Title: Designing Information Systems in Agriculture
1Designing Information Systems in Agriculture
- By
- Dr. A.K.Choubey, Head, Division of Computer
Applications, IASRI, New Delhi
2Focus of Agricultural Informatics Development
- Improving Information Access and Delivery of
Services for sustainable agricultural growth and
livelihood - Adopting Global best practices
- Empowering Farming Community other
Stakeholders - Promoting Informatics led Resource Planning and
Management at grassroot level - Strengthening Research and Education, Training,
Extension and Development linkages - Achieving Agriculture Online
3Agricultural Informatics Communication requires
Inter-Sectoral Approach
4Agriculture Development Processes
Supply Chain Management
Pre Post Harvest
Producers Consumers
Application continuance
Service Providers
E-Learning KM
Research, Education Extension
Input services
Agricultural Resource Planning
5Major Information Systems in Agriculture
- Seed Management System
- Pesticides Registration
- Plant Quarantine
- Pest Disease Management
- Soil Health Card Nutrient Recommendation
- NavKrishi
- Scheme Monitoring System NHM,NFSM,NBM,RKVY
- Real Craft Vessel Registration
- Database Agricultural Census Input Survey,
Livestock Census, Minor Irrigation Census,
Farmers Database - Content Management Websites Portal
6 AGRISNET Objectives
- Development of Databases and Decision Support
Systems - Improve and Provide Advisory and Agricultural
Extension services - Improve dissemination of information on
Government Programs and Services, agricultural
resources and technology - Development of Farmer centric applications such
as Input availability (Seed, Fertilizer,
Pesticides, Credit etc.), Soil Health Mapping,
Cropping Pattern, Rainfed Farming, and Organic
Farming methods. - Improve tracking of Crop weather situation,
(Early warning System) - Improve information exchange within and between
the state government and between state to center
for better collaboration, planning and
implementation of government schemes - Empowering Farming Communities/Stakeholders
7 Project Components
- Development of e-governance Applications and
Portals in local languages - Capacity Building through Human Resource
Development - Establishment of Networking infrastructure
- Establishment of Computing infrastructure
8 Common Services
- 1. Agricultural Resources Improvement
- 2. Inputs Supply
- 3. Agricultural Production Monitoring
- 4. Agricultural Produce Management
- 5.Agricultural Marketing and Sales
Management - 6. Knowledge Management
- 7. Risk Management
- 8. Agro-Advisory Extension Services
- 9. Farmers Help Desk
- 10. Scheme Monitoring
- 11. Enterprise Resource Management
9 Solution Architecture
- Database System
- Spatial System Non-Spatial System
- Decision Support System (DSS)
- Workflow Systems
- Web Services Applications
- ICT Infrastructure at district level
- IntraNet solutions
- Networking of Stakeholders
- Capacity Building
- e-Governance Standards Adoption
- Monitoring and Evaluation (ME) System
- Content in Local languages
10 Outcomes
- Improved information access and delivery of
services to the farming community. - Establishing Agriculture online
- Efficient and improved communication system among
all the offices of the department of Agriculture
in the state through the use of e-mails services. - Improved transparency and accountability of the
Department. - Direct feedback from farming community to the
decision makers in the state. - Better monitoring of government schemes, which
directly impact the farmers. - Efficient management (Development, Conservation,
allocation and utilization) of resources - Improved productivity and profitability of
farmers through better advisory systems. - Efficient Increased utilization of information
by stakeholders for their decision-making. - Faster and efficient Redressal of farmers
grievances. - Foundation for development of e-business in
agriculture - Better organizational efficiency and productivity
11Major products/ (e-Governance application)
- Products
- Soil Health Card for Integrated Nutrient
Management - Fertilizer Dealers Registration Movement of
Fertilizer - Pesticides License, Quality Control and
Integrated Pest Management - Integrated Seed Management System
- Requirement, Availability Distribution of
Inputs - Irrigation scheduling
- Soil and Watershed Conservation
- Market Prices Arrival
- Crop Insurance
- Crop Weather Watch
- Scheme Monitoring Subsidies
- Agricultural Statistics and others
12(No Transcript)
13AGMARKNET (http//agmarknet.nic.in)
- Objectives
- To establish a nation-wide information network
for speedy collection and dissemination of market
information and data for its efficient and timely
utilization. - To facilitate collection and dissemination of
information related to better price realization
by the farmers. This covers Market related
information, Price-related information,
Infrastructure related information and Promotion
related information.
