The%20Rise%20of%20Christianity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Rise of Christianity Traditional Roman Religion Etruscan nature gods Greek gods Ancestor spirits Emperor 1st priest Cult of the Emperor Freedom of worship ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The%20Rise%20of%20Christianity

The Rise of Christianity
Traditional Roman Religion
  • Etruscan nature gods
  • Greek gods
  • Ancestor spirits
  • Emperor 1st priest
  • Cult of the Emperor
  • Freedom of worship many religions

  • Idea of a Messiah one who would save the Jews
    from oppression
  • Romans treated Jews cruelly
  • Polytheists vs. monotheism
  • 1 god
  • Would not honor the emperor as god
  • Prior to the 1st C there had been a few
    rebellions against Rome in Judea

Kingdom of Judah becomes a Roman Province 6 C.E.
Jesus of Nazareth
  • Born in the reign of Caesar Augustus
  • Started teaching when approx 30 years old

Jesus of Nazareths teachings
  • Gods kingdom will govern all soon
  • Give to others and care for others
  • Do not sin- based on 10 commandments
  • God is forgiving and loving
  • Give up material wealth- spiritual equality
  • Uses parables (symbolic stories) to explain

Romans and some Jewish leaders believed
  • Leading people astray from god (J)
  • Danger to Roman govt. (R)
  • Could bring rebellion (R)
  • Result
  • Executed by Romans by Crucifixion

Christians worship in secret and are persecuted
by the Romans because
  • Refused to worship emperor or serve in the
    military (thou shalt not kill)
  • Tried to actively convert Romans (some seen as
    threat to traditional Roman values and Power)
  • Nero uses Christians as scapegoats for Great Fire
    of Rome 67AD
  • It was seen as a sect of Judaism - It was
    believed they might actively spread rebellion
    (like the Jewish Uprisings)

Romans Put Down Jewish Uprising in 70 C.E.
  • Romans banned Jews from Jerusalem in 132 C.E.
    Start of Jewish Diaspora

Martyrs in Rome
  • Emperor Trajan to Pliny - 1st Century AD
  • You observed proper procedure, my dear Pliny,
    in sifting the cases of those who had been
    denounced to you as Christians. For it is not
    possible to lay down any general rule to serve as
    a kind of fixed standard. They are not to be
    sought out if they are denounced and proved
    guilty, they are to be punished, with this
    reservation, that whoever denies that he is a
    Christian and really proves it--that is, by
    worshiping our gods--even though he was under
    suspicion in the past, shall obtain pardon
    through repentance. But anonymously posted
    accusations ought to have no place in any
    prosecution. For this is both a dangerous kind of
    precedent and out of keeping with the spirit of
    our age.

How Christianity Became Accepted in Rome
  • 312 Emperor Constantine wins Battle of Milvian
    Bridge over the Tiber River in Rome

  • Saw Flaming Cross in the sky before battle with
    Roman Rivals
  • Had soldiers paint sign of cross on their shields
    won the Battle

313 C.E. Edict of Milan
  • Legalized Freedom of Religion (Including
  • 325 C.E.- Nicean Council in Anatolia, Asia Minor
  • Chose 4 Gospels
  • Nicean Creed
  • New Testament

Spread of Christianity
Other events
  • 332 C.E.- Constantine is Babtized and then Dies
  • Late 4th century C.E.- The Scholar Augustine
    writes The City of Gods which is first history
    book from Christian Perspective
  • 392 C.E.- Emperor Theodosius made Christianity
    the official religion of Rome

Constantinople is made the 2nd Rome
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