Atherosclerotic vascular disease - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Atherosclerotic vascular disease


Atherosclerotic vascular disease AVD may manifest as: Coronary artery disease. Cerebrovascular disease. Peripheral vascular disease. Pathophysiology: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Atherosclerotic vascular disease

Atherosclerotic vascular disease
  • AVD may manifest as
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Cerebrovascular disease.
  • Peripheral vascular disease.
  • Pathophysiology
  • Early atherosclerosis
  • Fatty streaks develop when inflammatory cells
  • predominantly monocytes migrate into the
  • intima,takeup oxidized LDL from the plasma and
  • become lipid laden foam cells or macrophages,
  • these cells die and release their contents extra
  • cellular lipid pools appear. Smooth muscle cells
  • migrate from the media into the intima in
    response to
  • cytokines growth factors produced by activated

  • The lipid core will be covered by smooth muscle
    cells and matrix, producing a stable
    atherosclerotic plaque which is asymptomatic
    until it becomes large enough to obstruct
    arterial flow.
  • Advanced atherosclerosis
  • In an established atherosclerotic plaque
    macrophages mediate inflammation smooth muscle
    cells promote repair, if inflammation
    predominates, the plaque becomes active or
    unstable may be complicated by ulceration
    superadded thrombosis. Cytokines such as
    interleukin-1, tumour necrosis-alpha, interferon
    gamma, platelet derived growth factors, and
    matrix metalloprotinases are released by
    activated macrophages may cause the initial
    smooth muscle

  • Cells overlying the plaque to become senescent
    resulting in thinning of the protective fibrous
    cap, may lead to erosion, fissuring or rupture of
    the plaque surface, exposing its content to
    circulating blood, may trigger platelet
    aggregation thrombosis, may cause partial or
    complete obstruction resulting in infarction or
    ischemia of the affected organ.

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Risk Factors
  • A. Fixed R. F
  • Age
  • Male sex
  • Family history.
  • B. Modifiable R.F
  • Smoking - Sedentary lifestyle
  • Hypertension - Obesity
  • Lipid disoder. - Diet
  • D.M
  • Haemostatic variables

  • Primary Prevention
  • Population advice to prevent coronary disease
  • Do not smoke.
  • Take regular exercise (minimum of 20 minutes
    three times a week).
  • Maintain ideal body weight .
  • Eat a mixed diet rich in fresh fruit
  • Aim to get no more than 30 of energy intake from
    saturated fat.

  • Secondary prevention
  • Patients who already have evidence of
    atheromatous vascular disease e.g M.I, are at
    high risk of another vascular event, can be
    offered a variety of treatment and measures to
    improve their outlook (secondary prevention).
  • Correction of risk factors
  • Aspirin
  • Beta blockers
  • ACE Inhibitors

Coronary Heart Disease
  • It is the most common form of heart disease.
  • Most important cause of premature death.
  • In UK 1 in 3 men 1 in 4 women die of CHD.
  • Clinical manifestation
  • Stable angina.
  • Unstable angina.
  • M.I
  • Heart failure.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Sudden death.

Stable angina
  • Angina pectoris is caused by transient myocardial
  • It may occur whenever there is an imbalance
    between myocardial oxygen supply demand.
  • Coronary atheroma is the most common cause.
  • Other causes include aortic valve disease
    hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

  • Clinical features
  • The history is the most important factor in
    making the diagnosis.
  • Central chest pain, discomfort or breathlessness
    that is precipitated by exertion or other forms
    of stress, (heavy meal, cold exposure, intense
    emotion, lying flat/ decubitus, vivid dreams/
    nocturnal angina), and relieved by rest.
  • Start up angina the pain comes when they start
    walking that later it dose not return despite
    greater effort.
  • Physical examination is frequently negative, but
    should include
  • Evidence of valve disease, important risk
    factors, left ventricular dysfunction, features
    of arterial disease e.g carotid bruits and
    untreated conditions that may exacerbate angina
    e.g anemia, thyrotoxicosis.

  • Investigations
  • Resting ECG
  • Evidence of previous M.I, but may be normal.
  • Occasionally T wave flattening or inversion.
  • The most important ECG changes is reversible ST
    segment depression or elevation with or without T
    wave inversion at the time the patient is
    experiencing symptoms.
  • Exercise ECG
  • Standard treadmill or bicycle ergometer protocol,
    planar or down-sloping ST-segment depression of 1
    mm or more is indicative of ischemia, up-sloping
    is less specific often occurs in normal
  • Exercise ECG is used to diagnose angina, assess
    severity identifying high- risk individuals.
  • False ve Digoxin, LVH, LBBB, WPW syndrome, the
    accuracy is lower in women than men.