14AGMARKNET (http//agmarknet.nic.in)
Market level AGMARK software has been developed
and deployed at Agricultural Produce Wholesale
for capturing daily commodity arrivals prices
data (Arrivals, Maximum Price, Minimum Price and
Modal Price). The data is transmitted to the
central server through email attachments as well
as messaging queues.
- AGMARK software features
- Facilitates easy maintenance and up-dation of
market arrivals and prices data - Automatically synchronizes the market centre
database with the Headquarters database. - Allows users to use the software in their local
languages. - Allows users to customize the software as per the
local requirements. - Allows users to generate different types of
cumulative, comparative and trend reports
facilitating analysis of market trends. - Detailed user manual available at
15AGMARKNET (http//agmarknet.nic.in)
To install the software for a market, user has to
select the Market Centre, local language and set
the password by clicking check box Set Password
. Enter the desired password in Password box and
again enter the same password in Confirm Password
box and then Click Proceed.
User can select commodities and varieties
pertaining to his market or depending on the
season using option Set Preferences so that
only selected commodities and varieties will be
displayed at the time of data entry. To enter
the daily data (Quantity arrivals, Maximum Price,
Minimum Price and Modal Price), user has to
select the date and commodity as shown in the
16 AGMARKNET (http//agmarknet.nic.in)
- Market Profiles http//agmarknet.nic.in/profil
e/page1.asp To enter and update the market
profile information of a market, access the web
page by using the above . Markets can update the
market profile information like General
information, Administration, Rail/Road
Connectivity, Market Area, Arrivals Dispatches,
Licensed Functionaries, Market functionaries,
Traditional methods, Transportation, storage,
Availability of facilities services, Market
charges and Financial position , etc.
17Market Level Software
18Market Level Software
19Market Profile (http//agmarknet.nic.in/profile/pa
20Market Profile (http//agmarknet.nic.in/profile/pa
21NeGP-Agriculture Mission Mode (NeGP-AMMP) being
implemented in 7 States in Phase-I - ASM,HP, JH,
KAR, KER, MP, Maharashtra
- Vision To create an environment conducive for
raising the Farm productivity and income through
provision of relevant information and services to
the stakeholders - Objectives
- Improve access of farmers to timely and relevant
information and services throughout crop cycle - By providing multiple delivery channels to
access of information - By reducing time in generation and dissemination
of information - By providing information through uniform
platform - Bringing farmer centricity service
orientation to the programs by providing
location specific up-to-date crop livestock
managementi n terms of GAP POP and advisory
services - Increasing effectiveness of government service
delivey in certification licenses related to
manufacturing marketing, providing easier and
approachable channel for grievances registration
and tracking - More effective management of schemes subsidies
- Enable private sector participation to benefit
farmers by providing integrated platform to
promote value added services (extension,
marketing of inputs output, post harvest and
storage etc.)
