Neural Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Neural Communication


... allows sodium ions to enter. Step 2 Calcium ions enter the cytoplasm of the synaptic knob ACh release occurs through exocytosis of nuerotransmitter. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Neural Communication

Neural Communication
This is anything that deals with the synapse and
the neurons communication with each other
  • By Ryan Gov
  • Sera Choi
  • Iris Gonzalez

Movement of information
  • Information in the nervous system moves to other
    locations through action potentials
  • These electrical movements are nerve impulses
  • Chemicals known as neurotransmitters transfer the
    information when released.
  • In neuron communication, the synapse may be at
    the dendrite, cell body, or the axon.
  • Neuroeffector junctions are synapses between a
    neuron and other types of cells
  • Neuronglandular junctions are where a neuron
    controls the activity of a secretory cell.

Structure of a synapse
  • Communication between neurons occur in only one
    direction across a synapse.
  • An impulse can travel from the synaptic knob of
    the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic
  • The opposing cell membranes are separated by
    narrow spaces called a synaptic cleft.
  • The synaptic terminals have mitochondria,
    synaptic vesicles, and endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Synaptic vesicles have thousands of molecules of
    specific neurotransmitters.
  • When the vesicles release these neurotransmitters
    they diffuse across the synaptic cleft, then they
    bind to the receptors

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Functions and neurontransmitters
  • There are many different neurotransmitters, an
    example being acetylcholine or ACh.
  • The cholinergic synapses is where the ACh is
    released, and these are numerous in and out of
    the Central Nervous system.
  • Another common neurotransmitter is norepinephrine
    (NE), or nonadrenaline.
  • NE is important to the brain and the autonomic
    nervous system.
  • Dopamine is another important neurotransmitter in
    the central nervous system
  • Serotonin is a neurotransmitter important to the
    mood of humans, it is known as the happy
    hormone even though its not a hormone.

The sequence of events for a cholinergic synapse
  • Step 1
  • An action potential arrives and depolirizes the
    synaptic knob.
  • The binding of ACh to sodium channels causes them
    to pen and allows sodium ions to enter.
  • Step 2
  • Calcium ions enter the cytoplasm of the synaptic
  • ACh release occurs through exocytosis of
  • The release ends quickly because the calcium ions
    are removed from the cytoplasm by active

  • Step 3
  • ACh binds to receptors and depolarizes the
    postsynaptic membrane
  • The binding of ACh to sodium channels causes them
    to open and allows sodium ions to enter
  • If the depolarization of the postsynaptic
    membrane reaches threshold, an action potential
    is produced.
  • Step 4
  • Then the removal of ACh by AChE occurs
  • The effects on the postsynaptic membrane is
    temporary because of AChE
  • The AChE removes ACh by breaking it into acetate
    and choline

  • In the central nervous system, there are 50 other
    neurotransmitters that are not well understood
  • There are also gases that are important to
    neurotransmitters nitric oxide and carbon
  • Neurotransmitters released from the synapse can
    have either excitatory or inhibitory effects
  • Excitatory effects means the nerve cells have a
    higher probably of producing an action potential
  • Inhibitory effects is when the intensity of the
    action potential is suppressed
  • ACh and NE have an excitatory effect
  • Dopamine and serotonin are usually inhibitory

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  • The action potential depends on the balance of
    depolarization and hyperpolarizing stimuli
  • The activity of a neuron depends on the balance
    between excitation and inhibition.
  • These interactions between neurons are very
    complex and somewhat confusing
  • The synapses at the cell body and dendrites may
    involve tens of thousands of other neurons.
  • Some neurons will be releasing excitatory
    neurotransmitters while others inhibitory.

Neuron pools
  • A human has about 10 million sensory neurons, 20
    billion interneurons, and one-half million motor
  • This is the simplest form of organization in the
  • A neuronal pool is a group of interconnected
    interneurons with specific functions.
  • Neuronal pools have limited numbers of input
    sources and output destinations
  • Thus the output of one pool may stimulate or
    depress the activity of other pools
  • The neuronal pool may also exert direct control
    over motor neurons or peripheral effectors.

  • Neurons and neuronal pools communicate in
    different patterns called neural circuits
  • The two simple circuit patterns are divergence
    and convergence.
  • This is how information spreads from one neuron
    or neuronal pool to other neurons or neuronal
  • Divergence occurs when sensory neurons bring
    sensory information to the CNS
  • This is due to the distribution of the sensory
    information through the brain and the spinal
  • Ex The information from your eyes reaches your
    conscious awareness at the same time its carried
    to the areas of the brain that control posture
    and balance at the subconscious level.

  • Divergence can also be involved with other
  • Ex when you step on a sharp object
  • The action stimulates sensory neurons that
    distribute information to neuronal pools
  • There will be several possible reactions
    withdrawing your foot, shifting your weight,
    moving your arms, feeling the pain, or saying
  • This all may even happen at the same time
  •  When the neuron fires, the signal is sent to
    many other neurons, resulting in a divergence of

  • Convergence is when several neurons synapse on a
    single postsynaptic neuron.
  • This makes both voluntary and involuntary control
    of some body processes
  • Ex the movement of your diaphragm now.
  • The movement is being involuntarily controlled by
    the brain
  • These movements can be controlled voluntarily too
  • When you take a deep breathe and hold it.
  • Two neuron pools are involved, and both synapse
    on the same motor neuron.

Quiz time!!!!
  • 1. What are the electrical movements that help
    disperse information between neurons?
  • 2. Name at least two neurotransmitters and what
    their functions are.
  • 3. How is an action potential produced?
  • 4. Describe the two effects a neuron can have.
  • 5. Describe the two simple circuits of a neuron.

  • 1. Nerve impulses
  • 2. Serotonin (mood regulator) and Dopamine
    (important in the CNS)
  • 3. If the depolarization of the postsynaptic
    membrane reaches threshold, an action potential
    is produced.
  • 4. excitatory and inhibitory
  • 5. divergence or convergence
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