Depression = World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Depression = World


Chapter 24 ... Section 1 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Depression = World

Chapter 24
  • Section 1

Depression World
  • The world, especially Europe was devastated
  • People were looking for stability
  • Someone to pull them out of despair

All hail Hitler
  • He was incredible speaker
  • Held grand spectacles
  • Put the blame on something else or someone else

Totalitarian Government
  • Exert total control over a nation
  • Dominate every aspect of life
  • Use terror to suppress individual rights
  • Silence all opposition

  • Hitler and Mussolini use this philosophy
  • Emphasized the importance of the nation or ethnic

Stalin and the Soviet Union
  • Had a five year plan to spread communism
  • Modernize agriculture
  • Build industry

His economic plan
  • If people did not listen to them he would starve
  • Wanted to industrialize
  • Introduce the world to a new leader

Stalins reign of terror
  • 1934 he arrested all people who opposed him
  • Everyone was found guilty
  • Purges- removing political figures and
  • Millions were executed or put in jail

  • Italian dictator
  • Soldier in WW I
  • Felt the Treaty of Versailles was unfair
  • Created the fascists party with his Black shirts
  • Suspended free elections
  • outlawed all political parties
  • Look at as a miracle worker
  • Took Ethopia

  • A form of fascism
  • Shaped by Hitler
  • Supported nationalism and racial superiority

Hook Activity
  • Why do individuals often go along with the
    actions of the crowd, even when they are not
    comfortable doing so?
  • From what you know and what we learned, what
    factors in Germany contributed to this mass
    support for Hitler?
  • Could a leader like Hitler hold such appeal and
    power today?
  • Do we see any elements of blame in this recent
  • Can we gain message of the importance of
    acceptance and standing up for yourself or
    someone else?
  • BE READY TO ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!This counts for
    class grade and current events!

Hitler goes to the pokey
  • Him and a few of his followers tried to overtake
    the government
  • Called the Beer Hall Putsch
  • It was easily put down
  • Thrown in jail
  • Wrote Mein Kampf, My Struggle
  • http//

Quotes of Hitler
  • Those who want to live, let them fight, and those
    who do not want to fight in this world of eternal
    struggle do not deserve to live.Adolf Hitler,
    Mein Kampf
  • The Nazi party should not become a constable of
    public opinion, but must dominate it. It must not
    become a servant of the masses, but their
    master!Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
  • Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye
    than a great man be 'discovered' by an
    election.Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Up The Ladder he Goes
  • In charge of the Nazi Party
  • Largest party in the Reichstag
  • President Hindenburg made him Chancellor
  • Hitlers Brown shirts start to suspend freedom
  • When Hindenburg dies he becomes President as well
  • Called Der Fuhrer

  • Goes against the Treaty of Versailles and builds
    up the military
  • Unemployed workers get jobs
  • Make the Autobahn
  • Bolstered national pride
  • Told people they need more lebensraum, or living
  • http//

Shineland, Rhineland
  • Region in Western Germany
  • Treaty banned military forces
  • Used in WW I as a base
  • Remilitarized illegally
  • Map

Why appease
  • Many felt that Germany had been mistreated by the
    Treaty of Versailles
  • WW I was still fresh in their head and they did
    not want another confrontation
  • Let Hitler have just one tiny piece of land
  • Map

Axis Powers
  • Throughout WW II these powers will consist of
    Germany, Japan and Italy

Let us start the moped..
  • Hitler wanted Austria to unite again and they
  • Hitler will take the country under his control
  • Promises that would be it
  • Few months later Hitler will take the Sudetenland
    which is part of Czech
  • Great Britain and others stood by and watched
  • Appeasement- giving into a competitors demands to
    avoid confrontation
  • MAP

(No Transcript)
  • WW II resources in documents
  • art

Section 2
Spanish Civil War
  • In Spain many political parties were fighting for
  • There was a rebellion against the Democratic
    government led by Francisco Franco and their
    group became known as the nationalists
  • So the war was between the nationalists and the

