Title: Diapositive 1
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15Fig. 1. Mesozooplankton biomass (mg C m-3) in the
upper 150 m water column along Line P during 4
cruises in 1996 and 1997. Error bars are 1
standard deviation calculated from 3 net hauls.
Refer to map in Whitney and Freeland (1999) for
station locations. Biomass samples were not
collected at stations and times with no
associated biomass bar.
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17Fig. 3. Neocalanus plumchrus vertical
distribution and stage structure at OSP during
winter, spring, and summer, day and night. No N.
plumchrus were present at station P04 during
periods sampled.
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24Copépode Salpe
Taille ltlt1mm 3-5mm
Vitesse de sedimentation (m.j-1) 4-100 1500
Salpe Cyclosalpa bakeri
Copépode Neocalanus cristatus
Abondance relative ()
Abondance relative ()
Composition pigmentaire des pelotes fécales
25Transport passif de matière biogène Contribution
des pelotes fecales
Flux de Matière Organique Flux de Matière Organique Contribution des copépodes au pool de pelotes fécales
Phytoplancton () Fèces () ()
Zone côtière 0.8-3 4-13 1-26
Station Papa HNLC 0.4-9 0.1-9 0.7-gt100
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