MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Enzyme Kinetics
  • Enzymes are protein catalysts that, like all
    catalysts, speed up the rate of a chemical
    reaction without being used up in the process.
  • They achieve their effect by temporarily binding
    to the substrate and, in doing so, lowering the
    activation energy needed to convert it to a
  • The rate at which an enzyme works is influenced
    by several factors, e.g.,
  • the concentration of substrate molecules (the
    more of them available, the quicker the enzyme
    molecules collide and bind with them). The
    concentration of substrate is designated S and
    is expressed in units of molarity.
  • the temperature. As the temperature rises,
    molecular motion and hence collisions between
    enzyme and substrate speed up. But as enzymes
    are proteins, there is an upper limit beyond
    which the enzyme becomes denatured and
  • the presence of inhibitors.
  • competitive inhibitors are molecules that bind to
    the same site as the substrate preventing the
    substrate from binding as they do so but are
    not changed by the enzyme.
  • noncompetitive inhibitors are molecules that bind
    to some other site on the enzyme reducing its
    catalytic power.
  • pH. The conformation of a protein is influenced
    by pH and as enzyme activity is crucially
    dependent on its conformation, its activity is
    likewise affected.

  • The study of the rate at which an enzyme works is
    called enzyme kinetics. Let us examine enzyme
    kinetics as a function of the concentration of
    substrate available to the enzyme.
  • We set up a series of tubes containing graded
    concentrations of substrate, S.
  • At time zero, we add a fixed amount of the enzyme
  • Over the next few minutes, we measure the
    concentration of product formed. If the product
    absorbs light, we can easily do this in a
  • Early in the run, when the amount of substrate is
    in substantial excess to the amount of enzyme,
    the rate we observe is the initial velocity of

  • Plotting Vi as a function of S, we find that
  • At low values of S, the initial velocity,Vi,
    rises almost linearly with increasing S.
  • But as S increases, the gains in Vi level off
    (forming a rectangular hyperbola).
  • The asymptote represents the maximum velocity of
    the reaction, designated Vmax
  • The substrate concentration that produces a Vi
    that is one-half of Vmax is designated the
    Michaelis-Menten constant, Km (named after the
    scientists who developed the study of enzyme
  • Km is (roughly) an inverse measure of the
    affinity or strength of binding between the
    enzyme and its substrate. The lower the Km, the
    greater the affinity (so the lower the
    concentration of substrate needed to achieve a
    given rate).

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  • Plotting the reciprocals of the same data points
    yields a "double-reciprocal" or Lineweaver-Burk
    plot. This provides a more precise way to
    determine Vmax and Km.
  • Vmax is determined by the point where the line
    crosses the 1/Vi 0 axis (so the S is
  • Note that the magnitude represented by the data
    points in this plot decrease from lower left to
    upper right.
  • Km equals Vmax times the slope of line. This is
    easily determined from the intercept on the X

  • The Effects of Enzyme Inhibitors
  • Enzymes can be inhibited
  • competitively, when the substrate and inhibitor
    compete for binding to the same active site or
  • noncompetitively, when the inhibitor binds
    somewhere else on the enzyme molecule reducing
    its efficiency.
  • The distinction can be determined by plotting
    enzyme activity with and without the inhibitor
  • Competitive Inhibition
  • In the presence of a competitive inhibitor, it
    takes a higher substrate concentration to achieve
    the same velocities that were reached in its
    absence. So while Vmax can still be reached if
    sufficient substrate is available, one-half Vmax
    requires a higher S than before and thus Km is

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  • Noncompetitive Inhibition
  • With noncompetitive inhibition, enzyme
    molecules that have been bound by the inhibitor
    are taken out of the game so
  • enzyme rate (velocity) is reduced for all values
    of S, including
  • Vmax and one-half Vmax but
  • Km remains unchanged because the active site of
    those enzyme molecules that have not been
    inhibited is unchanged.
  • This Lineweaver-Burk plot displays these results.

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Amino acids
Each amino acid contains an "amine" group (NH3)
and a "carboxy" group (COOH) (shown in black in
the diagram).The amino acids vary in their side
chains (indicated in blue in the diagram).The
eight amino acids in the orange area are nonpolar
and hydrophobic.The other amino acids are polar
and hydrophilic ("water loving").The two amino
acids in the magenta box are acidic ("carboxy"
group in the side chain).The three amino acids
in the light blue box are basic ("amine" group in
the side chain).
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Glucogenic amino acids Their carbon skeletons
are degraded to pyruvate, or to one of the 4- or
5-carbon intermediates of Krebs Cycle that are
precursors for gluconeogenesis. Glucogenic amino
acids are the major carbon source for
gluconeogenesis when glucose levels are low. They
can also be catabolized for energy or converted
to glycogen or fatty acids for energy storage.
Ketogenic amino acids Their carbon skeletons
are degraded to acetyl-CoA or acetoacetate.
Acetyl CoA, and its precursor acetoacetate,
cannot yield net production of oxaloacetate, the
precursor for the gluconeogenesis pathway. For
every 2-C acetyl residue entering Krebs Cycle,
two carbon atoms leave as CO2. (For review, see
notes on Krebs Cycle.) Carbon skeletons of
ketogenic amino acids can be catabolized for
energy in Krebs Cycle, or converted to ketone
bodies or fatty acids. They cannot be converted
to glucose.
  • Glucogenic amino acids Their carbon skeletons
    are degraded to pyruvate, or to one of the 4- or
    5-carbon intermediates of Krebs Cycle that are
    precursors for gluconeogenesis. Glucogenic amino
    acids are the major carbon source for
    gluconeogenesis when glucose levels are low. They
    can also be catabolized for energy or converted
    to glycogen or fatty acids for energy storage.
  • Ketogenic amino acids Their carbon skeletons are
    degraded to acetyl-CoA or acetoacetate. Acetyl
    CoA, and its precursor acetoacetate, cannot yield
    net production of oxaloacetate, the precursor for
    the gluconeogenesis pathway. For every 2-C acetyl
    residue entering Krebs Cycle, two carbon atoms
    leave as CO2. (For review, see notes on Krebs
    Cycle.) Carbon skeletons of ketogenic amino acids
    can be catabolized for energy in Krebs Cycle, or
    converted to ketone bodies or fatty acids. They
    cannot be converted to glucose.

