Title: Pelvic inflammatory disease by Dr.Shuchita
- M.D (PGR)
- Department of Materia Medica
- Homoeopathy University, Jaipur
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease refers to the
inflammation of Upper Genital Tract involving
fallopian tubes as well as ovaries.
A crude marker of PID in developing countries can
be obtained from the reported hospital admission
rates . It accounts for 3-10 in India
5Estimates of the annual incidence of PID
according to W.H.O.
Between 9.5 to 14 cases per 1,000 fertile women,
with a higher rate of 18 to 20 per 1,000 among
women aged 15 to 24 years.
- Post Abortal and Peuperal Sepsis.
- Hysterosalpingiography can cause ascending
infection. - Manual Removal of Plecenta and evacuation of
products of conceptions. - Use of IUCD has increase the risk of pelvic
infection by three folds. - Pelvic peritonitis due to appendicitis and
diverticulitis may spread to involve fallopian
tube of that side. - Tuberculosis is blood borne in most of the
7Risk Factors
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9The most common etiologic agents in PID are
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Anaerobic bacterial species found in the vagina,
particularly Bacteroides - Anaerobic gram-positive cocci, (
Peptostre-ptococci), - E.coli
- Mycoplasma hominis and M.urealyticum.
- These organisms initially cause lower genital
tract infections and then spread in to the
genital tract via the endometrium.
11PID History Examination
- Abdominal pain (usually bilateral and in the
lower quadrants), - Abnormal Vaginal discharge,
- Fever, and/or chills Nausea or vomiting
- Dysuria,
- Menometrorrhagia,
- Onset of pain in association with menses,
- Dyspareunia
12- Backache
- General malaise
- Loss of appetite
- Tachycardia
- Tongue coated (shows dehydration)
- Abdominal Examination
- Speculum Examination
- Bimanual Examination
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15Investigations of PID
- Haemoglobin count may be low
- Leucocyte count raised (gt10,000 percumm)
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) raised
- C-reactive protein is increased to 20 to 30 mg/dl
or more. - Culture of cervical and high vaginal swab for
both aerobic and anaerobic organisms. - If gonorrhoea is suspected urethral swab culture.
16- Direct Chlamydial smear enzyme immunoassay and
direct immunofluorescence examination of the
smear. - If bacteraemia sets in-Blood culture.
- Blood urea serum electrolytes
- Serological test for syphilis should be carried
out for both partners. - Culdocentesis - To rule out an ectopic pregnancy
and to establish the diagnosis of a pelvic
abscess. - Laproscopic examination-The pus extruding from
the fimbrial end adhesions are sure signs of PID.
17- Ultrasound It is of limited value. It is helpful
in distinguishing an adenexal abscess. - C T scan
- MRI does not give more specific information
than USG and is expensive
22Diagnosis of Acute PID CDC Criteria
- Cervical motion tenderness and uterine and
adnexal tenderness, along with WBCs seen on
vaginal wet mount. - Additional supportive criteria to increase the
specificity - Oral temperature higher than 101ºF (38.3ºC).
- Abnormal cervical or vaginal mucopurulent
discharge. - Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- Elevated C-reactive protein level.
- Laboratory documentation of cervical infection
with N.gonorrhoeae or C trachomatis
23Chronic PID History and Examination
- Symptoms suggestive of chronic PID include
- History of previous pelvic infection.
- Constant lower abdominal pain which get worse
before menses. - Low backache.
- Dyspareunia.
24- Vaginal discharge may be absent.
- Menorrhagoea.
- Polymenorrhoea
- Congestive dysmenorrhea.
- Infertility.
- Rectal irritation.
- Poor general health.
- Appendages are found to be tender, thickened and
fixed. - At times the uterus and appendages are densely
adherent to each other and a fixed hard mass
along with pelvic cellulitis-known as Frozen
26PID Postmenopausal Women
- Exact mechanism unclear.
- Direct extension from adjacent viscera.
- Uterine instrumentation
- Structural abnormalities (stenosis, polyps, etc)
- Forgotten IUD.
- Degenerating Myomas.
