More Than Just The Disease - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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More Than Just The Disease


Turning Point Question Structure 1) Intro 2) Turning Point Epiphany, setting, irony, anecdote about lepers, feels at ease with the stranger who will disappear ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: More Than Just The Disease

More Than Just The Disease
Written by Bernard MacLaverty
The Big Picture
  • I will read More Than Just The Disease
  • I will be able to understand character, setting
    and theme
  • I will be able to learn how to write responses to
    critical essays
  • I will be able to evaluate my work

Possible Essay Questions
  • Write about a short story in which the turning
    point is significant to the text as a whole
  • Choose a novel/short story in which the writers
    use of setting has a significant part to play in
    your appreciation of the text as a whole

Who was Bernard MacLaverty?
  • Born in Belfast on 14th September 1942
  • He was once an English teacher
  • Now a fiction writer
  • Currently lives in Glasgow

Setting of More Than Just The Disease
  • The short story is based in the East coast of
  • In one vital part of the story, the characters
    are on a beach on the coast of Scotland

Introduction to Themes
  • Two of the main themes are
  • Over-influential protective parenting
  • Awkwardness of adolescence

Areas which will be explored
  • Themes over influential parenting, awkwardness
    of adolescence
  • Setting beach, caravan, Michaels house
  • Characterisation protagonist, Mrs Wan etc.
  • Turning point / epiphany Neil realises his
    disease is not as bad as his mother had made him

Character List
  • Neil Fry - protagonist
  • Neils mum
  • Mrs Wan
  • Anne (Michaels sister)
  • Michael Middleton
  • Mr Mrs Middleton

  • Neil Fry, a shy self-effacing teenage boy has
    psoriasis. He is encouraged unwillingly by his
    mother to stay at his friend (Michael's) house.
    Neil goes, however he finds himself longing to be
    back beside his over bearing mother. The story
    builds up to a climax as the weather gets
    increasingly hotter, Neil worries more and more
    about whether his friend will discover his skin
    rash and perhaps think less of him therefore he
    conceals it. Michael continually asks Neil to go
    swimming. Neil refuses, consequently they argue.
    The protagonist then finds himself alone on the
    beach, abandoned by his best friend and finds a
    kitten. He returns it to Mrs Wan, an
    unconventional who lends a compassionate ear to
    the boy. He has an epiphany when talking to Mrs
    Wan and realises that in the sunlight, it didnt
    look so red. Hence Neil changes an anxious
    adolescent to a confident individual.

Turning Point - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Evaluation/ personal response
The protagonist has an epiphany, after talking to Mrs Wan, where he realises that his skin disease is not as bad as his mother has made him believe In the sunlight it didnt look so red By close analysis the reader can see that Neil is now relieved of the pressure to conceal his body. Just as the sun brings in a new dawn, so too is the boy evolving into a confident individual
Michael stumbles upon their relaxed conversation and is shocked by his discovery Mrs Wan, mum says could you tell her where his voice trailed off seeing Neils chest, the cheese grater is? Clearly, the use of the ellipsis indicates Michaels sheer surprise towards this uncommon scene. Neil, who is displaying his chest to his best friend and a stranger, is now aware that he should never have been ashamed of his disease. Without a catalyst Mrs Wan Neil would not have had an epiphany and the two boys would not have overcome the obstacle which stood in the way of their friendship.
Setting in MTJTD
Higher Essay Question
  • Choose a novel/short story in which the writers
    use of setting has a significant part to play in
    your appreciation of the text as a whole
  • Show how the writers use of setting contributes
    to your understanding of character and theme.

Nat 5 Essay QuestionWhat are you being asked
to do?
  • Choose a novel or a short story or a work of non
    fiction in which setting is an important feature.
  • By referring to appropriate techniques, explain
    how the writer creates the setting, and then go
    on to show how this feature contributes to your
    understanding of the text as a whole.

