Title: The Community Coordinated Modeling Center:
1The Community Coordinated Modeling Center A
Bridge Between Space Weather Research and
Michael Hesse
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
A US multi-agency partnership to enable,
support, and perform the research and development
for next generation space science and space
weather models
3CCMC Goals
Support Model Transition to Operations
Facilitate Community Research
DoD and NOAA Space Weather needs
4CCMC Activities
- Evaluate scientific research models to address
National Space Weather needs - Make modern space science models available to the
research community - Support the development of advanced models
- Focus on models with space weather operations
benefits - Develop prototype real-time systems
- Support space weather education
- Transfer evaluated models to operational National
Space Weather Agencies
5Decision Flow
US National Space Weather Program Council
US Committee for Space Weather
Research Community
recommendations, needs
Operations Community
Science and Operations Advisory Committees
6CCMC Steering Committee
- Members
- NASA Headquarters Dr. Chuck Holmes (Co-Chair)
- NSF Dr. Paul Bellaire (Co-Chair)
- AF/XOW Maj. Mark Adair
- AFOSR Maj. David Byers
- AFRL Dr. Nick Arge
- NASA/GSFC Dr. Michael Hesse
- NASA Headquarters Dr. Madhulika Guhathakurta
- NOAA/SEC Dr. Terry Onsager
- NSF Dr. Bob Robinson
- ONR Dr. Bob McCoy
- SMC/CI Mr. Kevin Scro (Facilitator)
- Technical Advisors
- AFIT Maj. Chris Smithro
- AFSPC Mr. Kelly Hand
7The CCMC Staff
Staff member Function Dr. Michael
Hesse Director Dr. Masha Kuznetsova Models,
Deputy Director Dr. Joel Allred Postdoctoral
fellow Mr. Sarabjit Bakshi Sysadmin. Mr.
David Berrios Visualization Ms. Anna
Chulaki ROR system, metrics studies Ms. Mary
Goldfarb WWW management Dr. Peter
MacNeice Models, model coupling, frameworks Mr.
Marlo Maddox Data Formats, visualization Mr.
Kiran Patel Sysadmin., comp. resources Dr.
Lutz Rastaetter Models, VV, visualization,
frameworks Dr. Aleksandre Taktakishvili
Postdoctoral fellow Associate Dr. Mei-Ching
Fok RC and rad. belt models
8CCMC Facility
200 node Beowulf system, sponsored by AF/XOW,
NSF, AFOSR, tech refresh in progress
Located at NASA GSFC
S. Bakshi, K. Patel
9Models Overview
Exosph. SW
Helio. Tomog.
Open- GGCM
Fok RC
10Solar Models
Density, flows
- MAS (Linker et al SAIC) Global solar magnetic
field and plasma structure
- Potential Field Source Surface (Luhmann, UCB) -
Global solar magnetic field structure
Operational significance Now Solar wind,
connection to active regions (solar energetic
particles) Future Solar eruptions, CMEs
P. MacNeice, L. Rastaetter
11Solar/Heliospheric Models
WSA (Wang-Sheeley-Arge) Corona
empirical/kinematic solar wind
Operational significance Solar wind forecasting
P. MacNeice
12Heliospheric Models
- ENLIL (Odstrcil NOAA) Complete,
physics-based, heliosphere ( 30rs 10AU)
- Heliospheric Tomography
- (Jackson,Hick UCSD)
Operational significance Now Solar wind
forecasts, connection to active regions (solar
energetic particles) Future Solar eruptions,
CMEs, higher fidelity forecasts
P. MacNeice, L. Rastaetter, M. Kuznetsova, A.
13Forecasting Sun to Earth
Running in realtime P. MacNeice, L. Rastaetter
- Photospheric
- Synoptic
- magnetograms
WSA potential field equatorial current sheet
model (1-21.5rs)
ENLIL - 3D MHD Heliosphere (21.5rs 1,2 or 10AU)
14Magnetospheric Models
- Global Magnetohydrodynamic Models (2 Models,
UMichigan and UNH) plasmas and electromagnetic
equatorial plane magnetopause and
geosynchronous orbit
Operational significance S/C charging, S/C
orientation, information transfer
L. Rastaetter, M. Kuznetsova
15Inner Magnetospheric Models
- Ring Current and Radiation Belt Models (3 Models,
GSFC and UMichigan) high energy particle fluxes
(keV MeV)
150keV protons
Operational significance S/C charging, Single
event upsets Radiation up to MeV energies
L. Rastaetter, M. Kuznetsova
16Ionospheric Models
Operational significance Now Ionospheric
TEC Ground magnetic perturbations Polar cap
absorption and radiation Future Ionospheric
M. Kuznetsova, L. Rastaetter
17Models Future
- Sun, Heliosphere, Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- SWMF (UMichigan) includes 9 component models
covering solar corona to upper atmosphere. - Sun
- Updated MAS step toward eruption modeling
- Ionosphere
- GAIM (USU) installation underway
- CCMC will support GAIM VV
- Eccles HF absorption model
- Installation planned
- NASA/LWS supported
Vertical TEC distributions in the ionosphere
forecast model (IFM, GAIM-step 0 and step 1) for
day 338 in 1998. Fig. 6 of Schunk, RW et al.,
Radio Sci., 39, RS1S02, 2004.
