States of Matter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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States of Matter


Chapter 13 States of Matter – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: States of Matter

Chapter 13
  • States of Matter

13.1 Gases
  • The Kinetic-Molecular Theory
  • Describes the behavior of gases in terms of
    particles in motion
  • Size Motion Energy

Gas Behavior
Particle Size
  • Particle size is small relative to the space that
    surrounds them
  • The distance between particles is so large that
    no attractive or repulsive forces exist between
    gas particles

Particle Motion
  • Gas particles are in constant, random motion
  • Particles move in a straight line until they
    collide with another particle or the walls of a
  • Gas particle collisions are elastic. Although
    particles in collision can transfer kinetic to
    eachother, the total kinetic energy of the
    colliding particles remains constant.

Particle Energy
  • All particles in a gas have the same mass, but
    not the same kinetic energy.
  • Temperature is the measure of the average kinetic
    energy of particles in a sample of matter

Explaining the Behavior of Gases
  • Low Density
  • Particle size is small relative to the space
    that surrounds them As compared to liquids or
    solids, gases have much smaller densities due to
    the fact that fewer particles occupy the same
  • Compression and Expansion
  • Particle size is small relative to the space that
    surrounds them
  • The large amount of space surrounding the
    particles allows particles the room to move
    closer together as they are compressed

Diffusion and Effusion
  • Gas particles are in constant, random motion
  • Gas particles tend to move from a high area of
    concentration to a low area of concentration.
    The rate at which they diffuse is dependent on
    their mass.

Grahams Law of Effusion
Gas escaping through a small hole
Comparison of the diffusion rates of two gases
Practice Problem
  • What is the ratio of effusion rates for Nitrogen
    (N2) and Neon (Ne)?

By Jordan Gaffin, Sam Bear, and Keith Zubrow
What is Pressure?
  • Pressure is defined as force applied per unit
    area. We measure air and atmospheric pressure
    with a barometer.

Measuring Air Pressure
  • Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli was the
    first to demonstrate that air exerted pressure.
  • He invented a device called the barometer that
    assisted him in measuring pressure.

Gas Pressure
  • A manometer is an instrument used to measure gas
    pressure in a closed container.
  • It is a flask that is connected to a U-tube that
    contains mercury.

Units Of Pressure
Unit Compared with 1 atm Compared with 1 kPa
Kilopascal (kPa) 1 atm 101.3 kPa
Millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) 1 atm 760 mm Hg I kPa 7.501 mm Hg
Torr 1 atm 760 torr 1 kPa 7.501 torr
Pound per square inch (psi or lb/in) 1 atm 14.7 psi 1 kPa .145 psi
Atmosphere (atm) I kPa .009869 atm
Units of Pressure
  • The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa).
  • 1 pascal the force of 1 Newton per square
  • The pressures measured by barometers and
    manometers can be reported in millimeters of
    mercury (mm Hg).
  • There is also a unit called the torr which is
    equal to 1mm Hg.
  • Often air pressure is reported in a unit called
    atmosphere (atm).
  • 1 atm 760mm Hg

  • To convert the different measures of pressure, we
    use factor label.
  • Use the given measurements
  • 1 atm 101.3 kPa 14.7 psi 760 torr

Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
  • This law states that the total pressure of a
    mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the
    pressures of all the gases in the mixture.
  • Daltons law of partial pressures can be
    summarized as
  • Ptotal P1P2P3... Pn

The Ps in Daltons Theory
  • Ptotal is the total pressure of a mixture of gas.
  • All the other Ps (P1, P2, P3, Pn) are the
    partial pressures of each gas in the mixture.

  • A mixture of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrogen
    has a total pressure of .97 atm. What is the
    partial pressure of O2 if the partial pressure of
    CO2 is .70 and the partial pressure of N2 is .12?
  • P.97atm P N2 .12 atm P CO2 .7atm P O2 x
  • P O2 .97 atm - .70 atm - .12 atm
  • P O2 .15 atm

  • _________ is a tool used to measure air and
    atmospheric pressure.
  • TRUE OR FALSE Daltons theory of partial
    pressures states that the total pressure of a
    mixture is equal to the pressure of oxygen.
  • Define pressure.

