Title: Bio 226: Cell and Molecular Biology
1- Plan C
- Pick a problem
- Pick some plants to study
- Design some experiments
- See where they lead us
2- Biofuels
- What would make a good biofuel?
- How and where to grow it?
- Can we get plants to make diesel, H2 (g) or
electricity? - Climate/CO2 change
- How will plants be affected?
- Can we use plants to help alleviate it?
- Stress responses/stress avoidance
- Structural
- Biochemical (including C3 vs C4 vs CAM)
- Other (dormancy, carnivory, etc)
- Plant products
- Improving food production
- Phytoremediation
- Plant signaling (including neurobiology)
- Something else?
3 Endomembrane system Organelles derived from the
ER 1) ER 2) Golgi 3) Vacuoles 4)
Plasma Membrane 5) Nuclear Envelope 6)
Endosomes 7) Oleosomes
4GOLGI COMPLEX Individual, flattened stacks of
membranes made from ER Fn post office collect
ER products, process deliver them Altered in
each stack Makes most cell wall
carbohydrates! Proteins address is built in
5VACUOLES Derived from Golgi Fns 1)digestion a)
Organelles b) food particles
6VACUOLES Derived from Golgi Fns 1)digestion a)
Organelles b) food particles 2) storage
7VACUOLES Derived from Golgi Fns 1) digestion a)
Organelles b) food particles 2) storage 3)
turgor push plasma membrane against cell wall
8VACUOLES Vacuoles are subdivided lytic vacuoles
are distinct from storage vacuoles!
9 Endomembrane system Organelles derived from the
ER 1) ER 2) Golgi 3) Vacuoles 4)
Plasma Membrane Regulates transport in/out of
10 Endomembrane system Organelles derived from the
ER 1) ER 2) Golgi 3) Vacuoles 4)
Plasma Membrane Regulates transport in/out of
cell Lipids form barrier Proteins
transport objects info
11Endomembrane System 5) Nuclear envelope
regulates transport in/out of nucleus Continuous
with ER
12Endomembrane System 5) Nuclear enveloperegulates
transport in/out of nucleus Continuous with
ER Transport is only through nuclear pores
13Endomembrane System 5) Nuclear enveloperegulates
transport in/out of nucleus Continuous with
ER Transport is only through nuclear pores Need
correct signal receptor for import
14Endomembrane System 5) Nuclear envelope
regulates transport in/out of nucleus Continuous
with ER Transport is only through nuclear
pores Need correct signal receptor for import
new one for export
15Endomembrane System Endosomes vesicles derived
from Golgi or Plasma membrane Fn sorting
materials recycling receptors
16Endomembrane System Oleosomes oil storage bodies
derived from SER Surrounded by lipid monolayer!
17- Endomembrane System
- Oleosomes oil storage bodies derived from SER
- Surrounded by lipid monolayer!
- filled with lipids no internal hydrophobic
18- endosymbionts
- derived by division of preexisting organelles
- no vesicle transport
- Proteins lipids are not glycosylated
19- endosymbionts
- derived by division of preexisting organelles
- little exchange of membranes with other
organelles - 1) Peroxisomes (microbodies)
20Peroxisomes (microbodies) 1 membrane
21Peroxisomes (microbodies) found in (nearly) all
eukaryotes 1 membrane Fn 1) destroy H2O2, other
O2-related poisons
22- Peroxisomes
- Fn
- destroy H2O2, other O2-related poisons
- change fat to CH2O (glyoxysomes)
23- Peroxisomes
- Fns
- destroy H2O2, other
- O2-related poisons
- change fat to CH2O
- (glyoxysomes)
- Detoxify recycle
- photorespiration products
24- Peroxisomes
- Fn
- destroy H2O2, other O2-related poisons
- change fat to CH2O (glyoxysomes)
- Detoxify recycle photorespiration products
- Destroy EtOH (made in anaerobic roots)
25Peroxisomes ER can make peroxisomes under special
circumstances! e.g. peroxisome-less mutants can
restore peroxisomes when the wild-type gene is
26endosymbionts 1) Peroxisomes (microbodies) 2)
27Mitochondria Bounded by 2 membranes
28Mitochondria 2 membranes Smooth OM
29Mitochondria 2 membranes Smooth OM IM folds into
30Mitochondria -gt 4 compartments 1) OM 2)
intermembrane space 3) IM 4) matrix
31Mitochondria matrix contains DNA, RNA and
32Mitochondria matrix contains DNA, RNA and
ribosomes Genomes vary from 100,000 to 2,500,000
bp, but only 40-43 genes
33Mitochondria matrix contains DNA, RNA and
ribosomes Genomes vary from 100,000 to 2,500,000
bp, but only 40-43 genes Reproduce by fission
34Mitochondria matrix contains DNA, RNA and
ribosomes Genomes vary from 100,000 to 2,500,000
bp, but only 40-43 genes Reproduce by fission IM
is 25 cardiolipin, a bacterial phospholipid
35Mitochondria Genomes vary from 100,000 to
2,500,000 bp, but only 40-43 genes Reproduce by
fission IM is 25 cardiolipin, a bacterial
phospholipid Genes most related to Rhodobacteria
36Mitochondria Fn cellular respiration -gt
oxidizing food supplying energy to cell Also
make many important biochemicals
37Mitochondria Fn cellular respiration -gt
oxidizing food supplying energy to cell Also
make important biochemicals help recycle PR
38- endosymbionts
- Peroxisomes
- Mitochondria
- 3) Plastids
39Plastids Chloroplasts do photosynthesis Amyloplast