What techniques does the poet use to explore
setting? How has the poets word choice etc.
conveyed the setting of the text?
Identify the different settings. Why is setting
important? How does it help you understand the
themes/ideas of the text?
Writing a CEL
  • As the short story is organised into 3
    sections/settings (including the final
    paragraph), it makes sense to organise your essay
    in a similar way.
  • You will be planning your essay in groups and
    will have to come up with your own topic
    sentences, quotations, analysis and personal
  • It is crucial that you focus on the essay task

  • A) The Holiday Home
  • B) The Beach
  • C) Mrs Wans Home
  • Finally - The various comparisons/contrasts we
    can make with Neils home and the other settings.
  • We will look at how McLaverty uses the setting to
    help explore themes
  • (overprotective parenting his mother, the
    awkwardness of adolescence and dealing with a
    chronic skin condition)
  • And the development of Neils character

  • A) The Holiday Home

Setting - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Analysis/Evaluation/ personal response

More than Just the Disease begins with Neil who
is situated in his friends (Michaels) holiday
home the initial setting. As Neil has not got
the comfort or guidance of his mother he is
extremely agitated.
Everything in it seemed of an unusual design
The house appears to be strange and of an
unusual design, thus already provoking sympathy
for him as the reader learns he is
psychologically alone.
However, the setting of the Middletons holiday
home is warm and inviting.
They were all sitting in the growing darkness of
the large front room, Michael drinking hot
chocolate, Anne his sister with her legs flopped
over the arm of the chair...
MacLavertys description of the growing
darkness in the room and that Anne flopped her
legs over the chair help create connotations of
laziness and tranquillity. Therefore the reader
is given the impression that the Middleton family
are laid back and welcoming and that they would
fully understand and respect Neils skin
disease which is crawling over his chest.
Setting - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Analysis/Evaluation/ personal response

Despite the laidback ambience he still feels
uptight and uneasy as he is in an alien
environment. The informal mood of Michaels
holiday home is present in every room, including
the kitchen. Neil finds this to be bizarre
because he has strict, regimented rules in his
own home
Here people just arrived and poured themselves
cornflakes and went off to various parts of the
room, or even the house, to eat them.
Through MacLavertys repetition of the
conjunction and he emphasizes the hectic
lifestyle and breakfast routine of the Middleton.
Or even the house is isolated by dashes in
parenthesis to accentuate the spontaneity in
deciding where to eat. The setting of this short
story plays a very important part in my
appreciation of the text as a whole.
  • B) The Beach

Setting - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Analysis/Evaluation/ personal response

It is in the second setting of the beach where
the tension between the two boys rises and the
story builds up to a climax. Michael asks Neil to
go swimming with him, but is unaware of why he
constantly refuses therefore they argue and
their relationship begins to deteriorate. The
weather mirrors the rising temperature.
The next day was scorching hot...heat
corrugating the air...Neils thighs were sticking
to the plastic of his chair.
The authors use of word choice such as
scorching hot, corrugating and sticking
suggest Neil is desperate to accompany his friend
for a swim but is still too self-conscious.
As the unbearable heat increases, pathetic
fallacy comes into focus just as the heat rises,
so too does the tension and bitterness between
the friends, until an argument occurs
Useless bloody Mamas boy said Michael. He got
up flinging a handful of sand at Neil and ran
down to the water. Some of the sand went into
Neils eyes, making him cry.
The expletive bloody spoken by Michael
indicates his frustration and perhaps lack of
understanding towards Neil. In my opinion,
Michaels actions were incorrect and I feel great
sympathy for the apprehensive protagonist. Even
the fact that Michael ran off to the water is
imperative because he knows Neil cannot follow
  • C) Mrs Wans Caravan
  • Also Turning Point.

Setting - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Analysis/Evaluation/ personal response

When the young boy is marginalised on the beach
he discovers Mrs Wans frail kitten and decides
to return it. The setting of Mrs Wans caravan is
crucial because it becomes a catalyst for Neil to
have an epiphanic experience and it dramatically
influences his thoughts. In this third, and
final, setting Neil feels comfortable and safe
Nothing was clean...tins of kit-e-Kat
opened...fork encrusted with the
stuff...everything was untidy.
MacLavertys word choice is vital to the setting
as encrusted and untidy convey this
disgustingly unkempt caravan where the eccentric,
old Mrs Wan dwells. It is ironic though, that
Neil should feel at ease here because it is the
complete antithesis to his own meticulous
domestic abode.
The untidiness and randomness of the caravans
contents manage to provoke a new, positive
personality to form within Neil. He even explains
his problems to the inquisitive Mrs Wan.
A thing on my chest In the sunlight it
didnt look so red.
Neil Fry finally realises his psoriasis is not as
hideous as his opinionated mother had led him to
believe. MacLavertys use of the noun sunlight
is effective because just as the sunlight
brings in a new dawn so too is the adolescent on
the threshold of a new beginning. I am extremely
pleased for Neil and I feel a surge of
appreciation for Mar Wans bohemian environment
because without it he would not have became the
confident individual he is now.
  • Writing a plan

