Title: Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning at CityU
1- Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning at CityU
- Experience Sharing Sessions
- Feedback from Stakeholders
- 08.12.2006
2The Context
- Professional education
- Internationally competitive level
- Application-oriented teaching and learning
- (UGCs Road Map document of 2004)
3The Context (2)
- No. of courses 237(Fac/Sch/BST) 129 (CCCU)
--- Total 396 - No. of Staff 356 (Fac/Sch/BST) 121 (CCCU) --
Total 477 (including some TAs, PT staff,
Research students) - No. of Students 11293
- Â
- Total no. of academic staff 963 as at end of
2005 - Total 1st year intake 11770 as at end of 2005
- Total no. of students 25506 as at end of 2005
4Feedback from Staff - 1
- Those consulted 28 Meetings with groups of
colleagues (total 115) in academic departments
including Associate Deans some support
departments, Faculty/School Offices, and EDO,
from 19th Sept. to 6th Nov. - Purpose
- To collect feedback on initial experience
- To inform colleagues of the communications from
the UGC in the previous few months - To inform colleagues of the work plan for OBTL
for 06 07 the planned main events - To inform colleagues of funding support for some
types of activities
5Feedback from Staff - 2
- A majority had communicated ILOs, TLAs, and ATs
to students before the start of the course - Some colleagues did not have to make dramatic
changes to their teaching - Many suggested that OBTL had given them the
opportunity to reflect on TLAs, ATs and the
important question of alignment - Some colleagues introduced self-assessment and
peer assessment in class and found that the
students could do a good job of reflecting on
their learning - A number of colleagues found that attendance and
participation rates in class had improved
6Feedback from Staff - 3
- Concerns
- Workloads for both staff and students had
increased - OBTL approach not suitable for P/T programmes
- P/T and contract staff may not buy into OBTL
- Large class teaching and assessment with OBTL
causing difficulties - Assessment and grading in general need further
consideration - Suspicion that this is a paper exercise
- OBTL suitable for some disciplines and not for
others - This is culture change and takes time
7Feedback from students - 1
- Population 11,293
- Responses as at 28.11.06 2901 (25.7)
8Feedback from students - 2
- 9 items 5 point scale, strongly agree to
strongly disagree, plus open comments - I have been given a clear explanation of the
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of the course. - An explanation of the Intended Learning Outcomes
(ILOs) helps me to set goals for my own learning. - The action verb (e.g. to describe, to apply, to
analyze) specified in each Intended Learning
Outcome (ILO) gives me a clear idea of what I am
expected to do. - The action verb (e.g. to describe, to apply, to
analyze) specified in each Intended Learning
Outcome (ILO) helps me understand the standards
required. - I am given a clear explanation of the assessment
9Feedback from students - 3
- Being given a clear explanation of the assessment
criteria, I feel more motivated to do my best
work. - I can see connection between the learning and
assessment activities and the ILOs identified. - I have become more self-directed to explore the
subject further on my own. - In comparison with other courses I am taking in
this semester, - I work harder in the course(s) offered in the
OBTL framework. - The amount of work and time required for
course(s) in the OBTL framework is reasonable. - I am more participative in the course(s) offered
in the OBTL framework. - My understanding of the subject matter in the
course(s) offered in the OBTL framework is
10Findings Quantitative data - 1
11Findings Quantitative data -2
12Findings Quantitative data - 3
- Around 40 to 50 of the respondents are neutral
in answering the questions in the Survey. - The proportion of respondents answering
agree/strongly agree is greater than those
answering disagree/ strongly disagree.
13Findings Qualitative data - 1
- Susans
- Roberts
- Others
- Total no. of students commenting 339
14Findings Qualitative data - 2
- Positive (as written)
- OBTL would allow flexibility and creativity for
me in the course(s). -
- Clear learning outcome can provide guideline and
direction for us to study. - OBTL really helps us to think over the whole
structure and plan of learning - Its like giving us a goal and direction to learn
and what will be taught. So, we will not get lost
easily, and we are more target-oriented to learn. - Teachers setting "Intended Learning Outcomes"
before class lets me have a clear idea about what
I shall learn in every class and it also directs
my independent learning.
15Findings Qualitative data - 3
- In comparison with traditional assessment, I like
this new assessment (OBTL) method more. I hope
more courses can be offered in the OBTL framework
in the future. - It is a good method to reduce students''
workload.But the way to distinguish A, B,
C-students is vague and can be a controversial
one. -
- I think OBTL is more fair to students.And
competition becomes cooperation some how.We are
more willing to share and discuss with others our
work done. - The course is systematic. It is easier for me to
understand the standard of achievement.
16Findings Qualitative data - 4
- Negative
- The contents are not directly related to the
outcome - The obtl is a great theory but in practice if the
goals are too high and the learner has more then
3 subjects the demand is high and difficult to
reach. - The Intended Learinging Outcomes of most of the
courses are vague.Moreover,it ONLY increase the
workload of students. - I feel more stressful in this system. The
standard is very harsh. -
17Findings Qualitative data - 5
- OBTL increases my workload and leaves little time
for me to "digest" what I have learnt in the
lecture. Every week, I am busy in completing
weekly assignments, group projects and individual
assignments. I can hardly squeeze 1 hour to
revise the learnt materials. To me, without
revision- or so-called "digestion process", I
cannot recall the knowledge I have obtained in
lessons. - According to the "bell-shaped" assessment system,
more or less 4 students can get A.
However,under OBTL,no students can manage to get
A grade!!! - Many students think that this OBTL make us even
harder to get A, because we need to get a
certain score to obtain A. - OBTL make us using too much time on the course
work, and the workload is very high
18Findings Qualitative data - 6
- Others
- Please give us more details about this framework
and hold some useful workshop. Thank you. -
- often the ILOs has not been clearly presented in
certain subjects, eg XX. Maybe it?s due to
certain subject''s unique characteristics, but
more efforts should be made in order to help
students know what the subject''s requirements
are. (the assessment rubrics of MIS is a good
example of how we can achieve an A under certain
circumstances.) - OBTL is only useful in small classes where the
total number of students for the course do not
exceed like 100 students. Otherwise the idea is
completely ruined as more students will end up
getting higher grades and it will be difficult to
distinguish the best from the rest and the
results will be a mockery.
19Findings Qualitative data - 7
- I believe OBTL is a good initiative to allow
students to be assess based on their learning /
outcome in a course. Unfortunately, at this early
stage of its implementation, it has certain
drawbacks. The most significant is that
assessment through OBTL actually is quite
subjective. Different tutors have different sets
of standards of what does and does not meet the
ILOs. And because of this, the grades of students
tend to vary greatly. I believe it is important
for the ILOs of each course to be more clearly
defined to enable the implementation of a more
objective grading criteria and at the same time
for teachers of the same course to have a similar
interpretations for the ILOs.
- Knowledge is experience, every thing else
- is just information. Einstein
- Early days the journey has just begun. ????,
???? ?????? - Clarity
- Consistency
- Continuity
- Diversity
- Flexibility
- Our students deserve an enriching and stimulating
learning experience as they become professionally
qualified at an internationally competitive