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  • Risk stratification in stable
  • High Risk post infarct angina, poor effort
    tolerance, ischemia at low workload, left main
    or three vessel disease, poor LV function.
  • Low Risk
  • Predictable exertional angina, good effort
    tolerance, ischemia only at high workload,
    single-vessel or minor two-vessel disease, good
    LV function.
  • Other forms of stress testing
  • Myocardial perfusion scanning useful when
    exercise test is not diagnostic, or patient can
    not exercise, its accuracy is higher than
    exercise test.
  • The technique involve obtaining scintiscans of
    the myocardium at rest and during stress after
    administration of an i.v radioactive isotope e.g
    thallium201, it is taken up by viable myocardium.

  • A perfusion defect present during stress but not
    rest indicates reversible myocardial ischemia,
    whereas persistent perfusion defect indicates
    previous M.I
  • Stress echocardiography
  • It is alternative to perfusion scanning with
    similar accuracy.
  • Uses transthoracic echo to identify ischemic
    segments of myocardium area of infarction, the
    latter do not contract at rest or during stress.
  • Coronary arteriography
  • Shows the extent nature of coronary artery
    disease, it may be indicated when other
    investigations fail to diagnose the cause of
    atypical chest pain.

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  • Management
  • Assessment of the extent severity of arterial
  • Identification control of significant risk
  • Measures to control symptoms.
  • Identification of high risk patients
    application of treatment to improve life
  • Antiplatelet therapy
  • Aspirin 75-150 mg reduce the risk of MI,
    Clopidogrel 75 mg daily equally effective but
    more expensive can be used if the patient has

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  • Anti-anginal drugs
  • Nitrates produces venous arteriolar dilatation
  • Decrease myocardial oxygen demand (lower preload
    afterload) increase myocardial oxygen supply.
  • Sublingual glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), as aerosol
    400 microgm or tablet 300-500 micro-gm
    sublingually usually relieve angina in 2-3
    minutes, side- effects include headache,
    symptomatic hypotension syncope, the tablet
    should be replaced 8 weeks after
  • the bottle has been opened.
  • Nitrates can be used prophylactically before
  • GTN is subject to extensive first pass metabolism
    in the liver, its ineffeective when swallowed.
  • Nitrate free period of 6-8 hr. every day to avoid

  • Preparation Peak action
  • Sublingual GTN 4-8
    mins 10-30 mins
  • Buccal GTN 4-10
    mins 30-300 mins
  • Transdermal GTN 1-3 hrs
    up to 24 hrs
  • Oral isosorbide dinitrate 45-120 mins
    2-6 hrs
  • Oral isosorbide mononitrate 45-120 mins
    6-10 hrs

  • Beta-blockers
  • Reduce myocardial oxygen demand by reducing heart
    rate, BP, and myocardial contractility.
  • Non-selective BB may exacerbate coronary spasm by
    blocking Beta 2 coronary adrenoceptors.
  • Give once daily cardioselective preparation,
    atenolol 50-100 mg daily, slow release metoprolol
    200 mg daily, bisoprolol 5-10 mg daily.
  • ?ß should not be withdrawn suddenly as this may
    cause arrhythmia, more angina or MI.(ßß
    withdrawal syndrome).
  • Calcium antagonists
  • lower myocardial oxygen demand by reducing blood
    pressure and myocardial contractility.
  • Dihydropyridine calcium antagonists, such as
    nifedipine and nicardipine, often cause a reflex
    tachycardia it is often best to use these drugs
    in combination with a ß-blocker.
  • In contrast, verapamil and diltiazem are
    particularly suitable for patients who are not
    receiving a ß-blocker because they inhibit
    conduction through the AV node and tend to cause
    a bradycardia or even atrioventricular block in
    susceptible individuals.

