Contribute to the Implementation of OHS Consultation Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Contribute to the Implementation of OHS Consultation Process


Contribute to the Implementation of OHS Consultation Process Presented by Michael Brown Stake Holders & Barriers Stakeholders/interested parties: Employees Customers ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Contribute to the Implementation of OHS Consultation Process

Contribute to the Implementation of OHS
Consultation Process
  • Presented by Michael Brown

  • My presentation for you all today will cover the
    following four elements, using activities
    completed by myself throughout the process of
    this course.
  • Contribute to procedures to raise OHS issues or
    requires information and data.
  • Contribute to procedures for communicating OHS
    information and data.
  • Communicate OHS information data and advice
    effectively to influence management decision
    making and action.
  • Contribute to maintaining OHS

Stake Holders Barriers
  • Stakeholders/interested parties
  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Unions
  • Regulatory services (work cover)
  • Management/supervisor
  • Leading hand
  • Family
  • Suppliers
  • Public
  • Visitors
  • Person in control of work place
  • Barriers
  • Education
  • Communication/tools
  • Consultation
  • Understanding
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Poor management
  • Poor leadership
  • Culture
  • Personalities
  • Knowledge of industry expectations
  • Not compliant with legislation
  • Time
  • Funding
  • Resources
  • Induction

Recommendations for a Person in Control to
Overcome Barriers
  • Barriers
  • Poor management
  • Poor leadership
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Recommendations
  • Implement awareness training in safety
  • To be held accountable by management
  • Make sure all persons have a full understanding
    of their responsibilities and are held
    accountable if responsibilities are not met
  • Implement a procedure to make sure people are
    held accountable eg. Warning systems, reports,
    three strikes your out etc

Recommendations for a Person in Control to
Overcome Barriers
  • Barriers
  • Induction
  • Education
  • Knowledge of the Industry
  • Recommendations
  • Hold relevant person accountable for the
    induction process relevant to their position eg.
    Director, Manager, Supervisor, Leading Hand,
  • Provide adequate training and information to
  • Employ qualified or experienced persons,
    provide adequate supervision or training for
    inexperienced persons

Recommendations for a Person in Control to
Overcome Barriers
  • Barriers
  • Not Compliant with Legislation
  • Recommendations
  • Adequate training for relevant persons to gain
    an understanding of Legislation outlines
    significant to your business. Employ trained
    person eg. Safety officer, to enforce
    requirements are met
  • Select the correct tools eg. Toolbox talks,
    email, meetings and consultation to the suit the
    applicable work group

Communication/ Tools (Lack
Recommendations for a Person in Control to
Overcome Barriers
  • Barriers
  • Culture/ Change
  • Recommendations
  • Use networking and adequate/ appropriate
    explanations to implement the change. In regards
    to religion be aware of beliefs and rituals of
    different cultures and put appropriate measures
    in place to accommodate these needs

Recommendations for a Person in Control to
Overcome Barriers
  • Barriers
  • Time
  • Recommendations
  • Provide training for better time management,
    Ensure adequate staff for task required. Work to
    reasonable/ accomplishable deadlines
  • Better planing, better budgeting

Construction Industry Claims Involving the Age
Group of 20gt24 2007/2008
Using data from the Safe Work Australia website I
was able to determine that in the period of
2007/2008 there were a total of 14410 claims in
the construction industry. From the age groups of
lt20 to 65 the age group with the highest amount
of claims was 20gt24 with a total amount of 1910
claims in that period.
I believe that the reasoning behind this would be
that this is the age group that a lot of people
start work so their lack of experience and
training/qualifications would be a major
contributing factor. Attitude and ignorance may
also be a contributing factor as at this age
people often have the Im indestructible
attitude towards life.
Referring to my graph the most common occurring
claims that arise in the construction industry
involve the body areas head, eye, neck, shoulder,
hands, knee, foot, multiple injury.
(No Transcript)
As construction is a very physical industry it
involves a lot of general wear and tear on the
body, which would definitely be a major
contributing factor. Another major contributor
would be the hazardous and unstable nature of the
construction-working environment. The use of
machinery hand and power tools on a daily basis
would also contribute, as using these tools and
machines alone in its self can be potentially
dangerous. Not having or being provided with
adequate or appropriate PPE for the conditions
the worker is working in would also contribute.
The combination of lack of training in specific
areas eg manual handling, correct use of power
tools, machine operation, induction etc and poor
supervision when appropriate would also
Recommendations My recommendations would be, 1.
Employers ensure all workers are suitably
trained/qualified for the job they are
undertaking. 2. Appropriate person ensures all
workers are inducted. 3. If a job description
requires specific skills seek adequate training.
4. Employers ensure that all workers are
provided with adequate or appropriate PPE for
the conditions they are working in. 5. Employers
ensure that workers are physically capable of the
job requested of them. 6. Employers apply
measures to hold supervisors accountable. 7. Emplo
yers inform and instruct workers about their
general duty of care.
Creating A Safety Checklist For Crane Set-up
  • Purpose
  • To identify the hazards associated with the
    set-up of a crane on a building site, to explore
    controls to minimize or eliminate these hazards
    and to incorporate them into a Safety Check List
    for everyday use by appropriate persons on site.
  • Method
  • Use Toolbox Talk with crew to identify past,
    present and potential hazards.
  • Source appropriate controls.
  • Summarise findings.
  • Organise information.
  • Use information to compile final document (Safety
    Check List).

