Title: Baroque Art: 1600- 1750
1Baroque Art 1600- 1750
2Caravaggio The Sacrifice of Isaac (1598-99)
3Caravaggio The Calling of St. Matthew (1599)
4 La Tour St. Joseph the Carpenter (1640s)
5La Tour The Repentant Magdalen (1633-37
6Magdalen (detail)
7Rubens The Lamentation (1609-11)
8 Rubens The Arrival of Marie de Medici
9Velazquez Venus at her Mirror
10Velazquez The Maids of Honor
11 The Maids of Honor (detail)
12Van Dyke The Assumption of the Virgin
13Van Dyke Portrait of Charles I
14Ver Meer The Milkmaid (1658-60)
15Ver Meer The Love Letter (1669-70)
16Tiepolo The Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy
17Rembrandt The Blinding of Samson
18Rembrandt The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp
19Rembrandt The Night Watch (1642)
20Rembrandt Portrait at age 23
21Rembrandt Portrait at age 63
22 Gentilischi Judith and her servant
Slaying Holofernes (1612-21)
23 Gianlorenzo Bernini and Michelangelo
Buonaratti Piazza and Dome of St.
Peters (1656-57)
24Bernini Coronaro Chapel (1645-52)
25Bernini The Ecstasy of St. Theresa
26Residenzhall, Wurzburg
27Residenzhall, Wurzburg interior
28Residenzhall, Wurzburg, cieling