  • Your plan should be very detailed and should
  • A) what you will write about in the Introduction
  • B) Topic Sentences for each paragraph
  • C) Main Body What you will deal with in each
    paragraph (There is no need to copy out all the
    information from the tables as long as you have
    indicated that this is where you will find the
  • D) what you will write about in the Conclusion
  • Remember you must
  • 1) show Understanding ( of the central
    concerns/themes of the text
  • 2) Analyse and Evaluate the techniques used by
    the writer
  • 3) make your Personal Response to the features of
    writing very obvious in each paragraph

Plan Plan
Intro Title of text and writer Opening line?
Intro The subject Summary - themes How ? Outline (Implicitly) What will your essay explorethe main points.. Refer back to question
Para 2 Topic Sentence Look back at Section 1 What quotes will you use?
Para 3 Topic Sentence Look back at Section 2 What quotes will you use?
Para 4 Topic Sentence Look back at Section 3 and Conclusion What quotes will you use?
Conclusion Sum up what you have written in your essay. (Use words of task and Topic Sentences from the body of your essay.) Personal Response should be restated There should be no new ideas in the conclusion. Quotes should not be used in the conclusion.
  • Writing an Introduction

1) The Introduction
  • Introduction a useful structure to use when
    writing an introduction is TAGLS.
  • T text/title
  • A author/poet
  • G genre
  • L link to task(Opening line) key points of
    essay (End of para)
  • S - Summary of what the text is trying to do
  • P.S Remember to use the wording of the question
    in the opening line.

Model Intro
  • Bernard MacLavertys More than Just the Disease
    is a short story in which the setting helps the
    reader to appreciate the text as a whole. The
    setting also plays a vital part in the change of
    character Neil Fry who is thirteen years old
    yet he must continually deal with numerous
    difficulties his overprotective mother, the
    awkwardness of adolescence and his chronic skin
    condition psoriasis. The story falls naturally
    into three settings which leads up to a climax
    then descend into a dénouement (resolution of
    plot). Through MacLavertys use of
    characterisation and setting Neil Fry transforms
    into a self-assured young man.

  • Writing the Main Body of your Essay

Main Body of Essay
  • Following on from that, you should continue to
    develop your response. REMEMBER STRUCTURE for
    each point you make, you should have
  • Topic sentence/Point what is this particular
    paragraph going to be about? Remember the wording
    of the original question
  • Context Introduce the quotation.
  • Evidence how can you support the point you have
  • Explanation analysis - HOW does the writer
    reveal theme? Techniques and effects
  • Comment evaluation how has the theme/
    character / conflict / setting etc been
    introduced / developed? Relate to task !!!

Model Paragraph
  • More than Just the Disease begins with Neil who
    is situated in his friends (Michaels) holiday
    home the initial setting. As Neil has not got
    the comfort or guidance of his mother he is
    extremely agitated. The house appears to be
    strange and of an unusual design, thus
    already provoking sympathy for him as the reader
    learns he is psychologically alone. However, the
    setting of the Michael Middletons holiday home
    is warm and inviting
  • They were all sitting in the growing darkness
    of the large front room, Michael drinking hot
    chocolate, Anne his sister with her legs flopped
    over the arm of the chair...
  • MacLavertys use of the words such as growing
    darkness and flopped both have connotations of
    laziness and tranquillity, therefore the reader
    can clearly see that the Middleton family are
    welcoming and that they would fully understand
    and respect Neils skin disease which is
    crawling over his chest.

Model Conclusion
  • Re-introduce topic/ refer back to the question
  • Summarise the main points of your essay
  • Sum up your opinion of the text or what you have
    learned in a personal reflective comment without
    using I.
  • There should be a clear sense of progression and
    development in your conclusion.
  • In conclusion, the setting of More than Just the
    Disease does, in fact, play a significant part
    in my appreciation of the text as a whole. The
    three key settings house, beach and caravan, are
    imperative for the healthy transformation of the
    young boy. This finely sculpted short story
    finishes on an optimistic note as the reader is
    left feeling delighted that the protagonist had
    managed to overcome the negative influences which
    he was subjected to every day. Any anxious
    adolescent reading More than Just the Disease
    will now realise they are not alone in brooding
    over any appearance concerns which they may have.