The synthesis of serotonin, dopamine,
norepinephrine, and epinephrine from amino acid
  • This is a group of inherited defects of the
    degradation of amino acids. They include the urea
    cycle disorders, in which the defect involves
    conversion of the amino group to urea, and many
    of the organic acidemias, which are caused by
    defects in the disposal of the carbon skeletons
    of the branched chain amino acids after the
    initial transamination step. With the exception
    of ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, which
    is X-linked, all amino acid disorders are
    autosomal recessive.

  • Clinical findings.
  • Most amino acid disorders present in the neonatal
    period with a severe or fatal metabolic
    encephalopathy, which mimics perinatal asphyxia
    and sepsis. This encephalopathy is caused by the
    toxic effects of the accumulating amino acids and
    their intermediates, hyperammonemia, impairment
    of energy and synthetic pathways, and defective
    synthesis of neurotransmitters. The metabolic
    encephalopathy is often accompanied by
    respiratory depression, seizures, and
    hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Survivors have
    psychomotor retardation, and suffer from
    recurrent neurotoxic episodes, which are
    triggered by metabolic stress, e.g., infections.
    The clinical picture in older patients resembles
    cerebral palsy. Less severe mutations cause
    milder illness, which presents later in life with
    developmental delay, episodes of metabolic
    decompensation, seizures, and ataxia. A few amino
    acid disorders (phenylketonuria, homocystinuria)
    have an insidious onset and a chronic course.

The clinical, biochemical, and pathological
findings in the most common amino acid disorders
are summarized below.
  • Nonketotic hyperglycinemia (defects of the
    glycine cleavage system)Elevated glycine in
    plasma and CSF Neonatal encephalopathy,
    psychomotor retardationSpongy myelinopathy,
    agenesis of the corpus callosum
  • Urea cycle disorders(5 enzymes of the urea
    cycle)HyperammonemiaSeizures Neonatal
    encephalopathyBrain swelling, Alzheimer type II
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease (defects of
    branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase
    complex)Accumulation of branched-chain amino
    acids and their ketoacidsNeonatal
    encephalopathy, psychomotor retardationBrain
    swelling, spongy myelinopathy
  • Homocystinuria (cystathionine beta synthase
    deficiency)Elevated homocysteineThrombosis,
    Marfanoid habitus, dislocation of lensVenous and
    arterial thrombosis and cerebral infarcts

  • This section deals with the principles of
    lysosomal, peroxisomal, mitochondrial, and amino
    acid disorders, and highlights some important
    entities in these groups. There are many more
    inherited metabolic diseases that are beyond the
    scope of this web site. Many neurodegenerative
    diseases and muscle diseases are inherited
    metabolic disorders, the molecular and
    biochemical pathways of which we are now
    beginning to understand.

  • The diseases covered in this section are, for the
    most part, childhood disorders. In most of them,
    patients are normal at birth and have progressive
    neurological deterioration beginning at some
    later time. In some of them, the disease is
    manifested in adulthood. The clinical phenotype
    depends on the type and severity of the
    biochemical defect, i.e., what functions are lost
    and whether the loss is total or partial, and on
    structural-functional reserves, i.e., what
    resources are available to replace or cope with
    the loss. Most inherited metabolic disorders are
    autosomal recessive.

  • The lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are due to
    deficiencies of lysosomal enzymes caused by
    mutations of genes that encode the enzyme
    proteins and related cofactors. Lysosomal enzymes
    degrade most biomolecules. The products of this
    degradation are recycled. This process is crucial
    for the health and growth of cells and tissues.
    LSDs result in accumulation (storage) of
    undegraded products in lysosomes. This causes
    enlargement of cells (ballooning), cellular
    dysfunction, and cell death. On electron
    microscopic examination, the stored products are
    membrane-bound because they are contained within

  • LSDs are rare. The most common among them are the
    mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), which affect one in
    every 100,000 to 200,000 liveborn infants. The
    single most common LSD is Gaucher disease. Most
    LSDs are autosomal recessive. A few are X-linked.
    Patients are normal at birth. Manifestations of
    neurological disease begin in infancy or
    childhood. Initially, there is delay and then
    arrest of psychomotor development, neurological
    regression, blindness, and seizures. Inexorable
    progression leads to a vegetative state.

  • The clinical manifestations of LSDs depend on
    which cells and tissues use the deficient enzyme
    and when is the period of its peak demand. For
    instance, neurons recycle large amounts of
    certain gangliosides which are components of
    their membranes and synapses. Enzymes of
    ganglioside degradation are highly expressed in
    brain tissue and are in great need at all times
    but especially in the first few years of life
    when axons elongate, dendrites branch, and
    synapses develop. Deficiency of these enzymes
    causes neuronal storage of gangliosides. Other
    gangliosides are components of myelin and their
    storage causes white matter disease.

  • LSDs have diverse clinical manifestations. Some
    of them share certain clinical and pathological
    features, on the basis of which four basic
    clinical-pathological phenotypes can be defined
    neuronal lipidosis, leukodystrophy,
    mucopolysaccharidosis, and storage histiocytosis.
    The most prevalent phenotype is neuronal
    lipidosis. A few LSDs have distinct clinical

NEURONAL LIPIDOSIS Storage in the neuronal body and processes Neurological regression, seizures,blindness Gangliosidoses, mucopolysaccharidoses, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses
LEUKODYSTROPHY Storage in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells Neurological regression, spasticity, peripheral neuropathy Gangliosidoses (metachromatic leukodystrophy, Krabbe's disease)
MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS Storage in extraneural tissues Visceromegaly, soft tissue swelling, skeletal dysplasia, heart disease Mucopolysaccharidoses, glycoproteinoses, GM1 gangliosidosis
STORAGE HISTIOCYTOSIS Storage in histiocytes Hepatosplenomegaly, hematopoietic abnormalities Gangliosidoses (Gaucher disease, Niemann-Pick disease
  • The classification of the LSDs is based either on
    the deficient enzyme or on the chemical
    composition of the storage material. Eponymic and
    clinical terms supplement the biochemical
    nomenclature. In terms of the storage material,
    LSDs can be divided into three large groups, the
    sphingolipidoses, mucopolysaccharidoses, and
    glycoproteinoses and several other individual
    entities. Sphingolipids consist of a backbone of
    ceramide with attached oligosaccharide side
    chains. They are major constituents of cell
    membranes. Gangliosides have sialic acid side
    chains and are especially abundant in neuronal
    membranes. Galactosylceramide and sulfatide are
    myelin lipids. Glycosaminoglycans
    (mucopolysaccharides) are long unbranched
    molecules of repeating disaccharides. They are
    attached to core proteins forming proteoglycans.
    They are produced by most cells and are found
    mainly on the surface of cells and in the
    extracellular matrix. They are primarily
    structural molecules. Glycoproteins are also
    stuctural molecules, components of mucinous
    secretions, and have a variety of other
  • Most LSDs are caused by deficiencies of enzymes
    that degrade carbohydrate side chains and their
    storage materials are carbohydrates or other
    glycocompounds. The table below gives a
    simplified classification of the most common