22Agricultural Resources Information System
(AgRIS)A Step Towards establishing a location
specific e-Government Model for the
Resource-Poor-Farmers (http//agris.nic.in )
- Objectives
- Develop District specific Database on
Agricultural Resources and system to manage the
information - Decision Support systems on Production systems
and services to support agricultural development
planning and strengthening extension services - Create Meta Data for building AgRIS
- Prepare guidelines on standard methodologies
and best practices for replication in other
districts - Capacity Building through Human Resource
Development for associated officials in the
districts - Implimented in two pilot districts Rohatak in
Haryana (Dairy typology) and Banaskantha in
Gujarat (Arid Zone typology)
23 Implementation Methodology
- Pilot implementation in 13 Typology districts
- A tribal district
- A hill district
- A dry -farming district
- A socially backward district
- A green revolution district
- A district dominated by cash crops
- A coastal district
- A district in a mining/ industrial belt
- A district dominated by forest economy
- A dairy-farming district
- A district dominated by one or two
urban centers - A district in arid-zone
- A district, which is flood-prone but
having vast wasteland that could be used to
generate forest cover and fodder development.
24Information System Layers
25Decision Support Systems (DSSs)
- Crop Suitability based on factor endowment
- Land, Crop Suitability based on factor endowment,
Productivity Assessment and Population Supporting
Capacity Land Evaluation and Land Use Planning - Land Degradation Risk Assessment Environmental
Impact Assessment - Wetland and Waste Land Management
- Water Resources Watershed Management and
sustainable development - Water Bodies (Basin) planning systems using
Watershed and Agro-Eco Region planning concepts - Forest Ecology and Forest Management, Fodder
Resources development - Agro-ecological Characterization for Research and
Planning - Agricultural Technology Transfer and Advisory
services - Integrated Nutrient Management Integrated Pest
Management - Farming systems Analysis and Development,
Livestock Farming Systems Health Management
Fisheries Management and Post Harvest processing
value additions
26Livestock Resource Portal
- Development of Format for Agricultural Resources
Issues Identification survey in Rohtak - Preparation of Data sets for collection of
information - Training organized for IT Empowerment to
Government Officials in Rohtak - Brochures in English and Hindi for creating
awareness among stakeholders - Website (http//agris.nic.in)
- Design of AgRIS Portal in progress
27Contact rajeswari_at_nic.in syedusman_at_nic.in
28SeedNet India Portal Striving for prosperity of
farmers (http//seednet.gov.in) (A National
Initiative for Information on Quality Seeds)
29SeedNet Expected Outcomes
- Better planning and monitoring for seeds of
availability and distribution of Seeds - Improved Seeds Quality control , Better seeds
export and imports - Seed varietal diversity, Facilitate growth of
seed Industry - Right to Information for farmers, Establishment
of National Seed Grid, Improve and provide
Advisory services on Seeds - Sustainable growth in Agricultural production
30 ICT in Integrated Nutrient Management
(http//fert.nic.in/inm) (A Step Towards
Sustainable Agricultural Production Through
conjunctive use of Organic, Inorganic and
Biological nutrient sources)
Objectives Soil health analysis Suitable cropping systems to improve the stock of plant nutrients in the soil Area-specific-fertilizer-use practices Plant clinic facilities for quick diagnosis Single Window Delivery System for Information Display of technological advancements GIS based recommendation on soil and water management Impact Efficient monitoring of fertilizer production imports Timely disbursement of subsidy Efficient and wide spread distribution of fertilizers Improvement of physical conditions of soil Limiting losses of nutrients to the environment Improved efficiency of plant nutrients Achieving optimum crop yields
31(No Transcript)
33Fertilizer Supply Chain
34Fertilizer Management On-line
- Fertilizer Management On-line has been developed
in Department of Fertilizers in close
collaboration with National Informatics Centre to
meet the national objective of making fertilizers
available timely, adequately in good quality and
at affordable price to the farmers by maintaining
growth of fertilizer industry through
subsidies/concessions. - Proper planning and monitoring of various aspects
like fertilizer production, imports, quality
control, distribution, movement, sales, stocks,
subsidies and concessions has been felt
essential. - In order to manage these issues effectively, a
number of application systems are operational in
DOF to provide decision support.
