10/1, Wk2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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10/1, Wk2


ling 399 10/1, wk2 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 10/1, Wk2

LING 399
  • 10/1, Wk2

The bus is coming
  • How do you make small talk??
  • TOPICS weekend, pow wow, elective class.
  • Friends Hi, how was your weekend? Did you have
    a good weekend? Hows your elective class going?
    Did you go to the pow wow?
  • How do you politely end a conversation (in a
    short time)??
  • Oh, this is my bus! Ill talk to you later!
  • Great seeing you! (if you dont frequently run
    into each other)
  • It was great talking to you! Ill catch you
    later. (if you often see each other)
  • Rules Greet, make small talk. Then when I say
    the bus is comingyou need to make an excuse
    and politely close the conversation. THEN start a
    conversation one another person.

  • Electives youre all signed up for at least 4
  • Talk to me at break and after class. Ultimately,
    you will need to talk with Kim in the office with
    complex questions.
  • Office hours today 100-3PM and by appointment
  • Office hours cancelled Thursday.

  • Take credit for (noncount)
  • The credits at the end of the movie (plural count

Volunteer OpportunityChildrens Book Bank
  • Mayor Sam Adamss office Arranged for book
  • Rose Quarter Providing a large room to store
    and process books
  • Children's Book Bank (nonprofit) Getting books
    ready into homes.
  • Hands On Greater Portland (nonprofit) Getting
    volunteers to help
  • 2-3 hour shifts available.
  • SIGN UP AT www.handsonportland.org

SEP 30 9-noon 130-430 OCT 1 2-5 630-830 OCT 2 2-5 630-830 OCT 3 9-noon 1-4 OCT 4  9-noon 1-4 OCT 5 OCT 6
Volunteer OpportunityFeed Seniors (Loaves and
  • Serve Lunch to Seniors (probably clean tables,
    chat with seniors, etc.)
  • Loaves and Fishes (Nonprofit providing meals to
    low-income senior citizens)
  • Nearest location to PSU
  • Elm Street Court, 1032 SW Main Street
  • Portland , OR 97205
  • Phone 503.953.8204
  • http//www.mealsonwheelspeople.org/index.cfm/progr

American Ways, chapter 9
  • Today Look more closely at the US education
    system with an eye to the Japanese education
  • Americans regard education as the means by which
    the inequalities among individuals are to be
    erased and by which every desirable end is to be

Support your ideas organize your thoughts.
  • In my opinion, X is more important than Y for 2
    reasons. First, . Second, Thats why its the
    most important for me.
  • Based on my experience, X is more important than
    Y. Let me give you an example. When . (give a
    short narrative.) So, X is far more important.

Stats, etc.
California example
Are schools equitable in the US? In Portland
Public Schools do whites, Hispanics, and Native
Americans have equal graduation rates?
More recent stats! 2011
Japan US
Pct. of the population with some postsecondary education 42.8 (2008, aged 25-64) High school Japan 95 completion rate. (Source 24/7 Wall St.) 25 of 55-65 year olds have an associates degree or higher. 55.1 of 25-43 year olds. Pct. of the population with some postsecondary education 41.1 (2008, aged 25-64) High school US 75 completion rate. (Source globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com) 40 of 55-65 year olds have an associates degree or higher. 41.6 of 25-43 year olds. (down .5 from previous year)
Source The College Board Advocacy Policy
Listen, Think, and Brainstorm about Education
Assignment Topic
A story about the purpose of education
  • I am a fireman

I am a fireman
  • http//www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_bring_on
  • (920)
  • Vocab
  • he didnt take it seriously
  • he said I was throwing my life away
  • wasting my talent

I am a fireman
  • What does this story teach us about the purpose
    of education?
  • What did the man (in the story) want to become?
  • What did the mans teacher think was important?
  • Are different purposes in conflict? Do you think
    that school serves the needs of some better than
  • Other stories
  • In France, a mother was devastated when her
    daughter decided to go to nursing school.
  • In China, a mother refused to pay for college for
    her brilliant artistic daughter unless she went
    to business school.

  • Discuss your reasons for pursing a college
  • Discuss your reason for studying abroad. Write
    down your schools reason for encouraging/requirin
    g/offering study abroad. Are they the same?
  • Imagine that EVERYONE will get the same job after
    graduating high school. Everyone will have the
    same salary on the Starship Enterprise. What
    would a college education be worth to you?
  • Think back Is there a significant event in your
    pasta defining moment? Think back Did you
    have an influential teacher (positive or
    negative)? (e.g. the fireman)

  • Either explore your ideas or consider activity
    (purpose/value) more deeply. See examples.

Brainstorm IDEAS
  • Take an idea from the brainstorm and tie it to
    the purpose of education.
  • Take an activity and ask why you have the
    activity in the school. Then ask what the value
    is. (E.g., English from MS)
  • Take a purpose and then try to tie activities to
    the purpose. Also try to explore what the
    underlying value of the activity is. (e.g.,
    Develop ones identity)

What are schools for?
Keep kids off the streets Make people happy in the future Help citizens get jobs in the future Make a civilized populationteach people how to behave or function in a society Get knowledge ? Make life long friends learn how to socialize with others Develop ones identityexplore who I am Develop a shared identity develop kindnessmorals Understand how the world works so we can function/cope/survive in society.
Activity Purpose Value
Club activities fun, relationship skills culture and society of JPN, effort
School trip
HS (PT job)
Sports festival
English (from MS)
Entrance exams
Adjustments of 2012 Waseda students to college in the US Adjustments of 2012 Waseda students to college in the US
Participation Length of classes Homework (lots of) Age of students Eager to learnask questions Speed of speaking of professors No lunchtime Groupwork
Homework and Handouts
  • 10/3 Read October Sky Preview (The question
    sheets are for after watching the movie)
  • 10/3 OPTIONAL Read Whats college for?
    (Answer the questions in complete sentences to
    turn in.)
  • 10/3 Bring PTI book on Wednesday
  • 10/5 Read PTI Start reading PTI (due Friday,
  • 10/5 Work on your EdAssign Idea!!!Ideas due
    on Friday
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