  • The calcium antagonists may reduce myocardial
    contractility and can aggravate or precipitate
    heart failure. Other unwanted effects include
    peripheral oedema, flushing, headache and
  • Potassium channel activators
  • This class of drug has arterial and venous
    dilating properties but does not exhibit the
    tolerance seen with nitrates. Nicorandil (10-30
    mg 12-hourly orally) is the only drug in this
    class currently available for clinical use.
  • it is conventional to start therapy with low-dose
    aspirin, sublingual GTN and a ß-blocker, and then
    add a calcium channel antagonist or a long-acting
    nitrate later, if necessary.

  • The goal is the control of angina with minimum
    side-effects and the simplest possible drug
    regimen. There is little or no evidence that
    prescribing multiple anti-anginal drugs is of
    benefit, and revascularisation should be
    considered if an appropriate combination of two
    drugs fails to achieve a symptomatic response.
  • Invasive treatment The most widely used invasive
    options for the treatment of ischaemic heart
    disease include percutaneous coronary
    intervention (PCI including percutaneous
    transluminal coronary angioplasty, PTCA) and
    coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

  • is a clinical syndrome that is characterised by
    new-onset or rapidly worsening angina (crescendo
    angina), angina on minimal exertion or angina at
  • The condition shares common pathophysiological
    mechanisms with acute myocardial infarction,
  • the term 'acute coronary syndrome' is used to
    describe these disorders collectively.
  • These entities comprise a spectrum of disease
    that encompasses ischaemia with no myocardial
    damage, ischaemia with minimal myocardial damage,
    partial thickness (non-Q wave) myocardial
    infarction, and full thickness (Q wave)
    myocardial infarction .

  • An acute coronary syndrome may present as a new
    phenomenon or against a background of chronic
    stable angina.
  • The culprit lesion is usually a complex ulcerated
    or fissured atheromatous plaque with adherent
    platelet-rich thrombus and local coronary artery
    spasm .
  • Diagnosis and risk stratification
  • The assessment of acute chest pain depends
    heavily on an analysis of the character of the
    pain and its associated features, evaluation of
    the ECG, and serial measurements of biochemical
    markers of cardiac damage, such as troponin I and

  • A 12-lead ECG is mandatory and is the most useful
    method of initial triage.
  • Evolving transmural infarction is characterised
    by persistent ST elevation, new Q waves or new
    left bundle branch block
  • In patients with unstable angina or partial
    thickness (non-Q wave or non-ST elevation)
    myocardial infarction, the ECG may show ST/T wave
    changes including ST depression, transient ST
    elevation and T-wave inversion the T-wave
    changes are sometimes prolonged.
  • Approximately 12 of patients with
    well-characterised unstable angina or non-ST
    segment elevation myocardial infarction progress
    to acute infarction or death, and almost
    one-third will suffer a recurrence of severe
    ischaemic pain, within 6 months of the index

  • The risk markers that are indicative of an
    adverse prognosis include
  • recurrent ischaemia,
  • extensive ECG changes at rest or during pain,
  • the release of biochemical markers (creatine
    kinase or troponin),
  • arrhythmias and haemodynamic complications (e.g.
    hypotension, mitral regurgitation) during
    episodes of ischaemia
  • those who experience unstable angina following
    acute myocardial infarction are also at increased

  • Risk stratification is important because it
    guides the use of more complex pharmacological
    and interventional treatment .

  • High risk
  • Clinical
  • Post-infarct anginaRecurrent pain at restHeart
  • ECG
  • ArrhythmiaST depressionTransient ST
    elevationPersistent deep T-wave inversion
  • BiochemistryTroponin T gt 0.1 µg/l

  • Low risk
  • Clinical
  • No history of MI
  • Rapid resolution of symptoms
  • ECG
  • Minor or no ECG changes
  • Biochemistry
  • Troponin T lt 0.1 microgm/ l

  • The initial treatment should include
  • bed rest,
  • antiplatelet therapy (aspirin 300 mg followed by
    75-325 mg daily long-term and clopidogrel 300 mg
    followed by 75 mg daily for 12 months,
  • anticoagulant therapy (e.g. unfractionated or
    fractionated heparin)
  • ß-blocker (e.g. atenolol 50-100 mg daily or
    metoprolol 50-100 mg 12-hourly
  • A dihydropyridine calcium antagonist (e.g.
    nifedipine or amlodipine) can be added to the
    ß-blocker, but may cause an unwanted tachycardia
    if used alone verapamil or diltiazem is
    therefore the calcium antagonist of choice if a
    ß-blocker is contraindicated

