Slajd 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slajd 1


Lodz University of Technology Prof. Piotr Szczepaniak Vice Rector for University Development and Business Affairs Compact overwiev Lodz University of Technology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Slajd 1

Lodz University of Technology Prof. Piotr
Szczepaniak Vice Rector for University
Development and Business Affairs
Compact overwiev
Lodz University of Technology

Forbes Diamond
Lodz University of Technology
FORBES DIAMONDS 2012 is a prestigious ranking
presenting Polish enterprises which increased
their value most dynamically in the last three
years. The companies recognized as the Forbes
Diamonds are profitable, have low risk of
insolvency, very good liquidity and positive
financial results in years 2008-2010.

Lodz University of Technology
Lodz University of Technology

Rzeczpospolita Perspektywy ranking (2011)
  • 4th among technical universities
  • 8th among all universities
  • 4th most chosen university in Poland
  • 2nd place in the student ranking (among 23
    technical universities) and 3rd place in the
    student ranking (among 90 universities)
  • Best technical university in WPROST ranking
  • according to prestigious journals and Ministry
    of Science and Higher Education resources

Lodz University of Technology
Lodz University of Technology
  • 3 100 staff members (including about 300
  • 20 000 students and 600 Ph.D. students
  • 3 200 graduates every year
  • 9 faculties, 75 departments, 36 fields of study
  • 10 degree programmes taught in foreign languages

PhD employees according to workplace (2000 -
Lodz University of Technology
Lodz University of Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control
  • Chemistry
  • Material Technologies and Textile Design
  • Biotechnology and Food Sciences
  • Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental
  • Technical Physics, Information Technology and
    Applied Mathematics
  • Organization and Management
  • Process and Environmental Engineering

International programmes
Lodz University of Technology
  • International Faculty of Engineering (IFE)
  • The main objective of the faculty is to educate
    professional engineers and managers, fluent in
    foreign languages and able to demonstrate their
    knowledge in science, engineering, technology and
    business. Achieving this goal has been confirmed
    by the employment rate of the IFE graduates,
    which is one of the highest among the graduates
    of technical universities in Poland. At present
    there are over 1000 students at the faculty.
  • Programmes taught in English and French
  • Architecture Engineering (Bsc)
  • Biomedical Engineering (Bsc)
  • Biotechnology (Bsc, Msc)
  • Business and Technology (Bsc)
  • Computer Science (Bsc)
  • Information Technology (Bsc, Msc)
  • Management (Msc)
  • Mechanical Engineering and Applied Computer
    Science (Bsc)
  • Mechatronics (Msc)
  • Telecommunications and Computer Science (Bsc)
  • Teleinformatics (Msc)
  • Science and Technology (Bsc)
  • Gestion et Technologie (Bsc in French)

LUT - best IT students
Lodz University of Technology
2004 4th place at national level 2005 best
group at national level, 3 rd best team in the
world 2008 3rd place in Poland 2009 2nd best
team in the world 2010 best group at national
level, world finals 2011 best group at
national level, world finals
3 times LUT students got the award for the best
user interface designer (during 4 editions of
this contest, organized by Polish Institute of
Industrial Design)
LUT electronic system to support distance
Virtual campus - WIKAMP
Lodz University of Technology
  • LUT created, developed and implemented WIKAMP
    distanced education supporting system.
  • WIKAMP is an addition to traditional way of
    teaching and examination.

Technology Transfer Office
Lodz University of Technology
  • The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at LUT
    serves as a bridge between university and the
    business community, identifying collaboration
    opportunities in the local, regional and
    international markets based on LUTs research
  • National Leader of Innovation 2008 in the
    category Innovative Organization.
  • Leader of New Technologies contest - award for
    Innovative science and research achievement,

Achievements 2008 2011
Technology Transfer Office
Lodz University of Technology
  • Broker in licence sale for commercial
    exploitation of several patented technologies,
    joint patent ownership and know-how agreement
    consultant and a negotiator of terms of such
  • 2 licensing agreements,
  • 5 agreements on joint ownership of pending
  • 31 agreements on community rights to the patent
  • 4 know-how agreements.
  • Advisor on the development of new innovative
    companies based on using the intellectual
    property of the university
  • 4 spin-off companies ,
  • 3 preincubation projects.


Technology Transfer Centre, Ltd.
Lodz University of Technology
  • TTC Ltd. is the first technology transfer company
    in Poland operating within the University.
    Established in August 2009.
  • TTC Ltd., a company wholly owned by the
    University, was created in order to take better
    advantage of intellectual and technical potential
    of the University and help scientists to
    commercialize potentially valuable inventions
    arising from their research.

Model of the Technology Transfer
Lodz University of Technology
Vice-Rector for University Development and
Business Affairs
TUL Division for Technology Transfer
Technology Transfer Center, Ltd.
information exchange
technology transfer and information exchange
International cooperation examples
Lodz University of Technology
  • LUT cooperates with over 400 universities,
    research centres, institutes and companies in 40
    countries of the world.
  • LUT coordianates activity of Centre of the Baltic
    University in Poland (180 universities from 14
    countries of the Baltic Sea region).
  • LUT is member of European Consortium of
    Innovative Universities


Universities for the region and country
Lodz University of Technology
  • Lodz University of Technology and University of
    Lodz, as well as public partners significantly
    contribute to development of Internet services to
    the environment and the city provides LODMAN City
    Computer Network.

Activities for region and country - examples
Lodz University of Technology
  • Eye-blink controlled human-computer interface
  • Human-computer interfaces allow for a more
    natural communication between human beings and
    machines, and they are particularly useful for
    the elderly and the paralysed.
  • Smart phone device software for the visually
  • The software package enables visually impaired
    people (the blind, the elderly) to move around
    town unconstrained by the limitations of their
  • Decode Lodz (Odkoduj Lódz)
  • DECODE LODZ is the first in Europe virtual
    guide book which you may access from your mobile
    phone and which makes use of the technology of
    smart codes.

Lodz University of Technology
Last researchers awards
  • Humboldt Research Prize for Professor Jan
  • Professor Jan Awrejcewicz (Dept. of Automatics
    and Biomechanics) has received the prestigious
    Humboldt Research Prize.
  • Award for Professor Andrzej Górak
  • Prof. Andrzej Górak (Faculty of Process
    Engineering and Environment) received the
    Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande awarded by the
    President of the Federal Republic of Germany for
    his services in the Polish-German cooperation.
    This is the German state distinction, and the
    only order given by the federal government.
  • Award for Professor Ireneusz Zbicinski
  • Prof. Ireneusz Zbicinski has received the
    prestigious Technical University in China Qilu
    Friendship Award to honour of foreign experts
    (only 20 people outside of China).

Information Technology Center Under
construction until June 2012
Lodz University of Technology
  • The Information Technology Center will support
    university education in the development and use
    of innovative technologies in various areas of
    technical sciences.
  • It will focus mainly on the area of IT, i.e.
    software engineering, artificial intelligence,
    multimedia processing, computer graphics and
    animation, imaging, computer networks, computer
  • modeling and simulation, computer architecture,
  • It will help to improve teaching process in other
  • four videoconferencing studios available for
  • 3-D imaging and motion capture laboratory,
  • computing cluster, operated, maintained and
    administered by the students.

The Factory of Engineers for XXI century
Under construction until August 2012
Lodz University of Technology
  • Numbers
  • 1 engine room
  • 22 specialized laboratories, including
    measurement and technological labs
  • 31 workrooms
  • 8 ICT laboratories
  • 8 500 m2 and 55 000 m3 volume

Beauty of our campus
Beauty of our students
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