Title: Confirmation Parent Night
1ConfirmationParent Night
2Prayer for parents
3- Most loving Father, the example of parenthood,
teaches us what to give and what to withhold.
Show us when to reprove and when to praise. Make
us gentle and considerate yet firm and
watchful.Keep us from weak indulgence or from
great severity. Give us the courage to be
disliked sometimes by our children, when we must
do necessary things which are displeasing to
their eyes. Give us the imagination to enter
into their world in order to understand and guide
them. Give us all the virtues we need to lead
them by word and example in the path of
4- Heavenly Creator of the universe, we thank You
for the children that You have entrusted to us. - We want to cooperate with You fully in helping
themgrow into free and responsible persons and
mature in the faith received at Baptism.Grant
us the grace to be able to guide them in the
practice of virtue andthe way of your
commandments-by the good example of our lives,
and by the loving observance of your teachings
and that of your Church.Most of all, however,
guide them with your Spirit so that they may know
thevocation You want for them and be open to
genuine self-giving and true Christian love.
5Preparation for Sacraments
- Family Focused, Parish Based and School
supported Model of Preparation and Celebration of
6Working as A Community
- All sharing the vision of how the sacraments
will be celebrated within the parish community. -
7Faith formation and Religious Education distinct
and complementary.
- Developing Faith needs the collaboration of the
Family and Parish. - Religious education, whether it takes place in a
school or parish setting, functions as a support
to the sacramental life of the Church. - Sacraments flow from the life of the Church.
8The family is the most influential community for
sharing faith.
- Religious awakening in children
- sense of closeness of God Jesus
- attitudes of love respect for God
- awareness of self as
- a child of God
- a brother or sister of Jesus
- a temple of the Holy Spirit
- a member of the Catholic Church
- the practice of prayer
- participation in worship especially the
Eucharist - reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Penance,
Confirmation and Eucharist.
9Christian Moral development of children
- the exercise of moral conscience
- Christian love
- Gospel attitudes, especially
- valuing the human person before all other human
values - simplicity in a materialistic world
- a sense of true justice
- respect for every individual
- genuine love for the poor and
- needy
- community and sharing
- social responsibility
- hospitality
- sexual morality
10Presenting the truths of Christian teaching
- explaining the religious content of family events
- death
- birth of child
- Christian feasts
- reception of the sacraments
- introducing the Bible
- reinforcing parish faith formation
- reinforcing systematic religious education.
11- Preparation for Confirmation...
should aim at leading the young Christian towards
a more intimate union with Christ. The sacrament
itself strengthens and confirms what happens in
baptism completing the grace of baptism - and
it further initiates the individual journey of
faith empowering the young people to go and
proclaim the good news.
12Baptismal promises
- The six questions of the baptismal promises.
- Celebrant Do you reject Satan?
- Response I do.
- Celebrant And all his works?
- Response I do.
- Celebrant And all his empty promises?
- Response I do.
- Celebrant Do you believe in God, the Father
almighty, Creator of heaven and earth? - Response I do.
13- Celebrant Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His
only Son, our Lord, Who was born of the Virgin
Mary, was crucified, died, and was buried, rose
from the dead, and is now seated at the right
hand of the Father? - Response I do.
- Celebrant Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the
holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
body, and life everlasting? - Response I do.
14What is required for Confirmation
- The Church requires that those being Confirmed
be suitably instructed, properly disposed, and
able to renew their baptismal promises. - (Canon 889.2)
- Grace to become an active agent for Christ
- Not a passive recipient of Gods gifts
- Strengthens the gifts of Faith, Hope Charity
- Gives the seven gifts of
- wisdom and understanding,
- right judgment and courage,
- knowledge and reverence,
- wonder and awe .
16Christian service
- Christian service is an essential aspect of the
way of life of a committed Christian person. - The gifts given in Confirmation provide the
necessary strength and support to engage in this
difficult work of building the Kingdom of God now
and throughout our Christian lives.
- For Parents
- For sponsors
- Any questions?
- Confirmation Parent Night 2
- Thursday 13 June
- Confirmation Retreat Rehearsal Day Saturday 22
June - (1.00-4.30pm)
- Sacrament of Confirmation Saturday 29 and
Sunday 30 June