Title: Using Professional Judgment
1Using Professional Judgment
2Session Overview
- Past as prologue
- Professional judgment what, when, why
- Willingness and ability to pay
- Income assessment
- Asset assessment
- Family contribution
- Summary
3Session Goals
- Strengthen financial aid administrator knowledge
base - Emphasize relationship of professional judgment
to equity - Support high professional standards
4Past as Prologue
- John Monro - The Father of Need Analysis
- As the competition for enrollment and talent
gets tighter, as it will, we may undercut the
old-fashioned idea that financial aid is intended
to help the needy and deserving scholar, and that
well-off families should help themselves. We will
do ourselves and the country no good if we
diminish the force of this fine old idea.
5Present and Future
- Reauthorization and the politics of financial aid
- Cost of higher education
- Process simplicity
- Access denied
- PJ protection
- The economy
6Financial Aid Administrators Role
- Steward of funds
- Advocate for access
- Systems manager
- Professional activist
7Truisms of Professional Judgment
- Rooted in a good understanding of need analysis
- Relies on financial aid administrator
accountability - With authority comes responsibility
8Goal of Need Analysis
- Sensitive evaluation of the financial strength of
applicants in a fair and consistent manner with
attention to varying types of income, assets and
family circumstances
9Professional Judgment What Is It?
- Decision process to alter standard assessment
when unique or exceptional circumstances impact a
familys ability to pay for college - PJ in FM Authority granted in the Higher
Education Act for aid administrators to exercise
discretion in specific areas of student aid
10Higher Education Act - Section 479A
- Nothing shall be interpreted as limiting the
authority of the financial aid administrator, on
the basis of adequate documentation, to make
adjustments on a case-by-case basis to the cost
of attendance or the values of the data items
required to calculate the expected student or
parent contribution to allow for treatment of an
individual eligible applicant with special
11Professional Judgment Why?
- Gives aid administrators the authority to
consider individual circumstances - Enables responsiveness to student circumstances
that cant be fully anticipated in legislation or
regulation - Promotes access by targeting delivery of aid to
qualified students in need
12Professional Expectations
- Computers make calculation of family contribution
easy invisible - Whats behind the screen?
- Aid professionals must understand methodology or
cant be sure FC or PJ decision is appropriate
13Aid Professionals Doctors -Proper Diagnosis
- Doctor
- Examines patient
- Evaluates symptoms
- Makes diagnosis
- Develops treatment plan
- FA Professional
- Examines application
- Evaluates special circumstances
- Makes adjustments
- Develops financing plan
14Professional Concerns
- Families more likely to challenge doctors and aid
administrator decisions now than in past. - Willingness vs. ability to exercise professional
judgment - Depends on campus circumstances
- Scope of federal authority
- Accountability
- Uncertainty
15Professional Judgment What is Involved?
- Identifying special circumstances outside of
standard assessment - Judging validity of adjustments
- Evaluating the scope of adjustments
- Developing adequate documentation
- Maintaining consistent practice
- PJ is time-consuming finding the proper balance
is tough
16Professional Judgment - Decisions
- Evaluating
- Are adjustments appropriate?
- Implementing
- Where to make adjustments?
- Cost of attendance
- Educationally-related expenses such as books
computers other expenses such as child care - Need analysis data elements
- Income
- Assets
- Family size, dependency status
17Decisions Supported by Data
- Professional judgment allows aid administrators
to use data that best represents current family
circumstances - Professional judgment cannot be based only on a
feeling it must also be based on a reasonable
level of data information pertaining to - the financial resources of a family (income
and assets) - nondiscretionary expenses (i.e., medical,
family maintenance) - functional (or not) relationships within the
18Evaluating Data
- Source
- Letters from applicants and/or third parties
- Accuracy
- Verified using tax returns and other
documentation - Appropriateness
- Information that reflects a familys current
circumstances and ongoing capacity to pay
19Professional Judgment Federal Methodology
- What you can do
- Can must exercise PJ on case-by-case basis
- Change data values (but not data elements or
allowance values) - Adjust cost of attendance
20Professional Judgment Federal Methodology
- What you cannot do
- Adjust methodology
- Change bottom line contribution
- Treat an ineligible student as eligible
- Cannot make an otherwise federally independent
student dependent
21Professional Judgment Institutional Flexibility
- Institutionally-defined flexibility
- Discretion in use of institutional funds
- Adjust data values and elements
- Adjust methodology
- Define acceptable documentation
- Group applicants with like circumstances
- Not limited to case-by-case adjustments
- Determines level of individual aid administrator
22Professional Judgment FM or IM - Use it Wisely
- With flexibility comes responsibility
- Professional judgment is not a toolto legitimize
negotiation or to manipulate results or to
manage enrollment.
