Title: Oxford Strategic Marketing Presentation
1Social media Facebook
What is it?
Facebook is a site where users can create an
in-depth textual and visual profile of themselves
to connect with others as friends
Profile page including photo uploader
Invite and manage friends functionality
To meet others of like mind across the world to
enable information sharing on life, hobbies,
views. Also acts as an online enabler to your
offline world where social lives are managed with
your friends
E-mail, market place, online games
How organisations are using it
Events, News feeds (news within the network)
- Pure advertising using Facebook social ads (CPC
style ads) - Creating brand profile pages driving a deeper
relationship with their customers e.g. through
privileged access to content and information for
friends - Creating branded applications that improve the
online lives of customers
Groups, Pages (mini-websites with members)
Breakthrough moments
A link up with CNN.com, enabling users watching
the streamed video of Obamas inauguration to
discuss events live online. One million status
updates before 1pm on inauguration day, showing
how mainstream and social media can work together
Did you know?
- Facebook is one of the fastest growing websites
one of the top sites for internet traffic - On average users spends over 25 minutes on the
2Social media Linked in
What is it?
A business network once you have generate a
profile (mini CV) you can link in with others
that you know/have worked with/want to be
introduced to
Profile and connections display (for yo\u and
your connections)
Create virtual networks of business professionals
that have some common connection
Introductions service
How organisations are using it
Intelligent people you might know suggestions
- Pure advertising using Facebook social ads (CPC
style ads) - Creating brand profile pages driving a deeper
relationship with their customers e.g. through
privileged access to content and information for
friends - Creating branded applications that improve the
online lives of customers
Search name/company/country/area etc
Tweet type updates
Breakthrough moments
The creation of formal groups where you can
communicate directly to the entire group
Universities to professional organisations to
interest groups
Did you know?
- Barak Obama, Bill Gates and Matt Damon have
profiles whilst Gordon Brown doesnt - The linkedIn population is now bigger than that
of Sweden
3Social media Ad Gabber
What is it?
A social networking site for individuals in the
advertising, marketing and media
Social networking features like profiles, forums,
To share and disseminate information and good
practice and to act as a hub for discussions on
relevant topics
Calendar of industry events
Portfolio section provides a searchable database
of creative portfolios from art directors,
copywriters, illustrators, photographers and
How organisations are using it
- For sharing of problems and opinions and
information gathering on approaches to marketing
(especially creative) issues
Breakthrough moments
Adgabber is a spin-off from Adrants, Steve Halls
popular advertising and marketing blog. Hall was
sued by Virgin last year for displaying a parody
ad in the blog much to benefit of his
subscription base!
Did you know?
- The system is extremely flexible, so that the
site can evolve as members identify new uses.
Recently the site has added applications for
adding stuff to facebook, and for importing from
4Social media Blogger
What is it?
Free and easy to use Blog editing and publishing
Create or customise a blog
Allows you to Share your thoughts, photos and
more with your friends and the world
Create your own website
Add photos
How organisations are using it
Create communities
- Business to business As a tool to demonstrate
thought leadership - As a tool to allow customers access to insider
Update followers when you post
Breakthrough moments
The Baghdad Blogger Salem Pax used Blogger to
bring an Iraqis perspective on the war to the
world. This turned public opinion from a view
that Blogs were vain ramblings to powerful tools
of mass communication
Did you know?
- Boing Boing is a weblog of cultural curiosities
and interesting technologies. It's the most
popular blog in the world - It has been estimated that the number of blogs
doubles every 5½ months
5Social media Twitter
What is it?
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and
coworkers to communicate and stay connected
through the exchange of quick, frequent answers
to one simple question What are you doing?
Text in a 140 word piece on whatever you like,
and it gets posted to the website under your
Enable geographically disconnected people to stay
connected to the small events in life
If you follow a twitterer, you can choose to
have the feed direct to your mobile as texts
How organisations are using it
- Helping connect customers with the company (i.e.
Volvo chief exec twitters) - Providing product-related marketing that
audiences can follow in real time (promoting
offers, providing niche info, seeking or
gathering feedback)
Twitter and Users have created many Apps for
searching, displaying, writing, analysing etc
Breakthrough moments
- Obama and Sarah Brown are high profile twitterers
- Twitter as a force for good in the Italian
earthquakes, Iranian elections, Californian
wildfires, American Gas shortage - Personalities and stars using it as a way to
bypass the media and control their communication
with their fans
Did you know?
- Twitter is the fastest growing social networking
site - You can track the buzz of a brand on Twitter
6Social media StumbleUpon
What is it?
StumbleUpon uses /- ratings to form
collaborative opinions on website quality
StumbleUpon helps you discover and share great
websites. As you click Stumble!, high-quality
pages are delivered matched to your personal
preferences. These pages have been explicitly
recommended by your friends or one of 6 million
other websurfers with interests similar to you.
Rating these sites you like automatically shares
them with like-minded people
Connect to friends
How organisations are using it
- Helping to drive traffic to their own
expertise-based content driven sites
Breakthrough moments
- Stumbleupon was voted BusinessWeek Best of the
Web 2008 Best Social Network, and has received
numerous other accolades
Did you know?
- Stumbleupon is featured and promoted as a click
through on many mainstream sites
7Social media Friend Feed
What is it?
Its an aggregator an online sharing portal
Direct messaging
FriendFeed enables you to discover and discuss
the interesting stuff your friends find on the
web in real time
Groups (set up your own from friends/family/work)
Excellent privacy options
How organisations are using it
File sharing feature to share Mp3 and Mpegs
directly as part of discussions
- Consolidating their information that lives in
disparate parts of the social network
Breakthrough moments
- Freindfeed redesign making integration of other
feeds more straightforward
Did you know?
- Friendfeed is the most popular social aggregator
- Friendfeed was set up by two Google employees