Title: ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design
1ELEN 468Advanced Logic Design
- Lecture 4
- Data Types and Operators
- Represent values of signals in physical circuit
in a digital format - Nets
- Represent physical connectivity
- Registers
- Abstractions of storage elements
- Nets and registers may be either scalars or
3Storage Variable
- Storage variable register
- reg, integer, real, realtime, time
- Abstraction of storage element
- Need not correspond directly to physical storage
element in circuit - Static its value is assigned under program
4Value Assignment
- Explicitly through behavioral statements
- Implicitly driven by a gate
- A net may be assigned value explicitly only
through continuous assignment - A register variable may be assigned value only
within a behavior
5Verilog Nets
- wire (default)
- tri
- wand
- wor
- triand
- trior
Not recommended!
- tri y
- bufif1(y, x, ctrl)
- triand y
- bufif1(y, x1, ctrl1)
- bufif1(y, x2, ctrl2)
Three-state gate, page 651
7Truth Tables
wire/tri 0 1 x z 0 0 x x 0 1 x 1 x 1
x x x x x z 0 1 x z
triand / wand 0 1 x z 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 x 1 x 0 x x x z 0 1 x z
trior/wor 0 1 x z 0 0 1 x 0 1
1 1 1 1 x x 1 x x z 0 1 x z
8More Verilog Nets
- supply0
- supply1
- tri0
- tri1
- trireg
when a b 0, the line maintains its value
9Net Declaration
- wire70 data_bus // 8-bit vector wire,
data_bus7 -gt MSB - wire03 control_bus // control_bus0 -gt MSB
- data_bus5, data_bus35, data_busk2 //
access - wire scalared70 bus_a // scalared is
default - wire vectored70 bus_b // Individual bits
may not be referenced - wire y1, z_5 // Multiple declaration
- wire A BC, D EF // Implicit continuous
assignment - wand A, B, C
- trireg70 A
10Initial Values
- At time tsim 0
- Nets driven by primitives, module or continuous
assignment is determined by their drivers,
default value x - Net without driver, its initial value z
- Default initial value for register -gt x
11Register Data Types
- reg stores a logic value
- integer support computation
- time stores time as a 64-bit unsigned quantity
- real stores values as real numbers
- realtime store time values as real numbers
- Assigned value only within a procedural
statement, a user defined sequential primitive,
task or function - A reg object may never be output of
- a primitive gate
- the target of a continuous assignment
- Undeclared identifier is assumed as a net, which
is illegal within behavior
12Addressing Net and Register Variables
- MSB of a part-select of a register leftmost
array index - LSB rightmost array index
- If index of part-select is out of bounds, x is
returned - If word 70 8b00000100
- word 30 4
- word 51 2
- Integer array
- integer A30
13Variables and Ports
Variable type Input port Output port Inout port
Net Yes Yes Yes
Register No Yes No
An input port is implicitly a net variable
Memory size
Word size
- reg310 cache_memory01023
- reg310 word_register
- reg70 instr_register
- word_register cache_memory17
- // a loop
- instr_registerk word_registerk4
- Individual bits within a memory cannot be
addressed directly - The word is fetched to a register, then bit can
be accessed
15Scope of a Variable
- The scope of a variable is the module, task,
function, or named procedural block (begin end)
in which it is declared
- To reference a variable defined inside an
instantiated module - X.w
- X.Y.Z.w
Module A - Instance X
wire w
Module B - Instance Y
Module C - Instance Z
wire w
17Example of De-referencing
module testbench() reg 30 a, b wire
30 y adder M1 (y, a, b) initial
monitor(time,,, M1.c) endmodule module
adder(y, a, b) wire c endmodule
- Verilog does not have type for strings
- A string must be stored in a register array
reg 8num_char-1 0 string_holder
- Declared with keyword parameter
- Value may not be changed during simulation
parameter width 32, depth 1024 parameter
real_value 6.22 parameter av_delay (dmin
20Direct Substitution of Parameters
- module modXnor(y, a, b)
- parameter size8, delay15
- output size-10 y
- input size-10 a, b
- wire size-10 delay y ab
- endmodule
- module param
- wire 70 y1
- wire 30 y2
- reg 70 b1, c1
- reg 30 b2, c2
- modXnor G1(y1, b1, c1)
- modXnor (4,5) G2(y2, b2, c2)
- endmodule
- Value of a constant can be changed during
compilation - Dont confuse with assigning delay to primitives
- Module instantiation do not have delay
- Primitives do not have parameters
21Indirect Substitution of Parameters
- module param
- wire 70 y1
- wire 30 y2
- reg 70 b1, c1
- reg 30 b2, c2
- modXnor G1(y1, b1, c1)
- modXnor G2(y2, b2, c2)
- endmodule
- module annotate
- defparam
- param.G2.size 4
- parem.G2.delay 5
- endmodule
- Declare a separate module where defparam is used
with hierarchical pathname
Operator Number of Operands Result
Arithmetic 2 Binary word
Bitwise 2 Binary word
Reduction 1 Bit
Logical 2 Boolean value
Relational 2 Boolean value
Shift 1 Binary word
Conditional 3 Expression
23Arithmetic Operators
- 2s complement representation
- MSB is sign bit
- For scalar and vector
- For nets and registers
Symbol Operator
- Subtraction
/ Division
24Bitwise Operators
- (101011) 010100
- (010101) (001100) 000100
- (010101) (001100) 011001
Symbol Operator
Bitwise negation
Bitwise and
Bitwise inclusive or
Bitwise exclusive or
, Bitwise exclusive nor
Shorter word will extend to the size of longer
word by padding bits with 0
25Reduction Operators
Symbol Operator
Reduction and
Reduction nand
Reduction or
Reduction nor
Reduction xor
, Reduction xnor
(101011) 0 (001100) 1
- Unary operators
- Return single-bit value
26Logical Operators
- Case equality operators detect exact bit-by-bit
match, including x or z - The logical equality operator is less
restrictive, x is returned for any ambiguity - Verilog is loosely typed - OK to use AB when A
and B are vectors - AB returns true if both words are non-zero
integers - can recognize x and z while would
return x for ambiguity
Symbol Operator
! Logical negation
Logical and
Logical or
Logical equality
! Logical inequality
Case equality
! Case inequality
27Relational and Shift Operators
Relational operators Shift operators
lt ltlt
lt gtgt
- if ( ( a lt b ) ( a gt c ) )
- result a ltlt 3
- Relational operators return x for ambiguity
- 0xxx gt 1xxx returns 1
28Conditional Operator
- Y ( A B ) ? C D
- wire 10 select
- wire 150 D1, D2, D3, D4
- wire 150 bus (select 2b00) ? D1
- (select 2b01) ? D2
- (select 2b10) ? D3
- (select 2b11) ? D4 16bx
? 0 1 X
0 0 X X
1 X 1 X
- z is not allowed in conditional_expression
- If conditional_expression is ambiguous, both
true_expression and false_expression are
evaluated bitwisely according to the truth table
to get the result
- A Verilog operand may be compose of
- Nets
- Registers
- Constants
- Numbers
- Bit-select of a net or a register
- Part-select of a net or a register
- A function call
- Concatenation of any of above
30Operator Precedence
Operator precedence Operator symbol
Highest - ! (unary)
- (binary)
ltlt gtgt
lt lt gt gt
! !
Lowest ?
Parentheses for precaution !