GM1 gangliosidosis b-galactosidase neuronal lipidosismucopolysaccharidosis
GM2 gangliosidosis(Tay-Sachs disease) hexosaminidase A neuronal lipidosis
Niemann-Pick Disease sphingomyelinase neuronal lipidosisstorage histiocytosis
Globoid cell leukodystrophy(Krabbe dis) galactocerebrosidase leukodystrophy
Metachromatic leukodystrophy arylsulfatase A leukodystrophy
Gaucher disease glucocerebrosidase storage histiocytosis
MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSES glycosaminoglycan cleaving enzymes mucopolysacccharidosis
GLYCOPROTEINOSES glycoprotein cleaving enzymes mucopolysacccharidosis
GLYCOGENOSIS TYPE II (POMPE DISEASE) a-glucosidase skeletal and cardiac myopathy
NEURONAL CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSES lysosomal proteases neuronal lipidosis
  • The gold standard for diagnosis of LSDs is enzyme
    assay. For most LSDs, this can be performed on
    leukocytes with fast turnaround. It is important
    to narrow down the differential diagnosis to help
    decide which assay to order. Cultured fibroblasts
    are required in a few LSDs. Cultured amniocytes
    or chorionic villus cells may be used for
    prenatal diagnosis. Biochemical determination of
    storage products is cumbersome, but has some
    applications. For instance, demonstration of GAGs
    in urine is a useful screening test for GAG
    storage. Storage of abnormal products can be
    detected by light and electron microscopy. In
    addition to neurons, gangliosides and
    ceroid-lipofuscin are stored in somatic cells and
    may be detected by nerve, muscle, skin,
    conjunctival, and other biopsies. Tissue
    diagnosis (detection of specific storage
    materials by electron microscopy) is still the
    standard for some NCLs because no other
    laboratory tests are available. The gene
    mutations of LSDs can be detected by DNA
    analysis. Mutation analysis is used mainly for
    carrier detection.

  • About one third of myelin lipid consists of
    galactocerebroside and its sulfated variant
    sulfatide. Deficiency of galactocerebrosidase
    (GALC) causes a severe infantile leukodystrophy,
    Globoid cell leukodystrophy (GCL) or Krabbe's
    disease. Children with the most common infantile
    form of GCL appear normal at birth but, in a few
    months, develop irritability, spasticity,
    progressive neurological regression, peripheral
    neuropathy and seizures and usually die in one or
    two years, many in a few months. Patients with
    late onset forms have a more protracted course
    eventually leading to severe disability and

 globoid cells
Krabbe's disease
In GCL, brain macrophages store
galactocerebroside and are transformed into
globoid cells. Most of the damage, however, is
caused by accumulation in the white matter of a
related metabolite galactosylsphingosine
(psychosine), which is toxic to oligodendrocytes.
The combined effects of lipid imbalance and
toxicity result in early and severe myelin
degeneration. The white matter in GCL is devoid
of myelin and axons (except for the subcortical
fibers), firm because of gliosis, and contains
globoid cells, which tend to accumulate around
vessels. The cortex is normal and there is no
galactocerebroside storage in neurons. There is
neuronal loss in the thalamus, cerebellum and
brainstem. Peripheral nerves show a demyelinative
and axonal neuropathy with accumulation of
galactocerebroside in Schwann cells and
  • Gaucher disease (GD) is due to deficiency of
    glucocerebrosidase (glucosylceramidase) and is
    characterized by storage of glucocerebroside
    (glucosylceramide) in monocyte-macrophage cells.
    Three clinical phenotypes are recognized. The
    most common is type 1 which is especially
    prevalent in Ashkenazi Jews. Type 1 GD presents
    from childhood to early adulthood and causes
    hepatosplenomegaly, bone disease (osteopenia,
    focal lytic or sclerotic lesions, osteonecrosis,
    pathologic fractures, chronic bone pain), anemia
    and thrombocytopenia due to hypersplenism, and
    pulmonary interstitial infiltrates. Spinal cord
    and root compression secondary to bone disease
    may also develop but there is no storage in the
    CNS. Type 2 (acute neuronopathic) GD patients
    have hepatosplenomegaly similar to type 1, but
    develop also neurological manifestations
    (stridor, strabismus and other oculomotor
    abnormalities, swallowing difficulty,
    opisthotonus, spasticity) which cause their death
    by 2 to 4 years of age. There is no special
    ethnic prevalence for type 2 GD. Type 3 (subacute
    neuronopathic) GD is frequent in Northern Sweden
    and has hematological and neurological
    manifestations similar to type 2 but milder and
    more slowly progressive. GD is the first LSD to
    be successfully managed by enzyme replacement.

Gaucher cells
GD is the prototype of storage histiocytosis.
Lysosomal storage of glucocerebroside in cells of
the monocyte-macrophage system leads to a
characteristic cellular alteration of these
cells. Gaucher cells (GC) have a large
cytoplasmic mass with a striated appearance that
has been likened to "wrinkled tissue paper" or
"crumpled silk". GCs are present in the bone
marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, hepatic sinusoids,
and other organs and tissues in all forms of GD.
An increased incidence of cancer including
lymphoma, myeloma, and bone tumors has been
reported in GD patients. There is no storage in
neurons or glial cells. In type 2 and 3 GD, there
are numerous GCs in perivascular CNS spaces and
rare GCs in brain parenchyma. No part of the CNS
is spared but the brainstem and deep nuclei are
more severely affected than the cortex and
account for most neurological deficits. Along
with the presence of GCs, type 2 and 3 GD shows
also neuronophagia, neuronal loss, and gliosis.
No neuronal storage is seen. Neuronal
degeneration and loss have been attributed to the
neurotoxic action of glucosyl sphingosine, a
by-product of glucocerebroside not normally
present in the brain.
  • Mucopolysaccharides (now called
    Glycosaminoglycans-GAGs) are synthesized in the
    Golgi apparatus and secreted and assembled in the
    extracellular space. They are produced by all
    cells, and are especially abundant in connective
    tissues. They are an important component of the
    matrix of connective tissue, cartilage and bone.
    For recycling, GAGs are internalized and degraded
    in a stepwise fashion by lysosomal enzymes.
    Deficiency of these enzymes causes lysosomal
    storage of GAGs. There are six clinical groups of
    MPS caused by deficiencies of ten GAG-cleaving

