Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)


Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) & Assessment Criteria (AC) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Assessment
Criteria (AC)
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
  • specify the knowledge and skills you will be
    required to demonstrate in order to have
    completed the module successfully

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
  • 5 categories of development (CD)
  • CD(1) Communication Skills
  • CD(2) Working with Pupils (Clients) and
  • CD(3) Organisation and Self Management
  • CD(4) Initiative and Creativity
  • CD(5) Identifying and Understanding the
    Educational Needs of Others and the
    Educational Environment

Assessment Activities (AAs)
  • 3 Assessment Activities for module
  • Log book (50)
  • Oral presentation (20)
  • Lesson pack (30)

Assessment Criteria (AC)
  • describe how well you will need to achieve a
    particular ILO in order to get particular grade
  • will assess some, but not all, of the ILOs
  • separate set of Assessment Criteria for each
    teaching activity

Assessment Criteria (AC)
  • for each teaching activity we will assign a for
    each of the assessed ILOs and derive an average
    for each of the five Categories of Development
  • we may raise this average if you produce any
    other valuable unexpected learning outcomes
    (ULOs) in that CD

Assessment Criteria (AC)
  • you will be given the final assigned to each CD
    which will be averaged to give the overall for
    the teaching activity

Assessment Criteria (AC)
  • Example
  • Assessment Issues for Log Book
  • CD(1) Communication Skills
  • (1.1) Grade/mark() content, style and
    presentation of log book
  • (1.3) Grade/mark() suitability and quality of
    written, visual and tactile teaching materials
  • Add ? (0 ? ? ? 5) to average CD(1)
    (Communication Skills) mark for ULOs

Assessment Criteria (AC)
  • Example
  • Assessment Criteria for Log Book
  • CD(1) Communication Skills
  • (A) The contentexcellentexcellent scientific
    stylevery well-orderedvery clear evidence.
  • (D) The contentsubstandardvery poor scientific
    stylelapses in ordervery little evidence.

  • you will not be directly assessed on your
    performance in the classroom
  • unacceptable behaviour during your placement
    means you will be removed from the module and
    credits will be withheld

Assessment Diary
  • Akin to Lab Diary, recording all activities,
    preparation, observations and outcomes
  • Brief outline of planned lesson and pupils
    learning objectives
  • Students targets and outcomes
  • General description of lesson
  • Notes on teachers methods
  • Deliberate mistakes
  • Description of students activities
  • Pupils goals met
  • Students goals met

Example log book
  • Planning and outcome log
  • Date 5 November 2004 Class/Group 5b (whole
  • Activity (description and lesson learning
    context/prior learning) " Being a Student". Talk
    and poster as a self initiated project. Exercise
    will build on informal chats in the classroom
    throughout my placement, with the poster as an
    end focus point to remind the pupils of Student
    life after I have gone.
  • Activity designed to cover some of KS2 art module
    on ... and humanities module on recent
    history.... more details here

My Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Communication Skills presentation to students
  • Working with Pupils (Clients') and Colleagues
    ensure I make arrangement for necessary materials
    from school. Give the teacher a lesson plan as to
    avoid the confusion we had last time
  • Organisation and Self Management to arrive with
    all the materials I need. To keep to time
  • Initiative and Creativity the idea, the slides I
    will take in showing university life
  • Identifying and Understanding the Educational
    Needs of Others and the Educational Environment
    to ensure all pupils produce a picture, to ensure
    most students annotate the picture, to suggest
    able students write a paragraph as if they were

Learning objectives for pupils
  • What do the pupils/learners know already? Some
    pupils have asked me questions about university
    life, but not all have had a chance, so there is
    little or no awareness of university apart from
    knowing it's a place that I come from.
  • What do I want the pupils/learners to do? To
    listen to my brief talk, ask a few questions/say
    their ideas and then make posters in groups,
    showing what they think being a student is like.
  • What do you want them to have learnt? (Key
    concepts and ideas) In basic terms, what a
    university is, an idea of what it is like to be a
    student and that anyone can go to university.

How are will I run the activity?
  • Introduction
  • Give prepared short talk on being a student and
    what university is, stressing that all sorts of
    people go, keeping it simple as the children are
    8 years old and for many, this is the 1st
    impression they will have. I will use pictures
    and props to make it more captivating and to
    appeal to more learning styles. 5 minutes
  • Main activity
  • After some QA's and prompting of ideas the
    class have of me, they will work in their usual
    groups and make a poster of what it's like to be
    a student. I will get them to imagine themselves
    at my age and what they think they would like to
    do/be as a student. I will give each table some
    photos that I took as a day in the life'
    snapshot of me as a student to help them create a
    picture/written poster. I will move between
    groups and chat further about their ideas. 20
  • Summary
  • When the class have finished their posters, we
    will all look at them and get each group to say
    their favourite thing about the poster/what they
    have learnt about being a student. I'll give them
    all a prize' and thank them for welcoming me in.
    5 minutes
  • Resources
  • Pictures of university/halls bedroom/union.
  • Photographs of various aspects of my life as a
  • Arrange with teacher access to poster materials.

Observation targets
  • Do pupils know their multiplication tables?
  • How long does it take class to settle down?
  • Do pupils convert x to muliple ?
  • Do the class wander around?
  • What is ratio of boys to girls in different
  • How are pupils who do well rewarded if at all
  • Is it raining?
  • What fraction of the class will ask questions?
  • What is fraction of time spent on group teaching
    compared to individual work?
  • What fraction of students use units?

