Title: Kein Folientitel
1Berlin - Friday, 18.07.2003
2Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Political Implications of Transfrontier Ground
and Surface Water Pollution with the Potentially
Result of Significant Losses of Productive
Agricultural Land"
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
3Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Transboundary Waters - Common Pool Resources
The 1997 UN-Convention on International
Watercourses (Law of the non-navigational uses
of internationally shared fresh water resourses -
surface and ground water)
This definition calls the attention of states to
the interrelationship between all parts of the
system of surface and ground waters that form an
international watercourse.
source Autorite du Bassin du Niger Le Modele
Mathematique du Fleuve Niger Novembre 1982
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
4Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Transboundary Waters - Common Pool Resources
The 1997 UN-Convention on International
Watercourses (Law of the non-navigational uses
of internationally shared fresh water resourses -
surface and ground water)
source UNESCO
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
5Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Transboundary Waters - Common Pool Resources
The 1997 UN-Convention on International
Riparian Nations
Nile River Basin
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
6Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Transboundary Waters - Common Pool Resources
The 1997 UN-Convention on International
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
7Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Transboundary Waters - Common Pool Resources
The 1997 UN-Convention on International
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
8Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Transboundary Waters - Common Pool Resources
The 1997 UN-Convention on International
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
9Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
10Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
According to Wolf (2000)
There are 261 watersheds which cross the
political boundaries of two or more countries.
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
11Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
According to Wolf (2000)
These basins have certain characteristics that
make their management especially difficult, most
notable of which is the tendency for regional
politics to regularly exacerbate the already
difficult task of understanding and managing
complex natural systems.
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
12Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
According to Wolf (2000)
The Convention entails a transition from the
prudence of a single watercourse state to the
shared prudence of watercourse states.
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
13Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
According to Wolf (2000)
To many analysts, this is one essence in which
the Convention imposes constraints on Unilateral
Development raising the old question of water and
sovereignty Unlimited Territorial Integrity
Unlimited or Absolute Sovereignty theories.
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
14Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
15Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Paul Klee
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
16Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
17Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Integration of universities agencies.
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH
18Ecosystem Analysis and Integrated Ground Water
Dr. H. Kehl
Enhancement of surface and ground water quality
for agriculture.
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung GmbH