AB 109 Public Safety Realignment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AB 109 Public Safety Realignment


Overview of AB 109/SB 85 Public Safety Realignment and AB ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AB 109 Public Safety Realignment

AB 109Public Safety Realignment
AB 109 Local custody for non-violent,
non-serious, non-sex offenders Changes to State
ParoleLocal Postrelease SupervisionChanges to
Juvenile Offenders to DJJLocal Planning
(Executive Committee)
Community Corrections PartnershipShall
recommend local plan to the county board of
supervisors for the implementation of the 2011
public safety realignment.Executive committee
Chief Probation Officer (Chair)A Chief of
PoliceSheriffA County Supervisor or
CAODirector of Social Services
When Does it BeginProspectively applied after
July 1, 2011 or upon funding. operative no
earlier than July 1, 2011, and only upon creation
of a community corrections grant program to
assist in implementing this act and upon an
appropriation to fund the grant
program.(Section 636)
Who is sentenced to local custody?
  • Revises the definition of felony to include
    certain crimes that are punishable in jail for
    more than one year.
  • Maintains length of sentences.
  • Time served in jails instead of prisons
  • Non-violent offenders
  • Non-serious offenders
  • Non-sex offenders

Additional Features Under AB 109
  • Enhanced local custody and supervision tools
  • Alternative custody tools for county jails
  • Home detention for low-level offenders
  • Local jail credits like current prison credits
  • Prospective from July 1, 2011.

Who is Sentenced to State Prison?
  • The following sentences must be served in
    state prison
  • Prior or current serious or violent felony as
    described in PC 1192.7 (c) or 667.5 (c)
  • The defendant is required to register as a sex
    offender pursuant to PC 290
  • Excludes certain other specified crimes
  • Note excluded crimes are those for which
    a defendant can still be committed to state

The 44
  • Excluded from serving time locally
  • Refer to Handout for list of offenses
  1. Soijcopi soi dfoi sdoi dflj asdfkj jk sdflk
    asdfljk adlk asdglkj asdlkj dklj
  2. Salkjfjsdf asd sad asdkl sdkl dfj jk kh
    dfkj df dk kl klj dfjkl dl df
  3. Askljfvjkhdfiudsd dj df sdf djkp asdkophdf
    ouidadf adfkph dfkph
  4. Kkl dfljk kl dfklfkldfkl dfjkl dfk sdfkl
    flkdf jkldfjkl dfkl ghf
  5. Dfkjdf d f df dljk sdjkldfkldfjkl sdlj gljk kf
    gljk sfdpjk xgfp gf
  6. Dlk dfljkdfklj dsdrojipsdf pdfip sdfp dfpj
  7. Dljk klj dfklj xdf dfljkf klgf opi gfpj pjiop
    f fjk gfkj gfjkl
  8. Dklj dgkj dfdflkgfljk ljflp ip pjkl gfjkl
    fklj fljk
  9. Djkl dfjk df fgjk gfklj fljk flj gfljk
    jkl jkl pioj pjgf hklj gf
  10. Dkjdff fjk dfdfj dfk f gfjgf tjil rthopijgy
    hion ghhjghjfg/dkjgr/SHK x
  11. Djkl dfk gfj dsdfpo ioopijrt opgisrtgkj
    sdtrgklj j sdfkj dglkjdf jksd
  12. Dfjk kj dfjkl ddfojk gdjk jk sdfjkge kjsdf
    kljdf kj k dfklj dfij sdr
  13. Dfkjl dfj dfj doji gdpio opij dgrjkldf piou
    lkdjzf kdjf oijsdf ij dfkl
  14. Dfljk jkl dfjkl jkdf kljdf idjkl dfui
    sdfkl dfj dklj sdfkldf
  15. Dfj dfklj dfpjk dfdfjo dfjl dfkljdfp j
    kljdf jk
  16. Dflk dfjl j djk dfkj ioj ji dkj dfpioj dfioj
    dfpojdf klj dfpid gkljdf d
  17. Dljk k djkl sdfjko gj dfkjg ijdf kljdf
    klu kljdf klg
  18. Dljk dfp j sdkj dfkj dkj dfklj dpiou klj
  19. Dflkj k dsdp dfkj dklj dflj iodf

The 44 Offenses
Sentences that must be served in State
PrisonExamples of the 44 non-serious,
non-violent, non-sex offenses that would be
required to serve time in prison felony physical
abuse of an elder or dependent, assault on a
peace officer, and bribing a legislator.
Contracting Back
  • AB 109 allows counties to contract back with the
    State to send local offenders to state prison.
  • Contracting back does not include parole

Prospectively from July 1, 2011
  • No state prison inmates will be transferredto
    county jails.

Postrelease Supervision
  • County-level supervision upon release from prison
  • Current Non-violent offenders
  • Current Non-serious offenders
  • Sex offenders
  • Does NOT include
  • 3rd strike
  • Individuals with a Serious Commitment Offense
  • Individuals with a Violent Commitment Offense
  • High risk sex offenders as defined by CDCR

Postrelease SupervisionBoard of Supervisors
designate a county agency to be responsible for
Postrelease Supervision.CDCR must notify
counties who is being released on postrelease
Postrelease Supervision (continued)
  • Allows revocations up to 12 months
  • Graduated sanctions including flash incarceration
    at the local level (revocations lasting longer
    than 14 days require a court hearing).
  • Courts may adjudicate violations and new
    conditions of release at the local level.

Postrelease Supervision (continued)
  • Specifies CDCR shall have no jurisdiction over
    any person who is under postrelease community
    supervision and no person shall be returned to
    prison except for persons previously sentenced to
    a term of life (and only after a court order).

State Parole Supervision
  • Commitment offense
  • Current serious or violent felony as described in
    PC 1192.7 (c) or 667.5(c)
  • The offender has been convicted of a third strike
  • Or the person is classified as a high risk sex

State Parole SupervisionSpecifies CDCR
continues to have jurisdiction over all offenders
on state parole prior to July 1, 2011
State Parole SupervisionParole revocations will
be served in county jail not in state
prison.Contracting back from the state for
revocations is not an option.Only persons
previously sentenced to a term of life can be
revoked to prison.
State Parole Supervision Replaces BPH with the
courts as the authority for determining
revocations.BPH will continue to do lifer
hearings, medical parole, and MDO/SVP cases.
State Parole SupervisionFor the remaining low
level offenders on parole after implementation of
realignment, parole has the authority to
discharge after six months if no violations have
Juvenile Justice
  • Limits future juvenile court commitments to DJJ
  • Counties must have MOU with State
  • Prospectively from July 1, 2011
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