Civil Liberties - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Civil Liberties


Civil Liberties & Civil Rights The Evolution of the Bill of Rights – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Civil Liberties

Civil Liberties Civil Rights
  • The Evolution of the Bill of Rights

What Civil Liberties Do You Value Most?
  1. Freedom of Speech
  2. Freedom of Religion
  3. Right to a jury trial
  4. Freedom of the press
  5. Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment
  6. Right to keep and bear arms
  7. Right to control your own property
  8. Freedom of assembly
  9. Freedom from quartering troops in your own home
  10. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures

U.S. Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights (i.e.,
the first 10 amendments to the U.S.
Constitution) were adopted in 1791 to protect
citizens from improper government action
Liberty Rights
Freedom Government Control
Civil Liberties and Civil RightsWhats the Diff?
  • Civil Liberties
  • The Bill of Rights
  • The legal constitutional protections against the
  • Limitations on government power
  • What the government cannot do
  • Civil Rights
  • 14th Amendment
  • What the government must do to ensure equal
  • Protects against discriminatory treatment
  • Require government action

Civil Liberties and the Supreme Court
  • Judicial interpretations shape the nature of
    civil liberties, and as these interpretations
    change over time, so do our rights
  • To understand the civil liberties and freedoms we
    have, we will examine several key Supreme Court
  • One of the most common controversies addressed by
    the court
  • Should the Bill of Rights apply to STATE

The Incorporation of the rights
  • Barron v Baltimore 1833
  • Fourteenth Amendment
  • Gitlow v New York 1925
  • Gitlow, a socialist, was arrested for
    distributing copies of a "left-wing manifesto"
    that called for the establishment of socialism
    through strikes and class action of any form.
    Gitlow was convicted under a state criminal
    anarchy law, which punished advocating the
    overthrow of the government by force. At his
    trial, Gitlow argued that since there was no
    resulting action flowing from the manifesto's
    publication, the statute penalized utterences
    without propensity to incitement of concrete
    action. The New York courts had decided that
    anyone who advocated the doctrine of violent
    revolution violated the law.

The Incorporation of the rights
  • Gitlow v New York 1925
  • Question 
  • Does the New York law punishing the advocacy of
    overthrowing the government an unconstitutional
    violation of the free speech clause of the First
  • Conclusion 
  • Threshold issue Does the First Amendment apply
    to the states? Yes, by virtue of the liberty
    protected by due process that no state shall deny
    (14th Amendment). On the merits, a state may
    forbid both speech and publication if they have a
    tendency to result in action dangerous to public
    security, even though such utterances create no
    clear and present danger. The rationale of the
    majority has sometimes been called the "dangerous
    tendency" test. The legislature may decide that
    an entire class of speech is so dangerous that it
    should be prohibited. Those legislative decisions
    will be upheld if not unreasonable, and the
    defendant will be punished even if her speech
    created no danger at all.

Selective Incorporation of the Bill of Rights
  • The BoR were originally written to protect
    citizens from the national government (Congress
    shall make no law)
  • Barron v. Baltimore (1833) The BoR only apply
    to national government NOT the states
  • However, over time most liberties protected by
    the BoR have been selectively incorporated (or
    applied) to the states through the 14th
    Amendments due process clause

Selective Incorporation of the Bill of Rights
  • The first Supreme Court case to selectively
    incorporate a part of the BoR was Gitlow v. New
    York (1925)
  • Applies first Amendment protection of free speech
    to the states
  • Since Gitlow, the Supreme Court has gradually
    incorporated other selected parts of the BoR to
    the states

First Amendment Conflicts
  • Just how does the Constitutional statements about
    religion and govt conflict?
  • establishment clause
  • free exercise clause

Rights in Conflict
We know people support rights in theory but their
support may disappear when it comes time to put
those rights into practice - ex demands of
American Nazi Party in 1977 to march through a
Jewish neighborhood in Skokie, Ill
(No Transcript)
Freedom of Religion
  • Two Key Principles
  • The Establishment Clause The Separation of
    Church and State
  • Congress shall make no law respecting the
    establishment of religion
  • The Free Exercise Clause
  • Prevents the government from prohibiting
    individuals from practicing religion of their
  • How can these two conflict with one another?

