Title: Welcome to Sixth Grade
1Welcome to Sixth Grade
2Whats this Arizona College and Career Readiness
- State-mandated standards
- Research- and evidence-based
- Rigorous
- More consistent across the nation
- Internationally benchmarked
- Covers skills essential for college and career
readiness in a twenty-first-century, globally
competitive society
3College and Career Readiness means that
students will
- demonstrate independence
- build strong content knowledge
- respond to the varying demands of audience, task,
purpose, and discipline - comprehend as well as critique
- value evidence
- use technology and digital media strategically
and capably - come to understand other perspectives and cultures
4Standards for Mathematical Practices
5Math Topics
- Connecting ratio and rate to whole number
multiplication and division - Using concepts of ratio and rate to solve
problems - Completing understanding of division of fractions
- Extending the notion of number to rational
numbers, including negative numbers - Writing, interpreting, and using expressions and
equations - Developing an understanding of statistical
6How Parents Can Help
- Word problems, especially problems of the day,
may seem very complicated and advanced. - Students will need support in thinking about
these ideas before they begin to solve the
problems. - Ask your student
- What do you know about the problem?
- What do you know about the answer?
- Does this look like a problem you have seen
7How Parents Can Help
- Students will often be encouraged to use
sense-making strategies to solve mathematical
problems. - These strategies will support their growth.
- Teachers may delay showing students short cuts or
standard algorithms. - Please honor that delay it is by design in order
to develop a deeper understanding of the concept.
8English Language Arts (Reading Writing)with
- Things you will see
- Reading and analyzing non-fiction as well as
fiction - Learning about the world by reading
- Unpacking and reading challenging material
closely - Discussing complex text and supporting arguments
using evidence from what is read - Writing fiction and non-fiction and citing
evidence - Using academic vocabulary in writing and in
speech - Meaningful daily interaction and practice with
words and spelling patterns
9How Parents Can Help
- Supply both fiction and non-fiction texts on
topics that interest your child - Read non-fiction books aloud or with your child
and have fun with non-fiction in front of your
children - Find books that explain how things work and why
- Discuss both fiction and non-fiction texts and
their ideas - Demand use of evidence in everyday discussions,
debates, and disagreements
10Science Topics
- Earth and Space Science
- Structure, processes and systems of the Earth
and the atmosphere - Life Science
- Structure and function in living systems
- Physical Science
- Storage and transfer of energy
- Inquiry Process
- Scientific method
- Health Content
- Human Growth and Development
11Social Studies Topics
- American History
- Early Civilizations Contemporary United States
- World History
- Research Skills for History Early Civilizations
the World in Transition Renaissance and
Reformation Encounters and Exchange
Contemporary World - Civics/Government
- Foundations and Functions of Government Rights,
Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
Government Systems of the World - Geography
- The World in Spatial Terms Places and Regions
Physical Systems Human Systems Environment and
Society Geographic Applications - Economics
- Foundations of Economics Personal Finance
12Classroom Behavior System
- Consequences are earned for
- Not doing what you are supposed to do (e.g.,
being off task, not following classroom rule(s),
disrupting) - Not having what you are supposed to have (e.g.,
missing work, agenda at home, no pencil) - Agendas should be signed daily. Minor behavior
infractions will be noted there as well as other
communication. - Repeated and/or more serious behavior infractions
will be written up as misconduct tickets. The
consequences for these infractions will depend
upon the severity of the behavior. These sorts
of infractions can affect a students eligibility
for science camp later this year.
13Late Work Policy
- Assignments are due on the day they are assigned.
- 1 day late 90
- Up to one week after its entered in the
gradebook 70 Check grades online to be sure
you are up-to-date in all subjects. - After that 50
14Check the Infinite Campus parent portal regularly
forgrade updates, progress reports, and messages
with targeted information about your child.
See the front office if you need login
information. With one login and password, you
can track grades and messages for all of your
15How to help at Basha
- Please visit the volunteer page on our school
website if you are interested in being a
volunteer. - - Tax Credit donations- 400 per couple or 200
single - - Attend PTO meetings
- Help with school wide Fund Raisers
- Sign up to teach Art Masterpiece or Junior
Achievement for your childs class
16Thank You for Coming!