35 Plant Protection Informatics Network (PPIN) A
Step towards Bio Security and Ever Green
Revolution in Indian Agriculture
- The incidence of pest and diseases is assessed to
cause loss of crops to the extent of 10-30 of
total output in India. Scientific pest management
is acquiring importance due to the need for
precision farming and taking up of high value
crops by the farmers. - Pest surveillance is a mechanism by which the
build up of pests and diseases is monitored and
as and when the pest population crosses
Economic Thresh hold level, appropriate remedial
measures are taken to protect the crop. - Locust Surveillance for warning and control
- The Government of India is promoting Integrated
Pest Management (An Eco Friendly Approach) - Safe and Judicious use of pesticides, if
situation warrants - Quality Control of Pesticides
- Preventing entry of exotic pests into the country
and strict enforcement of Phyto-sanitary
measures for import and export of agricultural
commodities - Building Capacity of Human Resources in Plant
36Website of Directorate of Plant Protection,
Quarantine Storage Faridabad http//ppqs.gov.in
37 Plant Protection Information Network
- Pests Disease Monitoring Information System
(PDMIS) http//pdmis.dacnet.nic.in - To be used by State Government to enter weekly
data on pest disease situation at district
level using their login and password. Various
Reports are generated for tracking the situation
in the country. - Information System for Integrated Pest
Management (IIPM) http//ipmweb.dacnet.nic.in - To be used by Central Integrated Pest Management
Centres to enter weekly data on pest disease
situation and IPM activities at district level
using their login and password. Various Reports
are generated for tracking the situation in the
country. - Plant Quarantine Information System (PQIS)
http//plantquarantineindia.nic.in - To be used by Traders to apply on line for
getting PSC for agricultural commodity to be
exported , IP for Import Permit and IRO for
release of imported consignment. Traders need to
register on the site. Plant Quarantine Stations
and designated PASC issuing authorities use the
system for Activation of traders accounts and
approval of the certificates . - Computerized Registration of Pesticides (CROP)
http//cibrc.gov.in - To be used by Pesticides Companies to apply
online for getting their pesticides
product/formulations registered in the country
for manufacturing, import and export and Central
Insecticides board registration Committee use
for approval of registration.
38 Major Components
- Computerized Registration of Pesticides (CROP)
- Plant Quarantine Information System(PQIS)
- Information System for Integrated Pest Management
(IIPM) for CIPMCs - Pests Disease Monitoring System (PDMIS) for
State - Establishment of ICT infrastructure (LAN, WAN)
- Capacity Building
- Intranet Portal
39Computerized Registration of Pesticides
- Focus Increasing efficiency and transparency in
the Registration service - Web base Workflow Complete Application for
Registration from Application processing,
Posting of Application Status, Product Database
(Label Leaflet, Certificate),Certificate
Generation, MIS Reports, Product and
dissemination of information through the
Website. - First level of Business Process Re-engineering
attempted to enhance the delivery from
registration service from 2-3 years to 2-3
months for repeat Registration under 9(4)
category of Insecticides Act 1968. - Features
- Online filing of application Documents and
e-Payment - Automation of Approval Process (Workflow)
- Deficiency Reporting including Notification
for Alerts - Online submission of deficiency clarifications
and Grievances - Checking of Application and Grievances status
- Creation of Company, Product Label, Leaflet and
Certificate Data - Issuance of Registration Certificate MIS
40Physical Architecture
41Strengthening of Computerized Registration of
Enhancing Efficiency Transparency in the
Registration Processes and Improving
Communication between Implementers and
Beneficiaries through ICT
42Plant Quarantine Information System
(http//plantquarantineindia.nic.in )
- Focus Improving Efficiency and Productivity in
Plant Quarantine service by 35 Plant Quarantine
Stations 151 PSC Issuing Authorities - Features
- Web based Intranet Workflow System for
Quarantine services (Import Export Inspection)
from scrutiny of application, inspection
treatment of consignment, approval and issuance
of PSC, IP and IRO. Other features include - Importer/Exporter/Applicant Registration
- Online filing of Application and tracking of
status by Traders - Automatic fees calculation receiving
through E-Payment - Generation of Certificate on preprinted
stationary - National Level Database creation MIS
Reports - EDI between CUSTOMS and PQS
- Dissemination of Information Delivery of
Services to Beneficiaries
43Plant Quarantine Information System(http//plantq
