiring change.