Effective Oral Arguments
  • Morse v. Frederick (2007)
  • At a school-supervised event, Joseph Frederick
    held up a banner with the message "Bong Hits 4
    Jesus. Principal Deborah Morse took away the
    banner and suspended Frederick for ten days. She
    justified her actions by citing the school's
    policy against the display of material that
    promotes the use of illegal drugs. Frederick
    argued this action was a violation of his First
    Amendment right to freedom of speech.

Freedom of Religion
  • Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) Direct state-aid
    cannot be used to fund religious instruction
  • Set-up the three-part Lemon test
  • For a law to be constitutional under the
    establishment clause, it
  • Must have a secular (non-religious) legislative
  • Can neither advance nor inhibit religion
  • Must not result in excessive government
  • If any of these conditions are violated, the law
    is unconstitutional but Court has changed opinion

Freedom of Religion
  • The Establishment Clause Other Issues
  • Does prayer in public schools violate
    Establishment Clause?
  • YES! Engel v. Vitale (1962) and Wallace v.
    Jaffree (1985)
  • What about prayer at graduations?
  • YES! Lee v. Weisman (1992)
  • Can families use state issued credits (vouchers)
    to purchase private, religious education?
  • YES! Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002)
  • What about displays of the Ten Commandments in
    courthouses and other government buildings?
  • Yes (Van Orden v. Perry) and No (McCreary County
    v. ACLU), 2005
  • Supreme Court OK to display as long as it is

Freedom of Religion
  • The Free Exercise Clause
  • Prohibits government from interfering with the
    practice of religion
  • But not always. Reynolds v. U.S. (1879)
  • Some religious practices may conflict with other
    rights, and then be denied or punished
  • Oregon v. Smith (1990) Supreme Court rules that
    the state of Oregon could deny unemployment
    benefits to two drug counselors for using peyote
  • Controversial Freedom Restoration Act (1993)
    passed in response. Declared unconstitutional

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Congress shall make no law abridging the
    freedom of speech or of the press
  • What is the purpose of free speech and the press?
  • Important Note Free speech and press are NOT
    absolute (without restriction)
  • Thus, when it comes to free speech and the press,
    it is up to the Supreme Court to determine what
    the government can and cannot regulate

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Limiting Speech to Ensure Public Order
  • Schenck v. U.S. (1919). Can the government limit
    free speech during wartime?
  • Clear and present danger test
  • Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) But what constitutes a
  • The direct incitement test the government can
    punish speech that will likely lead to imminent
    illegal behavior
  • Makes it more difficult to punish speech

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Protected Speech
  • The Supreme Court will not tolerate prior
    restraint (censorship) of speech or the press
    (before the fact)
  • Near v. Minnesota (1931) selectively
    incorporates free press
  • New York Times v. U.S. (1971) and the Pentagon
  • The Court has also extended protections to
    symbolic speech
  • Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
  • Texas v. Johnson (1989) protects flag burning as
    symbolic speech

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Protected Speech
  • Freedom NOT to Speak
  • West Virginia v. Barnette (1943) Students
    cannot be compelled to salute the flag
  • If there is any fixed star in our constitutional
    constellation, it is that no official, high or
    petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in
    politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters
    of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word
    or act their faith therein. (Justice Jackson)

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Protected (and Unprotected) Speech
  • Hate Speech and Fighting Words Can the court
    regulate these types of speech?
  • Chaplinksy v. New Hampshire (1942) Words that
    instigate another person to fight can be
    regulated and are not protected by the first
  • BUT, in R.A.V. v. St. Paul (1992), the Court
    ruled that the first amendment prohibits the
    governments from silencing speech on the basis
    of content (i.e. hate speech)

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Unprotected Speech
  • Defamation of character Libel (written) and
    slander (spoken)
  • NY Times v. Sullivan (1964) Court declares that
    libel must show actual malice or knowing
    disregard for the truth

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • Unprotected Speech
  • Obscenity But what is considered obscene?
  • Roth v. United States (1957) In order to be
    considered unprotected, obscene speech, the must
  • utterly without redeeming social importance
  • Whether to the average person the dominant
    theme of the material appeals to an unhealthy
    interest in sex (prurience)
  • Miller v. California (1971) Tries to make it
    easier for states to define obscenity by adding
    to Roth test
  • The work appealed to a prurient interest in sex
  • The work portrays sexual conduct in a patently
    offensive way
  • The work lacks serious literary, artistic,
    political, or scientific value.