Streamlining and uniform adoption of standard
plant quarantine procedures and bringing
transparency in the approval processes
44Pests Disease Monitoring System (PDMIS)
Select Year and week ending date before start
reporting data
Other reports are available here
This list shows reported states
Select state name ,enter password and click on
Click on particular state for detail reports
45Pests Disease Monitoring System (PDMIS)
1. Fill up Pesticides availability and Click on
save availability button before reporting for
crop disease details
Check your state name here
2. Select district , select crop, select crop
stage ,enter these three areas then click on save
area button
Pests Disease Monitoring System (PDMIS)
3. Select pest, enter Intensity and click on save
pest button , for more pest select diff. pest and
4. For entering details of next crop or next
district repeat the process 2 and 3
46Information System for Integrated Pest Management
All reports are available here for viewing
Directorate can login here for target entry and
monitoring reports
CIPMCs Click here for weekly Reporting
47GIS Framework
- Scale of mapping 1 50,000 at district level
- Base Map Content
- Administrative Boundary ( state, district,
sub-district, major towns, villages and
settlements) - Transport Network ( road, rail)
- Water features ( river, canal etc)
- Attributes as supplied by NCIPM
- (For Cotton Crop for District Warangal, with
necessary base data on IPM, for Aphids and
48GIS Services
- Integration of spatial data with non-spatial data
- GIS based maps on Pest infestation level
- GIS functional tool for information retrieval
like zoom, identify, buffer, query, measure ,
print, tool tip etc.
49Warangal Pest Location-All Layers
50- Content Scheduling and Management System (CSMS)
Mass Media (Nav Krishi) Portal - (http//navkrishi.dacnet.nic.in )
- (A Knowledge Management System for Agricultural
Extension Services)
- Agricultural Extension programmes are being
produced and telecast by as an average of five
days a week for half an hour by a National
Channel Regional Channels and Narrowcasting
clusters of Doordarshan (DD) and FM Stations of
All India Radio (AIR) in association with
Ministry of Agriculture. - All Narrowcast centers of DD relay the programme
produced by their parent channels. - To provide a comprehensive and advanced programme
schedule a Content Scheduling Management
System (CSMS) Nav Krishi Portal (G2G G2C) has
been developed by National Informatics Centre
(NIC) for reporting and dissemination of
Agricultural programmes for the farming
community. This will eventually leads to
sustainable agricultural development in the
51- Objectives
- Advance Reporting/posting of Programme Schedules
by - National Channel
- 18 Regional Channels
- 36 Narrowcasting Clusters of Doordarshan
- 96 FM stations of AIR Stations
- Dissemination of station wise advance programme
schedules through Web - Viewers feedback suggestions for identification
of area specific need based programmes - Analysis and monitoring of programmes
- Creation of centralized Agriculture Programme
database - Beneficiaries
- Farming community
- Agricultural Extension workers
- Local Print Media
- State Agricultural Functionaries
- Agri. clinics
- Researchers/Scientists
- Ministry of Agriculture
52Progress Monitoring System for National
Horticulture Mission (NHM)
- Objectives
- Effective physical and financial progress
monitoring of the scheme components - Provide all BackOffice activities of the NHM,
online and assist the implementation agencies in
implementation process. - Provide online interface for the Citizens/Farmers
to query the system, and achieve 100
transparency - Facilitate NHM Management to track the critical
issue of successful implementation by providing
100 visibility and control over the
implementation process
Project Coordinators Shri Rakesh
Vardhan Shri D.V. Singh Tech
Director SSA
rvardhan_at_nic.in dv-singh_at_nic.in
53Progress Monitoring System for National
Horticulture Mission (NHM)
- Systems Description
- States are required to send annual action
plan to DAC Hqrs after compiling the district
action plan. Hqrs intimates the approved action
plans to states. The physical and financial
target data are entered by Hqrs with reference
to annual action plans. States compile physical
and financial achievement data and enter on
monthly basis. The system has been extended to
district level and is expected to be monitored by
- Systems Features
- Grid formats are used for easy data entry
- A state/district can enter its own data only
- Facilitates report generation at remote end for
states/district - Online data transmission to reduce time lag
- Efficient Progress Monitoring
- Facilitates adhoc queries
- Implementation Status Coverage
- Implemented in 2005-06.,Scheme operational in 18
states - State data reporting is satisfactory from all
18 states. - District level data reporting from 10 states.