  • An intravenous infusion of unfractionated heparin
    (with dose adjusted according to the activated
    partial thromboplastin time) or weight-adjusted
    subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin (e.g.
    enoxaparin 1 mg/kg 12-hourly) should be given
  • If pain persists or recurs, infusions of
    intravenous nitrates (e.g. GTN 0.6-1.2 mg/hr or
    isosorbide dinitrate 1-2 mg/hr) or buccal
    nitrates may help, but such patients should also
    be considered for early revascularisation.
  • Refractory cases or those with haemodynamic
    compromise should be considered for a
    glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist (e.g.
    abciximab, tirofiban or eptifibatide),
    intra-aortic balloon pump or emergency coronary
    angiography .

  • Most low-risk patients stabilise with aspirin,
    clopidogrel, heparin and anti-anginal therapy,
    and can be gradually mobilised. If there are no
  • exercise testing may be performed prior to or
    shortly following discharge.
  • Coronary angiography should be considered with a
    view to revascularisation in all patients at
    moderate or high risk, including those who fail
    to settle on medical therapy, those with
    extensive ECG changes, those with an elevated
    plasma troponin and those with severe
    pre-existing stable angina.
  • This often reveals disease that is amenable to
    PCI however, if the lesions are not suitable
    for PCI the patient should be considered for
    urgent CABG.

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  • Myocardial infarction (MI) is almost always due
    to the formation of occlusive thrombus at the
    site of rupture or erosion of an atheromatous
    plaque in a coronary artery.
  • The thrombus often undergoes spontaneous lysis
    over the course of the next few days, although by
    this time irreversible myocardial damage has
  • Without treatment the infarct-related artery
    remains permanently occluded in 30 of patients.
  • The process of infarction progresses over several
    hours and therefore most patients present when it
    is still possible to salvage myocardium and
    improve outcome.

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  • Pain is the cardinal symptom of MI, but
    breathlessness, vomiting, and collapse or syncope
    are common features.
  • The pain occurs in the same sites as angina but
    is usually more severe and lasts longer
  • It is often described as a tightness, heaviness
    or constriction in the chest. At its worst, the
    pain is one of the most severe which can be
    experienced and the patient's expression and
    pallor may vividly convey the seriousness of the
  • Most patients are breathless and in some this is
    the only symptom. Indeed, some myocardial
    infarcts pass unrecognised.

  • Painless or 'silent' myocardial infarction is
    particularly common in older or diabetic
  • If syncope occurs, it is usually due to an
    arrhythmia or profound hypotension. Vomiting and
    sinus bradycardia are often due to vagal
    stimulation and are particularly common in
    patients with inferior MI.
  • Nausea and vomiting may also be caused or
    aggravated by opiates given for pain relief.
  • Sometimes infarction occurs in the absence of
    physical signs.
  • Sudden death, from ventricular fibrillation or
    asystole, may occur immediately, and many deaths
    occur within the first hour.

  • If the patient survives this most critical stage,
    the liability to dangerous arrhythmias remains,
    but diminishes as each hour goes by.
  • The development of cardiac failure reflects the
    extent of myocardial damage and is the major
    cause of death in those who survive the first few
    hours of infarction.

  • Physical signs
  • Signs of sympathetic activation
  • Pallor, sweating, tachycardia
  • Signs of vagal activation
  • Vomiting, bradycardia
  • Signs of impaired myocardial function
  • Hypotension, oliguria, cold peripheries
  • Narrow pulse pressure
  • Raised jugular venous pressure
  • Third heart sound
  • Quiet first heart sound
  • Diffuse apical impulse
  • Lung crepitations
  • Signs of tissue damage
  • Fever
  • Signs of complications, e.g. mitral
    regurgitation, pericarditis

  • Electrocardiography The ECG is usually helpful in
    confirming the diagnosis however, it may be
    difficult to interpret if there is bundle branch
    block or evidence of previous MI.
  • Only rarely is the initial ECG entirely normal,
    but in up to one-third of cases the initial ECG
    changes may not be diagnostic.
  • The earliest ECG change is usually ST elevation
    later on there is diminution in the size of the R
    wave, and in transmural (full thickness)
    infarction a Q wave begins to develop.
  • Subsequently, the T wave becomes inverted, this
    change persists after the ST segment has returned
    to normal.

