Mysticism in Islam: Sufism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mysticism in Islam: Sufism


Mysticism in Islam: Sufism Sufism Aka the heart of Islam Is the name of an old and widespread devotional movement Or group of movements Sufism derives from the Arabic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mysticism in Islam: Sufism

Mysticism in Islam Sufism
  • Aka the heart of Islam
  • Is the name of an old and widespread devotional
  • Or group of movements
  • Sufism derives from the Arabic word suf wool
  • Because early Sufis wore a simple robe made of
    common wool
  • Sufism values simplicity
  • Seeks involvement of emotions

  • The core of the Sufi movement is its mysticism
  • Believe that the highest experience a person can
    have is a direct experience of God
  • An individual can experience God face to face on
  • Experiencing God is the whole purpose of life not
    something that has to wait until after death
  • Sufis have spoken about the sense of loss of self
    that occurs in mystical experience
  • This sense of loss of self is called fana or
    al-fana meaning extinction
  • When the self is gone, all that remains is God

Sufi practice
  • Deep regular breathing during meditation
  • Repetition of the 99 names of Allah (dhikr)
  • Sometimes counted on a rosary, to enable a
    constant remembrance of God
  • Sufi Shaykh
  • A teacher
  • Leads his disciples through a variety of
    spiritual disciplines to help them achieve union
    with God

Branches of Islam
  • Muhammad died without a hereditary male successor
  • His sons died in infancy
  • Muhammad apparently never appointed anyone to
    succeed him
  • The result was confusion and an unclear line of
  • This created a division in Islam
  • Muhammad had asked Abu Bakr to be the principal
    leader of prayer
  • He was his friend and the father of his youngest
  • Abu Bakr was recognized as Muhammads first
  • Caliph means successor
  • After the death of the fourth Caliph, Islam was
    taken over by its opponents
  • This period marks the division of Islam- which
    broke into two factions 1) Shiite and 2) Sunni

  • The division began as a political argument over
    who should succeed Muhammad
  • 10-15 of Islam is Shiite
  • From shia meaning faction
  • The faction/party of Ali, the son-in-law and
    cousin of Muhammad
  • Some early Muslims held that Muhammad had
    assigned Ali to be his first successor

Hereditary succession
  • Shiite Islam believes that the legitimate
    succession was hereditary, descending from the
    immediate family of Muhammad
  • A God-given hereditary spiritual power called the
    Light of Muhammad
  • It is thought to have passed to a total of 12
    successors, or Imams
  • The imam is believed to have special spiritual
    insight, and is revered as the true earthly
  • Ali was the first Imam and the line ended with
    the disappearance of the last Imam
  • According to traditions, the last Imam (Muhammad
    al-Mahdi) did not die but entered a hidden realm
    from which he works by guiding Shiite scholars
    and leaders
  • Shiites believe that he will emerge from this
    state in the future to help restore Shiite Islam
  • His reappearance in the world will bring on the
    Day of Judgment

  • For Shiites, their religious leaders possess
    great authority because are guided by the last

  • From sunna meaning tradition and example
  • It refers to the entire body of traditional
    teachings that are based on the life and
    teachings of Muhammad
  • Sunnis follow the established custom, or sunna,
    meaning the Sunna of the prophet
  • Sunni Islam developed in response to the claims
    of Shiite Islam
  • 85-90 of Islam is Sunni

Orthodox sect Taliban
  • Within Sunni Islam emerged the Taliban
  • Means seeker of truth
  • Their views are extremely strict
  • Prohibit women to work, to uncover when in public
  • Men cannot cut their beards
  • Nonreligious music is forbidden
  • Television and film were banned
  • Goal create the purest Islam in the world
  • They follow their own strict interpretations of
    the Koran
  • Claim attacks to be heroic
  • Believers commit suicide

9/11 Taliban
  • Reasons to attack
  • U.S. troops in their land
  • U.S. soldiers do not respect sacred places and
    their women
  • U.S. brings new customs that challenge Islamic
  • United Nations not helping- did not do anything
    to U.S. while they were in Muslim land
  • Bin Laden
  • Issued the Fatwa- a religious ruling requiring
    killing Americans and their allies
  • Used (misused) the Koran- he proof-text the
    original phrases
  • Infidels- non-believer, enemy of faith
  • Called on Jihad
  • Used believers as scapegoats to attack America

  • Literally means struggle
  • Referred as the sixth pillar of Islam
  • On the personal level (greater jihad), jihad
    refers to the individuals spiritual struggle
    against anything that detracts from venerating
    Allah and from acting in accordance with the
    divine will
  • On the social level (lesser jihad), jihad refers
    to the preservation of the order that Allah has
    willed for the word
  • Jihad is also used in a more controversial way
  • It refers to armed struggle
  • It is sometimes thought of as meaning holy war
  • The Koran supports armed struggle for the sake of
    Islam only if it is carried out in self-defense
  • Become martyrs and go strait to heaven
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