Safety and Supervision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Safety and Supervision


Slide 1 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Kathy335


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Safety and Supervision

Safety and Supervision
What Went Wrong?
Ms. Jessicas and Ms. Sandis class of 3 year
olds are on the playground. The two are talking
by the sandbox about the great movie they saw
last night. Meanwhile, Kahlil is climbing up the
slide and Emma is sliding down. Aaron runs over
to the slide and grabs at Kahlils feet because
he wants to get on the slide too. Kahlil tumbles
back and falls to the groundbumping his head
sharply on the sidewalk.
Only One Group on the Play Ground AT a Time
Playground Zones
Mr. Doug is alone in the classroom with 6
children. Ms. Rachel has taken the rest of the
class to the playground. Mr. Doug has finished
getting the children to the bathroom and is ready
to take them outside. Sam, one of his
students, is being silly and hides in the cozy
corner. Mr. Doug says, Come on guys! Lets
go. He takes the children to the playground
and assumes Sam is behind him. He is not
hes still in the cozy corner.
Transitions Really Matter
Transitions Really Matter!!
  • From the moment a teacher arrives at work until
    leaving for the day, they are responsible for all
    of the children in their care.
  • Every teacher must always know how many children
    have arrived and how many have left at all times
    of the day, including outdoor time.

  • The teacher must accurately record every arrival
    or departure on the classroom Name to Face
    Attendance Roster as soon as the child arrives or

  • If a child is dropped off or picked up by
    another staff member, it is the responsibility of
    that adult receiving the child to ensure that
    childs name has been added to or removed from
    the Attendance Roster.
  • The staff member leaving /retrieving the child
    will not leave the classroom until he/she is
    certain the childs name has been added to or
    removed from the Attendance Roster.

  • Teachers must immediately sign in on the
    Attendance Roster as soon as they enter a
    classroomregardless of how briefly they will be
  • They should then ask How many children are here
    today? and check it against the Roster.

Use of this form is MANDATORY!
Face-To-Name Attendance Taking
  • Required every hour more often during busy
    drop-off and pick up times
  • Done immediately upon entering a classroom
  • Especially during transition times, close
    attention must be paid to this very important
  • Be fully aware of how many children are in your
    carehowever briefly!

The one year old class has been outside for just
a few minutes when Miss Michelle hears a loud
scream. As she approaches a group of Beginners,
she sees them standing beside a pile of broken
glass. She notices its Niko who is crying. As
she bends to scoop him into her arms, she is
horrified to discover that his hand is badly cut
and is bleeding profusely. Obviously hed picked
up some of the glass and cut himself. The wound
requires ten stitches to closeand Miss Michelle
cant forgive herself for his injury.
(No Transcript)
Use of this form is mandatory
Ms. Kim and Ms. Imans class of 14 students is
playing outside. Keisha is going up and down the
slide, laughing and having fun with several
classmates. As she flies down the slide, she
loses her balance and hits the ground with both
knees. She jumps up and starts to cry. Ms. Kim
immediately springs into action and rushes to
comfort Keisha. She
looks down and notices one of
Keishas knees is bleeding
slightly it needs cleaning
and a Band-aid. She has no
first aid supplies outside
and cant take
Keisha inside alone as that will leave Ms.
Iman out of ratio.
She has to take time to gather six other
students to take
inside with her in the meantime, Keisha
continues to beg
for a Band-Aid.
  • All classrooms must take a First Aid bag with
    them prior to going outdoors. The contents of
    this bag should include
  • Band-Aids
  • Tissues
  • Water in a spray bottle
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Accident / incident report
  • Pen
  • Other items as allowed by State Licensing

When children enter the playground, everyone
should go to a designated spot such as a sidewalk
or fence.
  • The teachers can then
  • Take an accurate name-to-face attendance
  • Ensure that all shoe laces are properly tied
  • Check first aid supplies
  • Scan the area for safety hazards

Mr. Bryon and Ms. Kendra have taken their
PreKindergarten class outdoors in the afternoon.
While playing a boisterous game of Miss Mary
Mack, four year old Austin announces that he has
to go to the bathroom. Ms. Kendra tells him to
go inside and then joins back into the game.
Thirty minutes later, Ms. Bethany, the three
year old teacher takes
Austin up to the
Directors office. She

discovered him playing inside his classroom
Once children are outside, they are not allowed
to go back into the school unattended. Children
can ONLY return inside under the direct
supervision of a teacher AND if proper
teacher-child ratios will be maintained both on
the playground inside.
Ms. Clarissa is readying the mornings activities
in her Pre4 classroom. As shes setting up the
easel so the children can paint, she realizes
shes completely out of paper. She picks up the
phone to ask the Director to bring some to
herbut before she gets the request made, they
start discussing the plans for the upcoming

Sweethearts Dance. As theyre
chatting, Brock and Chloe

grab the scissors off the art
and swiftly cut off each others

Ms. Robin and Ms. Juanita are teachers in a full
and very busy class of 3 year olds. Every day
during lunch, Ms. Robin sets out the childrens
cots and Ms. Juanita writes the Daily Notes while
the children are eating lunch. Miss Robin
glanced over to the table and saw Claire
turning blue and struggling to talk. Rushing
over, she discovered she

was choking on a piece of lettuce.
To ensure that children are safe at the meal
table and are properly supervised, it is REQUIRED
that a staff member sit at the table with the
children. Infants will NOT
be left alone in a high chair
during mealtimes a
staff member will always be
seated beside them!
Ms. Kristi is alone in her class during naptime.
She is intently reading a book. Cole, one of her
students, has a lighter in his pocket that he
brought from home. Coles cot is in the Book
Corner, where Ms. Kristi can only see his feet.
He picks up a felt puppet and strikes the lighter
near its head. He sits up and watches the flame
for a moment and then tells Ms. Kristi there is a
fire. She is able to evacuate all but one child
because the fire is overwhelming. One child
The Dance Instructor, Miss Emil, conducts a
Wednesday morning Movement class comprised of
four three year olds from Ms. Lizs class. The
Dance teacher is talented, kind and interacts
wonderfully with the children and everyone is
happy with her work. The entire school trusts
her. The following
day, the mother of one of Miss
Emils students approaches the Director and
states that at dinner the evening before, her
child informed her that Miss Emil had hurt her
arm by grabbing her.
Children MUST ALWAYS be under the direct
supervision of the Teachers. Caution should be
taken with outside vendors. Is it safe to keep
them alone with any group of childrenregardless
of the groups size?
Seven month old Teegan is just learning to sit up
unassisted! Her caregivers typically either sit
directly beside her or place a boppy pillow
around her during playtime. One afternoon her
primary caregiver, Miss Lucille, steps away from
Teegan to assist a parent dropping off another
infant. Teeganwho is seated on the edge of a
soft carpet--turns to look for Miss Lucille. She
loses her balance, and falls backward a away
from the soft carpet, and strikes her head
sharply on the hard floor. Two hours later,
Teegan receives emergency treatment for a
skull fracture and blot clot on the brain.
She spends over a week in the Intensive Care
  • Employees are subject to immediate termination
  • Any child is left unsupervised for any length of
  • The staff member is unaware of how many
    children are in his / her care

Be Aware
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