Living Things - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Living Things


7-1 Forces in Earth s Crust 7-3 Monitoring Earthquakes Monitoring Earthquakes Earthquake Risk The map shows areas where serious earthquakes are likely to occur ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Living Things

Earthquakes Comp. Sci. 2
7-1 Forces in Earths Crust 7-3 Monitoring
Vocabulary 7.1
  • Stress
  • Compression
  • Shearing
  • Normal Fault
  • Reverse Fault
  • Strike-slip Fault
  • Plateau

3 Kinds of Stress in Earths Crust pg. 223
  • As Earths plates move, they can bend or fold
    rock. Forces created by movement of the Earths
    plates are examples of stress. Stress adds energy
    to rock until the rock changes shape or breaks.
  • Three kinds of stress can occur in the Earths
  • tension, compression, and shearing.
  • All three work over millions of years to change
    the shape and volume of rock.
  • Tension, compression, and shearing work over
    millions of years to change the shape and volume
    of rock

How Does Stress Change Earths Crust? Pg. 223
  • Tension-
  • Tension is the stress force that pulls on the
    crust and thins the rock in the middle. It occurs
    where two plates pull apart.

1st kind of stress can occur in the crust.
How Does Stress Change Earths Crust? Pg. 223
  • Compression-
  • Compression is the stress force that squeezes
    rock until it folds or breaks. It occurs where
    two plates come together and push against each

2nd kind of stress can occur in the crust.
How Does Stress Change Earths Crust? Pg. 223
  • Stress can push, pull, or squeeze rock in Earths
  • Shearing-Shearing is the stress force that pushes
    rock in two opposite directions. It occurs where
    two plates slip past each other.

3rd kind of stress can occur in the crust.
Stress in Earths Crust Stress can push, pull, or
squeeze rock in Earths crust. Three kinds of
stress can occur in the crust. APPLY
CONCEPTS Look at the pair of arrows in the
second diagram. These arrows show how tension
affects rock. Draw a pair of arrows on the
third diagram to show how compression affects
rock. Then draw a pair of arrows on the bottom
diagram to show how shearing acts on rock
Assess Your Understanding pg. 223
  • I get it! Now I know that stress changes Earths
    crust by changing the ____________________________
  • ________________________________________________

How Do Faults Form? Pg. 224
  • When enough stress builds up in rock, the rock
    breaks and makes a fault.
  • The three main types of faults are
  • normal faults
  • reverse faults
  • strike-slip faults

How Do Faults Form?
  • Normal Faults
  • Normal faults form where rock is pulled apart by
    tension in Earths crust. The block above is
    angled fault called the hanging wall. The rock
    below the fault is called the footwall. The
    hanging wall slips downward when rock moves along
    the fault.
  • Reverse Faults
  • A reverse fault has the same structures as a
    normal fault, but the hanging wall moves up and
    the footwall moves down. Reverse faults form
    where compression pushes the rock of the crust
  • Strike-Slip Faults
  • Shearing produces strike-slip faults. The rocks
    on either side of a strike-slip fault slip past
    each other and have little up or down motion. A
    strike-slip fault that forms the boundary between
    two plates is called a transform boundary.


Faults pgs. 224-225 The three main types of
faults are defined by the direction in which rock
moves along the fault.
Apply It! Pg. 225
  • The low angle of a thrust fault allows rock in
    the hanging wall to be pushed great distances.
    For example, over millions of years, rock along
    the Lewis thrust fault in Glacier National Park
    has moved 80 kilometers.
  • Identify- Based on the arrows showing fault
    movements in the diagram, a thrust fault is a
    type of (normal fault, reverse fault).
  • Challenge Why might the type of rock in the
    hanging wall of the Lewis thrust fault be
    different from the type of rock in the footwall?
  • __________________________________________________

Assess Your Understanding pg. 225
  • 1a. Review When enough stress builds up in
    brittle rock, the rock breaks causing a
  • b. Infer- A geologist sees a fault along which
    blocks of rock in the footwall have moved higher
    relative to blocks of rock in the hanging wall.
    What type of fault is this?_______________________
  • I got it! Now I know that faults form when
  • __________________________________________________

How Does Plate Movement Create New Landforms? Pg.
  • Over millions of years, the forces of plate
    movement can change a flat plain into features
    such as anticlines and synclines, folded
    mountains, fault-block mountains, and plateaus.

Folding pgs. 226-227
  • Folding Earths Crust
  • Folds are bends in rock that form when Earths
    crust is compressed and gets shorter and thicker.
    A fold in rock that bends upward into an arch is
    an anticline. A fold that bends downward in a V
    shape is a syncline.