  • Target end products
  • Posters to display in school.
  • That the pupils have learnt at least 1 thing
    about being a student/university (written by each
    of them on a slip of paper and handed in at the
  • That 50 of class ask a question in the QA
  • Achievement of target
  • All the class made a poster, although two of them
    were judged by the teacher not to have shown the
    normal amount of effort, whilst three had shown
    more than normal.
  • 100 of the class were able to write down one new
    thing they had learnt.
  • 75 of the class asked a question in the QA

What happened in lesson
  • 200 teacher quieten class, argument at back
  • 205 starter Newtons laws bingo ....
  • 215 Main work on momentum Miss Y explained
    momentum writing on white board and with videos
    of billiard balls, guns etc.
  • 225 I did demo with toy cars of various sizes-
    all took part
  • 230 Pupils started on problem sheet (attached).
    I went around helping them. Many had problems if
    question required basic algebra.
  • 245 I went through answers to two questions on
    board, teacher did the rest
  • 254 Quick votes to test knowledge. Lesson ended

Review of activity
  • I noticed that L', who has hearing difficulties,
    had not started activity.
  • I sat down at L's level, and spoke slowly and
    clearly, facing him, so he could read my lips
  • I felt that L might feel inadequate, so I told
    him how my older sister used to help me with my
    Maths as I struggled with division until I learnt
    her way of working them out.
  • I asked him if he had understood the activity
    instructions (1b) and he said yes.
  • Even so, I explained the instructions again and
    worked through the first question with him

Review of activity
  • I should have been more prepared by practicing
    the questions in advance a variety of questions.
    Got feedback from teacher, who praised the level
    I had chosen to pitch my solution at. Pupils
    enjoyed the demo and it really seemed to catch
    their interest.
  • Whilst they were working on their sheet I went
    around and spoke to each group and asked them to
    explain why they did or didn't see themselves
    going to University, sitting back to let them
    express themselves and explain to each other
    their own pros and cons. Two of them said they
    would go, whilst the others argued it wasn't for
    them. I asked why, and as they gave reasons, such
    as money, I would say that might be true, but in
    many cases you don't have to spend as much as you
    think'. This ensured that their opinion was still
    of value and I could give accurate information.
    We agreed that we would all think about
    university away from the class and I would ask
    them in 2 weeks if their opinions had changed.

How did I improve on my ILOs ?
  • Communication Skills
  • more students' attention was maintained than
    before I talked (I only had to ask them to be
    quiet 2 times, and I got 10 questions). By giving
    a talk with slides and some props (UoN sweat
    shirt, my second year lab book) I appealled to
    kinesthetic, visual and auditory learners
  • Working with Pupils (Clients') and Colleagues
  • this time I gave Miss X a list of everything I
    needed to avoid confusion
  • Organisation and Self Management
  • I remembered everything and took some spare
    materials for making posters

How did I improve on my ILOs ?
  • Initiative and Creativity
  • Slides were more eye catching than in the past
    fig 3, photos of campus with students doing
    various things, images of fun physics to try to
    explain why I chose this degree
  • Identifying and Understanding the Educational
    Needs of Others and the Educational Environment.
  • All students fully occupied for 20 minutes.... a
    couple still wanted more time on their posters,
    and this was arranged. When giving my talk, I
    asked certain students to sit at the front to try
    to keep their attention more fully. By asking
    people to paint and write (if appropriate) I was
    appealing to visual and kinesthetic learners

What must I do next?
  • i) I will read up on hearing loss so that I can
    recognise problems and make sure I give the most
    appropriate support to pupil A. essay
  • ii) I will try and encourage the pupils to
    express their own ideas more by engaging with
    their topic of conversation as well as my own.
  • iii) I want to talk to Mr W before the next
    session about group work and how I can rotate my
    time to be fair to all class members.

Overview of diary for week
  • Aims/Targets for lesson (you and pupils)
  • Detailed planning, including prior knowledge of
    pupils, revision of physics in that context,
    syllabus, brainstorming around activities,
    materials and methods, detailed lesson plan/
    collaborative lesson plan
  • Timetable of what happened in lesson (can write
    notes in diary during lesson and fill in properly
  • Outcomes related to targets
  • Further work, eg on learning difficulties.

Diary- secondary
My rôle
Lesson contents
General obs. and teaching methods
Lesson breakdown
My rôle
Lesson Pack
Lesson Pack
Lesson pack
  • An introduction outlining the activity,
  • its length,
  • target age/ ability group etc
  • Learning objectives

Lesson pack
  • Background material
  • underlying science or maths,
  • general issues when teaching this topic, and
    where the activity falls into the national
  • use of lesson pack with pupils with certain
    special needs
  • relevance to careers.

Lesson pack
  • A description of the activity
  • A lesson plan
  • A description of any evaluation/assessment
    activities to test pupil's learning
  • All teaching materials, slides handouts etc, and
    an exhaustive list of any equipment required
  • Any necessary Risk Assessments or similar

Lesson Pack
Lesson Pack
  • Summary of all activities
  • Almost an introduction to your diary
  • Do not get too bogged down in ILOs during the
    talk (unless there is something exception to note

  • This might include an outline of your placement
  • aims/targets for yourself and the pupils in
    special project
  • underlying science of special project explanation
    of main concepts at a variety of ages
  • common misconceptions
  • activities typically used
  • teaching methods and reasoning, materials used
  • safety
  • analysis of reception based on outcome measures.
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