- Postmenopausal vaginal flora (anaerobic)
27- Presenting symptoms include
- Vaginal spotting,
- Bleeding,
- Pain,
- Fever,
- Nausea,
- Change in bowel habits
- Majority have tubo-ovarian abscess USG or CT
28Sequelae of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Reported sequelae occurs in up to 25 of cases
- Infertility (12 to 50)
- Ectopic Pregnancy (6 to 10 fold increase)
- Chronic pelvic pains (18)
- Psychological disorders
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30Differential Diagnosis
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34Differential DiagnosisChronic PID
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37Miasmatic Analysis
38- The most frequent location of the sycotic
manifestations in women is in the pelvic organs. - Pelvic inflammations such as oophoritis,
salpingitis in fact,all the inflammatory disease
of the female pelvis may be traced to this taint. - In the more chronic types we get cystic
degeneration of the ovaries, the uterus and the
fallopian tubes. - Syphilitic miasm seldom attacks the ovaries or
uterus. - (The principles and art of cure by homoeopathy
Herbert A . Robert )
39- Sycosis is generally understood to be the
gonorrhoeal poison. We should make the
distinction clear between gonorrhoea sycosis. - Gonorrhoea is the acute infection of the
gonococci, which takes from 5 to 10 days to
develop a urethritis after an exposure. During
this incubation period it is purely an infection
then the local manifestations are thrown outward
by nature at the point of attack as a resentment
of the vital energy to the infection. - If the gonorrhoea thoroughly completely cured,
practically no sycosis ever develops.
40- Sycosis is established after a suppressed
gonorrhoea, when the acute infection is driven in
upon the vital energy by external methods of
suppression, and it then become a systematic
stigma. - PID Sycotic
manifestation - (The principles and art of cure by homoeopathy
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- Ovaries congested and painful , sharp shooting
pain in uterus. - Fever with dry, hot skin and burning thirst for
large quantities of cold water. - Cold stage most marked , sweat gt
- Ovaritis worse in rt. Ovary , endometritis with
soreness burning , stinging pain suddenly
migrating from one part to another. - Incontinence of urine with great irritation of
the parts. - Thirstless except during chill stage before fever
- Pt. Is hasty ,awkward, drops thing while
handling. Indifferent weeping tendency. - ltwarmheated room , gtcold water,open air ,
- Burning pain in ovarian region, stitching pain in
pelvis extending down the thigh. - Leucorrhoea acrid , burning ,offensive and thin ,
causes great fatigue.lt least exertion gtwarm room. - Burning thirst without special desire to drink,
takes little quantity of cold water often, just
to moisten dry mouth. - High fever with marked exhaustion, mental
restlessness and fear of death. Pt. thinks it is
useless to take medicine with aversion to meet
- Useful in chronic PID ,Chronic metritis
prolapse. - Uterus fills up whole pelvis, ulceration of neck
of womb vagina, cervix ovaries indurated,
ossified uterus. - Leucorrhoea with spasmodic contraction of vagina.
- Young girls with palpitation
- Acute inflammatory condition.
- Cervical mucous membrane is very congested and
red. - Pressing downwards as if the contents of abdomen
would issue from the vulva gt standing and sitting
erect worse morning. - Dryness and heat of vagina .
- Menses bright red, too early, too profuse and HOT
and offensive. - Fever with burning heat and without thirst.
- Superficial blood vessels distended.
- Leucophlegmatic constitution tendency to
obesity. - Useful in pelvic abscess, tendency to form
abscess in deep muscles , uterus easily
displaced. Before menses- headache,colic
,chilliness , leucorrhoea(milky). breast tender
swollen . - During menses cutting pain in uterus.
- Menses too early,too profuse,too long with
vertigo, toothache cold, damp feet. - The least mental excitement causes profuse return
of menses.
- For women with chronic ovaritis, salpingitis ,
pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts, post
menopausal PID. - Pelvic abscess as a result of STDs or due to
septic abortion. - Adhesions of the surrounding organs , tendency to
outgrowth and malignant changesOvarian pain worse
lt. side or from ovary to ovary. Infertility.
52- Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted, stains
difficult to wash out. Metrorrhagia .Intense
dysmenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea thin, acrid
excoriating, fishy odour. - Sycotic warts on genital, burning palms soles ,
ravenous hunger immediately after eating with
constant thirst.
- Chronic cervicitis ovaritis, suppressed STDs.
- Stinging pain in ovaries, sensation of rawness in
parts. - Menses profuse with abdominal pain. Leucorrhoea
excoriating, greenish bloody. - Sweetish metallic taste , profuse salivation,
tongue large ,flabby ,shows imprint of teeth ,
intense thirst with moist mouth.
- Intense vaginismus with chronic cervicitis.
- Platina lady is prone to get recurrent urogenital
infections resulting in oophoritis, salpingitis
endometritis resulting in sterility. - Sexual organs exceedingly sensitive, cannot bear
the napkin to touch her, will go in to spasm from
an examination, vulva painfully sensitive during
coitus, will faint during coitus nymphomania,
excessive sexual development.
