Module 17: Infancy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Module 17: Infancy


... poverty level can affect Emotional Development cont. Jerome Kagan: conducted longitudinal research which changed the way we think about children s temperaments. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Module 17: Infancy

Module 17 Infancy Childhood
Studying Children
  • Who
  • Developmental psychologists study a persons
    biological, emotional, cognitive, personal, and
    social development from infancy through late
  • How
  • Methods of research
  • Longitudinal- same group studied repeatedly at
    many different points in time.
  • Cross-sectional-several groups of different-aged
    individuals studied at the same time.

Nature vs. Nurture
  • A major issue in child development
  • Asks how much nature (genetic factors) and how
    much nurture (environmental factors) contribute
    to a persons biological, emotional, cognitive,
    personal, and social development.
  • Implications
  • Case of Baby Jessica Michael other adoptions
  • prodigies

Prenatal Period Teratogens
  • Teratogen agent that can harm a developing
    fetus, such as a disease, drug, or environmental
  • Teratogens
  • Cocaine other drugs causes low birth weights,
    poor feeding habits, greater risk for developing
    other psychological problems
  • Cocaine with other drugs can cause deficits in
    cognitive functioning behavioral problems

Prenatal Period Teratogens
  • Smoking nicotine increases risk of low birth
    weight, pre-term deliveries, and possible
    physical problems, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
    respiratory infections
  • Lead large amounts can lead to interference with
    brain development deficits in IQ scores

Prenatal Period Teratogens
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • In U.S., leading known cause of mental
  • Alcohol is a teratogen that crosses placenta
    affects fetus
  • Results from a mother drinking heavily,
    especially during first 12 weeks.
  • Results in physical changes, neurological
    changes, psychological behavioral problems
  • Children with FAS have problems into adolescence

Prenatal Period Teratogens
  • Fetal alcohol exposure (FAE)
  • results from moderate drinking (7-14 drinks per
    week) by pregnant women
  • Less severe than FAS, but more prevalent
  • Results in deficits in number of cognitive tasks
    fine motor speed coordination
  • Moderate drinking may result in serious problems,
    so researchers recommend women who are pregnant
    or planning a pregnancy should not drink alcohol

Child Abuse
  • Child abuse neglect (physical emotional)
    result from inadequate care or acts of the parent
    that put the child in danger, cause physical harm
    or injury, or involve sexual molestation.
  • In the U.S., about 3 million allegations of
    childhood abuse neglect annually.
  • About 500, 000 of allegations are for sexual
  • Peak age of vulnerability is 7 to 13

Child Abuse cont.
Child Abuse Sexual Abuse
  • Very often the abuser knows the child
  • Many children are too fearful of the abuser to
    report the maltreatment
  • Prevalence survey of 21 different countries
  • 7- 36 women 3- 29 of men are sexually abused
  • Females are 2-3 times more likely to suffer abuse
    than males

Child Abuse Who Abuses Children?
  • Parents who abuse their children are likely to
    have low self-esteem
  • a wide range of personal problems may also be
    more impulsive, anxious, defensive, aggressive,
    and socially isolated
  • 60 of physical abuse is committed by mothers
  • 90 of sexual abuse is committed by fathers or
  • About 30 of abused children become parents who
    abuse their own children,
  • compensatory factors that prevent this from

Child Abuse Who Abuses Children?
  • a child's traits may make them more likely to be
    abused-if difficult to care for
  • Principle of bidirectionality a child's
    behaviors influence how his/her parents respond,
    and in turn the parents' behaviors influence how
    the child responds.

What Problems Do Abused Children Have?
  • Children who suffer abuse may experience
  • physical
  • Neurological
  • psychological problems
  • Problems continue in teenage years and can take
    form of depression, delinquent behaviors.
  • Can have long-lasting negative effects on a
    child's brain development and neural functioning

How Are Abusive Parents Helped?
  • Programs with combination of cognitive-behavior
    therapy parent-training programs have proven
    successful in decreasing child abuse. These progra
    ms have two goals
  • 1. Help parents overcome their personal problems
  • Some may need long-term professional therapy 
  • 2. Changing parent-child interactions by
  • -use behavior modification techniques to teach
    parents more positive ways of interacting with
    their children
  • Current issue Neglect, physical abuse sexual
    abuse are serious social problems that deserve
    more attention treatment than they currently

Newborns Abilities
  • Brain growth after birth, the genetic program
    regulates how the brain develops --making
    connections between neurons neural connections
    cause babys brain to increase from 340 grams at
    birth to 900 grams at 2 years old