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly
  • The Right to Assemble
  • What is the purpose?
  • To allow citizens to communicate their ideas on
    public issues
  • BUT, can conflict with public order, so
    reasonable limits (time, place and manner) can be
    placed on assembly
  • Are there limitations on the message of the
  • NO! Terminiello v. City of Chicago (1949)
  • Smith v. Collin (1978)

The Right to Privacy Is There a Right to
Privacy in the Constitution?
  • Definition the right to a private personal life
    free from the intrusion of government
  • Not explicitly stated in the Constitution, but
    implied through the penumbras (implied rights) of
    the Bill of Rights
  • Privacy is a transcendent, constitutional value,
    which is fundamental to the American way of life
    and to other basic rights outlined in the Bill of
  • Supreme Court agrees that a right to privacy
  • Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) CT law outlawing
    access to contraception violated constitutional
    right to privacy of married couples to make
    decisions about their families

The Right to Privacy The Abortion Debate Issue
that Proved Problematic during the Health Care
Legislative Process
Roe Revisited Planned Parenthood v. Casey
  • The issue Was the Pennsylvania Abortion Control
    Act of 1982 constitutional?
  • Law required that a woman seeking an abortion
    meet several conditions
  • Would Roe be overturned?
  • No Justice OConnor argued that stare decisis
    (precedent of the Court) required the Court to
    not overturn Roe. 
  • A generation of women had come to depend on the
    right to an abortion.
  • The Court held that states cannot prohibit
    abortion prior to viability (before the fetus
    could live independently outside of the mothers

Roe Revisited Planned Parenthood v. Casey
  • HOWEVER, the Court allowed certain restrictions
    on abortions
  • States can regulate abortions before viability as
    long as the regulation does not place an undue
    burden (substantial obstacle) on the access to
  • After fetal viability, however, states have
    increased power to restrict the availability of
    abortions to protect the health of the woman and
    the potential life of the fetus. 
  • Thus, states can pass some laws that regulate
    abortion, but these laws cannot place a
    substantial obstacle in the path of a woman
    seeking an abortion. 
  • But what is a substantial obstacle?

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • Much of the Bill of Rights (Amendments 4, 5, 6,
    7, and 8) apply to people accused of crimes
  • Like other civil liberties, defendants rights
    are not clearly defined in the BoR
  • Just how speedy is a speedy trial?
  • How cruel and unusual must a punishment be to
    violate the 8th amendment?
  • Courts continually rule on what action of the
    government is constitutional and what is not.

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • Searches and Seizures
  • Probable Cause police must have reason to
    believe that a person should be arrested
  • Unreasonable searches and seizures (4th
    Amendment) evidence is obtained in a haphazard
    or random manner, prohibited by the Fourth
  • Probable cause and a search warrant are required
    in most cases to make a search and seizure

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • Searches and Seizures
  • Exclusionary Rule the rule that evidence, no
    matter how incriminating, cannot be introduced
    into trial if it was not constitutionally
  • The Court broadens the application of this rule
    in Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
  • Selective incorporation Because of Mapp, the
    exclusionary rule applies to state governments
  • What about the Patriot Act?

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • Self-Incrimination
  • Definition when an individual accused of a crime
    is compelled to be a witness against himself or
    herself in court
  • Court has ruled that police must inform suspects
    of these and other Fifth Amendment protections
    upon arrest.
  • Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
  • However, a coerced confession does not
    necessarily mean a mistrial if it is a harmless

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • Miranda Warnings
  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • Anything you say can and will be used against you
    in a court of law.
  • You have the right to have an attorney present
    before any questioning.
  • If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be
    appointed to represent you before any
    questioning. Do you understand these rights?