- Separate work flow based grass root level MIS
under implementation in states
54Progress Monitoring System for National Bamboo
Mission (NBM)
- Objectives
- Effective physical and financial progress
monitoring of the scheme components - Facilitate online, timely and accurate data
transmission from states - Facilitate transparency in mission management
- Login as guest for details of user manual
55Progress Monitoring System for National Bamboo
Mission (NBM)
- Systems Description
- States are required to send annual action
plan to Hqrs. Hqrs intimates the approved action
plans to states. The physical and financial
target data are entered in the system by Hqrs
with reference to annual action plans. States
compile physical and financial achievement data
quarterly and enter into the system on quarterly
basis. The data is monitored by Hqrs.
- Systems Features
- Grid formats are used for easier data entry
- A state can enter data District Wise only.
- Facilitates report generation at remote end for
states - Online data transmission to reduce time lag
- Efficient Progress Monitoring
- Facilitates online data reporting status
- Implementation Status Coverage
- Website launched in 2007
- Progress monitoring system is being rolled out
in all states - Backlog data entered for 2006-07 to 2010-11.
56 Contact rajeswari_at_nic.in syedusman_at_nic.in
57Land Use Statistics Information System
- To Facilitate / Analyse
- Formulation of Land Use Policy
- Percentage of Irrigation used for each crop
based on Irrigation feed cycle - Study of Impact on Central sponsored Scheme Land
development, Irrigation, Crop specific Schemes. - Identification of Sources of Irrigation (Net Area
/ Gross Area - Cropping pattern of Irrigated and Un-irrigated
Area - Land Use Classification
- Crop wise Irrigated Area and Area Under Crops
Analysis (District wise / Year wise - Time series Analysis
- Crop diversification study
- Land Use Patten Study
- Category-wise Irrigated Area
58Land Use Statistics Information System
- Initiatives taken up Completed
- District wise data collection from State
Agriculture Statistical Unit (SASA) of State/UTs
at http//dlus.dacnet.nic.in - Dissemination of the authenticated data for
public use at http//lus.dacnet.nic.in
59Land Use Statistics Information System
- Availability of data 1998-99 to 2009-10
(reported data) - LUS system collects the data on four modules,
namely - 1. Land Use Classification
- 2. Source wise Irrigation
- 3. Crop wise Irrigation
- 4. Area Under Crops ( Irrigated Un
Irrigated) - Definition of each available at
- http//lus.dacnet.nic.in/Concepts2020Definitio
ns.pdf - Land Use Classifications (Module- 1)
- a). Forest Area
- b). Area Under Non-Agricultural
Use - c). Barren and Un cultivable
Land - d). Permanent Pastures and
other grazing land - e). Land Under misc. tree crops
60Crop Production Statistics Information System
- Data collection Agency
- Each State/UTs - State Agricultural Statistical
Agency (SASA) - Data Collection Methodology
- Crop Covered Area
- Crop wise Eye Estimate by village Patwaris
- Compiled at Block/District level after sowing.