23Responsibility Accountability -Challenges
- Balance PJ frequency
- Manage policy and process
- Determine documentation
- Confront ambiguity
- Accept responsibility
24Professional Judgment A Delicate Balance
- Too Much
- Undermines consistency
- Consumes time
- Changes need analysis system
- Not Enough
- Depersonalizes
- Fosters rigidity
- Either Extreme ..
- Contributes to ineffective resource management
- Impacts access
- Creates validity concerns
25Professional Judgment - Institutional Policy
- Standardizes treatment of frequent circumstances
- Defines level of individual aid administrator
authority - Triggers review of students with like
circumstances - Determines funding options
- Grant vs. self-help
- Impact of creating unmet need
- States when professional judgment is not used
26Professional Judgment - Institutional Process
- Proactive aid administrator takes initiative,
and - Reactive student requests review
- Individual authority
- Staff committee process
- Supports consistency
- Enhances staff development
27Professional Judgment -Documentation
- Not defined in federal regulation
- Institutional forms promote consistency
- Additional information request
- What is reasonable?
- Supports independent review
- Audit
- Institutional self-assessment
- Replication by department peers
28Professional Judgment -Documentation
- Why, what, who, when
- Rationale for decision
- How calculation was adjusted
- Supporting documentation
- Quantitative qualitative
- Staff name date of decision
- Paper or electronic format
- Written notification to applicant
29- To give away money is an easy matter, and in any
(wo)mans power. But to decide to whom to give
it, and how large and when and for what purpose
and how is neither in every (wo)mans power, nor
an easy matter. Hence, it is that such excellence
is rare, praiseworthy and noble. - Aristotle
30- Need AnalysisMore than a function key
31Philosophy of Need-Based Aid
- Paying for college is a partnership
- First responsibility of student and family
- Aid is a supplement to family resources
- Dependency status defines partnership
32Family Responsibility
- Need analysis measures
- ability to pay
- not willingness
33Parent / Student Responsibility
- Parent
- Support expected to extent of ability
- Trend in responsibility shift to student
- Single parent household issues
- Noncustodial parents
- Marital relationships end but parental
responsibility endures
34Parent Responsibility
- Stepparent responsibility
- FM requires data
- How appropriate is expectation?
- Nontraditional family structures
- Same-gender parents
- Others in surrogate parent role
35Parent Responsibility Issues
- When need analysis involves
- more than numbers
36Need Analysis
- Goal
- A reasonable family contribution
- Snapshot of family financial resources
- Methodology a starting point
37Expected Family Contribution An Investment
- With reasonable FC computation, most families
manage without major lifestyle changes - Education like other large investments
- Payment over time
- Saving before college
- Paying from current income
- Borrowing against future income
38Principles of Need Analysis
- Equity Fairness in need analysis
- Horizontal Equity
- Consistent treatment of people in similar
circumstances - Vertical Equity
- Appropriately differing treatment of people in
different circumstances
39Principles of Need Analysis
- Basic family needs come first
- Need analysis provides allowances for
non-discretionary expenses - After measuring discretionary resources, need
analysis assesses the portion available for
educational costs
40Effective Need Analysis Key Characteristics
- Equity
- Validity
- Consistency
- Reasonable family contribution
41Effective Need Analysis
- Sound professional judgment promotes equity and
access using FM or IM - Flexibility to recognize special family
circumstances - Supports validity of need analysis
- Yields more reasonable assessments
42Case Study 1 - Unwilling Parents
- Lou and Louise Lewis have the ability to pay
their daughter Lili's college expenses, but are
not willing to do so because they disapprove of
decisions she has made. Lili is 18, and a high
school senior. She moved out of the Lewis' home
in December of her senior year to live with her
boyfriend. - At the time she moved out, Lili was pregnant and
has since had an abortion, which is contrary to
her parents' strong religious beliefs. Lili's
boyfriend is 23 years old. He works odd jobs, but
usually draws unemployment compensation. - Lili has been admitted to a college in her
hometown. She wants to attend, but says that she
will not leave her boyfriend who does not have
any funds with which to assist her.