  • Intracellular storage of GAGs in hepatocytes and
    other cells causes hepatomegaly, cellular
    dysfunction, and cell death. The most severe
    somatic changes in the MPS are due to
    accumulation of GAGs in matrix due to impaired
    recycling and to discharge of GAGs from dying
    mesenchymal cells. Because they are negatively
    charged, GAGs attract a lot of water that causes
    their molecules to swell to tremendous volumes.
    High GAG content of connective tissues affects
    collagen synthesis and causes increased collagen

MPS thickened cardiac valves
MPS-coronary artery intimal thickening
  • The skin, connective tissues, and cartilage
    become swollen and distorted. The connective
    tissue and cutaneous changes cause facial
    deformity and macroglossia which gave rise to the
    insensitive term gargoylism. Cardiac valves and
    chordae tendineae become thickened and stiff.
    Endocardial and interstitial myocardial fibrosis
    develops. The intima of coronary arteries may be
    thickened to the point of occlusion and the aorta
    develops fibrous intimal plaques without lipid
    deposition. These changes cause a fatal
    cardiomyopathy and ischemic heart disease. GAG
    storage causes joint stiffening and swelling and
    complex skeletal deformities known as dysostosis
    multiplex. Storage in corneal fibroblasts causes
    corneal clouding.

MPS Hydrocephalus
MPS "zebra bodies"
  • GAG deposition in connective tissues of the brain
    and spinal cord causes thickening of the dura
    which along with distortion of vertebraeresults
    in compression myelopathy. Thickening of the
    arachnoid membrane impairs CSF flow, causing
    communicating hydrocephalus. But the most
    devastating neurological effects of MPS are due
    to neuronal storage of gangliosides. The
    mechanism of this storage is poorly understood.
    It is probably due to inhibition of neuraminidase
    and other lysosomal enzymes induced by the
    storage of GAGs. Thus, in addition to the
    skeletal, cardiovascular and other lesions, many
    MPS also cause neuronal lipidosis. Gangliosides
    stored in nerve cells take the form of concentric
    membranes (membranous cytoplasmic bodies) or
    stacks of membranes (zebra bodies).

  • Type A and B Niemann-Pick disease are
    neurovisceral storage diseases caused by
    deficiency of sphingomyelinase. Niemann-Pick type
    C (NPC) is an LSD with protean clinical
    manifestations including neonatal hydrops,
    neonatal hepatitis, storage histiocytosis and
    neuronal lipidosis. The material that is stored
    in lysosomes in NPC is not sphingomyelin but
    cholesterol. Patients with NPC can import LDL
    cholesterol into lysosomes and remove the
    cholesteryl ester generating free cholesterol,
    but they cannot move free cholesterol to its
    normal cellular destinations. Thus, cholesterol
    accumulates in lysosomes. The mutant gene is
    located on 18q and its product, the NPC1 protein,
    is a transmembrane protein which acts as
    "gatekeeper" in the transport of lysosomal
    cholesterol to its other cellular targets. The
    "filipin test", which is used for diagnosis of
    NPC, consists of feeding cultured fibroblasts
    with LDL cholesterol tagged with the fluorescent
    dye filipin. The fibroblasts show bright
    fluorescence due to accumulation of cholesterol.
    NPC is rare but its study has produced some
    important insights into intracellular cholesterol
    homeostasis and trafficking.

Carbohydrates - Sugars and Polysaccharides
Carbohydrates (also referred to as glycans) have the basic composition                                                                
  • Monosaccharides - simple sugars,  with multiple
    hydroxyl groups. Based on the number of carbons
    (e.g., 3, 4, 5, or 6) a monosaccharide is a
    triose, tetrose, pentose, or hexose, etc.
  • Disaccharides - two monosaccharides covalently
  • Oligosaccharides - a few monosaccharides
    covalently linked.
  • Polysaccharides - polymers consisting of chains
    of monosaccharide or disaccharide units.

