Title: (Some) Concepts of Condensed Matter Physics
1(Some) Concepts of Condensed Matter Physics
Anatoli Polkovnikov, Boston University
2Condensed matter physics deals with properties of
interacting many-particle systems.
P. Anderson more is different (Science, 1972).
The ability to reduce everything to simple
fundamental laws does not imply the ability to
start from those laws and reconstruct the
universe. The behavior of large and complex
aggregates of elementary particles, it turns out,
is not to be understood in terms of a simple
extrapolation of the properties of a few
particles. Instead, at each level of complexity
entirely new properties appear, and the
understanding of the new behaviors requires
research which I think is as fundamental in its
nature as any other the whole becomes not
only more than the sum of but very different from
the sum of the parts
3Two examples.
Single neuron relatively easy to characterize.
Is more fundamentally different or just more
4From single particle physics to many particle
Classical mechanics Need to solve Newtons
Single particle
Many particles
Instead of one differential equation need to
solve n differential equations, not a big deal!?
With modern computers we can simulate thousands
or even millions of particles.
5Quantum mechanics Need to solve Schrödinger
Instead of two numbers need to know the whole
complex field.
Use specific numbers M200, n100.
A computer built from all known particles in
universe is not capable to exactly simulate even
such a small system.
7Other issues.
Typical level spacing for our system
Gravitation field of the moon on electron
Typical time scales needed to resolve these
energy levels (e.g. to prepare the system in the
pure state)
Required accuracy of the theory (knowledge of
laws of nature) 10-80-10-50.
Many-body physics is fundamentally different from
single particle physics. It can not be derived
purely from microscopic description.
8Are there ways out?
1. Statistical physics in equilibrium
Takes care of many irrelevant noise sources.
2. Use collective coordinates phonons, magnons,
quasiparticles, Bogoliubov excitations,
3. Use phenomenological methods Ginzburg-Landau
theory of superconductivity. 4. Renormalization
group approach gradually eliminate unimportant
degrees of freedom and follow the important
ones. 5. Exactly solvable models. Generic
considerations about many-body energy levels do
not work because of many conservation laws. 6.
Numerical (e.g. Monte-Carlo) methods.
Non-equilibrium dynamics ???
9This course.
- Non-interacting particles in periodic potential
crystals and reciprocal lattices, Bloch theorem,
fermions in solids - Broken symmetry and phase transitions in many
particle systems mean field and variational
approaches. - Failure of mean field theory in low dimensions,
possible alternatives.
Wigner-Seiz cell
Translational symmetries and point group
symmetries define Bravais lattices (5 in 2D, 14
in 3D).
11Reciprocal Lattice
Choose the basis for G b1, b2 such that
The set of G forms reciprocal lattice.
Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice is
the Brillouin zone.
12Electrons moving in a crystal constantly scatter
from ions.
Atoms are heavy, electrons are light. To a good
approximation atoms do not move and form a
periodic lattice.
Need to find eigenstates of the single particle
Schrödinger equation
13Bloch Theorem.
Suppose ?n(r) is a (non-degenerate) solution
kn- lattice momentum, Bloch momentum,
quasi-momentum, crystal momentum, It is defined
in the first Brillouin zone.
Bloch momentum plays the role of momentum in
15Consider a wave packet.
m is the effective mass.
Semiclassical equations of motion in a smooth
external field
more details in Ashcroft-Mermin book.
16Motion in a weak periodic potential.
17Free particle dispersion, conventional vs. Bloch
Image from I. Bloch, Nature Physics 1, 23 - 30
18Second order perturbation theory
19Keep only two terms in the wave function
Need to solve the secular equation.
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22Tight binding approximation.
Very strong atomic potential. Different atomic
orbitals barely overlap.
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25Example square lattice
26Evolution of the single-particle spectrum
free particle spectrum
tight-binding regime
27Many-electron system.
Two fermions can not occupy the same state due to
Pauli principle! We can have two electrons per
each (lattice) momentum state due to spin
Free electrons, zero temperature
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29Fermi distribution function.
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31Electrons in solids.
32Crystals with filled bands are typically
insulators. Crystals with half-filled bands are
usually metals.
Structure of Brilluoin zones
I. Bloch, Nature Physics 1, 23 - 30 (2005)
33Fermi surface E(k)Ef
34Interacting systems. Mean field theory and
broken symmetry. (following notes by S. Girvin,
Yale University)
Start with a classical Ising model.
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36Spin ordering is a collective effect!
37Self consistent method.
Many nearest neighbors. (large dimensions).
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39Which of the solutions is right?