43Income in Need Analysis
- Income is the major determinant of family
Goal Identify students and familys recurring
annual income
44Taxable Income
- Alimony
- Unemployment compensation
- Taxable social security
- Taxable pensions
- Taxable IRA
- Annuity distributions
- Wages, salaries, tips
- Interest
- Dividends
- Business income
- Farm income
- Capital gains
- Rental income royalties
45Untaxed Income
- Child support
- Workers compensation
- SSI / Disability benefits
- Untaxed Social Security income
- Untaxed interest income
46Protecting Family Income
- FM and IM related allowances
- Federal, FICA, state other taxes
- Employment Allowance
- Income Protection Allowance (IPA)
- Medical/dental expenses
- IM standard
- FM adjustment (case-by-case)
- Elementary/secondary tuition expense
- IM option
- FM adjustment (case-by-case)
- Annual Education Savings Allowance
- IM standard
- FM - no equivalent
47Allowances for Taxes
- Federal income tax
- Self-reported or verified
- Self-reported or from W-2
- State and other taxes
- FM and IM derivations differ
48Did you Know?
- What does the FICA acronym represent?
- F
- I
- C
- A
49Employment Allowance
- Eligibility
- Double-income households, or
- Single working parent
- Recognizes work-related expenses due to being
away from household
50Income Protection Allowance
- Updated annually
- FM CPI based on 1967 BLS data
- IM Consumer Expenditure Survey
- No discretion over use of this income
- Family not expected to subsist on this allowance
- FM supports one national standard
- IM supports regional adjustment option
51Income Assessment
- Vertical equity supports relative sacrifice
concept - Marginal assessment rates
- FM 22-47
- IM 22-46
- Student income assessed at higher rate if no
dependents other than spouse
52Income in Need Analysis -Think about
- Base year income
- Is base year the best predictor?
- Cash flow vs. declared taxable untaxed income
53Income in Need Analysis -Think about
- What else might be affected if you decide to
adjust income? - FISAP reporting
- Eligibility for some state grant programs
- Allowances which are derived from total income
(e.g., state and other taxes in FM and multiple
allowances in IM).
54Professional Judgment Income Issues
- Annual income fluctuation
- Degree of choice
- Frequency of fluctuation
- One-time event vs. recurring
- Renewal impact of PJ
55Fluctuating Income
- Increases in income
- Capital gains
- Severance or bonus payments
- Overtime earnings
- Unemployment compensation
- Seasonal employment
- Gambling winnings
- Reductions in income
- Voluntary early retirement
- Capital business losses
- Business losses
- Business use of home
- Tax write-offs
- Depreciation
56Fluctuating Income To Adjust or Not
- Documentation
- Letter from employer
- Pay stubs from this time last year
- Multiple years of tax returns
- Possible treatments
- Multiple year average
- Estimated year
- Consider impact on renewal application
57Case Study 2 - Fluctuating Parent Income
- Frank and Flo Flux both have jobs with incomes
that vary - significantly from year to year.
- Frank is a long-distance truck driver who
frequently experiences periods of unemployment
and who at other times may earn considerable
overtime pay. His earned income plus unemployment
compensation for the past three years has been
41,372, 54,660, and 38,000. In a letter to the
aid office, Frank projected earnings of 31,000
this year, stating that he expects lower income
because of the incursion of Mexican trucks into
California, his base. - Flo sells cars on commission, and her income for
the past three years has been 24,342, 31,690,
36,007. She projects 33,000 for the current
year. - There are four in the family. Their son,
Fletcher, will be a freshman in college and their
daughter will be a college junior. Their assets
are negligible.