Common monosaccharides found in vertebrates.
N-Acetylneuraminic acid is the most common form
of sialic acid.
These enzymes phosphorylate glucose to
glucose-6-phosphate, which cannot get Out of the
cell. Glucokinase of the liver has a lowe
affinity, removing glucose when Blood
concentrations are high.
Hexokinase glucokinase
Organs Substrate specificity Affinity Vmax (capacity) Inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate Many Many hexoses High Low yes Liver Many hexoses Low High No
Saccharide disorders
Inborn errors of metabolism that prevent
digestion or carbolism of saccharides. Clinical
symptoms are mostly due to accumulation of
Enzyme defect Signs symptoms
Fructosuria Fructokinase Benign asymptomatic
Fructose intolerance Aldolase B Hyperglycemia Liver failure
Galactosemia Uridyltransferase Cataracts Mental retardation
Lactose intolerance Lactase (usually acquired) diarrhea
Diarrhea of any cause can result in temporary
laxtase deficiency
Hereditary fructose intolerance disease
Hepatic fructose metabolism is quite rapid.  That
is, the initial step, phosphorylation by
fructokinase is rapid.  Further metabolism of
fructose is dependent upon aldolase B. 
Normally, fructose consumption leads to a rapid
flux into glycolysis at the triose phosphate
level, enhancing gluconeogenesis, glycolysis and
triglyceride synthesis . However, individuals who
have reduced levels of aldolase B exhibit
so-called fructose intolerance.   They build up
excessively high hepatic fructose-1-phosphate
levels, trapping inorganic phosphate and reducing
ATP synthesis accordingly.  In these people,
fructose is not a good substrate for glycolysis
or gluconeogenesis.  While the statistics on
this are not clear, it appears that somewhere
between 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 50,000 persons
exhibit fructose intolerance.  Declining ATP
levels interfere with many of the liver's
functions, among these are ureogenesis and
Glycogen storage diseases
The most common glycogen storage disease is
Type I von Gierkes, or hepatorenal glycogen
storage disease which results from a deficiency
of the liver enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase. This
enzyme converts glucose-6-phosphate into free
glucose and is necessary for the release of
stored glycogen and glucose into the
bloodstream, to relieve hypoglycemia. Infants
may die of acidosis before age 2 if they
survive past this age, with proper treatment,
they may grow normally and live to adulthood,
with only minimal hepatomegaly. However, theres
a danger of adenomatous liver nodules, which may
be premalignant. Signs and symptoms Primary
clinical features of the liver glycogen storage
diseases (Types I, III, IV, VI, and VIII) are
hepatomegaly and rapid onset of hypoglycemia and
ketosis when food is withheld. Symptoms of the
muscle glycogen storage diseases (Types II, V,
and VII) include poor muscle tone Type II may
result in death from heart failure. (See Rare
forms of glycogen storage disease.)
Diagnosis Confirming diagnosis  Liver biopsy
confirms the diagnosis by showing normal glycogen
synthetase and phosphorylase enzyme activities
but reduced or absent glucose-6-phosphatase
activity. Glycogen structure is normal but
amounts are elevated. Spectroscopy may be used to
show abnormal muscle metabolism with the use of
magnetic resonance imaging in specialized
centers. ? Laboratory studies of plasma
demonstrate low glucose levels but high levels of
free fatty acids, triglycerides, cholesterol, and
uric acid. Serum analysis reveals high pyruvic
acid levels and high lactic acid levels. Prenatal
diagnoses are available for Types II, III, and
IV. ? Injection of glucagon or epinephrine
increases pyruvic and lactic acid levels but
doesnt increase blood glucose levels. Glucose
tolerance test curve typically shows depletional
hypoglycemia and reduced insulin output.
Intrauterine diagnosis is possible.
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  • The mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of
    inherited metabolic diseases caused by the
    absence or malfunctioning of certain enzymes
    needed to break down molecules called
    glycosaminoglycans - long chains of sugar
    carbohydrates in each of our cells that help
    build bone, cartilage, tendons, corneas, skin,
    and connective tissue. Glycosaminoglycans
    (formerly called mucopolysaccharides) are also
    found in the fluid that lubricates our joints. 
  • People with a mucopolysaccharidosis either do not
    produce enough of one of the 11 enzymes required
    to break down these sugar chains into proteins
    and simpler molecules or they produce enzymes
    that do not work properly. Over time, these
    glycosaminoglycans collect in the cells, blood,
    and connective tissues. The result is permanent,
    progressive cellular damage that affects the
    individual's appearance, physical abilities,
    organ and system functioning, and, in most cases,
    mental development. 
  • Who is at risk?
  • It is estimated that one in every 25,000 babies
    born in the United States will have some form of
    the mucopolysaccharidoses. It is an autosomal
    recessive disorder, meaning that only individuals
    inheriting the defective gene from both parents
    are affected. (The exception is MPS II, or Hunter
    syndrome, in which the mother alone passes along
    the defective gene to a son.) When both people in
    a couple have the defective gene, each pregnancy
    carries with it a one in four chance that the
    child will be affected. The parents and siblings
    of an affected child may have no sign of the
    disorder. Unaffected siblings and select
    relatives of a child with one of the
    mucopolysaccharidoses may carry the recessive
    gene and could pass it to their own children. 

  • In general, the following factors may increase
    the chance of getting or passing on a genetic
  • A family history of a genetic disease.
  • Parents who are closely related or part of a
    distinct ethnic or geographic circle.
  • Parents who do not show disease symptoms but
    carry a disease gene.
  • The mucopolysaccharidoses are classified as
    lysosomal storage diseases. These are conditions
    in which large numbers of molecules that are
    normally broken down or degraded into smaller
    pieces by intracellular units called lysosomes
    accumulate in harmful amounts in the body's cells
    and tissues, particularly in the lysosomes.

  • signs and symptoms?
  • The mucopolysaccharidoses share many clinical
    features but have varying degrees of severity.
    These features may not be apparent at birth but
    progress as storage of glycosaminoglycans affects
    bone, skeletal structure, connective tissues, and
    organs. Neurological complications may include
    damage to neurons (which send and receive signals
    throughout the body) as well as pain and impaired
    motor function. This results from compression of
    nerves or nerve roots in the spinal cord or in
    the peripheral nervous system, the part of the
    nervous system that connects the brain and spinal
    cord to sensory organs such as the eyes and to
    other organs, muscles, and tissues throughout the
  • Depending on the mucopolysaccharidoses subtype,
    affected individuals may have normal intellect or
    may be profoundly retarded, may experience
    developmental delay, or may have severe
    behavioral problems. Many individuals have
    hearing loss, either conductive (in which
    pressure behind the ear drum causes fluid from
    the lining of the middle ear to build up and
    eventually congeal), neurosensitive (in which
    tiny hair cells in the inner ear are damaged), or
    both. Communicating hydrocephalus ¾ in which the
    normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid becomes
    blocked over time and causes increased pressure
    inside the head ¾ is common in some of the
    mucopolysaccharidoses. Surgically inserting a
    shunt into the brain can drain fluid. The eye's
    cornea often becomes cloudy from intracellular
    storage, and degeneration of the retina and
    glaucoma also may affect the patient's vision. 

  • Physical symptoms generally include coarse or
    rough facial features (including a flat nasal
    bridge, thick lips, and enlarged mouth and
    tongue), short stature with disproportionately
    short trunk (dwarfism), dysplasia (abnormal bone
    size and/or shape) and other skeletal
    irregularities, thickened skin, enlarged organs
    such as liver or spleen, hernias, and excessive
    body hair growth. Short and often claw-like
    hands, progressive joint stiffness, and carpal
    tunnel syndrome can restrict hand mobility and
    function. Recurring respiratory infections are
    common, as are obstructive airway disease and
    obstructive sleep apnea. Many affected
    individuals also have heart disease, often
    involving enlarged or diseased heart valves. 
  • Another lysosomal storage disease often confused
    with the mucopolysaccharidoses is mucolipidosis.
    In this disorder, excessive amounts of fatty
    materials known as lipids (another principal
    component of living cells) are stored, in
    addition to sugars. Persons with mucolipidosis
    may share some of the clinical features
    associated with the mucopolysaccharidoses
    (certain facial features, bony structure
    abnormalities, and damage to the brain), and
    increased amounts of the enzymes needed to break
    down the lipids are found in the blood.