- Inflammation of ovaries or uterus after abortion,
premature labor . Pt. tendency to
miscarriages,esp. at 3rd month. - Haemorrhage from the uterus flow partly pale
red, partly clottedworse from least motion gt by
walking ,pain extending from sacrum to pubes. - Menses too early, too profuse, too protracted
in women who menstruated very early in life flow
in paroxysms with colic labor like pain .
Menorrhagia - during climacteric.
- Useful in post menopausal PID, chronic
Endometritis with displacement in nervous,
lively, affectionate women. - Sore pain in uterus a distinct sensation of a
womb. - Bearing down sensation,as if internal organs
would be pushed out, must sit down cross limbs
togt pressure.
57- Menses irregular, early profuse, protracted,
large clots. - Leucorrhoea green or blood , happier when
leucorrhoea is worse. - Nymphomania least contact of parts,causes
violent sexual excitement.
- Pulsatilla
- Sepia
- Lachesis
- Cimicifuga
- Kreosotum
- Lilium tigrinum
- Trillium
- Pyrogen
- Bryonia , etc .
60Synthesis rep.9.0
disease sep.
61Murphys Repertory
Diseases - PELVIC inflammatory disease,
uterus Acon. Agn. alum. APIS Arn. ARS. Aur-m.
Aur. BELL. Bry. bufo Cact. calc. CANTH. Carb-an.
carbn-s. caul. Cham. chin. cocc. Coff. coloc.
con. croc. ferr-ar. ferr. graph. Ham. Hep. hydr.
Hyos. hyper. ign. Iod. ip. iris kali-c. kali-p.
kreos. LAC-C. LACH. LYC. Lyss. mag-m. MED. Merc.
Nux-v. op. ph-ac. Phos. PULS. Rhus-t. Sabad.
SABIN. SEC. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. TER. thuj.
Verat-v. Verat. vib. visc.
62Murphys Repertory
Diseases - PELVIC inflammatory disease, uterus -
acute Acon. ant-i. Apis arn. Ars. Bell. Bry.
canth. cham. chin. Cimic. con. Gels. hep. hyos.
Iod. kali-c. kali-i. lach. lil-t. Mel-c-s.
Merc-c. nux-v. op. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhus-t.
Sabin. Sec. Sep. Sil. stram. sulph. ter. til.
63Murphys Repertory
Diseases - PELVIC inflammatory disease, uterus -
chronic alet. aloe Ars. Aur-m-n. Aur-m. borx.
Calc. carb-ac. caul. chinin-ar. Cimic. Con.
graph. Helon. Hydr. hydrc. inul. Iod. Kali-bi.
kali-c. kali-s. kreos. lach. Mag-m. Mel-c-s.
merc. Murx. nat-m. nit-ac. Nux-v. Ph-ac. phos.
plb. Puls. rhus-t. Sabin. Sec. Sep. sil. stram.
Sulph. visc.
-Murphys Repertory.
64Murphys Repertory
- Diseases - PELVIC inflammatory disease, uterus -
bleeding, after ars. Chin. ham. led. phos. Sec.
Thlas. - Diseases - PELVIC inflammatory disease, uterus -
chronic - congestion, with arterial bell. lil-t.
Sabin. - Diseases - PELVIC inflammatory disease, uterus -
chronic follicular Hydr. hydrc. iod. merc.
65Kents Repertory
emotional excitement, fromHyos. - FEMALE GENITALIA - INFLAMMATION - Uterus - anger,
-haemorrhage, after Chin. - FEMALE GENITALIA - INFLAMMATION - Uterus -
indignation, from Coloc. - FEMALE GENITALIA - INFLAMMATION - Uterus joy,
excessiveCoff. - FEMALE GENITALIA - INFLAMMATION - Uterus - labor,
after Nux-v. Sabin. Sec.
- Homoeopathic materia medica and repertory- W.
Boericke. - Allens key notes.
- Gynaecology obstetric therapeutics Dr.
Shrikant Kulkarni. - Shaws textbook of Gynaecology.
67- Miasmatic diagnosis Dr. S K Banerjee.
- The principles and art of cure by homoeopathy-
Herbert A .Robert - http//www.cdc.gov.
- http//4women.gov.
- http//www.familydoctor.org.
- Synthesis Repertory9.0 Edition.
- Murphy Repertory.
- Kent Repertory.