Newborns Abilities
  • Sensory growth
  • Faces show a preference for mothers face first
    learn to recognize a persons eyes
  • By 3 to 6 months, can visually distinguish his or
    her mothers face from a strangers or animals
  • By 3 to 4 years of age, infants visual abilities
    equal to those of an adult

Newborns Abilities cont.
  • Hearing one-month-old infants have keen hearing
    and can discriminate small sound variations
  • By 6 months, infants can make all sounds
    necessary to learn the language in which they are
  • Touch have well-developed sense of touch touch
    will elicit a number of reflexes
  • Smell taste
  • -1-day- old infants could discriminate between a
    citrus floral odor
  • -six-week-old infants can smell the difference
    between their mother a stranger
  • -inborn preference for sweet salt dislike
    of bitter-tasting things

Newborns Abilities cont.
  • Depth perception
  • Developed by 6 months
  • Tested by visual cliff, table with uses a
    checkerboard pattern that creates the illusion of
    a clifflike drop to the floor
  • Environmental stimulation helps develop these

Motor Development
  • Motor development stages of motor skills that
    all infants pass through as they acquire the
    muscular control necessary for making coordinated
  • Follows two principles
  • Proximodistal-parts closer to the center of the
    infants body develop before parts farther away
  • Cephalocaudal-parts of the body closer to the
    head develop before parts closer to the feet.
  • These are part of maturation

Motor Development
  • Developmental norms the average age at which
    children perform various kinds of skills or
    exhibit abilities or behaviors
  • Infants develop skills abilities at different
    times because neural connections develop at
    different rates.
  • Nature nurture interact to encourage or
    discourage development

Emotional Development
  • Emotional development emotional behaviors,
    expressions, thoughts, and feelings
  • Temperament relatively stable and long-lasting
    individuals differences in mood emotional

Emotional Development
  • Categories of temperament
  • 1. easy happy cheerful, regular sleeping
    habits, adapt quickly to new situations
  • 2. Slow-to-warm-up more withdrawn, moody take
    longer to adapt to new situations
  • 3. difficult fussy, fearful of new situations,
    more intense reactions
  • Genetic influence develop distinct temperaments
    in first 2-3 months of life due to genetic
  • Environmental influence family influence,
    educational opportunities, poverty level can

Emotional Development cont.
  • Jerome Kagan conducted longitudinal research
    which changed the way we think about childrens
  • Longitudinal pros cons
  • must wait for participants to grow older or may
    drop out of study
  • -researchers can track analyze development in
    new environmental conditions
  • Cross-sectional method pros cons
  • can compare any developmental differences
    across many age groups at the the same time
    lower drop out rate
  • -participants conditions are different, allows
    for more error bias in interpreting results

Emotional Development cont.
  • Research
  • Kagan used longitudinal method
  • Started studying temperaments of 4-month-old
  • Retested at different ages, until reached 20s
  • Findings indicated two categories fearless or
  • Inhibited/fearful children show avoidance,
    anxiety, or fear, when in strange or novel
    environment also showed increased physiological
    arousal brain activity or amygdala to
    strange/novel situations

Emotional Development cont.
  • Study findings
  • -23 inhibited (fearful)
  • -37 uninhibited (fearless)
  • -two groups did not differ in IQ scores,
    intellectual abilities, language, memory, or
    reasoning abilities
  • -Having a fearful temperament at infancy puts a
    person at risk for becoming a fearful child, but
    some become less fearful (but never fearless)
  • -Infant born with overactive amygdala at risk for
    having a fearful temperament developing into a
    fearful or shy person
  • -Help fearful children by being caring
    supportive help deal with stressors

Emotional Development cont.
  • Attachment close, fundamental emotional bond
    that develops between the infant his/her
  • Psychologist John Bowlby believed attachment has
    adaptive value--parents provide care
  • Mary Ainsworth initiated much of research on

Emotional Development cont.
  • Attachment
  • Separation anxiety infants distress whenever
    the infants parents temporarily leave shows
    infant has become attached.
  • Ainsworths research helped identify the quality
    of attachment determined 4 types
  • Two of the types
  • Secure attachment infants who use their parents
    as a safe home base from which they can wander
    off explore their environments
  • Insecure attachment infants who avoid or show
    ambivalence toward their parent or caregiver
  • -Mothers sensitivity, caring responsiveness to
    infants needs affects attachment
  • -not affected by whether or how long a child was
    in day care
  • -some research says attachment formed in infancy
    is associated with success of future adult
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