Title: S T E M
1S T E M
- Science
- Technology
- Engineering
- Mathematics
2What Might an Engineering or STEM Academy Look
Like in Falmouth?
- Community Dialogue
- March 18, 2011
3STEM _at_ Falmouth High School
- A co-located program
- In four stages
- To provide the best possible science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics experience for all
5Stage 1 - Summer Fall 2011
- Research
- 3 days _at_ Thomas Jefferson HS
- E in s t E m _at_ Point Lookout
- Science Frameworks workshops
- Planning
- Monthly meetings
- Science Frameworks _at_ FHS 12/7/11
- Piloting (Stage 2)
6Stage 2 - now to 2013
- STEM endorsement diploma option
- Expanded Coursework
- Senior Discovery STEM Connections
- Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs)
- Science curriculum review
- Identify Sponsors/Partners/Friends
7The Basics
- 4 years English
- 4 years math
- 4 years science
- 3 years social studies
8STEM Endorsement Electives (3 credits required
for endorsement)
- AP Biology (1)
- AP Chemistry (1)
- AP Physics (1)
- Anatomy Physiology (0.5 or 1)
- Astronomy Astrophysics (0.5)
- Environmental Science (0.5)
- Ethics in Science (0.5)
- Genetics (0.5)
- Forensics (0.5)
- Oceanology Meteorology (0.5)
- Technical Drawing/CAD (1)
- Pre-Engineering (1)
- Advanced Topics in Engineering (1)
9Senior Discovery
- For a STEM Endorsement
- STEM-related Job Shadow
- Conducted during Junior year
- STEM-related Independent Project
- Planned during junior year
- Increased research emphasis
10ELOs 3 required for class of 2013,
7 required over
4 years
- Science Bowl
- Science Olympiad
- Robotics Team
- Math Team
- Science Fair
- Astronomy Club
- Ocean Science Bowl
- Falmouth EMT
11Stage 3
- Student Internships
- Summer Employment
- Professional mentors
- STEM Committee evolves into Advisory Board
- Expand labs
12Stage 4
- Dialogue/Conversation surrounding
- Increasing STEM Capacity
- Regionalize Program
- Corporate Sponsored Labs
13- Ziyuan Liu and Cassee Cain, left Angela Zhang,
14How Can You Help / Become Involved?
- Guest Speaker
- Become a mentor
- Host a High School Intern
- Others
16(No Transcript)
- There arent necessarily any added costs, though
as the program develops there will be discussion
of new courses, time for PD, equipment, and other
costs associated with running any set of high
school courses.
18Science 2011-13 curriculum review
- Driven by the newly released Science Frameworks
- Grade 9 content
- Earth/environmental
- Design Engineering
- Space/universe
- Engineering Technology
- Programming, control automation, design
19REACH Center Launch
- November 29, 2011
- Muna El-Taha
- Shreyas Joshi
- http//www.wcsh6.com/news/article/180868/314/Maine
20Professional Development
- Attend Conferences
- Visit other schools
- Outreach
- Cultivate a STEM Alumni Network
21Sponsors, Partners, Friends
- Outreach
- Inform others, make connections, recruit mentors
- Keep sponsors/friends in loop
- Maintain communication with PATHS and other area
22Friends and Connections
- Corky Ellis - Kepware
- Shane Hall - Compass Project
- Friends of the Kotzmar
23State of Maine Perspective
- Maine is a lead state in the new Science
Frameworks - Maine School for Math Science
- Portlands Charter STEM School
- Bangors newly announced plans
- REACH Center -
- Muna Shreyas
- state-wide network
- Falmouth could be a key
- Associated with MSSM
- Time
- Curriculum planning
- Academy planning
- Recruitment of mentors, board members, partners,
etc. - Recruitment Strategy
- Increase female participation
- Attract all students
- Prompt Action
25Parallel Activity
- Support/Encourage the development of an FHS Fine
(or visual) and Performing Arts Academy - Send a visiting group to Essex, VT
26Other things to add
- RWDC college-level course work
- STEM in state/country
- More information on plans/timeline
- Include student STEM endorsement hand-out
- Need graduation data
- going into STEM
- going into Engineering
- Other high schools
28Thoughts on what I do
- Beef-up the grade 9 program to become more
engineering-based - Should this become a year-long class?
- Review what the Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy
is doing - http//www.dpengineering.org/academy/plan/courses
- Do more with
- CNC/3d printing
- PLCs and robotics
29Stage 2 - for class of 2013
- 2011-13 science curriculum review
- Based on newly released Frameworks
- Connect Senior Discovery Independent Project to
STEM - Professional Development
- Identify Potential Sponsors/Partners/Friends
- Develop plan for Extended Learning Opportunities
(ELOs) - Advanced Topics in Engineering (1)
30Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs)
- Credit for activity participation, i.e., clubs
- Connection to Academic program
- Included on Transcript
- Requires 25 contact hours
31Why STEM?
- Maine DOE - STEM teaching and learning can
- positively impact career options and
decision-making, - Strengthen Maines economy
- Foster informed and successful citizens
- Elevate the aspirations of Maine students
- Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
are the foundations of an advanced society. If
we wish to ensure equitable access to high wage,
high growth employment for Maine students
learning in these areas must also be part of the
educational foundation for all Maine students.
32(No Transcript)