- Yield
- Crop Cutting experiments taken-up by National
Sampling Survey Organization (NSSO) and District
Agriculture Office on or before harvesting - Corp wise District average yield .
- Production
- Area District average Yield
61Crop Production Statistics Information System
- CPS Systems collects district wise, crop wise,
season wise and year wise data on covered area
and its production. - Objective
- Input to
- National Crop Production related schemes
formulation and policies - fixation of MSP (Minimum Support Price)
- Facilitates
- Analysis on cropping pattern and area intensity
- Crop diversification analysis
- State/District wise production contribution of
crops to State/Country. - Analysis on High Produce Order on major crops and
crop groups. - Agro-Climatic Zone wise Crop Production trend
- Production performance for NFSM Districts on Crop
Area covered and production - District wise yield rate on Crops for Premium
Fixation of Crop Insurance to farmers
62Crop Production Statistics Information System
(http//dapy.dacnet.nic.in) ..contd
- Initiatives taken up Completed
- District wise data collection from State
Agriculture Statistical Unit (SASA) of State/UTs
at http//dapy.dacnet.nic.in - Dissemination of the authenticated data for
public use at http//apy.dacnet.nic.in
- National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS)
- An ICT Initiative
- (A National Mission Mode Project)
- Sponsored by
- Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying
Fisheries - Ministry of Agriculture
- Implementing Agency
- National Informatics Centre
- Department of Electronics Information
Technology - Ministry of Communications Information
Technology - New Delhi
- AIMs at
- facilitating
- ICT enabled Animal Disease Reporting, Control
Surveillance - on
- 143 OIE listed and other non-OIE listed
diseases, - from 7032 locations in the Country.
64- NADRS Objectives
- To improve operational efficiency of the
department - To provide instant alerts to all concerned about
Animal disease outbreak, remedial measures etc.
thus helping the management to minimize loss to
livestock, control disease in the very initial
stages and act instantly. - To prevent revenue losses by better management of
animal health - To disseminate information related to animal
diseases to all stakeholders in a timely
efficient manner. - To have an integrated scheme monitoring system
for better decision support. - To systematize the existing record keeping
procedure - To reduce workload under the manual system
thereby increasing efficiency with effective use
of ICT - To improve the quality of the information
generated by district level officers - To improve speed accuracy of data dissemination
related to animal disease to all stakeholders in
a timely and efficient manner. - The early detection of livestock diseases of
economic/food security/public health importance
Enabling early reaction to such diseases - Correct identification of resource needs in the
field so that existing resources can be correctly
deployed in disease management. - Provision of strategic decision-making support
65Central Monitoring Unit (CMU)
Regional / National Laboratory
State Monitoring Unit at AH Directorate
State Laboratory / Veterinary College
District Unit
District Laboratory
Block Veterinary Hospital
Veterinary Dispensary/Hospital
Local bodies
Farmers/ Livestock Owner
Private Veterinary Practitioners
66 NADRS Deliverables
- ICT Infrastructure at 7032locations (SVOs, DVOs
BVOs) including AN Islands and Lakshadweep AH
Department - ICT Infrastructure at Fisheries Departments
Locations (12th Plan) - National NADRS Server at NIC NDC (Hyd) and DR
Server at NIC NDC(Pune) - VPNOBB Connectivity for NADRS Site locations
(6936) - Centralized Animal Disease Database at National
Level - Portal
- Workflow for Disease Reporting
- Animal Disease Reporting through various Channels
like IVRS, SMS, email and web based system - Integration with Animal Disease Diagnostic
Laboratory Workflow Application
(ADDLWFLA)Software - Online Monitoring of Animal Health Schemes
- GIS based Decision Support System (Basic and
Advanced) - Disease Intelligence System using Analytical
Tools - SRS Reports , Users Manuals and Brochures