Approaching a turning point style question
Turning Point Question Structure
  • 1) Intro
  • 2) Turning Point Epiphany, setting, irony,
    anecdote about lepers, feels at ease with the
    stranger who will disappear from life, sharing
    secret and unbuttoning of shirt
  • 3) The Holiday Home (How Neils character is
    revealed to us Influence of mother, contrast of
    holiday home with his own routine, awkwardness,
    self conscious description of psoriasis is a
  • 4) The Beach Pathetic Fallacy, building
    tension, anxiety of Neil parallels weather, leads
    to embarrassing revelation, reaction ,
    deterioration of relationship between Michael and
    Neil, Mamas boy comment.
  • 5) Final Para/Ending Change, compromise,
    confidence demonstrated, water symbolic of
    purification, not ready to stay long in the

1) The Introduction
  • Introduction a useful structure to use when
    writing an introduction is TAGLS.
  • T text/title
  • A author/poet
  • G genre
  • L link to task(Opening line) key points of
    essay (End of para)
  • S - Summary of what the text is trying to do
  • P.S Remember to use the wording of the question
    in the opening line.

  • Bernard MacLavertys More than just the Disease
    is a short story in which there is a vital
    turning point stemming from the theme of parental
    influence, which is explored through the main
    protagonist, Neil Fry, a young boy suffering from
    psoriasis. The reader is aware that Mrs. Fry,
    Neils mother, has a tremendous effect on her
    son, causing him to be awkward and ashamed of his
    disease. However, the pivotal turning point of
    Neil meeting the eccentric Duchess, Mrs. Wan,
    gives the young boy an opportunity to steer
    towards independence. Moreover, MacLavertys
    skilful use of characterisation and language
    convey the power of the short story in todays
    society, where one often conceals aspects of
    ones life to avoid embarrassment. Hence, this
    shows why the turning point is crucial in the
    development of Neil.

2) Turning Point
  • Epiphany, setting, irony, anecdote about lepers,
    feels at ease with the stranger who will
    disappear from life, sharing secret and
    unbuttoning of shirt

  • At the outset of the story, Neil is portrayed as
    a timid child, very much suppressed by his
    mothers teachings of how to conduct oneself in
    good society, which in her opinion, is Neils
    friend, Michaels family, with whom he is
    holidaying. Whilst on this trip, Neils life
    changes for the better due to his encounter with
    Mrs. Wan, a peculiar stranger, who provides Neil
    with an understanding ear. This is seen as the
    catalyst for Neils paranoia to diminish. Neil
    manages to be very open with Mrs. Wan as she is
    an inquisitive stranger, and is very much
    sympathetic, which gives Neil a sense of
    security. Neil is amazed to find himself
    revealing his disease to Mrs. Wan, and in doing
    so his insecurities are lessened
  • In the sunlight it didnt look so red
  • This short, but effective sentence demonstrates
    clearly that Neil is viewing his disease
    differently. The sunlight is imperative in this
    example, as it portrays a new day in which Neil
    is able to become more confident and independent.
    MacLavertys use of it didnt look so red
    emphasises Neils newfound confidence, as he
    believes that his disease is visually less
    disgusting. After days of keeping his psoriasis a
    secret, Michael is finally made aware of the
    disease, when he interrupts Mrs. Wan and Neil
  • Mrs. Wan, Mum says could you tell her where.
    his voice tailed off seeing Neil s chest, ..
    the cheese grater is?
  • The use of the ellipsis indicates that Michael
    has noticed Neils psoriasis and is startled,
    hence, pauses, however, he starts speaking
    immediately, to avoid further embarrassment. This
    moment is seen as the epiphany of the story, as
    now, Neil has nothing to hide. Michael has a
    quiet understanding of the situation shown
    through, Neither boy said a word..

Turning Point - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Evaluation/ personal response
The protagonist has an epiphany, after talking to Mrs Wan, where he realises that his skin disease is not as bad as his mother has made him believe In the sunlight it didnt look so red By close analysis the reader can see that Neil is now relieved of the pressure to conceal his body. Just as the sun brings in a new dawn, so too is the boy evolving into a confident individual
Michael stumbles upon their relaxed conversation and is shocked by his discovery Mrs Wan, mum says could you tell her where his voice trailed off seeing Neils chest, the cheese grater is? Clearly, the use of the ellipsis indicates Michaels sheer surprise towards this uncommon scene. Neil, who is displaying his chest to his best friend and a stranger, is now aware that he should never have been ashamed of his disease. Without a catalyst Mrs Wan Neil would not have had an epiphany and the two boys would not have overcome the obstacle which stood in the way of their friendship.
3) The Holiday Home Section
  • (How Neils character is revealed to us
    Influence of mother, contrast of holiday home
    with his own routine, awkwardness, self conscious
    description of psoriasis is a must).