  • If you have 4 atm, how many mm Hg do you have?

  • A mixture of chlorine, sodium, oxygen and
    hydrogen has a total pressure of 9.346. What is
    the partial pressure of sodium if the partial
    pressure of chlorine is 3.2, the partial pressure
    of oxygen is 2.146 and the partial pressure of
    hydrogen is equal to the partial pressure of

  • If hydrogen and oxygen has a total pressure of
    5.5 and the partial pressure of hydrogen is 2.6,
    what is the partial pressure of oxygen?

13.2 Forces of Attraction
  • Nelson gilad JACK matt

Dipole-dipole Forces
  • Dipole-dipole forces are attractions between
    oppositely charged regions of polar molecules.
  • Dipole-Dipole Forces
  • A dipole-dipole force exists between neutral
    polar molecules
  • Polar molecules attract one another when the
    partial positive charge on one molecule is near
    the partial negative charge on the other molecule
  • The polar molecules must be in close proximity
    for the dipole-dipole forces to be significant
  • Dipole-dipole forces are characteristically
    weaker than ion-dipole forces
  • Dipole-dipole forces increase with an increase in
    the polarity of the molecule
  • They are much weaker than ionic or covalent bonds
    and have a significant effect only when the
    molecules involved are close together (touching
    or almost touching).
  • This is an Intermolecular Attraction.

Intramolecular Forces
  • An intramolecular force is any force that holds
    together the atoms making up a molecule or
  • The attractive forces that hold particles
    together in ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds
    are intramolecular forces.
  • The prefix intra means within.
  • The forces of attraction that exist between bonds
    within a molecule.

Intermolecular Forces
  • All intermolecular forces are weaker than
    intramolecular, or bonding, forces.
  • Intermolecular forces can hold together identical
    particles such as water molecules in a drop of
    water, or two different types of particles such
    as carbon atoms in graphite and cellulose
    particles in paper.
  • In all, intermolecular forces are more specific.

Dispersion Forces
  • Dispersion forces are weak forces that result
    from temprary shifts in the density of electrons
    in the electron clouds.
  • . The London dispersion force is the weakest
    intermolecular force. The London dispersion force
    is a temporary attractive force that results when
    the electrons in two adjacent atoms occupy
    positions that make the atoms form temporary
    dipoles. This force is sometimes called an
    induced dipole-induced dipole attraction.
  • Dispersion forces are the attractive forces that
    cause nonpolar substances to condense to liquids
    and to freeze into solids when the temperature is
    lowered sufficiently.
  • This is an Intermolecular force of attraction

Hydrogen Bonds
  • A hydrogen bond is a special type of
    dipole-dipole attraction.
  • A hydrogen bond is a dipole-dipole attraction
    that occurs between molecules containing a
    hydrogen atom bonded to a small highly
    electro-negative atom with at least 1 lone
    electron pair.
  • For a hydrogen bond to form it must be bonded to
    either a fluorine-oxygen or nitrogen atom
  • Hydrogen bonds explain why water is a liquid at
    room temperature while compounds at comparable
    mass are gases.
  • This is an Intermolecular force of attraction.