58Case Study 3 Students Projected Income
- Gloria Garcia is a 25-year-old single independent
student without dependents who is about to begin
college full-time after being a retail clerk for
7 years. She will continue to live alone in the
apartment that she rents and for which she pays
600 a month. Her base year income was 18,000
and she reported 500 in savings. - Gloria plans to cut back her hours at work when
she begins school. She expects to earn 1,500 a
month in the first 8 months of the year prior to
starting school, and 750 a month thereafter. She
says that she will have no funds for college
expenses and needs financial aid.
59Exceptional Expenses
- Examples
- Elder/dependent care
- Educational debt
- Uninsured losses
- Bankruptcies
- Natural disasters
- Funerals
- Divorce expenses
- Legal fees
- Debts to IRS
- Not recognized instandard analysis
- Level of choice
- Discretionary
- Required
- Frequency
- Isolated instance
- Recurring
60Exceptional Expenses - Documentation
- Family statement detailing expense
- Third party corroboration
- Receipts
- Payment agreements
- Insurance statements
- Other
61Exceptional Expenses Possible Treatments
- Reduce income
- Reduce AGI
- FAFSA Worksheet C (Title IV exclusions)
- IM allowance
- Increase taxes paid
- Reduce assets
- Increase cost of attendance
62Case Study 4 - Exceptional Expenses
- Jim and Judy Johnson have a combined income of
90,000, and savings and investments of 120,000.
They have three children. One will be a freshman
in college in the fall and one a sophomore in
high school. - The third is a 27-year-old, Jim, who has severe
emotional problems and is living in a group home.
The cost of the group home is 15,000 a year, all
of which the Johnsons pay. Additionally, they
spend 1,200 a year for special assistance, which
Jim is expected to need for the rest of his life.
- Judy's 70-year-old widowed mother is living in a
nearby town. Her sole source of income is Social
Security of 1,200 a month. The Johnsons
contribute 10,000 a year to help her meet her
63Assets in Need Analysis - Principles
- Asset analysis supports a more
comprehensive measure of financial strength and
stability. - Assets provide a measure of choice in meeting
current expenses and planning for the future.
64Assets in Need Analysis - Issues
- Assessment a sensitive issue
- Liquid vs. non-liquid
- FM IM treatments differ
- Asset shifting
- Student to sibling or parent
- Valuation may be problematic
65Assets in Need Analysis -Considerations
- Accumulated income
- Inheritance
- Retirement planning
- Educational savings
- Family emergencies
66Defining Assets - FM and IM
- Cash, savings, checking
- Money market funds
- Equity in real estate other than home
- Trust funds
- CDs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds
- Coverdell 529 college savings plans
- Business or non-family farm equity
67Defining Assets - IM not FM
- Home equity
- Family farm equity
- Treated as a business
- Farm supplement used to collect additional
data - Option to collect and/or assess retirement assets
68Why Home is an IM Asset
- Supports vertical horizontal equity
- Homeowner gets benefits in tax system
- Home values appreciate
- Equity available to finance college expenses
- Homeowners housing costs are lower than those of
renters with comparable incomes (17 of income
vs. 28) - Homeowners wealthier than renters
- Eliminating home equity results in higher aid
eligibility for middle/upper income families,
potentially diverting finite resources from
needier families
69What Role Assets?
70The NumbersSource 2006-07 Dependent National
Filers with Parent Contribution lt
50,000Reported Values
- Investments 3,679,997,635
- Home 20,360,000,000
- Business 1,082,807,803
- Real Estate 1,850,100,958
- Farm 227,340,005
- Sibling Assets 171,182,516
- Savings 1,689,564,797
- Total 29,060,993,714
71What about Retirement?
- Recent FASSAC research (before economic
downturn) - Self reported retirement wealth not sufficient
72Parent Assets Without Retirement
2008- 09 PROFILE filer data base
73Parent Assets With Retirement
2008- 09 PROFILE filer data base
74Professional Judgment Asset Issues
- Trust funds
- Prior educational loan repayment
- Family home sale investments
- Emergency expenses
- Student assets or parent assets?
75Professional Judgment Asset Issues
- Evaluating accuracy of reported asset
- Based on dividends, interest, capital gains
- Requires tax return
- Conflicting information potential if tax return
on file - Consistency issue if tax return not required
76Imputing Assets
- Documentation
- Request family list assets and related debts
- Schedule B
- Determine true owner of assets
- Possible treatment
- Determine average rate of return for investment
- Divide investment income by rate of return
- Remember Lower rate of return yields higher
imputed value - Home value based on year of purchase and purchase
price (IM only)
77Case Study 5 - Imputing Assets
- Dylan Bitser is a 30-year-old full-time student.
