Title: Biochemistry Problem Set
1Biochemistry Problem Set
2Case 1
3Presenting Complaint
Ive felt so weak lately. Sometimes, I can
hardly stand up, and when I do, I feel like Ill
fall, muttered Lamont.
4History of Chief Complaint
Lamont, a 15-year-old boy, presents in the
emergency department with general weakness that
has increased progressively over the past three
weeks. He states that he thinks he has had the
flu. He admits nausea, fever, and abdominal pain
as part of his flu symptoms. He also states that
although he often feels hungry, he has had
trouble eating. He has had some diarrhea and
flatus. He denies any vomiting. He denies any
history of head injury . Mom says shes noticed
that Lamont is making frequent trips to the
bathroom to urinate.
Lamont takes no prescription or over-the-counter
medication on a regular basis, except for an
occasional Advil for sports-related aches and
Lamont denies recreational drug use. He does not
use tobacco or alcohol. He had been exercising
regularly in high school athletics until about 3
months ago, when he began to feel worn out and
decided to take a break.
7Social History
Lamont lives at home with his parents and younger
brother and attends high school. Until recently,
he was active in wrestling and track.
8Past Medical History
Lamont has had no major medical problems in the
past, except for a case of pneumonia when he was
six years old.
9Family Medical History
Lamonts father, 45 years old, has hypertension
as does his paternal grandfather. The father, a
local landscaper, says that his only sibling, a
brother, had a wasting type sickness as a young
boy and that he died at age 10. Except for
fibrocystic breast disease, the mother is in good
health. Her parents died in a plane crash in
1969. There is no family history of heart
disease, high blood pressure, stroke, renal
disease, tuberculosis, cancer, psychiatric or
neurological disorders, migraine headaches, blood
diseases, rheumatic disease or gout.
10Systems Review
- Respiratory
- Lamonts mother states that he had pneumonia when
he was 6 years old and that he has had a fever
off and on for the last couple of weeks, but she
doesn't know how high. - Gastrointestinal
- Lamont complains of some abdominal pain and has
had nausea and diarrhea with his flu.
11Systems Review
- Endocrine
- Lamont admits to frequent trips to the bathroom
during the day and having to get up during the
night as many as five or six times to urinate.
He states that he has been drinking quite a bit
of water for the past few months now, and that he
has lost about 25 pounds in the last 6 months,
which he attributed to not eating right and loss
of appetite.
12Physical Exam
- General Appearance
- Height 71 inches
- Weight 132 pounds
- Alert, but disoriented and unbalanced
- Thin with poor skin turgor, skin is very dry
13Physical Exam
- Vital Signs
- Temperature 101.2F
- Pulse 115/min supine, 140/min upright
- Respirations 32/min
- Blood Pressure 106/76 supine, 88/60 upright
14Physical Exam
- Head / Neck
- Mucous membranes red and very dry
- Slight superficial cervical and paratracheal
lymphadenopathy - Abdomen
- Bowel sounds are hyperactive in all quadrants
15Physical Exam
- Neurological
- Lethargic, disoriented, and weak, but able to
verbalize and communicate - Muscles are very weak
16Lab Tests
Acetone Positive Arterial Blood Gases P O2 100
mm Hg P CO2 25 mm Hg pH 7.18 HCO3- 9 meq/L
17Lab Tests
Electrolytes Na 148 meq/L K 5.4
meq/L Cl- 103 meq/L HCO3- 9 meq/L Anion gap 41
18Lab Tests
Glucose Random 625 mg/dL HbA1c 18
19Lab Tests
Lipid Profile Total Cholesterol 190 mg/dL HDL
Cholesterol 40 mg/dL LDL Cholesterol 135 mg/dL
Triglycerides 150 mg/dL
20Lab Tests
Liver Profile SGOT (AST) 25 U/L SGPT (ALT) 39
U/L Bilirubin 0.8 mg/dL
21Lab Tests
Urinalysis Acetone Positive Glucose Positive
- What is Lamonts acid-base situation? How did
this arise? - What is happening in adipose cells? How is this
regulated? - Since glucose can enter liver cells by
facilitated diffusion, why is the liver NOT
capable of reducing the blood glucose
concentration? - What is happening in skeletal muscle? Why?
