War and British Conquest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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War and British Conquest


War and British Conquest The Fabulous Adventure of Chapter 5 Leading Question #1 How did competition between Britain and France to control North America shape Canada? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: War and British Conquest

War and British Conquest
  • The Fabulous Adventure of Chapter 5

Leading Question 1
  • How did competition between Britain and
  • France to control North America shape Canada?
  • VS

How did Competition Shape Canada?
  • The competition between France and Britain
  • helped shape Canada in many ways.
  • It gave Canada much of its current geographical
    shape and territory
  • It provided Canada with the cultures that would
    develop its political, social, and economic

Territorial Gains
  • Though France claimed much of the land in
  • North America it had a very small population of
  • colonists. Britain on the other hand had little
  • land but lots of people. This made New France
  • and Acadia a prime target for British attack.
  • first attack of great importance came in
  • 1701!

Britain and France Go to War 1701The War of
Spanish Succession (aka Queen Annes War)
  • In 1701 Britain and France (along with much of
  • Europe) went to war. The reason you ask...a
  • little dispute over who would succeed the dead
  • king and become the new King of Spain. This
  • war was called...the War of Spanish Succession!

Why the Fight
  • The Reasons
  • In 1700 King Charles II croaked and left his
    kingdom (Spain) to Philip, due dAnjou (PdA)-a
    French prince
  • This was a problem for many European leaders due
    to the fact that PdA was the grandson of Louis
    XIV (yes that Louis). It was feared that good
    old Louis and PdA would merge their two kingdoms
    (Spain and France) and create a
    mega-ultra-powerful country. This would then
    shift the balance of power in Europe

  • Balance of powerstability between competing
  • forces.
  • A kingdom made up of a combined Spain and
  • France would be very powerful and could/would
  • easily trample any other kingdom in Europe

The Response
  • The response from an enlightened and noble leader
    would have been to use
  • words and diplomacy to resolve the conflict.
    Unfortunately, the Holy Roman
  • Emperor at this time was neither of these and he
    chose to use guns and war.
  • So, in 1701, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I
    declared war
  • on Spain and France (he thought he was the
    rightful heir of Spain...and if
  • anyone was going to create a mega-ultra powerful
    country that
  • could take over all of Europe it should be HIM!)

Whose who in the War of Spanish Succession
  • Once the Holy Roman Empire, France and Spain got
    down to business lots
  • of other countries got involved
  • The Contestants
  • Holy Roman Empire VS Kingdom of France
  • Great Britain Kingdom of Spain
  • Dutch Republic The Huron Nation
  • Kingdom of Portugal
  • Denmark-Norway
  • Iroquois Confederacy

The Results
  • In 1713 the war was ended with the signing of
    the Treaty of Utrecht
  • Philip was allowed to keep the crown of Spain but
    was not allowed to ever gain the crown of France
  • Many of the countries involved were left feeling
    bitter and angry at one another...hmmm why might
    this be bad?
  • But the most important thing the Treaty of
    Utrecht did for Canada was...
  • due to the war also having taken place in the
    major powers colonies France lost part of Acadia
    and all of Newfoundland to the British and
    Iroquois forces (Britain also got Florida from
    Spain). Britain was now on its way to conquering
    North America

  • Microsoft Corporation, (2007). Acadia. Retrieved
    February 4, 2008, from Acadia-Map-MSN Encarta Web
    site http//encarta.msn.com/media_461530608_76155
  • Microsoft Corporation, (2007). Europe 1500-1700.
    Retrieved February 4, 2008, from Europe
    1500-1700-MSN Encarta Web site
  • Microsoft Corporation, (2007). War of Spanish
    Succession. Retrieved February 4, 2008, from War
    or Spanish Succession-MSN Encarta Web site
  • Rees, David D. Anderson Gerits, G. Allaire
    (2006). Our Canada Origins, People, Perspective.
    Canada Nelson.
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