Who helped?
  • They both needed foreign aid
  • Germany and Italy will aid the nationalists by
    giving tanks and planes. Hitler will bomb a small
  • The Soviet Union will help the republicans

Churchill and the Sudetenland
  • He felt that Britain made a terrible mistake by
    appeasing Hitler
  • Felt he had no intentions of stopping

Moped times..
  • Hitler does not stop at the Sudetenland
  • A few months later Hitler will occupy the western
    part of Czech
  • Italy will continue invading and take Albania and
    western Greece

Just not Poland
  • Great Britain and France appeased Hitler but
    warned to stay away from Poland
  • Hitler did not listen and didnt believe that
    they would get involved
  • They will

Hitler versus Stalin
  • Hitler and Stalin were not friends
  • In fact sworn enemies
  • Realized that they had similar interests and
    could help each other
  • They signed a 10 year non-aggression pact
  • You leave me alone and I will leave you alone

  • Germany became an effective fighting machine
  • Used a blitzkrieg, or lightening war which
    included fast, concentrated air and land attacks
  • Germany utilized the stuka, which was a dive-bomb
  • It would terrorize people and then tanks and
    auxiliary would come in
  • Using these methods it took Hitler 1 month to
    take Poland

Frances main source of fire power
  • France used the Maginot Line
  • It faced the border of Germany
  • It housed all the troops, and their heavy
    artillery faced the border

  • It only protected part of France
  • Leaving them open through Belgium
  • All heavy guns were pointed east towards Germany
    which created a problem if they came in through
    the back

Phony War
  • America was getting dribs and drabs of
  • There was a lull after Germany took Poland
  • Lack of fighting

The moped
  • Hitler will successfully take
  • Denmark and Norway
  • Launches a blitzkrieg on the Netherlands (5
    days) and Belgium (3 weeks)
  • Takes Luxembourg (1 day)
  • French and British will rush to the aid of
    Belgium but too late

The Battle of Dunkirk
  • The Germans cornered the French
  • They assembled a private fleet of steam ships,
    passenger liners, fishing boats etc.
  • Saved 340,000 soldiers by carrying them across
    the English Channel

France Falls
  • Hitler swept through France and took Paris in a
    few days
  • Soldiers surrender and Hitler personally did a
    victory visit to the Eiffel Tower

The Battle of Britain
  • Great Britain lay 20 miles away on the English
  • However, Britain had a great Navy
  • Germany launched a massive air attack in which
    they went against the rules of war
  • They bombed civilians and any target they could
  • GB would retaliate and bomb Berlin
  • RAF Royal Air Force was greatly out-numbered
  • Very courageous and responsible for killing 100s
    of Germans

Section 3
Lets talk about Japan
  • Throughout the years Japans military will expand
  • By the eve of WW I Japan is the strongest nation
  • Japan supported the allies during WW I

Crisis in Japan
  • During and after the Great Depression Japans
    economy was rocked
  • Their industry was based on selling their goods
    to foreign countries
  • Other nations increased tariffs on Japanese
    goods to protect their business

Oh oh a crisis, ya knowooo
  • The economic crisis lead to massive lay-offs,
    strikes and widespread political descent
  • People blamed the problems on democracy and this
    led to nationalists
  • Radicals assassinated business and political

Manchurian Incident
  • Japans population exploded in the 1900s
  • By 1930 the population neared 65 million and grew
    about 1 million a year
  • Japan lacked natural resources
  • They saw acquisition of Manchuria as a solution
  • A Japanese army stationed in Manchuria faked an
  • Blamed it on the Chinese and gave them the
    authority to seize it

Puppet State
  • Manchuria became an independent country under the
    control of a powerful neighbor, Japan

Japan grows stronger
  • The acquisition of Manchuria and the
    assassination of the Prime Minister allowed Japan
    to grow stronger
  • War in China- Japanese brutally attacked the
  • They brutally killed over 100,000 civilians
    including women and children
  • Rape of Nanjing

