Title: Communication, Symbols, and Meaning
1Communication, Symbols, and Meaning
2David Berlo (1960)
- Meanings are in people
- Communication does not consist of the
transmission of meanings, but of the transmission
of messages - Meanings are not in the message they are in the
message-users - Words do not mean at all only people mean
- People can have similar meanings only to the
extent that they have had, or can anticipate
having, similar experiences - Meanings are never fixed as experience changes,
so meanings change - No two people can have exactly the same meaning
for anything
3A few sentences
- Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
- Picasso enjoyed painting his models nude.
- Visiting relatives can be boring.
- My son has grown another foot.
- I saw the man with binoculars.
- The man who hunts ducks out on weekends.
- I cannot recommend this person too highly.
4Ogden Richards (1923) Symbols and Semantic
5(No Transcript)
- Symbol arbitrary sign to referent associations
- Denotation or referential meaning
- Connotation or affective meaning
- Context is the key to meaning most words, as
they pass from context to context, change their
7Signs and Symbols
- A sign is something we directly encounter, yet at
the same time it refers to something else.
Thunder is a sign of rain. A punch in the nose is
a sign of anger. An arrow is a sign of whatever
it points toward. - Words are also signs, but of a special kind. They
are symbols. Unlike the examples cited above,
most symbols have no natural connection with the
things they describe. Theres nothing in the
sound of the word kiss or anything visual in the
letters h-u-g that signifies an embrace. One
could just as easily coin the term snarf or clag
to symbolize a close encounter of the romantic
8Language Frequencies
- In the earlier part of this century, Ogden
Richards invented Basic English a simplified
vocabulary of 850 elementary English words. - It seemed to help worldwide communication,
but soon was considered too rigid and boring,
halting creative expression.
9Peirce/Morriss Levels of Language Analysis
- Syntactics signs to signs
- Semantics signs to things
- Pragmatics signs to people
- Phonology sounds in a language phones,
phonemes, morphs, and morphemes
10Language is Rule-Governed
- Phonological rules (sounds)
- Syntactic rules (structure of language)
- Semantic rules (specific meanings)
- Pragmatic rules (appropriate interpretation
within a given context)
11- T H E M A N B I T E S T H E D O G
- spoken or written word recognition
- syntactic processing
- S
- V NP
- Det NP Det NP
- The man bites the dog.
- semantic processing
- MAN hum, -teeth ... DOG anim, teeth
- pragmatic interpretation
12An Cryptic Email from My Wife
- I heard from JRC. She had to rush off to a
hospital (Children's?) and will write later. Eve
- My immediate reaction was a pang of great
concern what had happened to my daughter,
Jackie, and why did she have to go to the
hospital? - Some seconds later I remembered Jackie works
for the California Transplant Donor Network and
her work routinely takes her to several
hospitals, including Childrens Hospital. - O the layered complexity of meaning making!
13Operation of a hypothetical Semantic Key Sort
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15Osgoods Mediation Hypothesis
- The basic S-R association is responsible for the
establishment of meaning. - Three levels of response to stimuli
- Projection simple neural pathway system,
reflexive - Integration associations through experience
- Representational stimulus leads to internal
stimulus (meaning) which leads to overt behavior
16Development of a sign
- A portion of response R becomes represented in
internal response rm - Meaning is the internal mediating responserm
sm which is connotative
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19Hebbs Integration Principle
The greater the frequency with which stimulus
events (S-S) or response events (R-R) have been
paired in input or output experience of the
organism, the greater will be the tendency for
their central correlates to activate one another.
20Factors of Semantic Space
- Evaluative factor (good - bad) - that can be seen
in the example as 'Good-Bad', 'Fresh - Stale',
'Cold - Hot') - Potency factor (strong - weak) - seen in the
example as 'Weak - Strong' - Activity factor (active - passive) - in the
example as 'Active - Passive', 'Tense - Relaxed'
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22Semantic differential measures connotative meaning
23Semantic Space
24Semantic differential measures connotative meaning
25Seven Ideas about LanguageGeorge A. Miller
(1965) Some Preliminaries to Psycholinguistics
- Not all physical features of speech are
significant for vocal communication, and not all
significant features of speech have physical
representation. - The meaning of an utterance should not be
confused with its reference. - The meaning of an utterance is not a linear sum
of the meanings of the words that comprise it.
26- The syntactic structure of a sentence imposes
groupings that govern the interactions between
the meanings of the words in that sentence. - There is no limit to the number of sentences or
the number of meanings that can be expressed. - A description of a language and a description of
a language user must be kept distinct. - There is a large biological component to the
human capacity for articulate speech.
27Pearce Cronens Coordinated Management of
- From a social constructionist perspective, good
communication occurs when you and others are able
to coordinate your actions sufficiently well that
your conversations comprise social worlds in
which you and they can lie well--that is with
dignity, honor, joy and love.
28Rules in Interaction
- A social constructionist ontology and an
interpretive or even critical epistemology - CMM sees interaction as a rule-guided activity
- Constitutive rules Rules that specify what
particular behaviors count for in interaction - Regulative rules Rules that specify sequences of
behavior for particular situations
29Systems of Social Reality
- CMM proposes that rules are interpreted within a
hierarchy of meaning - This hierarchy of meaning includes six levels of
interpretation - content level,
- speech act level,
- episode level,
- relationship level,
- life script level, and
- cultural patterns level
30Coordination Interaction Processes
- Coordination in interaction refers to the
meshing of actions, not the perfect sharing of
interpretations - Interactions that are not well coordinated (e.g.,
double binds and paradoxes) indicate differences
in rule usage and in levels of interpretation