Title: Texte bloc
1International Union for Health Promotion and
More than 60 years working to advance health
promotion and to achieve equity in health globally
Promote global health and wellbeing Contribute
to the achievement of equity in health between
and within countries of the world
3IUHPEs Roles
The IUHPE works as A global professional
network A dissemination exchange hub
A facilitating agency of technical expertise
Advocate for health and health promotion Build
knowledge base for health promotion Professional
and technical development Advance the quality of
policy and practice Projects networks,
partnership building Develop capacity globally,
regionally, locally Short courses, conferences,
5IUHPE priority areas for action for 2011-2016
6Social Determinants of Health
- IUHPEs work on SDH includes
- Health in All Policies (HiAP)
- Whole-of-government approaches
- Intersectoriality
- The fight against poverty Support to MDGs
- The recommendations of the WHO Commission on SDH
Report - The structural drivers of inequitable
distribution (power/ money /resources/ human
- Health promotion in emerging economies
- Health Impact Assessment
- Health equity
7Health Promotion in Sustainable Development
- IUHPEs work on Sustainable Development includes
- Food system
- Climate change
- Whole systems approaches
- Partnership across sectors
- Urbanization urban planning and poverty
- Environmental approaches
- Disaster prevention and post-disaster management
8NCDs Prevention and Control
- Including
- Physical activity promotion,
- Equitable access to active and sustainable
transportation - Healthy villages/cities/schools/work places
- Food availability and affordability
- Tobacco control
- Injury prevention
- Mental health
- Violence
9Health promotion system
- It supports the work and infrastructure that
underpins the other health promotion work that
the IUHPE does. - It includes
- Capacity building / competencies
- Advocacy
- Health literacy
- Surveillance
- Communications
- Evidence of the effectiveness of health
promotion - Evaluation
- Transferability
10Capacity Building
- In Europe, a consensus building process on
competencies and professional standards for HP -
CompHP - Ethical Values and the Health Promotion
Knowledge Base underpinning all HP action - 9 domains of core competencies for improved
A Pan-European Accreditation Framework
Professional standards
11Building knowledge
Use of various types of evidence to inform and
support policy dialogue, development and
implementation The global programme on health
promotion effectiveness (GPHPE)
Add picture or call for
The GPHPE looks at how to stimulate the
evaluation of effectiveness, champion the
development of appropriate tools and methods to
do so, and espouse the implementation of this
body of knowledge to its best use in practice and
for advocacy
12Partnership networking
Working collaboratively across disciplines,
sectors, and partners to enhance the impact and
sustainability of health promotion programmes and
policies to address our priorities for action
- Create synergy
- Take advantage of complementarity
- Address common situations
- Articulate diverse perspectives and realities
- Inspire other actions
- Offer space and opportunities for reflection,
research, sharing and dissemination of
experiences, knowledge and know how to achieve
common objectives - Facilitate mutual enrichment of local and
broader networks
Catherine M. Jones
Our instrumental role in partnership work is
planning, coordination and dissemination (
knowledge translation our global reach the
diversity of expertise on any entry point, the
various sectors (policy, research, practice) in
which we work, our multi-lingual capacity our
independence as an NGO that provides certain
operational flexibility
14A global professional network
The underlying strength of the IUHPE resides in
the quality of the individual and collective
skills and knowledge of its global network
Experts from across the world in various
disciplines ? Institutional members ?
Individual members Global Working Groups ?
Global Programme on Health Promotion
Effectiveness ? Social Determinants of Health
? Health Impact Assessment ? Climate
Change ? Salutogenesis ? Surveillance
? Health Literacy ? Food system Interest
Groups (under development) ? Healthy Settings
? Social Determinants of Health ?
Surveillance ? Health Impact Assessment ?
Research IUHPE Networks ? IUHPE Student Early
Career Network ? International Network
Indigenous HP Professionals ? Academic
Network ? RéFIPS ? Research
15 SDH Interface
Health Impact Assessment
Competencies Workforce Development
16A dissemination and exchange hub
Communication provides connection to our members,
partners and the public. All of the IUHPE
members, Officers and staff have a role in
communication of IUHPE messages
IUHPE publications IUHPE Family of journals
IUHPE Thematic publications IUHPE
online presence ? www.iuhpe.org ? VHPO,
www.vhpo.net ? ISECN, www.isecn.org IUHPE
Conferences ? Regional Conferences
? Co-sponsored events ? World
1721st IUHPE World Conference on Health
Promotion Best Investments for Health
25-29 August 2013
Pattaya, Thailand
18Conference Main Theme Best Investments for
Health Best in dimensions of Sufficiency,
Efficiency, Effectiveness or Equity. Investment
in terms of Health Finance, Systems, Human
Resources or Interventions. Health in the
view of Conventional Health, Wellbeing or Social
19Abstract Submission Launch Early Bird Registration Opening Bursary Scholarship Application 20 August 2012
Abstract Submission Deadline 20 December 2012
Notification of Abstract 1 March 2013
Author Registration Deadline 1 April 2013
Early Bird Registration Deadline 30 April 2013
Standard Rate Registration Deadline 5 August 2013
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion 2013 25-29 August 2013
20A facilitating agency of technical expertise
The IUHPE also is a facilitating agency in a
large range of collaborative projects and networks
Collaboration with national agencies, university
departments international organisations ? US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
? INPES ? Chair, Community Approaches and
Health Inequalities ? SOPHE ? European
Commission ? WHO ? WHO European
Observatory ? Public Health Agency of Canada
(PHAC) ? Department of Health of England
Participation in international networks ?
Cochrane Public Health Review Group (PHRG) ?
EuroHealthNet ? Global Advocacy for Physical
Activity (GAPA) ? Global Consortium for the
Advancement of Promotion and Prevention in Mental
Health (G-CAPP) ? HP-Source.net ?
International Association of National Public
Health Institutes (IANPHI) Donors ? French
Health Directorate ? INPES (France) ?
SAGE Publications
21Advancing health promotion achieving equity in
health globally
Working for more than 50 years to connect and
support everyone committed to advancing health
promotion and to achieving equity in health