- By continuity. The answer is obvious at zero
temperature. - Need to compare free energies for both solutions.
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43Short summary from this simple example.
- In interacting many-particle systems the symmetry
can be spontaneously broken. - This phenomenon can be described within
variational approach and mean-field approach.
These descriptions are equivalent. - Mean field approach particles are moving in the
effective field created by other particles, which
is to be determined self consistently. - Variational approach find a simple solvable
Hamiltonian H0 and minimize
How to find the right mean field approach or
H0? How accurate are these methods?
44Quantum Mean Field Theory.
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46Fermi liquid. No broken symmetries.
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50Some possible broken symmetries and phases.
1. Translational symmetry (charge density wave).
51Broken time reversal symmetry Ferromagnets.
52Broken gauge symmetry superfluids.
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54Weakly repulsive Bose gas.
55Choose trial Hamiltonian.
56Keep only k0 term.
57BCS theory of superconductivity.
58Sketch of the BCS theory.
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62Failures of mean-field theories. Low-dimensional
Ising model in 1D.
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64More dimensions or more nearest neighbors?
Periodic boundary conditions z4, like in 2D.
Long range order is destroyed in 1D (quasi 1D)
because of special correlated defects.Mean
field theory does not capture such defects.
65Systems with continuous symmetries.
Mermin-Wagner theorem.
Consider planar spins in d-dimensions (xy-model)
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67Fluctuations around mean field solution destroy
long range order in 1D at all temperatures.
68Correlation functions
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71There must be a phase transition between
algebraic and exponential regimes
(Berezinsky)-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. It
occurs due to vortex unbinding.
No long range order again in thermodynamic limit.
72Mermin-Wagner theorem (also known as
Mermin-Wagner-Hohenberg theorem or Coleman
theorem) states that continuous symmetries cannot
be spontaneously broken at finite temperature in
one and two dimensional theories.
- The reason is exactly which we observed above
- Broken symmetry implies massless Goldstone
bosons. - In one and two dimensions, because of high
density of low energy states, these bosons always
destroy long range order.
Other examples crystals, ferromagnets and
anti-ferromagnets, superfluids,
superconductors This theorem assumes there are
no long range interactions.
73Quantum systems.
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75How to proceed if the mean field description is
- Effective low energy field theory descriptions
universality of physics at long distances, low
energies. - Exactly solvable models. (Onsager solution of 2D
Ising model, Lieb-Liniger solution of 1D
interacting Bose gas). - Renormalization group Coarse-graining the system
and following evolution of the parameters of the
model. - Numerical methods.
76Sketch of the solution for the Ising model in 1D.
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79Onsager solution for 2D Ising model (1944).
80Another example of solvable model attractive 1D
Bose gas.
81This Hamiltonian has a special property. The
scattering of two particles on each other does
not depend on the presence of other particles.
Three particle scattering factorizes into the
product of two particle scatterings (Young Baxter
In general this is not true.
Repulsive case Lieb-Liniger solution. Confirmed
experimentally in cold atoms (Kinoshita et. al.,
82Repulsive Bose gas.
Also, B. Paredes1, A. Widera, V. Murg, O. Mandel,
S. Fölling, I. Cirac, G. V. Shlyapnikov, T.W.
Hänsch and I. Bloch, Nature 277 , 429 (2004)
T. Kinoshita, T. Wenger, D. S. Weiss ., Science
305, 1125, 2004
83Energy vs. interaction strength experiment and
No adjustable parameters!
Kinoshita et. Al., Science 305, 1125, 2004
84Local pair correlations.
Kinoshita et. Al., Science 305, 1125, 2004
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86In the continuum this system is equivalent to an
integrable KdV equation. The solution splits into
non-thermalizing solitons Kruskal and Zabusky
(1965 ).
87Qauntum Newton Craddle.
T. Kinoshita, T. R. Wenger and D. S. Weiss,
Nature 440, 900 903 (2006)
No thermalization during collisions of two
one-dimensional clouds of interacting
bosons. Fast thermalization if the clouds are
three dimensional.
Quantum analogue of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem.
88Kondo problem and the renormalization group.
(Poor mans scaling)
Hard to solve the problem exactly (though
possible). Idea try to eliminate electrons with
high kinetic energy since they barely interact
with the spin.
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91After integrating out high energies we find
92Not perturbative!
93Why cold atoms?
- Highly tunable and controlled Hamiltonians
- experimental quantum simulations of many-body
systems - unambiguous tests of theoretical methods.
- Nearly perfect isolation from environment
- Low external decoherence
- Possibility to study quantum many-particle
dynamics. - Applications to quantum information.