Creating A Safety Checklist For Crane Set-up
  • Summary of toolbox talk
  •  Subject Past, Present and future hazards
  •  Persons Present Brent wallis, Dave Jeffress,
    Scott Leigh, Rick Smith,Mick Brown, Brett Granter

Creating A Safety Checklist For Crane Set-up
  • Comments and points raised
  • Ground/ surface
  • Trenches/ excavation
  • Trees
  • Structures
  • Other workers
  • Other cranes
  • Training
  • Underground services
  • Underground chambers
  • Traffic
  • Powerlines/ live power
  • Pedestrians/ General public
  • Weather
  • Working at night
  • Bridges/ suspended slabs

Creating A Safety Checklist For Crane Set-up
  • Corrective Action Create safety checklist
  • Action By Mick Brown
  • Sign off by Brett Granter (Director)

Refer to hand outs for information summary of
Hazard and control factors Refer to hand outs to
see final copy of safety checklist
I Lay Bricks PTY LTD
  • The story of the creation of the safety committee

I lay bricks was experiencing a lot of safety
Resulting in their workers spending lots of time
with doctors and nurses instead of being at work
Then came the lawyers with their compensation
Cost was up and the books looked bad
Mick did a report and found that avoidable safety
incidences were through the roof and were the key
cause to the poor money situation
He created the safety committee
Incidences dropped and the workers were back at
work and happy
Now Mick is on top of the world and can rest easy
thanks to his trusty safety committee
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Terms of Reference Aim I Lay Bricks Pty Ltd is
committed to ensuring the safety of all
employees, contractors and visitors to the
worksites where we operate and the rectification
of any hazards identified in the workplace. To
this end, a Safety Committee has been
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Committee Purpose The purpose of the Committee is
as follows (a) give information, ideas and
feedback to the employer and managers about how
to implement work safety best practice (b)
provide a forum for the employer to raise work
safety concerns for the committee to consider
(c) encourage workers to take an interest in
work safety issues in their workplace (d)
review the circumstances of injuries, diseases
and serious incidents in the workplace, and make
recommendations to the employer.
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Membership The committee will consist of an equal
number of representatives from employer/management
and workers.   Election of members Calls for
nominations of workers to the Safety Committee
will be by internal memorandum. Nominations must
be in writing. If more than one nomination is
received, an election will be held. Worker
representatives will serve on the Committee for
two years but may renominate for a further term.
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Management representatives Management
representatives are appointed by the employer and
will hold managerial or supervisory roles in the
workplace. Training of Committee Members Elected
members and appointed members must complete an
approved OHS Consultation Training Course.
Meeting Frequency The Committee will meet at
least quarterly. A quorum is present at a meeting
if (a) at least 1 member representing the
interests of the employer is present at the
meeting and (b) more than half the committee
members present at the meeting are workers
employed by I Lay Bricks Pty Ltd The schedule of
meetings for the year will be decided at the
first meeting of the year.  
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Chairperson The Chairperson will be elected by
the Committee members. Worker representatives and
management representatives are equally eligible
for election to this position.   Attendance at
meetings A Committee member who is unable to
attend a meeting must inform the Chairperson
prior to the meeting. The Chairperson may invite
an appropriate stand in or change the meeting
date. If a member is absent for three
consecutive meetings without a satisfactory
explanation, the Chairperson can declare that
position vacant and a new member can be
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Agenda The Chairperson must be notified of all
matters to be discussed at Committee meetings at
least ten working days prior to the meeting. The
agenda must be distributed to members at least
five working days prior to the meeting.   Minutes
A person whom is not on the committee and has no
input into the discussion or any voting rights
must minute every meeting. Minutes must be
available to all interested parties within five
working days of the meeting.  
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Workplace Monitoring All workers should have
access to Committee members to report any
incidents, hazards or other safety issues as they
are identified.   The Committee will address
all such reports and concerns at the next meeting
and report the outcome of their discussions to
all interested parties in the workplace.   Manager
s and supervisors have an obligation to ensure
that all incidents etc are reported to the
Committee and will be held accountable if this is
not done.
I Lay Bricks PTY LTDSafety Committee
Non-members at meetings The Committee may invite
non-members with particular skills or expertise
to attend a meeting for information and
consultation. The Chair has the final say as to
the appropriateness of the invitation.   Such
visitors have no voting rights at the meeting.
Terms of Reference Review The Committee will
review these terms of reference annually and
amend as necessary. Changes must be notified to
the workplace within 21 days.  
Thankyou All for Your Time
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