His wife, Leah, is a full-time professional. - Dylan and Leahs jointly-filed tax return
indicates two exemptions and taxable income of
80,000, including interest income of 10,000.
On the FAFSA, Dylan reported a total of 1,000 in
net assets.
78Protecting Assets in FM
- Educational Savings AssetProtection Allowance
- Protect assets for retirement
- Based on age of parents and marital status
- Assumes oldest parent retires at age 65 with
average social security benefits - Assumes annuity purchased now will support
moderate standard of living in retirement
79Protecting Assets in IM
- No retirement protection
- Retirement assets not in need analysis
- Emergency Reserve Allowance
- Protects assets in case of income loss
- Cumulative Education Savings Allowance
- Assumes family has saved of income for
college based on income and number of children
in household
80Business Asset Protection -FM and IM
- Recognition of income-producing ability
- Net value equity in business
- Net value further protected according to business
81Asset Assessment FM IM Differ
- FM
- Available assets treated as income supplement
- Parent assets assessed up to 5.6
- Simple Needs Test
- Student assets - 20
- IM
- Assets assessed separately from income
- Parent assets assessed 3 - 5
- No Simple Needs Test
- Student assets treated as parent asset
82Case Study 6 Educational Debt
- Miles and Mary Kidmore are both 60 years old.
Miles is a carpenter and Mary is a registered - nurse who worked part-time while the children
were young. Their youngest daughter, Mia, is - the last of six children to attend college.
Other facts - They currently have a combined income of 78,000,
including 500 in interest income. - Miles averages 10 months of employment per year
and has not been able to accumulate significant
retirement savings beyond his Social Security and
union pension. - They just inherited 150,000 in mutual funds from
Marys father. - Marys ability to work full-time is threatened by
a back injury. - The Kidmores have financed their five oldest
childrens college educations through a
combination of PLUS and private loans. Although
they have paid off their private loans, they
still have 80,000 in outstanding PLUS debt and
are currently paying about 800 per month on PLUS
loans. - Due to their health, limited retirement savings,
and accumulated debt, they are concerned about
their ability to pay for Mias education. They
used the EFC calculator on the College Boards
web site and estimated a family contribution of
18,000 to 20,000. They are very worried that
Mia will be unable to attend college since they
dont believe they can take on additional debt
and are unable to pay their contribution from
current income.
83Household Size
- Parents student (student/students spouse)
- Students siblings children if they will
receive more than half support or would be
considered dependent based on FAFSA dependency
questions - Others who live with receive more than half
84Number in College FM and IM
- Contribution prorated by number of children
enrolled in college at least half-time - Parent enrollment excluded
- Parents with college students spaced 4 or more
years apart receive no adjustment
85Need Analysis More Than a Function Key
- The financial aid administrator has
responsibility for assessing the validity and
reasonableness of the calculation. - Requires aid administrator understanding of how
need analysis resulted in family contribution - Reasonable Somewhat intuitive process
86Is Family Contribution Reasonable?
- Does family contribution seem right?
- Are results reasonable based on amounts and
sources of familys income and assets? - Right means achievable over time
- Can you justify the FC to the family?
- FC must be viewed as multi-year effort(savings,
income, borrowing) - Some family sacrifice in funding the FC is a
reasonable expectation
87Is Family Contribution Reasonable?
- What to do if answer doesnt seem right
- Look at ISIR edits or PROFILE edits
- Has family explained unusual circumstances?
- Check for errors
- Ask colleague to review
- If unreasonable, why? Disproportionate
expectation from income? Assets? - Follow-up may be required
88Professional Judgment Reality Checks
- Is adjustment worth time and effort?
- If contribution is already 0
- If no funds available student at borrowing
limit - If student is willing to work work-study funds
are available - Just to acknowledge special circumstances
89Professional Judgment Its all About People
- Freedom to exercise professional judgment is at
the heart of the financial aid profession - Freedom comes with responsibility