  • Types of the mucopolysaccharidoses?
  • Seven distinct clinical types and numerous
    subtypes of the mucopolysaccharidoses have been
    identified. Although each mucopolysaccharidosis
    (MPS) differs clinically, most patients generally
    experience a period of normal development
    followed by a decline in physical and/or mental
  • MPS I is divided into three subtypes based on
    severity of symptoms. All three types result from
    an absence of, or insufficient levels of, the
    enzyme alpha-L-iduronidase. Children born to an
    MPS I parent carry the defective gene. 
  • MPS I H, Hurler syndrome, is the most severe of
    the MPS I subtypes. Developmental delay is
    evident by the end of the first year, and
    patients usually stop developing between ages 2
    and 4. This is followed by progressive mental
    decline and loss of physical skills. Language may
    be limited due to hearing loss and an enlarged
    tongue. In time, the clear layers of the cornea
    become clouded and retinas may begin to
    degenerate. Carpal tunnel syndrome (or similar
    compression of nerves elsewhere in the body) and
    restricted joint movement are common. 
  • Affected children may be quite large at birth and
    appear normal but may have inguinal (in the
    groin) or umbilical (where the umbilical cord
    passes through the abdomen) hernias. Growth in
    height may be faster than normal but begins to
    slow before the end of the first year and often
    ends around age 3. Many children develop a short
    body trunk and a maximum stature of less than 4
    feet. Distinct facial features (including flat
    face, depressed nasal bridge, and bulging
    forehead) become more evident in the second year.
    By age 2, the ribs have widened and are
    oar-shaped. The liver, spleen, and heart are
    often enlarged. Children may experience noisy
    breathing and recurring upper respiratory tract
    and ear infections. Feeding may be difficult for
    some children, and many experience periodic bowel
    problems. Children with Hurler syndrome often die
    before age 10 from obstructive airway disease,
    respiratory infections, or cardiac complications. 

  • MPS I S, Scheie syndrome, is the mildest form of
    MPS I. Symptoms generally begin to appear after
    age 5, with diagnosis most commonly made after
    age 10. Children with Scheie syndrome have normal
    intelligence or may have mild learning
    disabilities some may have psychiatric problems.
    Glaucoma, retinal degeneration, and clouded
    corneas may significantly impair vision. Other
    problems include carpal tunnel syndrome or other
    nerve compression, stiff joints, claw hands and
    deformed feet, a short neck, and aortic valve
    disease. Some affected individuals also have
    obstructive airway disease and sleep apnea.
    Persons with Scheie syndrome can live into
  • MPS I H-S, Hurler-Scheie syndrome, is less severe
    than Hurler syndrome alone. Symptoms generally
    begin between ages 3 and 8. Children may have
    moderate mental retardation and learning
    difficulties. Skeletal and systemic
    irregularities include short stature, marked
    smallness in the jaws, progressive joint
    stiffness, compressed spinal cord, clouded
    corneas, hearing loss, heart disease, coarse
    facial features, and umbilical hernia.
    Respiratory problems, sleep apnea, and heart
    disease may develop in adolescence. Some persons
    with MPS I H-S need continuous positive airway
    pressure during sleep to ease breathing. Life
    expectancy is generally into the late teens or
    early twenties. 

  • MPS II, Hunter syndrome, is caused by lack of the
    enzyme iduronate sulfatase. Hunter syndrome has
    two clinical subtypes and is the only one of the
    mucopolysaccharidoses in which the mother alone
    can pass the defective gene to a son. The
    incidence of Hunter syndrome is estimated to be
    one in every 100,000 to 150,000 male births. 
  • Children with MPS II A, the more severe form of
    Hunter syndrome, share many of the same clinical
    features associated with Hurler syndrome (MPS I
    H) but with milder symptoms. Onset of the disease
    is usually between ages 2 and 4. Developmental
    decline is usually noticed between the ages of 18
    and 36 months, followed by progressive loss of
    skills. Other clinical features include coarse
    facial features, skeletal irregularities,
    obstructive airway and respiratory complications,
    short stature, joint stiffness, retinal
    degeneration (but no corneal clouding),
    communicating hydrocephalus (see "What are the
    signs and symptoms?"), chronic diarrhea, enlarged
    liver and spleen, and progressive hearing loss.
    Whitish skin lesions may be found on the upper
    arms, back, and upper legs. Death from upper
    airway disease or cardiovascular failure usually
    occurs by age 15.
  • Physical characteristics of MPS II B are less
    obvious and progress at a much slower rate.
    Diagnosis is often made in the second decade of
    life. Intellect and social development are not
    affected. Skeletal problems may be less severe,
    but carpal tunnel syndrome and joint stiffness
    can restrict movement and height is somewhat less
    than normal. Other clinical symptoms include
    hearing loss, poor peripheral vision, diarrhea,
    and sleep apnea, although respiratory and cardiac
    complications can contribute to premature death.
    Persons with MPS II B may live into their 50s or

  • Bile acids are amphipathic (have both polar and
    unipolar parts) allowing them to emulsify
    otherwise insoluble lipids. If bile contains more
    cholesterol than what can be solubilized by bile
    acids and phospholipids , it will crystallize and
    form stones.95 of bile salts are reabsorbed in
    the ileum.

PRIMARY Cholic acid Chenodeoxycholic acid Derived from cholesterol
SECONDARY Deoxycholic acid Lithocholic acid Produced by primary conjugated bile salts by intestinal bacteria Less soluble - excreted
CONJUGATE Glycocholic acid (cholic acid glycine) Turocholic acid (cholic acid taurine) Ionized at physiologic ph Form micelles with dietary fats)
  • Glycero-phospholipids
  • Spontaneously form lipid bilayers- cell membranes)

Phosphatidyl choline (lecithin) Phosphatidic acid choline
Phosphatidyl ethanolamine Phosphatidic acid ethanolamine
Phosphatidyl serine Phosphatidic acid serine
Phosphatidyl inositol Phosphatidic acid inositol
Cardiolipin 2 x Phosphatidic acid glycerine
  • Sphingo-phospholipids

Ceramide Sphingosine fatty acid
Sphingomyelin Ceramide choline
  • Glycolipids

Cerebroside Ceramide mono saccharide
Globoside Ceramide oligosaccharide
Ganglioside Ceramide oligosaccharide NANA
  • Inborn errors of metabolism that prevent
    catabolism of sphingolipids. Clinical symptoms
    are due to accumulation of metabolites

Accumulate/enzyme Signs symptoms
Niemann-Pick A Sphingomyelin/ sphingomyelinase Liver and spleen enlargement foamy cells
Gaucher A Glucocerebrosidades/ beta glucosidase Liver spleen enlargement osteoporosis Ashkenazi Jews
Krabbe A Galactocerebrosides/ beta glucosidase Blindness, deafness convulsions globoid cells
Metachromatic leukodystrophy A Sulfatides/ beta galactosidase Progressive paralysis
Fabry X Globosides/ alpha galactosidase Reddish purple skin rash kidney heart failure angiokeratoma
Tay-Sachs A Gangliosides/hexosaminidase Blindness cherry red macula Ashkenazi Jews
  • Heme is an iron containing derivative of
    porphyrin. Porphyrias are due to defects in heme
    synthesis and as a result precursors of heme

Accumulate Photo-sensitivity Other signs
Acute intermittent Porphobilinogen No Abdominal pain
Cutanea tardia uroprphyrinogen Yes
Coproporphyria Coproporphyrinogen Yes Abdominal pain
Load poisoning Gamma ALA protoporphyrin No Anemia ( microcytic hyprochrome basophile stippling)
(No Transcript)
  • Preferred nutrients
  • The heart is completely aerobic. In contrast,
    skeletal muscles can function anaerobically for
    some time. After a prolonged fast, metabolism
    adapts to preserve amino acids.