Who helped the Chinese
  • United States and other nations condemned the
  • US passed a series of Neutrality Acts so they
    could remain uninvolved
  • The Soviet Union backed China with arms, military
    advisors and warplanes
  • Great Britain would later send a steady stream of
    supplies as well

Burma Road
  • 700 mile highway linking Burma to China
  • The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere- Japan
    needed the resources from regions to continue the
    war with China
  • Japan stated that they would spread liberty
    throughout Asia and Europe if they got on board
  • Tripartite Pact- is was an argument that aligned
    Japan and Germany and Italy

Section 4
The United States chooses Neutrality
  • During the 1930s the United States turned their
    back on foreign problems
  • Focused their energies on trying to get the
    economy back on track
  • Even as Germany and Italy threatened to shatter
    world peace, the US held out on their policy of

Lets help just a little
  • Few people in the US agreed with fascism and
    Nazism and sympathized with the victims
  • However, anything short of a direct attack on the
    US would keep the US out of war
  • To prove their neutrality they passed Neutrality
  • 1. 1935, banned the US from providing military
    weapons to nations at war
  • 2. 1936, banned loans to nations at war

We take cash only!
  • 3. 1937, nicknamed cash and carry, permitted
    trade of nonmilitary goods to fighting nations
    only if they came to pick it up and used cash
  • These acts prevented the US from aiding nations
    who were trying to defend themselves from the
  • Later it was looked at as actually encouraging

Moped time again
  • By the end of 1938 Germany had been on fire,
    Italy took Ethiopia and Japan took China
  • Our isolationist views changed by our improving
    economy and the increase of aggression by Japan
    and Germany (Poland)
  • FDR will ask the Congress to revise the
    Neutrality Acts by allowing us to sell weapons to
    Great Britain and France

France falls
  • When France fell the United States became more
    concerned for the safety of Great Britain
  • They will begin lending more
  • In fact they will provide 50 destroyers

Many dont agree
  • Some Americans felt this involvement was too
  • Some formed the American First Committee- which
    pushed to block any further aid to Great Britain
  • In the heat of it all there was an election in
  • Wendell Willkie ran against FDR and told the
    American people he would drag us into war
  • FDR won the election for his third term

FDR wants more
  • FDR will push for more help
  • Prime Minister Churchill will beg the US for more
    help stating they are bankrupt and could not pay
    for goods
  • Lend Lease- was passed in 1941 and it will later
    extend to the Soviet Union
  • New plan to give Britain goods to borrow!
  • By the end of the war the US will Lend 49
    billion to 40 nations

Oh no Japan..
  • Japanese were our of control in Asia
  • When they took Indonesia the US froze all
    financial assets of Japan and cut off oil
  • We knew the Japanese desperately needed raw
    materials and thought this would stop them
  • Caused Japan to look in other areas and expand
  • In the coming months the US tried to avoid war
    with Japan

Negotiations, final days of peace
  • The US and Japan were heavily involved in
    negotiations and it looked promising
  • Military officer General Tojo Hideki took over
    power in Japan and disliked the US
  • US broke a Japanese code and knew aircraft
    carriers were on the move in the Pacific
  • They expected an attack but did not know where

The Attack
  • 6 aircraft carriers and more than 20 other ships
    headed to Oahu
  • The intention was that they would cripple the US
    and we would not be to attack them and they would
    continue expanding
  • On Dec. 7th at 7A.M. a radar noticed a large
    blimp on the screen
  • The officer on duty said that it was American

They were wrong
  • Half the Pacific fleet was anchored in a three
    mile area
  • By 945 the attack was over
  • 2,400 planes Americans were killed
  • 1,200 were wounded
  • 200 planes were damaged
  • 18 warships sunk
  • 29 Japanese planes lost

The Day that will live in infamy
  • The next day on December 8th the US will declare
    war on Japan
  • On Dec. 11th, Germany and Italy will declare war
    on the US
  • Our contributions will once again win the war
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