  • http//

Density and Compression
  • Liquids become much denser than gases at 25C and
    one atmosphere of air pressure
  • The density of a liquid is much greater than that
    of its vapor at the same conditions
  • Ex. Liquid water is about 1250 times denser than
    water vapor at 25C and one atmosphere of air
  • At similar temperatures, gas and liquid particles
    have the same average kinetic energy
  • Liquids can be compressed like gasses
  • The change in volume for liquids is much smaller
    because liquid particles are already tightly
    packed together
  • A great amount of pressure is needed to reduce
    the volume of a liquid by even a few percent

  • Def. The ability to flow
  • Gases and liquids are classified as fluids
    because they can flow
  • Liquids can diffuse through other liquids (i.e.
    food coloring)
  • Liquids diffuse more slowly than a gas at the
    same temperature due to intermolecular
    attractions interfering with the liquids flow
  • Therefore liquids are less fluid than gases

Slow As Molasses Viscosity
  • Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a
    liquid to flow
  • Determined by the type of intermolecular forces
    involved, the particles shapes, and the
  • Particles in a liquid are so close together that
    their movement is slowed by attractive forces as
    they flow past each other
  • The stronger the attractive forces, the higher
    the viscosity

Viscosity and temperature
  • Viscosity decreases with temperature
  • Ex. Cooking oil in a frying pan doesnt spread
    across the bottom of the pan until the oil is
  • With the temperature increase, there is also an
    increase in the average kinetic energy of the oil
  • Adding energy makes it easier for the molecules
    to overcome the intermolecular forces that stop
    the molecules from flowing

Surface Tension
  • Intermolecular forces dont have an equal effect
    on all particles in a liquid
  • Particles in the middle of a liquid can be
    attracted to those above, below, and beside them
  • Particles in a liquids surface have no
    attractions above them to balance the attractions
  • There is a net attractive force pulling down on
    all particles at the surface
  • Surface tension is the energy needed to increase
    the surface area of a liquid by a given amount

Surface Tension Continued
  • Surface tension is a measure of the inward pull
    by particles in the interior
  • Surface area increases by having particles moving
    to the surface of a liquid from the interior
  • Energy is needed to overcome the attractions
    holding the particles in the surface
  • Generally, the stronger the attractions between
    particles, the greater the surface tension
  • Ex. Water has a high surface tension because its
    molecules can form multiple hydrogen bonds
  • Drops of water are spherical because a spheres
    surface area is smaller than that of any other
    shape of similar volume
  • Compounds that lower surface tension of water are
    surface active agents or surfactants

Capillary Action
  • When water is placed in a narrow container
    (graduated cylinder), it can be observed that the
    surface of the water is not straight and forms a
    concave meniscus, and the surface dips in the
  • Cohesion describes the force of attraction
    between identical molecules
  • Adhesion describes the force of attraction
    between molecules that are different
  • Adhesive forces between water molecules and the
    silicon dioxide are greater than the cohesive
    forces between water molecules, the water rises
    along the inner walls of the tube
  • Narrow tubes are called capillary tubes and water
    molecules are drawn upward
  • This movement of water is capillary action or

Section 13.3 SOLIDS!!
  • By Mike, Maddie, Leah, Harley, and Becca

Some basic info
  • What is a solid?
  • A form of matter that has its own definite shape
    and volume, is incompressible, and expands
    slightly when heated.
  • There must be strong attractive forces acting
    between particles in a solid
  • There is more order in a solid than in a liquid
  • All of the particles are very tightly packed

Density of Solids
  • Because solids have particles packed very close
    together, naturally they are going to be more
  • When solids and liquids coexist, the solid will
    almost always sink to the bottomWHY?
  • Because it is more dense!!
  • Because particles in a solid are closely packed,
    ordinary amounts of pressure will not change the
    volume of a solid
  • The only rule breaker is water
  • The water molecules in ice are not as closely
    packed together as compared to water
  • This is the reason why ice cubes and icebergs
    float on water!!