18Transition to Ops VV and Metrics
Decision makers and operational agencies need
model evaluations - Science-based validation
Compare model output to measurements for select
events, detailed analysis - Metrics studies
Repeatable comparison between model output and
measurements, one number Need to be blind
studies, performed by independent agent
19VV Simulate Polar Cap Size
Boundary between open and closed field lines (FL)
open FL
open FL
closed FL
VIS Earth Camera 15 July 2000 2020 UT
Polar cap boundary observed by POLAR
20VV Simulate Polar Cap Size
Rastaetter et al., 2005
21Metrics Ground Magnetic Perturbations
Results Averaged Over 10 Stations
Day 2
FHB Station
Day 1
FHB Station
Storm day
Storm day
...establish absolute measure of model
ground magnetic measurements magnetic
perturbations from model (10 mho) magnetic
perturbations from model (5 mho)
K. Keller, M. Kuznetsova, M. Hesse
22VV Solar Wind Prediction
Time (Days)
Time (Days)
Period 2
Period 1
Black ACE Measurements Red Model
Orange Mean
Heliospheric Tomography
K. Keller, P. MacNeice
23VV Radiation Belt
- UPOS geo MeV electron forecasting model
- VV activity requested by AFWA
- Installation underway
- VV activities imminent
A. Chulaki
24VV Executing Models in Real Time
ACE data
Executing 24/7 on CCMC computing engines
L. Rastaetter
25Model Handoff Activities
- Weimer 2K ionospheric currents and ground
magnetic perturbations - Two versions of BATS-R-US magnetospheric
magnetic field and thermal plasma - Fok Ring Current Model energetic particles
- Results of metrics study
- IDL-based visualization software
- Scripts to setup test runs and real-time
simulations. - Installation kit and step by step instructions
- CCMC staff installed of real-time version of
BATS-R-US and Ring Current Model at SMC RPC.
26Science Support
- Through www-accessible run results
- Through runs on request, available for
- - 4 magnetospheric models
- Fok-RB)
- - 3 ionospheric models
- (Weimer, SAMI-2, CTIP)
- - 4 heliospheric models
- (IPS, IASB exospheric,ENLIL, WSA)
- - 2 solar models
- (MAS, Luhmann)
- No cost to user
L. Rastaetter, A. Chulaki
27Key Usage Statistics
- Total executed model runs
- Over 560 runs executed so far
- Monthly website stats 05
- 17,900 website hits/month
- 600 unique visitors/month
- 1350 visualization requests/month
- International resource
A. Chulaki
28Data Standardization
Standardized Environment
- Standard format for storage, coupling,
visualization - Ensures compatibility between models for coupling
- Resolves multiple-interface challenge
- Ground work for which standard, reusable
interfaces and tools can be developed
n m interfaces required
M. Maddox
29Data Standardization Benefits
- Speed and efficiency of direct data access
- - Simple data access library
- Same interface regardless of model
- Platform independent
- Facilitates data code reuse
- Permits rapid analysis of data sets from complex
models - Available to interested customers
Required vx, Bx, By in Range of 10RE Reduced
plot times from 15min to lt5sec
M. Maddox
30Advanced Visualization OpenDx
D. Berrios
31Future Activities Research Support
- Support the generation of advanced space science
models - Address Space Weather-relevant processes
- Collaborate with related activities (CISM, CSEM,
ILWS) - Expand strong service to (international) research
community - Execute runs-on-request
- Provide ready access to model output with
enhanced tools - Includes mission support, e.g., STEREO
- Includes campaign support, e.g., IHY
32Future Activities Operations Support
- Provide tool by which science progress at NASA,
NSF feeds into Space Weather operations - Focus on science models with operational benefits
- Operator input to identify model needs
- Address immediate payoffs as well as strategic
value models (e.g., solar forecasting) - Provide expanded, independent model evaluations
- Obtain metrics, VV procedures from operators
- Support GAIM VV
- Perform priority evaluations for operations
- Provide rapid response service in emergencies
- Other opportunities for closer collaborations/tail
ored support - Education Coordination initiated with AFIT,
USAFA - Interacting with AFWA (LtCol. Cade, Maj. Nobis)
- Implementation Installation design and support
possible - Tool development following operator needs