s store starch Chromoplasts store
pigments Leucoplasts are found in roots
40 Chloroplasts Bounded by 2 membranes 1) outer
envelope 2) inner envelope
41- Chloroplasts
- Interior stroma
- Contains thylakoids
- membranes where light
- rxns of photosynthesis occur
- mainly galactolipids
42- Chloroplasts
- Interior stroma
- Contains thylakoids
- membranes where light rxns of photosynthesis
occur - mainly galactolipids
- Contain DNA, RNA, ribosomes
43Chloroplasts Contain DNA, RNA, ribosomes 120,000-1
60,000 bp, 100 genes
44Chloroplasts Contain DNA, RNA, ribosomes 120,000-1
60,000 bp, 100 genes Closest relatives
45Chloroplasts Contain DNA, RNA, ribosomes 120,000-1
60,000 bp, 100 genes Closest relatives
cyanobacteria Divide by fission
46Chloroplasts Contain DNA, RNA, ribosomes 120,000-1
60,000 bp, 100 genes Closest relatives
cyanobacteria Divide by fission Fns
47Chloroplasts Fns Photosynthesis starch
synth Photoassimilation of N S
48Chloroplasts Fns Photosynthesis starch
synth Photoassimilation of N S Fatty acid
some lipid synth
49Chloroplasts Fns Photosynthesis starch
synth Photoassimilation of N S Fatty acid
some lipid synth Synth of ABA, GA, many other
50Chloroplasts Mitochondria Contain eubacterial
DNA, RNA, ribosomes Inner membranes have
bacterial lipids Divide by fission Provide best
support for endosymbiosis
51Endosymbiosis theory (Margulis) Archaebacteria
ate eubacteria converted them to symbionts
52Endosymbiosis theory (Margulis) Archaebacteria
ate eubacteria converted them to symbionts
53Endosymbiosis theory (Margulis) Archaebacteria
ate eubacteria converted them to symbionts
54cytoskeleton network of proteins which give
cells their shape also responsible for shape of
plant cells because guide cell wall
formation left intact by detergents that extract
rest of cell
55Cytoskeleton Actin fibers (microfilaments) 7 nm
diameter Form 2 chains of polar actin subunits
arranged in a double helix
56- Actin fibers
- polar subunits arranged in a double helix
- Add to end
- Fall off - end
- Fn movement
57Actin fibers Very conserved in evolution Fn
motility Often with myosin
58Actin fibers Very conserved in evolution Fn
motility Often with myosin responsible for
cytoplasmic streaming
59Actin fibers Very conserved in evolution Fn
motility Often with myosin responsible for
cytoplasmic streaming, Pollen tube growth
movement through plasmodesmata
60Actin fibers Often with myosin responsible for
cytoplasmic streaming, Pollen tube growth
movement through plasmodesmata
61Intermediate filaments Protein fibers 8-12 nm dia
(between MFs MTs) form similar looking
filaments Conserved central, rod-shaped ?-helical
62Intermediate filaments 2 monomers form dimers
with parallel subunits Dimers form
tetramers aligned in opposite orientations
63Intermediate filaments 2 monomers form dimers
with parallel subunits Dimers form
tetramers Tetramers form IF
64Intermediate filaments 2 monomers form dimers
with parallel subunits Dimers form
tetramers Tetramers form IF Plants have
several Fn unclear
65Microtubules Hollow, cylindrical found in most
eukaryotes outer diameter - 24 nm wall thickness
- 5 nm Made of 13 longitudinal rows of
66Microtubules Made of a???b tubulin subunits
polymerize to form protofilaments (PF) PF form
sheets Sheets form microtubules
67Microtubules Protofilaments are polar ?-tubulin
_at_ - end ?-tubulin _at_ end all in single MT have
same polarity
68Microtubules In constant flux polymerizing
depolymerizing Add to ? () Fall off ? (-)
69Microtubules Control growth by controlling rates
of assembly disassembly because these are
distinct processes can be controlled
independently! Colchicine makes MTs
disassemble Taxol prevents disassembly
70Microtubules Control growth by controlling rates
of assembly disassembly Are constantly
rearranging inside plant cells!
71- Microtubules
- Control growth by controlling rates of assembly
disassembly - Are constantly rearranging inside plant cells!
- during mitosis cytokinesis
72- Microtubules
- Control growth by controlling rates of assembly
disassembly - Are constantly rearranging inside plant cells!
- during mitosis cytokinesis
- Guide formation of cell plate of walls in
73µT Assembly µTs always emerge from
Microtubule-Organizing Centers (MTOC)
74µT Assembly µTs always emerge from
Microtubule-Organizing Centers (MTOC) patches of
material at outer nuclear envelope
75- Microtubules
- MAPs (Microtubule Associated Proteins) may
- stabilize ?tubules
- alter rates of
- assembly/disassembly
- crosslink adjacent
- ?tubules
- link cargo
762 classes of molecular motors 1) Kinesins move
cargo to µT plus end 2) Dyneins move cargo to
minus end Walk hand-over-hand towards chosen
77- µT functions
- Give cells shape by guiding cellulose synth
78- µT functions
- Give cells shape by guiding cellulose synth
- Anchor organelles
79- µT functions
- Give cells shape by guiding cellulose synth
- Anchor organelles
- Intracellular motility