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • The Right to Counsel (Sixth Amendment)
  • Always ensured in federal courts, but not state
  • Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
  • Court rules that the state must provide lawyers
    in the case of a felony

The Rights of Defendants and the Accused
  • Cruel and Unusual Punishment (8th Amendment)
  • Centered around the death penalty
  • Furman v. Georgia (1972) Court overturned
    Georgias death penalty law because it punishment
    was arbitrary and random
  • Gregg v. Georgia (1976)
  • The court has ruled that the death penalty is not
    cruel and unusual.
  • It is an extreme sanction, suitable to the most
    extreme crimes.

Civil Liberties Wrap-up
  • Judicial interpretations shape the nature of
    civil liberties, and as these interpretations
    change over time, so do our rights
  • To understand the civil liberties and freedoms we
    have (and how they have changed), we examined
    several key Supreme Court decisions
  • One of the most common controversies addressed by
    the court
  • Should the Bill of Rights apply to STATE

Civil Rights
  • The Struggle for Equality

The Struggle for Racial Equality
  • The Era of Reconstruction and Resegregation
  • Jim Crow laws
  • Relegated African Americans to separate
  • Key question What would the Supreme Court do
    about segregation?

  • All persons born or naturalized in the United
    States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,
    are citizens of the United States and of the
    State wherein they reside. No State shall make or
    enforce any law which shall abridge the
    privileges or immunities of citizens of the
    United States nor shall any State deprive any
    person of life, liberty, or property, without due
    process of law nor deny to any person within its
    jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment
  • Does treating people equally mean treating
    people the same?

Introduction Defining Civil Rights
  • What Types of Discriminatory Treatment Have
    Groups Faced?
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Gender Discrimination
  • Discrimination based on age, disability, sexual
    orientation and other factors
  • Civil Rights
  • 14th Amendment issues
  • Action required of the government to ensure
  • Protects against discriminatory treatment
  • Health Care a Fundamental Right?

What does equality mean?
  • Conceptions of Equality
  • Equal opportunity same chances?
  • OR
  • Equal results same rewards?
  • The Constitution and Inequality
  • Equality is not in the original Constitution.
  • First mention of equality in the 14th Amendment
    forbids states to deny equal protection of the
  • But what does this mean?

The Struggle for Racial Equality
  • Key Milestones During The Era of Slavery
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
  • Slaves had no rights.
  • Invalidated Missouri Compromise
  • The Civil War
  • The Thirteenth Amendment
  • Ratified after Union won the Civil War
  • Outlawed slavery
  • Fourteenth Amendment
  • Fifteenth Amendment

The Struggle for Equality Segregation,
Equality and the Supreme Court
  • Conflicting ideas of what it means to treat
    people equally has presented problems over the
    years for our Supreme Court
  • When the SC must decide cases where people claim
    to have been treated "differently" in violation
    of the 14th, justices need to determine whether
    different treatment leads to inequality. Plessy
    v. Ferguson was their first attempt to do this.

The Struggle for Racial EqualityPlessy v.
Ferguson (1896)
  • The Supreme Court rules in favor of the state of
    Louisiana, declaring that the Separate Car Act
    was constitutional
  • Establishes Separate but equal doctrine
    Segregation of blacks and whites was
    constitutional as long as both have access to
    equal facilities
  • The Courts reasoning The Constitution and the
    law are not responsible for promoting social
    equality, just equal treatment under the law. Do
    you agree?

The Struggle for Racial EqualityPlessy (Contd)
  • We consider the underlying fallacy of the
    plaintiff's argument to consist in the assumption
    that the enforced separation of the two races
    stamps the colored race with a badge of
    inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason
    of anything found in the act, but solely because
    the colored race chooses to put that construction
    upon it. . . . The argument also assumes that
    social prejudices may be overcome by legislation,
    and that equal rights cannot be secured to the
    negro except by an enforced commingling of the
    two races. We cannot accept this proposition. If
    the two races are to meet upon terms of social
    equality, it must be the result of natural
    affinities, a mutual appreciation of each other's
    merits and a voluntary consent of individuals. .
    . . Legislation is powerless to eradicate racial
    instincts or to abolish distinctions based upon
    physical differences, and the attempt to do so
    can only result in accentuating the difficulties
    of the present situation. If the civil and
    political rights of both races be equal one
    cannot be inferior to the other civilly or
    politically. If one race be inferior to the other
    socially, the Constitution of the United States
    cannot put them upon the same plane