Crystalline Solids
  • While ice is the only rule breaker it is still
    very typical because it is packed together in the
    most obvious way.
  • A CRYSTALLINE SOLID is a solid whose atoms, ions,
    or molecules are arranged in an orderly,
    geometric, three dimensional, structure.
  • can anyone think of any examples?
  • The individual pieces of this structure a called
  • A CRYSTAL LATTICE is the location of atoms in an
    ionic solid represented by points on framework
  • A UNIT CELL is the smallest arrangement of
    connected points that can be represented in three
    directions to form the lattice.
  • The relationship between a unit cell and a
    crystal lattice is like that of a formula until
    to an ionic compound.
  • The shape of a crystalline solid is determined by
    the types of until cell from which the lattice is

Crystals are Classified into Seven Categories
based on their Shapes
  • A, b, c edges a, ß, ? angles
  • Cubic abc, aß?90
  • Tetragonal ab?c, aß?90
  • Orthorhombic a?b?c, aß?90
  • Triclinic a ?b?c, a?ß???90
  • Hexagonal ab?c, aß 90, ?120
  • Rhombohedral abc, aß??90
  • Monoclinic a?b?c, and a?90 ?ß

Types of Crystalline Solids
Atomic Atoms Soft, low melting points, poor conductivity Group 8A elements
Molecular Molecules Fairly soft, low to moderately high melting points, poor conductivity Sugar
Covalent Network Atoms connected by covalent bonds Very hard, very high melting points, poor conductivity Diamond and quartz
Ionic Ions Hard, brittle, high melting points, poor conductivity, NaCl, KBr, CaCO3
Metallic Atoms surrounded my mobile valence electrons Soft to hard, low to very high melting points, malleable and ductile excellent conductivity. All metallic elements
Types of Solids
  • Molecular
  • Molecules are held together by dispersion forces,
    dipole-dipole forces, or hydrogen bonds.
  • Most are not solid at room temperature.
  • With larger molecules, many weak attractions can
    combine to hold the molecules tight.
  • Covalent Network
  • Atoms such as carbon and silicon, which can form
    multiple covalent bonds, are able to form
    covalent network solids.
  • Ionic
  • The type of ions and the ratio of ions determine
    the structure of the lattice and the shape of the
  • The network attractions that extends throughout
    an ionic crystal gives these compounds their high
    melting points and hardness.
  • These crystals are strong but brittle.
  • Metallic
  • The strength of the metallic bonds between
    cations and electrons varies among metals and
    accounts for their wide range of physical
  • Amorphous
  • Amorphous Solids are solids in which th particles
    are not arranged in a regular, repeating

Phase Changes
Endothermic Changes
  • Produced by a chemical change in which there is
    an absorption of heat

Melting/Melting Point
  • Melting-The process that results in a
    phase change from solid to
  • liquid.
  • Melting Point-The Temperature range that it
    changes from a solid to a
  • liquid.
  • Ice Melting

Vaporization vs. Evaporation
  • Evaporation is the transition phase between
    liquid and gas that occurs only when the
    surrounding temperature is below boiling point.
    If the temperature is above boiling point, the
    transition phase is called boiling. Both boiling
    and evaporation are forms of vaporization because
    they are both the transitory stages between
    liquid and gas.

The Process of Boiling
  • Boiling-a type of phase transition, is the rapid
    vaporization of a liquid, which typically occurs
    when a liquid is heated to its boiling point.
  • Boiling Point-an element or a substance is the
    temperature at which the vapor pressure of the
    liquid equals the environmental pressure
    surrounding the liquid.
  • Water Boiling

  • An element or compound has a transition from the
    solid to gas phase with no intermediate liquid
  • Sublimation is an endothermic phase transition
    that occurs at temperatures and pressures below
    the triple point.
  • Triple Point-the triple point of a substance is
    the temperature and pressure at which three
    phases (gas, liquid, and solid) of that substance
    coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
  • These are dry ice pellets subliming.

Exothermic Changes
  • A chemical reaction in which more energy is
    released then is required to break bonds in the
    initial reaction.

  • Condensation is the change of water from is
    gaseous, (water vapor) into liquid water.
  • Condensation normally occurs in the atmosphere
    when warm air rises, cools and looses its
    capacity to hold water vapor.
  • Excess water vapor condenses to form cloud

  • The energy-releasing process by which a substance
    changes from a gas or vapor to a solid without
    first becoming a liquid.

  • Freezing The withdrawal of heat to changes
    something from a liquid to a solid.
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