  • In contrast to transmural lesions, partial
    thickness or subendocardial infarction causes
    ST/T wave changes, without Q waves or prominent
    ST elevation this is often accompanied by some
    loss of the R waves in the leads facing the
    infarct and is also known as non-Q wave or non-ST
    elevation myocardial infarction.
  • The ECG changes are best seen in the leads that
    'face' the infarcted area.
  • When there has been anteroseptal infarction,
    abnormalities are found in one or more leads from
    V1 to V4
  • while anterolateral infarction produces changes
    from V4 to V6, in aVL and in lead I.

  • Inferior infarction is best shown in leads II,
    III and aVF, while at the same time leads I, aVL
    and the anterior chest leads may show
    'reciprocal' changes of ST depression
  • Infarction of the posterior wall of the left
    ventricle does not cause ST elevation or Q waves
    in the standard leads, but can be diagnosed by
    the presence of reciprocal changes (ST depression
    and a tall R wave in leads V1-V4).
  • Some infarctions (especially inferior) also
    involve the right ventricle this may be
    identified by recording from additional leads
    placed over the right precordium.

  • The serial evolution of ECG changes in full
    thickness myocardial infarction. A. Normal ECG
    complex. B. Acute ST elevation ('the current
    of injury'). C. Progressive loss of the R
    wave, developing Q wave, resolution
    of the ST elevation and terminal T wave
    inversion. D. Deep Q wave and T wave
    inversion. E. Old infarction

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  • Plasma biochemical markers
  • The biochemical markers that are most widely used
    in the detection of MI are creatine kinase (CK),
    a more sensitive and cardiospecific isoform of
    this enzyme (CK-MB), and the cardiospecific
    proteins, troponins T and I
  • The troponins are also released, to a minor
    degree, in unstable angina with minimal
    myocardial damage Serial (usually daily)
    estimations are particularly helpful because it
    is the change in plasma concentrations of these
    markers that is of diagnostic value.

  • CK starts to rise at 4-6 hours, peaks at about 12
    hours and falls to normal within 48-72 hours.
  • CK is also present in skeletal muscle, and a
    modest rise in CK (but not CK-MB) may sometimes
    be due to an intramuscular injection, vigorous
    physical exercise or, in old people particularly,
    a fall.
  • Defibrillation causes significant release of CK
    but not CK-MB or troponins. The most sensitive
    markers of myocardial cell damage are the cardiac
    troponins T and I, which are released within 4-6
    hours and remain elevated for up to 2 weeks.
  • Other blood tests A leucocytosis is usual,
    reaching a peak on the first day. The erythrocyte
    sedimentation rate (ESR) becomes raised and may
    remain so for several days. C-reactive protein
    (CRP) is also elevated in acute MI.

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  • Chest X-ray
  • This may demonstrate pulmonary oedema that is not
    evident on clinical examination The heart size
    is often normal but there may be cardiomegaly due
    to pre-existing myocardial damage.
  • Echocardiography
  • This can be performed at the bedside and is a
    very useful technique for assessing left and
    right ventricular function and for detecting
    important complications such as mural thrombus,
    cardiac rupture, ventricular septal defect,
    mitral regurgitation and pericardial effusion.

  • Provide facilities for defibrillation
  • Immediate measures
  • High-flow oxygen
  • I.v. access
  • ECG monitoring
  • 12-lead ECG
  • I.v. analgesia (opiates) and antiemetic
  • Aspirin 300 mg

  • Reperfusion
  • Primary PCI or thrombolysis
  • Detect and manage acute complications
  • Arrhythmias
  • Ischaemia
  • Heart failure
  • Patients are usually managed in a dedicated
    cardiac unit because this offers a convenient way
    of concentrating the necessary expertise,
    monitoring and resuscitation facilities.
  • If there are no complications, the patient can
    be mobilised from the second day and discharged
    from hospital on the fifth or sixth day.

  • Analgesia
  • Adequate analgesia is essential not only to
    relieve severe distress, but also to lower
    adrenergic drive and thereby reduce pulmonary and
    systemic vascular resistance and susceptibility
    to ventricular arrhythmias.
  • Intravenous opiates (initially morphine sulphate
    5-10 mg or diamorphine 2.5-5 mg) and antiemetics
    (initially metoclopramide 10 mg) should be
    administered through an intravenous cannula.