The Struggle for Racial EqualityBrown v. Board
of Education (1954)
  • Chief Justice Earl Warren argues that in the
    field of public educationseparate but equal has
    no place.
  • Separate educational facilities are inherently
  • The case overturns Plessy v. Ferguson and ends
    segregation in public schools

The Struggle for Racial EqualityBrown II (1955)
  • BUT, Brown brought up questions
  • How quickly should schools be desegregated?
  • What can the Supreme Court do to enforce its
  • This question was never addressed in the first
    Brown case!
  • In 1955, the Supreme Court rules that a prompt
    and reasonable start to desegregation should
    take place with all deliberate speed.
  • What does that mean? With all deliberate
  • Desegregating Schools
  • Busing of students became the solution for two
    kinds of segregation
  • de jure, by law segregation
  • de facto, in reality segregation

The Struggle for Racial Equality
(Furman Pic)
The Struggle for Racial Equality
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Made racial discrimination illegal in hotels,
    restaurants, and other public accommodation
  • Forbade employment discrimination based on race
  • Created Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    (EEOC) to monitor and enforce rules
  • Strengthened voting right legislation
  • Provided for the withholding of federal funds for
    discriminatory state and local programs
  • Authorized Department of Justice to initiate
    lawsuits to desegregate public facilities and

The Struggle for Racial Equality
  • Impact of Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Education
  • Authorized the federal government to bring action
    against school districts who failed to comply
    with Brown
  • Employment
  • Title VII of the act prohibited employment
    discrimination based on race, gender, sex, age,
    and national origin

The Struggle for Racial Equality
  • The Right to Vote
  • Suffrage the legal right to vote
  • Fifteenth Amendment extended suffrage to African
  • Restricted Black Voting Rights During Jim Crow
  • Poll Taxes small taxes levied on the right to
  • Literacy tests
  • White Primary Only whites were allowed to vote
    in the party primaries.

The Struggle for Racial Equality
  • The Right to Vote
  • Twenty-fourth Amendment (1962) eliminated poll
    taxes for federal elections
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped end formal and
    informal barriers to voting
  • Ended discriminatory voter registration tests
  • Authorized federal voting registrars to sign up
    black voters

The Struggle for Racial EqualityAffirmative
  • A policy designed to give special attention or
    compensatory treatment to members of some
    previously disadvantaged group.
  • Implemented in 1965 by Johnsons executive order

The Struggle for Racial EqualityAffirmative
  • In education
  • Regents of the University of CA v. Bakke (1978)
  • First SC case to address constitutionality of AA,
    brought up issue of reverse discrimination
  • Court rejected the universitys use of quotas,
    which reserved a fixed number of seats for racial
  • HOWEVER, Court declared affirmative action
    programs are constitutional if they consider race
    as a "plus" in the application process.

The Struggle for Racial EqualityAffirmative
  • In education (contd)
  • Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)
  • Gratz Supreme Court struck down U Michigans
    undergraduate point system that awarded points
    to minority applicants because race became a
    deciding factor that did not treat applicants as

The Struggle for Racial EqualityAffirmative
  • In education (contd)
  • Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
  • Grutter BUT, allowed University of Michigan Law
    School to consider race as one of many factors
    because diversity is a compelling interest in
    higher education
  • Significance Court acknowledges that AA
    programs are acceptable and diversity is a
    legitimate goal in education, BUT race can not be
    the predominant factor (no quotas) AND applicants
    must be treated as individuals, not as members of
    a race

The Struggle for EqualityAffirmative Action
  • In employment
  • United Steelworks v. Weber (1979)
  • Quotas to remedy past discrimination are
  • Adarand Constructors v. Pena (1995)
  • To be constitutional, affirmative action must be
    narrowly tailored to meet a compelling
    governmental interest.
  • Did not ban affirmative action, but severely
    limited its reach

  • Affirmative Action programs are necessary to
    safeguard equal opportunity in both education and
    employment for minorities

Todays Key Questions
  • What other groups have historically struggled for
    equal treatment under the law? Which groups
    continue to fight for their civil rights?
  • What types of discrimination have these groups
  • What governmental action has been taken in
    addressing these civil rights issues?