- What is HbA1c and what is its significance? Is
hemoglobin the only protein that can react with
24Hyperglycemic Liver
Cholesterol Synthesis
Pentose Shunt
Triglyceride Synthesis
Fatty Acid Synthesis
25Hyperglycemic Adipose
Pentose Shunt
Cholesterol Synthesis
Triglyceride Synthesis
Fatty Acid Synthesis
26Hyperglycemic Muscle
28 Liver
Ketone Body Synthesis
Fatty Acid Oxidation
No Uptake
Triglyceride Breakdown
Fatty Acid Oxidation
30 Muscle
No Uptake
Ketone Body Utilization
Fatty Acid Oxidation
31Case 2
32Presenting Complaint
Mazie visits her family practitioner complaining
of another yeast infection.
33History of Chief Complaint
Over the years, Mazie, a 58-year-old female, has
experienced recurring yeast infections. This is
her fourth this year. She states she has been
thirsty lately and urinates frequently. She says
that she is hungry all the time. Recently, she
has noticed that she gets dizzy when she stands
up quickly.
Mazie takes no prescription or over-the-counter
medication on a regular basis.
Mazie has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day
for over 30 years. She admits to an occasional
beer. Her lifestyle is totally sedentary.
36Social History
Mazie is a housewife with six children, ages 28
to 42. She lives in Nelsonville with her
husband, who is unemployed. She has never been
outside of Athens County in her life, and has
only been to Athens twice. She worries whether
Medicaid will cover her doctor bills.
37Past Medical History
Mazie had gall bladder problems 23 years ago.
38Past Surgical History
Mazie had her gall bladder removed at age 35.
39Family Medical History
Mazies maternal grandmother had sugar and died
at age 64. Her mother, age 73, also has sugar
and has had two heart attacks, the most recent
last year. Her father died in an accident at the
coal mine when she was 2. Her only sibling, a
57-year-old sister, has sugar and kidney problems.
40Systems Review
- Cardiovascular
- Mazie admits dyspnea on exertion, but denies any
recurrent chest discomfort, palpitations,
orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,
hypertension, edema, cyanosis, cardiac murmurs,
phlebitis, varicosities or claudication.
41Systems Review
- Respiratory
- Mazie often has coughing spells upon waking in
the morning, but denies any history of pain in or
unusual drainage from the ears, nose or throat.
She does not suffer frequent nosebleeds. She
denies recurrent chest pain, wheezing,
hemoptysis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, fever or
night sweats.
42Systems Review
- Gastrointestinal
- Mazie admits to increased appetite recently. She
denies any history of recurrent abdominal pain,
chronic indigestion, pyrosis, food dyscrasias,
anorexia, recurrent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
constipation, hematemesis, abnormal stools,
jaundice, hemorrhoids or recent change in bowel
43Systems Review
- Urinary
- Mazie admits to a burning sensation on the
outside while urinating. She admits to
polyuria, and has to get up three or four times
at night to urinate. She denies any problems
with urinary urgency, dysuria, hematuria, facial
edema, oliguria, recurrent kidney or bladder
infections, difficulty starting urinary stream,
change in size or force of urinary stream, kidney
stones, incontinence or urinary retention.
44Systems Review
- Genital / Reproductive
- Mazie has experienced repeated yeast infections
accompanied by cheesy white discharge. - Endocrine
- Mazie admits to dry skin and increased thirst and
urination recently. Over the past two years, she
has gained about 20 pounds.
45Physical Exam
- General Appearance
- Height 64 inches
- Weight 180 pounds
- Alert
- Oriented to time, person and place
47Physical Exam
- Vital Signs
- Temperature 98.6F
- Pulse 80/min supine, 95/min upright
- Respirations 15/min
- Blood Pressure 120/80 supine, 100/60 upright
48Physical Exam
- Head / Neck
- Mucous membranes dry and pink
- Dentition is poor, with numerous caries noted
- Gingiva are inflamed
- Genitals
- White cheesy discharge (KOH positive) noted
49Lab Tests
Acetone Moderate Arterial Blood Gases P O2 100
mm Hg P CO2 32 mm Hg pH 7.34 HCO3- 17 meq/L
50Lab Tests
Electrolytes Na 140 meq/L K 4.2
meq/L Cl- 100 meq/L HCO3- 14 meq/L Anion
gap 30 meq/L
51Lab Tests
Cardiac Monitor Sinus tachycardia
52Lab Tests
Glucose Random 325 mg/dL 2-hr Postprandial 560
mg/dL HbA1c 13
53Lab Tests
Lipid Profile Total Cholesterol 250 mg/dL HDL
Cholesterol 38 mg/dL LDL Cholesterol 205 mg/dL
Triglycerides 160 mg/dL
54Lab Tests
Liver Profile SGOT (AST) 12 U/L SGPT (ALT) 15
U/L Bilirubin 0.4 mg/dL
55Lab Tests
Urinalysis Acetone Negative Glucose Positive
- How does Mazies acid-base situation compare to
that of Lamonts? Is Mazie likely to experience
full-blown ketoacidosis? - How does the root cause of Mazies condition
compare to that of Lamonts? - Is Mazie producing insulin? If so, how much?