BRAIN Glucose Ketone bodies glucose
Muscle Rest fatty acids Exercise glucose Fatty acids
Heart Fatty acids Ketone bodies Lactate Glucose Fatty acids Ketone bodies Lactate Glucose
Erythrocytes Glucose Glucose
  • The heart is completely aerobic. In contrast
    skeletal muscles can function anaerobically for
    some time.
  • The brain and RBC always need glucose
  • The liver maintains glucose levels by
    glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
  • Substrates for liver gluconeogenesis muscle, RBC
  • fat cells triglycerides- glycerol
  • 4. Production of ketones by liver
    triglycerides-fatty acids- ketones

  • Vitamins are essential nutrients that cannot be
    synthesized by human cells. Deficiencies are mot
    common in poverty and chronic alcohol abuse.

Vitamin Function Signs of deficiency
A Part of rhodopsin Night blindness Growth retardation
D GI tract Ca absorption Bone supports PTH Rickets, osteomalacia
E Antioxidant Ataxia
K Carboxylation of Glutamate Bleeding disorders (II,VII, IX, X)
C Hydroxylation of Proline and lysine Scurvy
B1 thiamine Decarboxylations beriberi
B2 riboflavin Flavins (FMN) Glossitis, cheilosis
B6 pyridoxine Transaminations Deaminations Microcytic anemia neuropathy
B12 Methionine synthesis Odd carbon fatty acid Degradation Macrocytic anemia Neuropathy D. latum infestations
NIACIN NAD, NADP Pellagra (Diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis)
Pantothenate Coenzyme A Headache, nauseas
Biotin Carboxylations Seborrheic dermatitis Nervous disorders Raw egg white binds biotin
Folic acid One carbon metabolism Mycrocytic anemia Glossitis, colitis
ATP EQUIVALENTSFat (9 kcal/g) is more rich in
energy than protein (4 kcal/g) or sugar
(4kcal/g). Here is why
Acetyl CoA Pyruvate 12 15 Acetyl CoA 2CO2 3NADH FADH3 GTP Pyruvate acetylCoA NADH
Glycolysis (anaerobe) Glycolysis (aerobe) Glucose (complete oxidation) Fatty acid 2 8 38 129 Glucose lactate 4ATP minus 2 ATP Glucose pyruvate (4ATP MINUS 2 ATP) 2NADH Glucose 6 CO2 (8 2X15 PYRUVATE)
Gluconeogenesis Urea synthesis -12 -4
  • 2 ATP are required for hexokinase and
    fructokinase reactions
  • Glycerophosphate shuttle (yields 2 ATP per NADH)
    reducing equivalents are transferred from
    cytosolic NADH to mitochondrial FADH2
  • Malate shuttle (yields 3 ATP per NADH) reducing
    equivalents are transferred from cytosolic NADH
    to mitochondrial NADH.

Key enzymes sugarsMost metabolic pathways
are regulated by one or two key enzymes which can
be allosterically activated or inhibited.
Sometime enzyme activity is dependent on
  • Carbohydrate metabolism

Enzyme Allosteric inhibitors Allosteric activators Effect on phosphorylation
glycolysis Phosphofructokinase 1 ATP Citrate AMP Fructose 2,6dp
Phosphofructokinase 2 inhibits
gluconeogenesis Fructosediphosphotase 1 AMP Fructose 2,6 dp ATP Citrate
Fructosediphosphotase 2 activates
Glycogenolysis Glycogenphosphorylase activates
Glycogen synthesis Glycogen synthetase inhibits
Pentose phosphate path. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase NADPH
Key enzymes- fats
  • Fat metabolism

Enzyme Allosteric inhibitor Allosteric activators Effect on phosphorylation
Lipolysis Carnitine acyltransferase Malonyl CoA
Fat mobilization Hormone sensitive lipase activates
Lipid synthesis Acetyl-CoA carboxylase Citrate Inhibits
Cholesterol synthesis HMG CoA reductase Cholesterol inhibits
Key enzymes - others
  • Other pathways

Enzyme Allosteric inhibitors Effect on phosphorylation
Ketone body synthesis HMG CoA synthase
Purine synthesis Amidotransferase AMP GMP IMP
Citric acid cycle Pyruvate dehydrogenase Inhibits Acetyl CoA ATP NADH
Steroids made from cholesterol
CLASS EXAMPLE Number of c-atoms
Sterols Cholesterol 27
Bile acids Glycocholate Taurocholate 24
Glucocortocoids Cortisol 21
Mineralocorticoids Aldosterone 21
Gestagens Progesterone 21
Androgens Testosterone Androstenedione DHEAS 19
Estrogens Estradiol Estriol 18
  • 17 Ketosteroids (dehydroandrosterone and
  • 11-hydroxylase deficiency
  • 21-hydroxylase deficiency
  • Cushings syndrome
  • Androgen producing adrenal or gonadal tumors
  • 17-Hydroxysteroids (cortisol metabolites)
  • 11-hydroxylase deficiency
  • Cushings syndrome

Some deficiencies
  • 17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency
  • Male ambiguous genitalia
  • Female primary amenorrhea at puberty
  • 21-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency (most common
    defect of corticoid synthesis, 95)
  • Male precocious puberty ( incrs. DHEA)
  • Female ambiguous genitalia (incrs. DHEA)
  • Salt wasting 50-60 of patients (lack of
  • Male precocious puberty (incrs. Androgens)
  • Female ambiguous genitalia (incrs. androgens)
  • Salt retention hypertension, hypokalemia
    (deoxycorticosterone has mineralocoticoid action)

