Title: Visualising high-dimensional images with low-dimensional displays
1Sensor Transforms to Improve Metamerism-Based
Mark S. Drew School of Computing
Science Simon Fraser University mark_at_cs.sfu.ca
Raja Bala Xerox Research Center
Webster, Xerox Corp. Raja.Bala_at_xerox.com
2Is it possible to use colour to digitally hide a
- i.e., embed information into a document in a way
that is - invisible,
- easily seen under a special environment meant
to reveal it, and - difficult to remove
- Here, were concentrating on visible
watermarking, as opposed to purely digital
watermarking steganography i.e.,
bit-flipping -
3A brief history
- Bala et al. CIC 2007 Substrate Fluorescence
Bane or Boon? - use fluorescent property of paper substrate to
make watermark visible under a portable UV lamp
4 5 brief history Can this be done without UV
using just visible light?
- Bala et al. CIC 2009 Watermark Encoding and
Detection using Narrowband Illumination - use narrowband LED lights
- consider a pair of inks, with reflectance
spectra that are metameric under D50
6Ok, how does this LED-light approach do?
7So, not bad Another example
but could we not do better?
8So far, we used illuminant metamerism, in order
to see watermark.
We could use observer metamerism as well, to
further break apart the colours, by interposing a
cameradisplay system.
9 brief history Combating cinema piracy in video
by using observer metamerism to generate a
watermark if a camcorder illegally shoots a film
- Doyen et al. CIC 2009 Description and
Evaluation of the Variability of Human Color
Vision in an Anti-Piracy Context - use 3-primary projector for part of film, and 4
primaries for watermark camcorder sees the
difference - but, observer variability is substantial, and
would have to be taken into consideration in
determining a watermark/disturbance signal that
is invisible in the cine theater to all "normal"
observers, and yet different enough to show up
when captured by a camcorder
10For this paper ?printed materials, not video,
since we have a camera and hence digital image
processing, we go on to transform into a new
colour space
so as to optimally disambiguate the foreground
(the watermark) from the background
11(No Transcript)
12We start with 6 inks 3 pairs that are
metameric under D50
Again, these are max-K, min-K metamer pairs
13Again, we see max-differences
Differences between spectral pairs
Start off by using fixed set of LEDs
14These inks are metamers under D50
1 2
15Add a camera
16Ok, lets go to a transformed colour space
matrix with M
17Result of optimization
Progress over optimization
18Ok, for all pairs, optimization improves
discriminability. But, could we not do better by
optimizing on the LED lights as well?
19Let the (float) weights over the set of LEDs be w
20(No Transcript)
21Optimized weights w
no matrixing
optimized matrixing
22But, we may have only binary weights available
result is almost as good -
23Compare objective function
but, using non-perceptual differences
- matrixing has a dramatic effect
- float weights are best, but optimizing
for floats and then binarizing is almost as
25Future work
- choice of inks still metamers, but optimized
blends along iso-colour loci - ensure watermark invisible over normal lighting
and over observers - optimize on perceptual differences (could just
use Jacobian of CIELAB transform) - some metamer pairs dont separate as much ??
weight some pairs more - model LEDs better
- could design lights just for this task ACM
Transactions on Graphics 2009 - include more metamer pairs
26Thanks! Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada
Xerox Corporation