- Establishment of CPMU and State PMUs
- SRFs for CPMU and JRFs for State PMUs (ICAR
Pattern) - Facility Management at NADRS Sites
- Capacity Building through Training (Basic and
Apps software) at district levels, Workshops and
Seminars at State levels National level - Creation of e-mail accounts ( 7000) for all the
States/UTs upto the Block level Veterinary/Animal
Husbandry officials (NADRS Users)
67- NADRS Deliverables. continued
- ICT Infrastructure at 7032locations (SVOs, DVOs
BVOs) including AN Islands and Lakshadweep AH
Department - ICT Infrastructure at Fisheries Departments
Locations (12th Plan) - National NADRS Server at NIC NDC (Hyd) and DR
Server at NIC NDC(Pune) - VPNOBB Connectivity for NADRS Site locations
(6936) - Centralized Animal Disease Database at National
Level - Portal
- Workflow for Disease Reporting
- Animal Disease Reporting through various Channels
like IVRS, SMS, email and web based system - Integration with Animal Disease Diagnostic
Laboratory Workflow Application
(ADDLWFLA)Software - Online Monitoring of Animal Health Schemes
- GIS based Decision Support System (Basic and
Advanced) - Disease Intelligence System using Analytical
Tools - SRS Reports , Users Manuals and Brochures
- Establishment of CPMU and State PMUs
- SRFs for CPMU and JRFs for State PMUs (ICAR
Pattern) - Facility Management at NADRS Sites
- Capacity Building through Training (Basic and
Apps software) at district levels, Workshops and
Seminars at State levels National level - Creation of e-mail accounts ( 7000) for all the
States/UTs upto the Block level Veterinary/Animal
Husbandry officials (NADRS Users)
68NADRS Portal Home Page (http//nadrs.gov.in)
69I. Disease Intelligence Services Objectives
Disease Intelligence Services
Disease Forewarning/Forecasting/Prediction- based on disease incidence reporting, weather conditions Disease Outbreak- Disease confirmation (Sample Tests positive, negative) , Pattern Analysis, Alerts Disease Control Timely availability of needed interventions (vaccinations, feeds fodders others) Impact Assessment- Population (affected , susceptible, Death) and Loss estimation Planning of Animal Health Care Facilities- Resource statistics (Clinics, Labs, AI Centers, Slaughter Houses, ..), Capacity Analysis and enhancement, Stock , etc.
70II. Equine Disease Monitoring Surveillance
(EDMAS) Process
71II. Equine Disease Monitoring Surveillance
(EDMAS) Process
Disease Outbreak
Disease Forewarning Forecasting
- Identify Location wise Animal Population
under threat of any disease and possible time
of attack - Identify Animal Population under High Risk
- Issuing alerts and advisories for preparedness
- Through
- High risk analysis using Decision Tree
Clustering - Trend and weather based Forecasting models
- Other specialized models/expert systems
Issuing Alerts on Pattern Intensity of
Disease outbreak and affected animals Disease
symptoms and diagnostic measures Impact
Analysis /Assessment of Losses Disease
analysis GIS Mapping Disease Detection
analysis clustering Time series Analysis
of outbreak Advisory
Disease Control
Identify factors associated with disease
Resource Requirements Availability Inventory
Distribution of resources Location specific
Personalized Advisories
Planning for Improve Animal Health Care
facilities Minimize Risks and Losses of
livestock and livestock products More focused
awareness and control program
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75Issues Learning
- Information services should be made available in
all regional languages (customization and
localization) at the farmers door steps - Bring change in Mindset and motivate the people
towards building of Comprehensive
Database/Information Systems for the farming
community - Development and Implementation of proper early
warning systems and advisory services. - Development of Expert Systems on What- to- grow-
when and where - Bridging the gap through the judicious use of ICT
between knowledge and practice for sustainable
use of natural resources - Linkages between research, technology, and
production - Reliable and comprehensive Information should be
available at any where and any time (one-stop