Endocrine Control of metabolismLliver
Mmuscle Ffat A-anabolic Ccatabolic
Fat Sugar Proteins
Insulin Synthesis (A) Uptake (M, F) (A) Glycolysis ( L, M) Glycogen synthesis ( L, M) Synthesis (A)
glucagon Lysis (C ) Gluconeogenesis (L) (C ) Glycogenolysis (L) Incrs. Uptake of (C ) AA in liver for gluconeogenesis
Growth hormone Lysis (C ) Gluconeogenesis (L) ( C ) Synthesis (A)
Cortisol Lysis (C ) Redistribution Inhibits uptake (M,F) Gluconeogenesis (L) Glycogen synthesis (L) (A) Degradation (C )
epinephrine Lysis (C ) Incrs. Uptake (M) (C ) Glycolysis (M) Gluconeogenesis (L) Glycogenolysis L, M)
NUCLEOTIDESNucleosides are purines or
pyrimidines linked to a pentose
sugar.Nucleotides are phosphates of the
PURINES Adenine Guanine Adenosine Guanosine Adenylate (AMP) Guanyalate (GMP)
PIRIMIDINES Uracil Cytosine thymine Uridine Cytidine Deoxythymidine Uridylate (UMP) Cytidylate (CMP) Deocythymidylate (dTMP)

  • AZT (zidovudine) can be incorporated into DNA by
    viral reverse transcriptase. Lock of the 3 -OH
    group then inhibits further elongation of DNA
  • Mammalian polymerase is less likely to mistake
    AZT for thymidine

PURINESPurines can be either made de novo,
from amino acids or they can be recycled.
Recycling is especially important for tissues
with rapid cell turn over like epithelia or blood
  • De novo synthesis in liver
  • Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate -gt IMP
  • Imp -gt AMP or GMP -gt ADP or GDP
  • Salvage of purine bases (recycling)
  • Hypoxanthine -gt IMP
  • Guanine -gt GMP
  • Adenine -gt AMP
  • Lech-Nyhan Defective phosphoribosyl transferase
    Purine bases cannot be salvaged and are all
    degraded to uric acid leading to gout, sever
    neurologic signs.

  • 3. Degradation of purine bases in liver
  • Adenosine -gt inosine -gt hypoxanthine -gt xanthine
  • Guanosine -gt guanine -gt xanthine
  • Xanthine -gt uric acid
  • Allopurinol inhibits conversion of xanthine to
    uric acid used to treatment of gout.

PyrimidinesLike the purines, pyrimidines can
be made de novo or recycled
  • De novo
  • Glutamine -gt carbamoylphosphate -gt OMP -gtUMP
  • UTP -gt CTP
  • dUMP -gtdTMP
  • 2. Salvage of pyrimidine bases
  • Uracil -gt UMP
  • Cytosine -gt CMP
  • 3. Degradation of pyrimidine bases Pyrimidine
    rings can be opened and completely degraded.
  • Cytosine -gt CO2, NH4 and beta alanine
  • Thymine -gt CO2, NH4 and beta amonoisobutyrate
  • These degradation products are harmless and
    excreted in urine.

Gene expressionWhen studying molecular biology
you must pay attention to differences between
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. While he principles
are the same, the details are different.
  • Bacteria (prokaryotes)

Operon (DNA) Operational unit that is either on or off Consists of promoter, operator and one or more structural genes
Promoter (DNA) RNA polymerase binds to promoter Located 5 end or operon (upstream)
Operator (DNA) Located between promoter and structural genes Binding site of repressors If repressor binds to operator, the operon is off and polymerase cannot proceed
Repressor (protein) Regulated protein that binds to operator and prevents transcription
Regulator gene ( DNA) Codes for repressor
  • Iac- OPERON
  • Metabolite (lactose) binds to repressor
    preventing its interaction with DNA
  • Operon freed of repressor is switched on and
    polymerase begins transcription of structural
  • Gene products beta galactosidase plus two other

Humans (eukaryotes)
  • No operon. Each structural gene has its own
    promoter containing many different response
    elements (binding sites for regulatory proteins)
  • Regulatory proteins can bind to several promoters
    activating a set of structural genes which may be
    located on different chromosomes.
  • Transcription is regulated by various
    combinations of regulatory proteins.

Transcription factor Binds to TATA box (art of promoter) RNA polymerase does not recognize promoter in absence of transcription factor
Inducers Ex steroid hormones Bind to nuclear receptor protein Inducer-receptor complex binds to DNA and activates some gene while inactivates others
Enhancers Regulatory DNA sequence Can be upstream or downstream of promoter May be located several thousand base pairs from starting point of transcription Loops in DNA bring enhancers near the promoter region of the gene.
Transcription DNA -gtRNAmessenger RNA
are the working copies of the DNA. While cells
from different tissues of the body have the same
DNA, they differ in their gene expression and
have different sets of messenger RNA. If you want
to know which genes are active you can make c
RNA present in a cell.
  • Bacteria ( prokaryotes )

Holoenzyme core enzyme plus delta factor
Delta factors Bind to RNA polymerase Depending on delta factor, RNA polymerase Recognizes certain promoters but not others
Cistron Region of DNA that encodes a single protein
Prokaryotic messenger RNA is polycistronic (
encodes multiple proteins)
  • Human (eukaryotes)

Polymerase I Makes r NRA
Polymerase II Makes m RNA
Polymerase III Makes t RNA
  • Eukaryotic m RNA is heavily processed I the
  • 5-cap (methylated GTP) is added
  • Poly (A) tail is added to 3 end
  • Introns are removed and exons are spliced together

Replication DNA -gt
RNAReplication of DNA is semi conservative
parental strands separate and each serves as a
template for a newly synthesized one. DNA
polymerase cannot initiate synthesis of a new
strand but require a primer (short
oligonucleotide sequence composed of RNA). The
primer is later replaced by DNA.
  • Parental strand is read in 3 to 5 direction
  • New strand is produced in 5 to 3 direction

BACTERIA helicase Separates parental DNA
Primase RNA polymerase that copies parental strand and makes RNA primer.
Polymerase III Major DNA polymerase replicates both parental strands has proofreading ability has 3 exonuclease activity to remove wrong nucleotides
Polymerase I Removes primer and fills gap with DNA (5 exonuclease activity)
Polymerase II DNA repair (3 exonuclease activity)
Ligase Jinks Okazaki fragments of lagging strand
Human (eukaryote)
Delta Major DNA polymerase Produces leading strand Has helicase activity No proofreading No exonuclease activity
Alpha DNA polymerase Produces lagging strand Has primase activity
Beta, epsilon Minor DNA polymerases DNA repair ( 3 exonuclease activity)
Gamma Mitochondrial DNA polymerase
Ligase Joins Okazaki fragments of lagging strand.
Endonuclease Incision of DNA Exonuclease
Removal of nucleotides from incised end
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