Key Sentence to demonstrate you will now link
  • For example In order to fully appreciate the
    significance of the turning point, it is
    imperative to examine the character of Neil prior
    to the event.

Holiday Home - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Evaluation/ personal response
A little too ornate for my taste vulgar almost.

It is evident to the reader that Neils actions
and behaviour are determined by his mothers
influence, exhibited by the fact that she
insisted that he goes on holiday with the
doctors family. Therefore, it is ironic when
Neil finds the holiday home to be a strange
house, with a relaxed and comfortable
atmosphere, much different from Neils home life.
However, MacLavertys use of italics shows Neils
mothers voice slyly commenting in his head.
These opinions have such great impact on Neil
that they influence his feelings
The negative word of vulgar shows that Neils
mother believes the house decor to be
distasteful, connoting her rude and opinionated
nature. The typography MacLaverty uses not only
imprints Neils mothers effect on the page by
visually captivating the reader, but also
imprints her influence in Neils head. Neils
mother has a judgemental and patronising tone,
conveying her dislikeable personality. Hence, the
reader is able to regard the turning point as
critical as Neil can finally remove himself from
his mother and develop into a more independent
young man.
The reader is able to detect that Neil is not
accustom to the differences of Doctor Middletons
holiday home. For example, the Middletons
routine is differs completely from Neils. In
Neils strict home, he sits with his mother for
breakfast, whereas in the doctors home, the
family do not eat together and it is completely
informal. This is shown through
Here people just arrived and poured themselves
cornflakes and went off to various parts of the
room, or even the house, to eat them.
Even though Neil feels relaxed in the blasé
atmosphere of the holiday home, he still hides
his psoriasis from the family.
Holiday Home- Analysis of text
Point Evidence Evaluation/ personal response

Neil is self-conscious and awkward due to his
disease and wishes for it to miraculously
disappear. Neil thinks of it as some vile
creature invading his skin, which is emphasised
by the word crawling. However, MacLaverty uses
a powerful image to describe how revolting Neils
psoriasis has become
a redness with an edge as irregular as a map and
the skin flaking and scumming off the top.
This ghastly image portrays how Neils psoriasis
affects him physically, however, through use of
disgusting language, the reader can observe that
it affects him mentally as well. The use of the
simile as irregular as a map shows that just as
the countries on a map have misshapen coastlines,
so Neils psoriasis mirrors this and has
distorted outlines. The use of the word
scumming connotes a sense of filth and grime,
hence portraying Neil to be unclean. Furthermore,
the word flaking suggests that Neils skin is
peeling, conveying intense pain. Therefore, it is
clear that meeting with Mrs. Wan is essential in
Neils life as he is able to look at his disease
from another perspective.
4) The Beach Section
  • 4) The Beach Pathetic Fallacy, building
    tension, anxiety of Neil parallels weather, leads
    to embarrassing revelation, reaction,
    deterioration of relationship between Michael and
    Neil, Mamas boy comment.

The Beach - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Evaluation/ personal response

The weather in MacLavertys work mirrors the
feelings of the central character, Neil.
This skilful technique of pathetic fallacy
engages the reader and effectively describes
Neils distress. As the temperature increases so
does Neils anxiety, as he feel obliged to go
swimming. However, this is not possible without
Neil revealing his psoriasis, which is
This leads to Neil tying to conceal the truth by
inventing a ludicrous excuse. Neil explains that
he has his period, displaying his immaturity,
as this is impossible.
The reader finds this quite humorous. The family
react in very different ways, however, none of
them make Neil feel uncomfortable or idiotic.
Mrs. Middleton takes on a motherly persona and
informs Neil that he is quite safe and no one
will force him to swim
The Beach - Analysis of text
Point Evidence Evaluation/ personal response

Neils relationship with Michael begins to
deteriorate because he will not tell him why he
refuses to swim. Michael become infuriated with
Useless bloody Mama boy, said Michael. He gol
up flinging a handful of sand al Neil and ran
down to the water.
The reader can see clearly that Michael is
angered, shown through the mild expletive of
bloody. The word Useless conveys a notion
that Michael is worthless and hopeless hence,
this shows deterioration in the friendship.
Furthermore, this deterioration is emphasised by
the word flinging, suggesting that Michael is
acting violently towards Neil. The reader is
saddened by this disintegration in the friendship
of Neil and Michael however, the turning point
in the story offers a way in which this can be
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