The Struggle for Civil Rights Other Groups
  • Other minorities
  • Asian Americans, Arab Americans, Hispanic
  • Women
  • Disabled
  • Older Americans
  • Gays and Lesbians

The Struggle for Gender Equality
  • Early Womens Rights The Battle for the Vote
  • Nineteenth Amendment extended suffrage to women
    in 1920
  • Fragile alliance of diverse womens groups
    quickly disintegrated
  • Widespread womens rights activity would not
    emerge until 1960s

The Struggle for Gender Equality
  • Equality Under the Law
  • National Organization for Women (NOW) pushed for
    Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) from 1923 to 1980s
  • Passes in both houses of Congress in 1972
  • States fail to ratify over the next eight years
    (35 vote yes, 38 needed)
  • Support for amendment has died out as Supreme
    Court has extended 14th Amendment to women

The Struggle for Gender Equality
  • Equality in Education and Employment
  • Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Prohibits gender discrimination by private and
    public employers
  • Used to fight sexual harassment
  • Title IX of 1972 Educational Amendments
  • Prevents educational institutions receiving
    federal funds from discriminating against female
  • Often used to ensure equal access, resources and
    funding for sports teams

The Struggle for Gender Equality
  • Other issues
  • Women in the military
  • Equal pay
  • Sexual harassment
  • Harris v. Forklift Systems (1993) Sexual
    harassment violates Civil Rights Act of 1964 when
    the workplace environment becomes hostile or
  • Faragher v. City of Boca Raton (1998) The
    employer is responsible for preventing and
    eliminating harassment at work
  • Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education (1999)
    Schools can be held liable!

The Struggle for Equality Other Minority Groups
  • Hispanic Americans
  • Largest and fasting growing minority group
  • Controversial issues
  • Should the government provide services to those
    that enter the country illegally?
  • Bilingual education

The Struggle for Equality Other Minority Groups
  • Asian Americans
  • Korematsu v. United States (1944) Court
    declares Japanese internment camps constitutional
    due to a compelling state interest to ensure
    national security during a time of war

Controversial Civil Rights Issues Today
The Struggle for Equality Disabled Americans
  • What discrimination have Americans with
    disabilities faced?
  • Government Intervention Americans with
    Disabilities Act of 1990
  • Disabled person someone with a physical or
    mental impairment that limits one or more life
  • Guarantees access to public facilities,
    employment, and communication services
  • Employers/schools must acquire or modify work
    equipment, adjust schedules, or make facilities

The Struggle for Equality Disabled Americans
  • Controversy Which ailments are considered true
  • Since 1999, the Supreme Court has redefined and
    limited the scope of the ADA. Workers are not
    disabled if their conditions can be corrected
    with medication or devices

The Struggle for Equality Older Americans and
Age Discrimination
  • Older Americans have traditionally faced
    discrimination in workplace. Why?
  • Government Intervention Age Discrimination in
    Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  • Prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the
    basis of age unless is a bona fide requirement
  • Targets workers over 40
  • To win a lawsuit, the plaintiff must show that an
    employers action (i.e. firing) was motivated by

The Struggle for Equality Gays and Lesbians
  • What challenges have gays and lesbians faced in
    their struggle for equality?
  • Government interventions
  • Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) Allowed states to ban
    homosexual relations
  • Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Overturned Bowers
  • Private homosexual acts are protected by the
  • Gay marriage Many state constitutions amended
    to prohibit practice, but a MA court decision
    allowed gay marriage
  • Controversy Do civil rights protections apply

Civil Rights Wrap-up
  • Equality is essential to any democracy!
  • Racial minorities and women have struggled for
    equality since the beginning of the republic.
  • Our government has purportedly taken action in
    various ways (legislation, amendments, court
    rulings) in order to ensure equality
  • Civil rights have expanded to new groups and
    issues of equality continue to be the subject of

  • The government should actively ensure that as
    many Americans as possible fall under the
    protection of the ADA, including people who
    suffer from AIDS, bad eyesight, and diabetes (for

  • Civil rights and the Fourteenth Amendments
    guarantee of equal protection under the law
    should not apply to gays and lesbians?

Right to Bear Arms
Right of Privacy
Right to Avoid Undo Search and Seizure
Right to Free Expression
(No Transcript)
Right to Pursuit of Happiness?
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