Title: Antibody and Vaccine production in Plants
1Antibody and Vaccine production in Plants
- Plant biopharming of monoclonal antibodies
- Virus Research 111 (2005) 93100
- Kisung Ko, Hilary Koprowski
- Plant-produced vaccines promise and reality
- Edward P Rybicki
- Magic bullets
- Therapeutic inhibit target involved in disease
progression - Diagnostic
- Prevention of disease
- Cause cytotoxic death of target cells
- Act as carriers for radioisotopes, toxins and
drugs to site of disease
4Anti-rabies virus mAb
- After exposure treated with Ab
- Used to be made in horses
- First mAb made in transgenic plants
- 4 genes 2 H, 2 L
- Transgenic plant for each one and crossing plants
- Later used single binary vector with two
5Full-size monoclonal antibodies recently
produced in transgenic plants
6Abs expressed in transgenic plants
Constant domains
Variable Light chain
Variable Heavy chain
Recombinant hinge region
7Functional Abs
- Need to be properly folded and assembled
- Need disulfide bond formation and glycosylation
- Down stream processing
- Purification of Ab mostly with Protein A or G
- Glycosylation is different in plants
- ß 1,2 Xylose and a 1,3 fucose
- Retain in ER, only mannose is attached
- Shorter half-life of Ab
8Glycosylation of Ab
Full-size Ab Large single-chain Ab Camelid
heavy-chain Ab
Minibodies and Fab fragments dont get
9Glycosylation in Golgi
10Antibodies a compelling success story
- high specificity in vitro and in vivo
diagnostics - low toxicity therapeutic applications
- high drug approval rates (24 approved mAbs)
- major products in biotechnology (240 in clinical
trials) - inherently stable human proteins
- injectable, topical and oral applications
- applicable for chronic conditions
- potential long-lasting benefits
11Production Costs for Antibodies
Production costs
cost in /
transgenic animals
transgenic plants
Source Daniell et al. (2001) TIPS 6, 219-226
E. coli yeast
Tr. animals andanimal cells
12Comparison of Mammalian and Plant-produced
- peptide sequence identical
- correct cleavage of Ig-derived signal peptides
- kinetics affinity identical
- stability in seeds gt 30 months
- antibody types plant system more versatile
(sIgA) - post-translational processing different
- core glycan identical, terminal sugar different
plus xylose fucose - antigenicity clearance apparently identical
(shorter half-life)
- Hepatitis B virus surface antigen HBsAg
- Norwalk virus capsid
- Vibrio cholerae enterotoxin subunit
- Animal vaccines
- Mink enteritis virus - MEV
- Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus - RHDV
- Foot and mouth disease virus - FMDV
14Oral vaccines
- First thought edible vaccines good idea
- Banana a day
- Oral vaccination
- Might elicit antigenic tolerance
- ProdiGene - Got contamination of maize and
soybean harvest in 2002 with transmissible
gastroenteritis virus TGEV
15Past and Future of PMPs
16Plant produced Vaccines
- HPV L1 forms VLPs can protect
- Measles virus haemagglutinin
- HBsAg
- Porcine TGEV
- Tetanus toxin
- Vacinia virus B5
- Allergy vaccines
- HIV gp41
- Newcastle disease virus
- Rotavirus VP7
17Cancer Vaccines
- LSBC - Large Scale Biology Crop
- Individually tailored single chain variable
region Ab fragments from patients with
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas - Colorectal cancer antigen
- Cervical Cancer HPV E7
18Vaccines against biothreat agents
- Biodefence
- Anthrax
- Plague
- Ricin
- Haemorrhagic fever
19PMP Development - Highlights
- Series of plant-derived vaccines from Arizona
State University have completed clinical trials - Prodigene has trialled two plant-derived vaccines
- LSBC pipeline of cancer vaccines prior to
insolvency - Guardian Bioscience coccidiosis vaccine, CFIA
phase II ongoing - Fraunhofer CMB, rabies vaccine trialled in humans
- DowAgro Newcastle disease vaccine, approved Feb
2006 - Heberbiovac (Cuba) approved antibody for HepB
vaccine purification
20Current Challenges in Molecular Farming
- yield of recombinant proteins
- real quantitative comparison (TSP vs
pg/cell/24h) - protein stability (proteases)
- post-translational modification(s)
- backcrossing in elite lines
- extraction and downstream processing
- QA, QC and substantial equivalence
- clinical trials regulatory approval
21Regulatory Challenges for PMP
- loci of transgene insertion
- expression properties and levels, including PTM
- effects of the transgene on the expression of
flanking endogenous genes - master line banking to ensure product consistency
- contamination with animal excreta, pesticides,
organic fertiliser - procedures for detection and removal of weeds and
pests - cultivation variables
22Roadmap Plants for the Future
Plant production platforms
- Vitamines
- Fatty acids
- Enzymes
- Bio-polymers
- Pigments
- Pharmaceutical products
- Fibers
Health food and quality
Plant protection
Efficient agriculture
Stress resistance
- Viruses
- Nematodes
- Fungi
- Insects
- Cold
- Drought
- Salinization
- Bt technology
- Herbicide resistance