Anticlines and Synclines Compression can cause
folds in the crust. Two types of folding are
anticlines, which arch up, and synclines, which
dip down.
Fault Block Mountain
  • Stretching Earths Crust
  • Tension forces create normal faults where two
    plates move away from each other. A fault-block
    mountain forms when the hanging walls of two
    normal faults drop down on either side of the

Tension and Normal Faults As tension forces pull
the crust apart, two normal faults can form a
fault-block mountain range.
Forces in Earths Crust Figure 2
Tension and Normal Faults As tension forces pull
the crust apart, two normal faults can form a
fault-block mountain range, as you can see in the
diagram. Predict Label the hanging wall and the
two footwalls in diagram A. in diagram B, draw
the new position of the hanging wall after
movement occurs. Describe what happens. __________
  • Uplifting Earths Crust
  • Forces can also raise plateaus. A plateau is a
    large area of flat land that was lifted up high
    above sea level.

The Kaibab Plateau Look at the sequence of
drawings. In your own words, describe what
happens in the last two diagrams.
Assess Your Understanding pg. 229
  • 2a. Review- Normal Faults often occur when two
    plates (come together / putt apart)
  • b. Interpret Diagrams Look at the diagram that
    accompanies the photograph in Figure 5. Does the
    block of rock in the middle move up as a result
    of movement along the normal faults? Explain.
  • __________________________________________________
  • I get it! Now I know that plate movements create
    new features by
  • __________________________________________________

  • 7-2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves

Vocabulary 7.2
  1. Earthquake
  2. Focus
  3. Epicenter
  4. P wave
  5. S wave
  6. Surface wave
  7. Seismograph
  8. Modified Mercalli scale
  9. Magnitude
  10. Richter Scale
  11. Moment magnitude scale

Earthquakes and Seismic Waves
  • Earthquakes start below the surface of the Earth.
    An earthquake's seismic waves carry energy up
    toward the surface and down through the interior.
  • Seismic waves are vibrations that are similar to
    sound waves. They travel through Earth carrying
    energy released by an earthquake
  • Look at the drawing showing Earths interior. At
    which point(s) can seismic waves be detected?
  • A only
  • A and B
  • A, B, and C
  • 2. Infer At which point do you think the
    seismic waves will have the most energy? Why?
  • __________________________________________________

What Are Seismic Waves? Pg. 231
  • Plate movement increases the stress along a fault
    until the rock slips or breaks and an earthquake
    begins. An earthquake is the shaking and
    trembling that happens when rock under Earths
    surface moves. The focus is the place under
    Earths surface where rock starts to move. The
    point on the surface directly above the focus is
    called the epicenter.
  • Some of the energy released during
  • an earthquake travels through Earth
  • in the form of seismic waves. Seismic
  • waves travel out in every direction
  • from the focus.

Types of Seismic Waves
  • P Waves (A)
  • The first waves to arrive, also known as primary
    waves. P waves compress and expand the ground
    like an accordion. P waves can damage buildings.
    P waves travel through solids and liquids.
  • S Waves (B)
  • After primary waves come secondary waves or S
    waves. S waves are seismic waves that can vibrate
    from side to side or up and down. Their
    vibrations are at an angle of 90 degrees to the
    direction that they travel. When S waves reach
    the surface, they shake structures violently. S
    waves cannot travel through liquids.
  • Surface Waves (C)
  • When P and S waves reach the surface, they become
    surface waves. Surface waves move more slowly
    than P and S waves but they can produce severe
    ground movements. Surface waves can make the
    ground roll like water waves in an almost
    circular pattern or shake buildings from side to

Types of Seismic Waves pg. 233
P, S, and Surface Waves Earthquakes release
stored energy as seismic waves. Identify Draw
a line from each type of seismic wave to the
movement it causes.
How Are Earthquakes Measured? Pg. 234
Modified Mercalli Scale The Modified Mercalli
scale uses Roman numerals to rate the damage and
shaking at any given location, usually close to
the earthquake.
How Are Earthquakes Measured? Pg. 234
Earthquake Magnitude The table gives the moment
magnitudes of some recent earthquakes.
Earthquakes and Seismic Waves pg. 236
Seismic Wave Speeds Seismographs at five
observation stations recorded the arrival times
of the P and S waves produced by an earthquake.
These data were used to draw the graph.
Earthquakes and Seismic Waves pg. 237
An Earthquakes Epicenter The map shows how to
find the epicenter of an earthquake using data
from three seismographic stations.
Assess your Understanding
Monitoring Earthquakes
  • 7.3
  • Vocabulary
  • Seismogram

Monitoring Earthquakes
Seismic Data From the USArray Project In 2004,
scientists in the USArray project placed 400
seismographs across the western United States.
Every month, 18 seismographs are picked up and
moved east, leapfrogging the other seismographs.
Monitoring Earthquakes
Recording Seismic Waves In a simple seismograph,
a pen attached to a suspended weight records an
earthquakes seismic waves.
Monitoring Earthquakes
Seismograms When an earthquakes seismic waves
reach a simple seismograph, the seismographs
drum vibrates. The vibrations are recorded by the
seismographs pen, producing a seismogram.
Monitoring Earthquakes
Earthquake Risk The map shows areas where
serious earthquakes are likely to occur, based on
the location of past earthquakes across the
United States.
Monitoring Earthquakes
Earthquakes Around the World Earthquakes are
closely linked to plate tectonics. The map shows
where past earthquakes have occurred in relation
to plate boundaries.
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