  • Acute reperfusion therapy
  • Thrombolysis
  • Coronary thrombolysis helps restore coronary
    patency, preserves left ventricular function and
    improves survival.
  • Successful thrombolysis leads to reperfusion with
    relief of pain, resolution of acute ST elevation
    and sometimes transient arrhythmias (e.g.
    idioventricular rhythm).
  • The sooner the patient is treated, the better the
    results will be any delay will only increase the
    extent of myocardial damage-'minutes mean

  • Clinical trials have shown that the appropriate
    use of these drugs can reduce the hospital
    mortality of myocardial infarction by 25-50 and
    follow-up studies have demonstrated that this
    survival advantage is maintained for at least 10
  • The benefit is greatest in those patients who
    receive treatment within the first few hours, and
    choice of agent is less important than speed of
  • Streptokinase, 1.5 million U in 100 ml of saline
    given as an intravenous infusion over 1 hour, is
    a widely used regimen. Streptokinase is antigenic
    and occasionally causes serious allergic
    manifestations. It may also cause hypotension,
    which can often be managed by stopping the
    infusion and restarting at

  • slower rate.
  • Circulating neutralising antibodies are formed
    following treatment with streptokinase and may
    persist for 5 years or more.
  • These antibodies can render subsequent infusions
    of streptokinase ineffective so it is advisable
    to use another non-antigenic agent if the patient
    requires further thrombolysis in the future.
  • Alteplase (human tissue plasminogen activator or
    tPA) is a genetically engineered drug that is not
    antigenic and seldom causes hypotension. The
    standard regimen is given over 90 minutes (bolus
    dose of 15 mg, followed by 0.75 mg/kg body
    weight, but not exceeding 50 mg, over 30 minutes
    and then 0.5 mg/kg

  • body weight, but not exceeding 35 mg, over 60
  • There is evidence that tPA may produce better
    survival rates than streptokinase, particularly
    among high-risk patients (e.g. large anterior
    infarct), but with a slightly higher risk of
    intracerebral bleeding (10 per 1000 increased
    survival, but 1 per 1000 more non-fatal stroke).
  • Newer-generation analogues of tPA have been
    generated that have a longer plasma half-life and
    can be given as an intravenous bolus. Large-scale
    trial data have demonstrated that tenecteplase
    (TNK) is as effective as alteplase at reducing
    death and MI whilst conferring similar
    intracerebral bleeding risks.

  • Reteplase (rPA) is administered as a double bolus
    and trial data indicate a similar outcome to that
    achieved with alteplase, although some of the
    bleeding risks appear slightly higher. The double
    bolus administration may provide practical
    advantages over the infusion of alteplase.
  • An overview of all the large randomised trials
    confirms that thrombolytic therapy significantly
    reduces short-term mortality in patients with
    suspected MI if it is given within 12 hours of
    the onset of symptoms and the ECG shows bundle
    branch block or characteristic ST segment
    elevation of greater than 1 mm in the limb leads
    or 2 mm in the chest leads.

  • Thrombolysis appears to be of little net benefit,
    and may be harmful in other patient groups,
    specifically those who present more than 12 hours
    after the onset of symptoms and those with a
    normal ECG or ST depression.
  • The major hazard of thrombolytic therapy is

  • Active internal bleeding
  • Previous subarachnoid or intracerebral
  • Uncontrolled hypertension
  • Recent surgery (within 1 month)
  • Recent trauma (including traumatic resuscitation)
  • High probability of active peptic ulcer
  • Pregnancy

  • Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
  • In institutions that are able to offer rapid
    access (within 3 hours) to a 24-hour catheter
    laboratory service, percutaneous coronary
    intervention is the treatment of choice.
  • In comparison to thrombolytic therapy, it is
    associated with a 50 greater reduction in the
    risk of death, recurrent myocardial infarction or

  • The widespread use of PCI has been limited by the
    availability of the resources necessary to
    achieve this highly specialized emergency
  • As a consequence, intravenous thrombolytic
    therapy remains the first-line reperfusion
    treatment in many hospitals.
  • For some patients, thrombolytic therapy is
    contraindicated or fails to achieve coronary
    arterial reperfusion. Early emergency PCI (within
    6 hours of symptom onset) may be considered under
    such circumstances, particularly where there is
    evidence of cardiogenic shock.

  • Acute right
  • Coronary art.
  • Occlusion.

  • Initial angio Filling defect

  • Complete resolution of flow following insertion
    of stent
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