- From the diagnostic studies, estimate how long
Mazie has been experiencing these symptoms. - How will the long-term treatment differ for Mazie
compared to Lamont?
57Zimmet et al., Nature 414 (2001) 782
58Zimmet et al., Nature 414 (2001) 782
59Saltiel Kahn, Nature 414 (2001) 799
60Saltiel Kahn, Nature 414 (2001) 799
61Saltiel Kahn, Nature 414 (2001) 799
62Saltiel Kahn, Nature 414 (2001) 799
63Moller, Nature 414 (2001) 821
64Moller, Nature 414 (2001) 821
65Statins for the Masses?
Pravachol pravastatin Lipitor atorvastatin
66 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Christopher Cannon, MDBrigham and Women's HospitalBoston, MEDisclosure Research grant support Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck, Sanofi-Synthelabo Consultant AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Guildford Pharmaceuticals, Vertex
Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and
Infection Therapy-Thrombolysis in Myocardial
Infarction 22 (PROVE IT-TIMI 22) Lipid-lowering
therapy with statins has been problem to reduce
the risk of cardiovascular events, but the
optimal degree of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol lowering isa unclear. PROVE IT was
designed to answer to assess whether 1) statins
are effective in reducing cardiac events when
started early after acute coronary syndromes, and
2) intensive lowering of LDL cholesterol confers
added benefit compared with LDL cholesterol
lowering to lt100 mg/dL as recommended by current
national guidelines. PROVE IT was conducted at
349 sites worldwide and included 4,162 patients
who had been hospitalized for an acute coronary
syndrome (ACS) within the previous 10 days. They
were randomized to intensive lipid-lowering
therapy with atorvastatin, 80 mg/day, or a
moderate-intensive strategy with pravastatin, 40
mg/day. The primary endpoint was the composite of
all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction,
documented unstable angina requiring
hospitalization, revascularization, and stroke.
The mean duration of treatment and follow-up was
2.5 years, at which time 1,001 total events were
recorded. To be eligible, patients had to be in
stable condition and had to have a total
cholesterol 240 mg/dL, measured within the first
24 hours after the onset of ACS (or up to 6
months earlier if no sample had been obtained
during the first 24 hours). Sixty-nine percent of
the study patients had a percutaneous coronary
intervention in response to their ACS. Ninety
three percent of the patients received aspirin
during the treatment period, 69 received ACE
inhibitors, 85 were treated with beta blockers,
and 72 received clopidogrel or ticlopidine
initially (20 at 1 year). The median baseline
LDL cholesterol was 106 mg/dL in each group at
the time of randomization, which was a median of
7 days after the onset of the index event. The
mean achieved LDL cholesterol was 62 mg/dL in the
patients assigned to atorvastatin vs. 95 mg/dL in
those assigned to pravastatin. The primary
endpoint occurred in 22.4 of patients randomized
to atorvastatin and 26.3 of patients assigned to
pravastatin, which corresponds to a 16 risk
reduction (p 0.005) in the atorvastatin
recipients. The benefit of the intensive
lipid-lowering strategy emerged as soon as 30
days and was maintained over time. There was a
trend toward a reduction in all-cause mortality
with the aggressive lipid-lowering strategy (28
relative risk reduction p 0.07). The benefit of
the aggressive strategy was consistent across all
endpoints, except for stroke, and all subgroups.
The benefit of intensive lipid lowering was
greater in patients with a baseline LDL
cholesterol 125 mg/dl compared with patients
with a baseline LDL cholesterol lt125 mg/dL. In
conclusion, PROVE IT demonstrated a benefit to
aggressive LDL cholesterol reduction on top of
optimal management when initiated at discharge in
patients hospitalized for ACS. The results
suggest that after an ACS, the target LDL
cholesterol may be lower than current guidelines,
especially in those patients with higher baseline
LDL cholesterol levels.