Climate Mission Outcome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate Mission Outcome


Overview of Climate Predictions and Projections Program Climate Mission Outcome A predictive understanding of the global climate system on time scales of weeks to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate Mission Outcome

Overview of Climate Predictions and Projections
  • Climate Mission Outcome
  • A predictive understanding of the global climate
    system on time scales of weeks to decades with
    quantified uncertainties sufficient for making
    informed and reasoned decisions (Criteria for
    success progress measured by indicators of
    predictive understanding and skill scores)

Future New and Improved Products (preliminary
modeling work going on for most of these already)
  • Climate
  • Improved intraseasonal to seasonal to decadal
  • Scenarios for future climate mitigation and
    adaptation studies
  • Assessments of potential for abrupt changes -
  • Utilization of Earth System models in expanding
    product suite
  • Water resource drought forecasts including
    nutrient runoff
  • Climate related health and disease forecasts
  • Projections of sea level changes
  • Ecosystems
  • Ecological assessments and predictions from
    climate change
  • Fisheries productivity forecasts that incorporate
    the effects of climate
  • Improved assessments of sea level change on
    coastal resources and ecosystems
  • Forecasts and mitigation strategies related to
    air/water quality and quantity in coastal zone
  • Weather and Water
  • Improved 10-14 day forecasts
  • Regional and continental scale air-quality and
    atmospheric chemistry predictions
  • Improved forecasts for water resources (droughts,
    floods) including interactions with estuaries and

Functional Structure of Predictions and
Projections Program (Seasonal to Interannual
Component Shown)
Operational Forecasts
New and Improved Products
Information Products
Test Bed - transition to operations
  • Systematic Research forecasts and applications
    (Research PMs)
  • establish systematic research multi-model SI
    prediction activity
  • establish multi-model Hydrological prediction
  • Test application models drought, fire, water
  • Improve consolidation tools
  • Routine Attribution reports
  • Multi-model-based predictability studies
  • Predictability studies
  • Experimental predictions
  • Studies supporting process research
  • Data Distribution capability

Model Data Assimilation System Development
in Environmental Modeling Program
  • Process research, hypothesis testing and
    diagnostic studies
  • Targeted efforts for improving climate models
    (CPTs, parameterizations,)
  • Field experiments in support of model
    improvements CPTs
  • global tropical interactions with new focus on
    Indo-Pacific and Atlantic regions
  • Monsoon related studies
  • Emerging applications (coastal ecosystems air
    quality fisheries,)

Observations, reanalyses, forcings research
What can lead to improvements in S/I forecasts -
our strategy
  • Develop a (community) research strategy (FY06/Q2)
  • Improved dynamical prediction models
  • Enhanced use of ensemble information from a
    single model
  • Multi-model ensembles
  • Improved empirical prediction tools
  • Improvements in consolidation procedures
  • Improved SST predictions
  • Climate Nowcasts (Dynamical OCN)
  • Predictability beyond ENSO SSTs

A Number of Approaches can Improve Skill Scores
Example - Objective Consolidation Tool
Pink Operational Forecasts (avg. score
17) Blue Objective consolidation forecast tool
(avg. score23)
Proposed Structure for Improving Skill of SI
Forecasts Metric for incorporation into
operations improves skill over period of
operational forecasts
Operational SI Forecasts/Skill
Objective Consolidation Tool
Empirical Methods
Research Foci
Dynamical OCN
Multimodel CDC/IRI/
Research SI Forecasts/Skill
Objective Consolidation Tool
Priorities Next 1-5 years resulting from our
CLIVAR planning in 5 year research plans -
NCEP needs?
  • Seasonal to Interannual (working towards
    regional capabilities)
  • Improve skill of SI predictions
  • Establish systematic community based multi-model
    forecasting capability/infrastructure
  • Incorporate impacts of Indo-Pacific and Atlantic
    SST anomalies
  • Develop dynamical understanding of trends
    incorporate in forecasts
  • Implement routine attribution capability
  • Develop seasonal hydrological forecasting
    capability (a national drought prediction
  • Predictive understanding of influence of climate
    on environment (a new focus)
  • Coastal ecosystems and fisheries regimes
  • Decadal to Centennial- working towards regional
    capabilities where possible
  • Develop experimental decadal trends forecasts
    resulting from predictive understanding of
    anthropogenic and natural variations (Atlantic
    focus) also links directly to SI predictions
  • Attribution of climate of 20th C to natural
    versus anthropogenic influences
  • Understanding past decadal variability abrupt
  • Reduce uncertainty in future projections
  • Implement earth system modeling capability
  • Intraseasonal Forecasting
  • Improve week2 skill scores
  • Develop capability to predict extremes for weeks
  • Predictive understanding of climate on statistics
    of extremes (hurricanes others)

Uses of Multi-model Ensembles
Research - forecasts and AMIP runs - A
distributed activity
Climate Testbed - centralized activity
Application models hydrology, etc.
Attribution and predictability studies
Research forecasts
  • The above need to be more systematic and be
    linked to other national/international activities
  • CliPAS (APEC-Korea)
  • C20C runs
  • others

MM Ensemble for Attribution and Predictability
  • What NOAA supported activities currently exist
  • Seasonal Diagnostics Consortium
  • Continuously updated AMIP runs forced with
    global SSTs. Participating models are from NCEP,
    GFDL, CDC (running CCM3), IRI, GMAO, and ECPC
  • Although updating the AMIP runs is a distributed
    activity, centralized collection of data and
    display of basic results is done at CPC
  • C20C simulations with different natural and
    anthropogenic forcings
  • Need to formalize predictability studies and link
    to NCPO research programs

MM Ensemble for Predictions
  • What NOAA supported activities currently exist
  • MM ensemble predictions at IRI (based on tier-2
    approach with skill assessments for participating
    models obtained from AMIP simulations)
  • Empirical-Dynamical SI prediction System at CDC
    (based on a set of tier-2 AMIP model runs)
  • Both are distributed approaches. Both are
    pragmatic in the sense that there is no
    consistent set of hindcasts. There are strong
    ties with the multi-model attribution and
    predictability assessment activities.
  • Need to have a formal comparison of these
    forecasts with the operational approaches

MM Ensembles for Predictions Future
  • What more is desirable
  • A multi-model tier-1 prediction capability that
    would include several national coupled models
  • A consensus among participating entities as to
    what is required to achieve a 1-tier multi-model
    ensemble goal, e.g.,
  • What should be the length for the hindcasts?
  • Need for a consistent ODA?
  • Minimum size of ensemble for each coupled model?
  • Distributed or centralized activity?
  • What gets implemented on Test Bed?
  • What can be achieved under the available
    resource? And if enough resources are not
    available, does meeting requirements halfway
    still beneficial (e.g., reduced length of
    hindcasts)? OR it HAS to be an all or nothing
  • MM for regional downscaling (S-I, CC scenarios)
  • Linking to application models, e.g., hydrological
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