Title: Tips for Testing Financial Authorization Systems
1 Tips for Testing Financial Authorization
Systems Melvyn Feuerman Citibank - CGTI
Testing Automation
02/08/05 Mel.Feuerman_at_citicorp.com
2- Tips for testing Financial Authorization Systems.
- Use Version Control for all phases of testing
- Build Software Robots to prototype missing links
in the transaction chain.. - Focus on Critical Exception Testing
- Case Study ATM/POS Authorization System
3Case Study Financial Authorization System
The Client , Server and Host C are links in a
transaction chain..
4- Common problems
- Testing with the wrong version of the Software
- Software Defects on one platform delays all
development - Connections down between platforms/external
networks - Exception conditions/delays between not tested.
Delays often lead to finger pointing instead
of project teamwork!!
5 Tip 1 Use Software Version Control in all
phases of testing
- Tracks module changes /authorize fixes
- Provides damage control for fallback
- Recreate a problem before testing the fix
- Propagate fixes to all releases of software
Version Control provides fences between
development and production
6Use Version Control to setup three fences
between Development and Production
7 Using Version Control for Host C
Fence 1 Software Version Control
Fence 2 Software Version Control
Fence 3 Software Version Control
Host C IST Library
Host C Production Library
Host C UAT Library
Host C Development Library
8 Always Test fixes under Version Control!
9Tip 2Build software Robots to Prototype
missing links in the Transaction Chain
10 Determine the missing links in the transaction
chain then build a Robot
(1) Client A needs a response from Server B
(2) Host C needs a request from Server B (3)
Server B needs both Client A and Host C
11IBM Teleprocessing Network Simulator (TPNS)
- Simulate clients, servers and hosts
- Supported protocols include SNA and TCP/IP
- VBASIC like syntax
12 Test of Client A with a TPNS responder for
Server B
13 Test of Host C with a TPNS requestor for Server
Host C Database Card Act
Balance xyz 2375
Test of Host C Function HOSTC
(Account, Amount) Pars Request from Server B
Host C Database (Account, Amount)
Return to Server B ( Return_Code)
atmtxs msgutbl /Card TXCODE AMT PIN /
(XYZ, Getcash, 100.00 , ABCD) (XYZ,
Getcash, 200.00, ABCD) endutbl robotsrvb
msgtxt do i 0 to utblmax(atmtxs) request
utbl(atmtxs,i) type request
transmit end endtxt
14Tip 3Focus on Critical Exception Testing
- Execute high risk tests first..
- Use Robots for timeout/reversal testing
15Test of Get Cash
What is missing from this test
16 Timeouts between platforms are difficult to
reproduce with real devices
(2) Server B Send Request Wait 45
(1) ATM Request 30.00 Wait 60
seconds For a response
(3) Host C
- Customer
- Withdrawal
- Act 2375
- Amt 30.00
Use Robots to test ATM, Server B and Host C
timeout/reversal functionality
17Test of Client ATM Timeout/Reversal Processing
do forever Suspend 61 RC APPROVE
type RC transmit end Endtxt
Test of a Client ATM reversal Send Withdrawal for
50.00 Set Timer to 60 second If
no response within 60 seconds send a 50.0
Send Reversal of 50.00
18ReviewTips for testing an Authorization System
- Manage Change with Library Version Control
- Reproduce a defect before testing the fix
- Use Software Robots to prototype missing links
- Execute high risk tests first