Title: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
1 Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
2The TJ Experience
3The TJ Experience
Freshman IBET
Project Definition Skill Acquisition Curricular
Development of the portfolio. . .
Project Brief
4Science and Technology Courses
- Science
- Biology
- Technology
- Principles of Engineering Technology
5The TJ Experience
Sophomore Electives
Project Design Process Skill Acquisition Concept
Refinement of the portfolio. . .
Project Brief Resume
6Science and Technology Courses
- Science
- Chemistry
- Electives (available to sophomores thru seniors)
- AP Biology
- Marine Biology
- Recent Advances in Biology
- Studies in Bio-nanotechnology
- Studies in Neurobiology
- Philosophy of Science
- Architectural Drawing I and II
- Graphic Modeling I and II
- Analog Electronics
- Digital Electronics
- Audio Electronics
- Microprocessor Systems
- Survey of Analog and Digital
- Nature of Materials
- Prototype Development
- Telecommunications
- Video Production
- Robotics Open Loop and Remote/Closed Loop and
flexible/ Microcontroller Based/ A/C and Fluid
7The TJ Experience
Junior Electives
Project Management Skill Acquisition Concept
Refinement of the portfolio. . .
Project Brief Resume
Laboratory Selection
8Science and Technology Courses
- Science
- Physics or Advanced Placement Physics
- Electives (available to juniors and seniors)
- AP Chemistry
- Recent Advances in Neurobiology
- DNA Science I and II
- Astronomy, Solar System
- Astronomy, Universe
- Advanced Optics Parts I and II
- Quantum Mechanics
- Computer Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence
- Supercomputer Applications
- Comparative Languages
9The TJ Experience
Senior Technology Lab
Feasibility Study and Research Project Definition
and Design Development and Testing Evaluation and
The Portfolio
10Science and Technology Courses
- Science
- Geosystems
- Team option Geosystems with AP
English Composition - Technology
- Science and Technology Research
- Electives (all previously listed courses are
also available) - Advanced Placement Physics
11TJHSST Technology Laboratories
- Astronomy
- Automation Robotics
- Biotechnology
- Chemical Analysis
- Computer Aided Design
- Computer Systems
- Energy Systems
- Microelectronics
12TJHSST Technology Laboratories
- Oceanography Geophysics
- Optics Modern Physics
- Prototyping Engineering Materials
- Video Technology Communications
13S T Options
- Science Technology Research Lab
- On Site Mentorship
- School Semester Session
- Summer Session
- In House Mentorship
14The Mission
- Prepare students for...the 21st Century
- Enhanced appreciation for the Sci/Tech workplace
- Promotes traits of
- Academic Excellence
- Leadership
- Enthusiasm
- Exploration
15The Research Portfolio
- Project Proposal
- Technical Journal
- Research Paper
- Visual Display
- Oral Presentation
- Project Description/Abstract
16Mentorships are
- opportunities for concentrated research or
project development - in a specialized field under the leadership and
supervision of experienced scientists, engineers,
and other professionals - with scientific and technological business firms,
government agencies, and academic institutions
17Mentorship Supports the Goals of
- Involvement in the experience of scientific and
engineering research and project development - Participation with business and industry in the
technology oriented work place - Cooperation and collaboration between TJHSST and
the scientific, academic and business communities - Application, integration, and extension of
academics mastered at TJHSST - Provision of opportunities for students to
explore and be challenged in more than one
18Mentorship Supports the Goals of
- Integration of diverse skills and abilities to
synthesize new ideas and processes to solve
problems - Development of social and ethical responsibility
for the use of scientific and technical knowledge - Reinforcement of visual, verbal, and written
communications, and interpersonal skills - Development of the whole individual by fostering
intellectual and social growth in an atmosphere
of mutual trust and respect
19Quotable Quotes
Experience Oriented, and Project
Driven Savor the Flavor of the
John Solomon
20(No Transcript)
21Student Selection
- Completion and Submittal of Application
- Selection and Approval of Lab Director
- Good Faculty Recommendations
- Evidence of Maturity and Responsibility
- Grades (B average)
- Project Brief (Directed Interest)
- Background for Project
- Time Availability
- Provision for Transportation
- Positive Interview with Mentorship Coord.
- Parent and Student Agreements
22- Expectations of the Students
- Preparation
- Commitment
- Communication
- Contribution
- Self-directed Self-motivated
- Respectful
- Expectations of Mentoring Organization
- Appropriate Meaningful Experience
- Positive Working Environment
- Necessary Supervision and Training
- Periodic Feedback and Assessment
- Supportive and Available
23Preparing the Student
Student Requirements...
- Training Prior to Placement
- Program Forms and Paper Work
- Work hours
- Attendance
- The Portfolio
- Weekly Meetings with Coordinator and Lab Director
- Participation in the Technology Mentorship Fair
Trust and Responsibility
24Preparing the Student
- Resume Planning
- Preparing for the Matching Interview
- Characteristics of a Successful Experience
25Projected Outcomes
Development and Refinement of
- Research Techniques
- Problem Solving Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Interpersonal Communication
- Leadership Skills
in the Science and Technology Workplace
26Discussion Sharing